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Unlimited Gathering Tools - why not?

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Basically I'm wanting to start a discussion for those that have not bought any unlimited gathering/harvesting tools before or those that may only have a few. What aspect of them keeps you from buying them? Is it cost? Not a theme you like yet? etc etc..


I have 4 sets of UHTs. But I only get them based on theme and will only get them if they come in a complete set of 3. Molten alliance, Minions, unbreakable generic ones for alt and cosmic (has twilight and astralaria star theme). Today we got the Shifting Sand mining pick. Which looks great, but because there isnt a matching logging axe or sickle I wont be getting it. Not a complaint, just my perhaps picky reasoning. The watchwork mining pick could have had 2 other tools for the set for a steampunk theme if AN wanted to do so.


Anyway, what reasons do you guys have for not spending your gems on these? (please try to keep it constructive)

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Incomplete themes is one of my big reasons. I do have some characters running around with mix&match, but I really like them to work together.


Now that we can wardrobe the effects, themes will be even more of a selling point to me. I have the new pick, but I really want two more tools to match it. Please.

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Well, BEFORE there was shared inv spots ... I wanted the characters I played frequently to have them. Then I regretted it when they got shared INV slots but now they are skins and will have special advantages, like the shifting sands Pick ... so I can see reasons to start buying them again. It was a matter of time because gathering tools was a large, untapped source of revenue.

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I’m just returning to the game and learning about the updated tools. I for one never had a want for any of the flashy ones but I have been thinking about buying the unbreakable ones.

But then I ask myself why not just use the gems I would spend on this kind of stuff for gold and buy what I want or need from the TP no gathering required.

I also get gathering can be somewhat enjoyable past time so I’m torn. But the limited use tools always served me well before they started this new buff/glyphs thing

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The pricing for sure. Way too many cash shop items in this game it's like a Korean MMO. I mean buying the game and both expansions still leaves you with only 5 character slots. If you want every class you're forced to spend even more money. Nickel and diming is the new normal in games and it kills me on the inside it really does.

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I have an unmatched set of unbreakable tools which I keep in shared inventory slots and swap in whenever I'm likely to do any gathering. I have 11 characters which I play fairly evenly and no intention of buying 11 sets just to save the few seconds it takes to swap tools.

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> @"Reimia.8741" said:

> I mean buying the game and both expansions still leaves you with only 5 character slots. If you want every class you're forced to spend even more money. Nickel and diming is the new normal in games and it kills me on the inside it really does.


I've never spent a nickel or a dime in the gem store. The game throws gold at you everytime you play and I've nothing to spend the gold on except exchanging for gems.



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I bought a set after 2 conditions had been met:


* Shared inventory slots to effortlessly move them among my characters. Having no "main", I wasn't going to buy 13 sets. Not even 1 set if moving them was more cumbersome than just buying a few regular tools once in a while.

* The release of an unbreakable set without annoying animation and accompanying sound effects. I don't want a circus performance every time I pick a strawberry.

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> @"Khailyn.6248" said:

> Basically I'm wanting to start a discussion for those that have not bought any unlimited gathering/harvesting tools before or those that may only have a few. What aspect of them keeps you from buying them? Is it cost? Not a theme you like yet? etc etc..


> I have 4 sets of UHTs. But I only get them based on theme and will only get them if they come in a complete set of 3. Molten alliance, Minions, unbreakable generic ones for alt and cosmic (has twilight and astralaria star theme). Today we got the Shifting Sand mining pick. Which looks great, but because there isnt a matching logging axe or sickle I wont be getting it. Not a complaint, just my perhaps picky reasoning. The watchwork mining pick could have had 2 other tools for the set for a steampunk theme if AN wanted to do so.


> Anyway, what reasons do you guys have for not spending your gems on these? (please try to keep it constructive)


18 Alts.

Transferring the tools between them is a kludge. I cannot justify the costs for more than one set. Since all my alts see regular play it's just not worth it to me.

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Because im a poor, disorganised altoholic.


I imagine i would always forget to change them over when I logged to another character - or forget which character I had them on, which makes shared slots essential, and even then I would likely fail to get a routine of swapping out.


Its 1890 gems for the slots 2400 for the unbreakable tools - 4290 gems is about, um £42 I think? £34 ish if I get lucky with sales, that's still a tenner more than PoF.


That said if they made them account bound so that my sieve like brain didn't have to deal with all that I would buy them in a flash, and them still probably end up justifying the shared slots at some point later on, for living story portals etc - im sure it could still be a win for Anet - people who are more bothered about gathering skins ( which im not) would spend for the pretties.


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Quite simple - I have 9 characters that i use equally. Storing a set of 3 tools in (and using up) shared slots and transferring them in and out every time I play a different character is way more of a hassle than just buying regular tools every now and again.


Anet could easily have chosen to make these things usable across all characters, in which case I would happily have purchased 3 long ago. As it is, they chose not to, so I won't ever be purchasing one.

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hmm I thought i never buy it due to cost, but the unbound magic gather tools is one of the best purchase I made in Gem store. I literally stack with unbound magic, I don't have to worry about farming it again ever. also it save me the trouble for out of the gather tool while i'm playing.

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Frankly, I don't see any reason to have more than one set of unlimited gathering tools. The slots they are in should be shared anyways. It's quite easy to bank them, log out of one character, and pick them up in another one, but it would be good to have shared slots. Question: why would anyone have more than one set? And why spend gems to skin them?

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I didn't buy them when they first came out because I had more than enough of the in-game ones and didn't think it was worth it. By the time they were re-released (when they first came out it was a limited time offer) I'd had more time playing a level 80 character and realised I was constantly jumping between maps, including between high and low level maps and trying to keep track of which tools I had equipped and which I needed was a pain. So I bought the infinite tools.


At the time matching sets weren't an option, the only ones available were the Molten Pick, Chop-It-All Axe and Consortium Sickle, so they're the ones I got. If I'd known they were going to come out with more versions in future I'd have waited and bought some different ones, but since they'd released the same ones twice I thought that was it.


Even though I now have 5 level 80 characters (and 6 more at lower levels) I still don't think it's worth having more than 1 set of tools, especially now we have shared inventory slots to put them in, so I haven't bought any more (except a Watchwork Pick to replace the Molten one because I couldn't stand the animation).


I'm hoping they start selling the skins separately from the tools in future so I can buy different skins without cluttering up my inventory with unused tools.

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Two reasons already listed in the thread: Memory and swapping. I've owned some unlimited gathering tools for over a year and I _only now_ remember which character owns which. And as someone who has to wait upwards of 5 minutes to load into an instance on bad days, the idea of juggling tools between characters for a few units of materials is an obscene one.


It's functional, but still inconvenient and inefficient unless used exclusively on one character.

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