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Can one full heal WAR make an impact in WVW?


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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> Most of theT6 gems give +20 in a stat, unless you are using the newer stat ones, then it's +17. And yes, it doesn't give you as much in each slot, but it could potentially give you more of ONE stat. Though, not worth it to me to do the maths.


Sure, may give you more of one stat, but sometimes (like in the case of my earlier example with ruby orbs) runes create a synergy with a specific trait in your build that gives straight damage buffs or the rune itself gives a straight damage buff. That's why it isn't as popular as it once was to slot orbs or crests.

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> @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > Most of theT6 gems give +20 in a stat, unless you are using the newer stat ones, then it's +17. And yes, it doesn't give you as much in each slot, but it could potentially give you more of ONE stat. Though, not worth it to me to do the maths.


> Sure, may give you more of one stat, but sometimes runes create a synergy with a specific trait in your build that gives straight damage buffs or the rune itself gives a straight damage buff. That's why it isn't as popular as it once was to slot orbs or crests.




Which is one of the reasons why I haven't done the Math, as I am also not willing to be a one trick pony.


Runes make sense. People are following down the rabbit hole. And unless you (and I don't actually mean 'you @"Chaba.5410" ) are a dachshund chasing a badger, it isn't worth the time.

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It's pretty obvious from the last few vid's that a lot of the healing is passive so I would imagine it's gear and skills working together. (Just a guess)


FASTCAR, do you play a ele healer at all? Like I mentioned I'm coming back after being gone for 5 years, have a druid and ele at 80 and deciding which to focus on. I get the impression you roam with the druid and zerg heal with the warrior. (I "do" have a war too but haven't played it much since returning)

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> @"Tinnel.4369" said:

> > @"FASTCAR.7831" said:

> > > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > > > @"Threather.9354" said:

> > > > Okay so let see so build would be something like this

> > > > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQJBMhJ0CCh0gSVAyDomDAA-j1xDABAcCAea/hKV/hQlg4pH4Klfw/AA+MEAMBgVVqqqKpA8bmF-w

> > > >

> > > > **STATS**

> > > > So total possible healing power is 30 from bloodlust buff + 255 from traited banner + 1746 + 250 from might (traits)= 2281

> > > > So utility oil would be 0.6*17.46= 10.476% healing effectiveness (utilities dont scale with might, banner and bloodlust buff)

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Total healing effectiveness is 12.5%(sigil)+10%(sigil) + 10%(food) + 10% (runes)+10.476%(utility) = 52.976%

> > > > **REGEN**

> > > > So base regen tick is 130+0.125*2281= 415 health per sec.

> > > >

> > > > With healing effectiveness it is 415 * 1.52976= ~635 health per sec to allies constantly (no firebrand f2 tome 5 skill)

> > > > Add firebrand tome of resolve 5 skill 20% increase(after nerf), you reach 635 * 1.2 = 762 health/sec max value for banner regen with reasonable ways.

> > > >

> > > > Okay, so then lets count shouts.

> > > > **SHOUTS**

> > > > Base value is 1000 + 2281 * 1.2= ~3737 health.

> > > > 3737 * 1.52976= ~5717 healing (no firebrand f2 tome 5 skill).

> > > >

> > > > With guardian 5 skill on f2 tome this would be 5717 * 1.2= ~6860 healing for other allies.

> > > >

> > > > **TLDR; His math checks out while his logic of being capable of applying regen to 50 players with only 2 banners that have 10 man target-cap (i tested the regen target cap) doesn't though.**

> > > >

> > > > **FEEDBACK**

> > > > My personal opinion is that the build seems decent. Id still optimize it up by adding spellbreaker and adding in the elite bubble.. I myself been playing frontline shoutbreaker with trooper runes but no healing power (more dps focused) and the cleanse is 2-3 times of a guardian which is pretty insane.

> > > >

> > > > Overall I just dont like the idea of adding regen in the build just because banners are so clunky and it overlaps with the regen that your guardian should apply (guardians could reach about 1800 healing power with more healing effectiveness so there would be no point running regen warrior if you need more heals, all they need is the healing power from the banner to reach like 2k). I think running 7k AoE heal shouts might be worth it though instead of going damage. My Shouts can only heal

> > > > 1280* 1.2* 1.2=1844 with max might and guardian resolve 5 :(

> > >

> > > yo might wanna check out my go on the sb worker, posted it some time ago in the warrior forum, my shouts with might get to around 2250 heal, while still getting 6k+ crits on hammer 2

> > >

> > > PS. OP pls dont open a thread where you post your "build" and then being "cryptic" about everything, sounds like you just want the attention to me...post your full build an your "tricks" or dont post anything at all. thanks

> >

> > No thanks

> > I show proof of concept, this is a war game. I am not here to help you

> > Join YB , tell you all you every wanted to know


> I was on YB, asked Fastcar in Discord why clicking was so advantageous, was told he'd explained it too many times wasn't going to again. "It just is."


Why would I tell me enemy?

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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> > @"Tinnel.4369" said:

> > I was on YB, asked Fastcar in Discord why clicking was so advantageous, was told he'd explained it too many times wasn't going to again. "It just is."


> Because you don't have to buy a gaming mouse duh.



I have spoken about this 100 times ,on coms ,posts here and vids

ty for post

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> @"ZNICK.8537" said:

> It's pretty obvious from the last few vid's that a lot of the healing is passive so I would imagine it's gear and skills working together. (Just a guess)


> FASTCAR, do you play a ele healer at all? Like I mentioned I'm coming back after being gone for 5 years, have a druid and ele at 80 and deciding which to focus on. I get the impression you roam with the druid and zerg heal with the warrior. (I "do" have a war too but haven't played it much since returning)


My main healer is an ELE,yes

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> @"ZNICK.8537" said:

> > @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > > @"ZNICK.8537" said:

> > > You're killing me FASTCAR! Do you mean you don't wear "any" runes or you don't wear "healing" runes? I can only Google so much, lol. (and I need to get some work done, lol)

> > > Help an old guy out... :P (truthfully, I do understand your not sharing it all)

> > >

> > > Z

> > >

> >

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Upgrade_component

> >

> > See "universal upgrades". People used to slot ruby orbs rather than runes on damage builds, for example, until Anet did a review and mass updates on runes that made them more useful and gave higher potential damage than straight stats.


> Well yeah I'm aware of that... I remember slotting the lower lev ones back in 2012... but even if you used the lev 80 ones, my 1st thought is it won't give much more than runes. I can use a rune that gives +18 to every stat and no crest can come close. You'd have 120 in 1 attribute but it's not enough.


> I need to look into amalgamated gemstones and see how those work. I also wonder if it's healing power that you focus on tbh... you state so often "a dead healer is a bad healer" or whatever. Is it even HP you focus on?



I say "cryptic" because (again) this is a war game.Why would I help my enemy?

I dont even want to put too many ideas into heads.


That said, I have posts and vids ALL about healing, pros/cons and every test possible. Every gear set, trait and play style.The actual numbers

Again cryptic:

"A dead healer is not a very usefull healer"

This means...Some healers CAN heal decent amounts in some scenarios.(usually very small range) I.E. REV

To do so ,they have no other use and die easy and fast. Meaning : what good is a healer that heals "a lot" if they die non stop?

A dead healer...is not very usefull


Range is a whole other topic people do not talk about

Find out the range on a REV tablet....find out the range of Mist or flag regen

People are spread out (usually)

Also in the case of Rev again,the very reason you cant heal 20-50-100 at a time


last, just talking about regen or H.O.T.....how long does the regen buff last after you give it to a hurt person?

I.E. a hurt person runs past(or through) a regen field...what would you rather?

getting 800/sec regen for MAYBE 2-5 sec OR 755 regen for 15-45 sec?


I will be less cryptic ONCE:

What if you pre charge (buff) and ENTIRE zerg with 755 regen at the start of a fight?That lasts 15-45 sec for all of them?

Think that is a combat advantage?

What if you could give a zerg at the start of a fight 10-15 sec of protection ( roughly 3000 armor)?

Is that an advantage?


What if your healer could non stop cure in a HUGE range and radius?

Ele can not just massive heal and cure non stop ( built and played correctly) but ALSO auras I.E reflect, freeze auras,fire auras and stun auras ( AOE of corse)

Not to mention legit AOE pressure (staff meteor,AOE stun field, AOE freeze field

ect ect


At the end ( I made a video about this "TEOB") Total Effect On the battle Field is what matters.

Meaning: what do you bring to the table?

I.E. YES, Rev can heal a bunch is a tiny limited area,they cant survive at all( again, knowing your range and when to hop in and out is key)

They do NOT give amazing USEFULL game changing auras and various CC and AOE pressure


I am not hung up on 1 class or another, nor do I play 1 just because it is "fun"..I play what works best.

Unlike these people here I have EVERY class with a full heals setup. I have tested for 100+hours each and seen the parse numbers.

Theory craft is great but does not always work in the actual game.


People do not play ELE healer( talking 100% FULL healer here,not some hybrid psudo healer) because it is hard

Try to stay in the pocket and be usefull with 12000 hps and less then 3000 armor and ALL skills to benefit others ( meaning NOT self survival)

THATS the reason you dont see other ELE healers like me.They try,die non stop,get frustrated and quit.


"Clicking" as a FULL ele healer is a 100% insane,huge advantage when you "get it"

People dont know/understand the trick so as usual they troll.

I can play as a mouser/hot-keyer. I have a 150$ mouse and special KB...perhaps I do not..for darn good reason


"A dead healer is not a very usefull healer"

Also means play smart, many do not. Young kids on this game "YOLO" non stop.

Play a class/build that can survive to keep healing


Listen or not, no matter to me. heck, I prefer people do not listen and make rev/guard and engy healers )

Makes me look better and they do worse in fights


Overall : AGAIN,not just small range maybe heals, the TOTAL that you bring to the table.Most usefull

Ele is the best healer in this game 95% of the time,by far

WAR is #2. In 5.5 whatever years I have never seen another WAR healer like mine

Every other class is much much less good (usefull)

Druid has 1 godly insanely OP use and nobody has ever used it or done it...that I have seen or heard of


Druids can regen in a 1200 range 10 or 20 or 50 or 100 thousand heals..nearly forever(yes perma)

using a simple, legit legal trick


have I done it?

lets just say a 5 man had nearly 8000 regen a second :) forever


If I say how, every person here would do it, thousands would cry and it would get nurfed in 1 day :)


I get often" any good non clicker would own you"

THis is typical


I say things that are facts. People that dont understand or have never done such things get mad or troll.

Vids dont lie


if I said I have 1 and 2 and 3 man taken SM on reset night in T1 VS BG /JQ and others

500 people would go crazy, theroy craft,troll and tell me all the usual

Then I post



I have 38 such in my private area


In closing

If you want to support and dont care about killing...FULL WAR healer is fun and very usefull. As my videos show.

Now if only we had an elite shout. I do like the flag though, has 2 special uses I will be cryptic about

No, not rezzing


Killing is easy mode

healing /support, and doing it at a high level is not easy.In 5.5 years (on YB anyway) I have seen 1 other do it high level and maybe 4-5 do a decent job.


Best of luck to you Z !



quite a few messaged me about engy as a REAL healer

Again, I have tested all classes.

I like the idea of the turret machine healing AOE. The numbers can be good. People can see the machine and dont run past or through its heals (like many others)

1 Have not checked in a while ,use to be 5 only+ trick for a few more when you learn it.

2 Sadly(should be fixed) it gets destroyed fast and easy. really easy,then semi long CD

3 it is possible to get 2 long AOE (short range) regens on the F keys but range stinks

4 The gun has on 5 a long CD small circle heal, just too small and too long CD

5 They just dont add enough to a group VS an ELE or War


Stealth as a healer is interesting (like star wars MMO..yea it had a stealth healer, I played :) )

In 1 exact scenario Engy healer is interesting but it is really rare ,much like Rev


Engy in Warhammer was much better and more fun



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> @"FASTCAR.7831" said:

> > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > > @"Tinnel.4369" said:

> > > I was on YB, asked Fastcar in Discord why clicking was so advantageous, was told he'd explained it too many times wasn't going to again. "It just is."

> >

> > Because you don't have to buy a gaming mouse duh.

> >


> I have spoken about this 100 times ,on coms ,posts here and vids

> ty for post


Then it's literally as easy as linking one of the hundred times for clarity.

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Thanks man... I really appreciate the time you've taken to help. That video above is the first I've seen you play Ele in. I'm surprised it's not a weaver... that's helpful.


Can the ele regen heal like the war can? (I love the door thing, LOL!) That's amazing stuff.



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> @"ZNICK.8537" said:

> Thanks man... I really appreciate the time you've taken to help. That video above is the first I've seen you play Ele in. I'm surprised it's not a weaver... that's helpful.


> Can the ele regen heal like the war can? (I love the door thing, LOL!) That's amazing stuff.


> Z

I have thousands ,actually




Just proof of concept, not max possible :)

Weaver is terrible


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> @"Tinnel.4369" said:

> I was on YB, asked Fastcar in Discord why clicking was so advantageous, was told he'd explained it too many times wasn't going to again. "It just is."


Tinnel, here is a copy-paste from one of those many times it was explained:


"As I have stated I dont give tacticts to [censored] and the enemy..that said I will give you a hint : "Clicking" meaning KB turning and mouse to target and click on skill buttons lets u do something NOT possible as a mouser/hotkeyer...this thing causes "off axis hits" in short u take in average 33% less hits of all types...think passive dodge 1/3 of the time-ish"


"Off axis hits : ( ihave played 21 MMos,so far it works on ALL of them) in short : when ( example) 2 melees face each others to fight..swinging away...weapons have an arc they hit in..if u rotate too far u get "off axis" and miss..I.E. wack away at a guy..turn 90 DEG..do u still hit? NO..u are "off axis" when u learn a legal trick that VERY few know.."clicking" lets u MAKE the other guy "off axit" hit very often"


Note: racially insensitive comment censored.

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> @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > @"Tinnel.4369" said:

> > I was on YB, asked Fastcar in Discord why clicking was so advantageous, was told he'd explained it too many times wasn't going to again. "It just is."


> Tinnel, here is a copy-paste from one of those many times it was explained:


> "As I have stated I dont give tacticts to [censored] and the enemy..that said I will give you a hint : "Clicking" meaning KB turning and mouse to target and click on skill buttons lets u do something NOT possible as a mouser/hotkeyer...this thing causes "off axis hits" in short u take in average 33% less hits of all types...think passive dodge 1/3 of the time-ish"


> "Off axis hits : ( ihave played 21 MMos,so far it works on ALL of them) in short : when ( example) 2 melees face each others to fight..swinging away...weapons have an arc they hit in..if u rotate too far u get "off axis" and miss..I.E. wack away at a guy..turn 90 DEG..do u still hit? NO..u are "off axis" when u learn a legal trick that VERY few know.."clicking" lets u MAKE the other guy "off axit" hit very often"


> Note: racially insensitive comment censored.


Weeeeeeee :dizzy:

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> @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > @"Tinnel.4369" said:

> > I was on YB, asked Fastcar in Discord why clicking was so advantageous, was told he'd explained it too many times wasn't going to again. "It just is."


> Tinnel, here is a copy-paste from one of those many times it was explained:


> "As I have stated I dont give tacticts to [censored] and the enemy..that said I will give you a hint : "Clicking" meaning KB turning and mouse to target and click on skill buttons lets u do something NOT possible as a mouser/hotkeyer...this thing causes "off axis hits" in short u take in average 33% less hits of all types...think passive dodge 1/3 of the time-ish"


> "Off axis hits : ( ihave played 21 MMos,so far it works on ALL of them) in short : when ( example) 2 melees face each others to fight..swinging away...weapons have an arc they hit in..if u rotate too far u get "off axis" and miss..I.E. wack away at a guy..turn 90 DEG..do u still hit? NO..u are "off axis" when u learn a legal trick that VERY few know.."clicking" lets u MAKE the other guy "off axit" hit very often"


> Note: racially insensitive comment censored.



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> @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > @"Tinnel.4369" said:

> > I was on YB, asked Fastcar in Discord why clicking was so advantageous, was told he'd explained it too many times wasn't going to again. "It just is."


> Tinnel, here is a copy-paste from one of those many times it was explained:


> "As I have stated I dont give tacticts to [censored] and the enemy..that said I will give you a hint : "Clicking" meaning KB turning and mouse to target and click on skill buttons lets u do something NOT possible as a mouser/hotkeyer...this thing causes "off axis hits" in short u take in average 33% less hits of all types...think passive dodge 1/3 of the time-ish"


> "Off axis hits : ( ihave played 21 MMos,so far it works on ALL of them) in short : when ( example) 2 melees face each others to fight..swinging away...weapons have an arc they hit in..if u rotate too far u get "off axis" and miss..I.E. wack away at a guy..turn 90 DEG..do u still hit? NO..u are "off axis" when u learn a legal trick that VERY few know.."clicking" lets u MAKE the other guy "off axit" hit very often"


> Note: racially insensitive comment censored.


This is the short cryptic version

The "trick" ONLY works as a "clicker"

people that played years of 1st person shooters and young in general are not good as a clicker.They try it,it seems goofey ( because its new to them) and they think it is bad.

Some of us are good as it as my body of work shows.

talk is cheap,vids dont lie

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You do realize people have played healing shouts before right? The shout heals are fine but padding with regen is just lolworthy. Add to the fact the warrior ends up with a garbage skill set doing this and its a no brainer why it isn't played anymore when compared to fb skill set that has boons, reflect fields and wards.


you pretty much claimed to have invented wheels with corners on them...

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