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Toxicity Allowed

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Hey there !


I wonder... Is Arena Net fine with that increasing amount of toxicity in sPVP now ? Even when season was off ppl were insanely toxic. Flaming , insulting others just cause they die or else.


Most of the time I just report -> verbal abuse but does this even matter? I'm asking to you Anet. Do you allow this kind of behavior? Is there something that's in place to penalize toxic players?

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They ban people all the time. Its certainly going to take more then a couple of appeals though they have like 2 people working on this game. If someone called you a bad name and reammed you out and your the only one that appealed that person I doubt they are going to get banned. They have very limited resources and they are not just going to take your word for it they investigate this stuff first and that takes time. Anyway is it really that hard to just block people. I've never appealed anyone for that myself I usually troll them until I get bored and then block them but I don't see myself as some kind of mini crusader for justice and truth as many do.

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> @"Nath Forge Tempete.1645" said:

> Hey there !


> I wonder... Is Arena Net fine with that increasing amount of toxicity in sPVP now ? Even when season was off ppl were insanely toxic. Flaming , insulting others just cause they die or else.


> Most of the time I just report -> verbal abuse but does this even matter? I'm asking to you Anet. Do you allow this kind of behavior? Is there something that's in place to penalize toxic players?


I was always thinking that violators could lose their voice unless in team or guild. This would not hurt the money train haha.

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> @"ToPNoP.2493" said:

> > @"Nath Forge Tempete.1645" said:

> > Hey there !

> >

> > I wonder... Is Arena Net fine with that increasing amount of toxicity in sPVP now ? Even when season was off ppl were insanely toxic. Flaming , insulting others just cause they die or else.

> >

> > Most of the time I just report -> verbal abuse but does this even matter? I'm asking to you Anet. Do you allow this kind of behavior? Is there something that's in place to penalize toxic players?


> I was always thinking that violators could lose their voice unless in team or guild. This would not hurt the money train haha.


Problem with that is most of the "toxicity" comes from team, that team is the only real place where you NEED/SHOULD be communicating, and that "violators" is extremely subjective.


Sorry people, there is a block feature, how about everyone grow up and deal with their problems in the appropriate way for an adult rather than whine about it to big daddy anet.

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Problem is mostly that there aren't enough people playing. When you get horrible players somehow getting carried into gold they get pissed when they get their asses chewed out for spawn camping beast. It's even annoying in unranked when you get people who obviously don't know what the hell they are doing and then get pissed off when people try to tell them they are wrong.

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> @"Rufo.3716" said:

> Problem is mostly that there aren't enough people playing. When you get horrible players somehow getting carried into gold they get pissed when they get their kitten chewed out for spawn camping beast. It's even annoying in unranked when you get people who obviously don't know what the hell they are doing and then get pissed off when people try to tell them they are wrong.


"You don't need to stand on home all game"

"but my traps are here"

"You're traps will stay there"

"No they won't, they'll disappear, you guys suck you lost mid and far point, atleast I can hold home"

"you're holding against no one though"

"GG afk reported"



Platinum ranked match, almost felt like my team wasn't platinum either.

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I got reported for "botting" the other day on Forest on my Thief... because I was escaping back to Home from a 1v1 on Mid with a Guardian, only to be met with a lone enemy Scourge, so I turned around and started heading to Far where the rest of my team was fighting and dying, it seems.


On chat, there was a "where are you going?" from my team. I'm thinking... "where are you going???" Really... why did we have 4 players on Far? Some things I will never know :-(

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> @"Kageseigi.2150" said:

> I got reported for "botting" the other day on Forest on my Thief... because I was escaping back to Home from a 1v1 on Mid with a Guardian, only to be met with a lone enemy Scourge, so I turned around and started heading to Far where the rest of my team was fighting and dying, it seems.


> On chat, there was a "where are you going?" from my team. I'm thinking... "where are you going???" Really... why did we have 4 players on Far? Some things I will never know :-(


When in doubt, blame the thief. Happens all the time. x)

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> @"BMW.2951" said:

> It's frustrating , I agree. In almost every losing match their is that one person to insult a person or the whole team because they are sore loser and can't accept the fact the other team outplayed them.


Agreed, but in fairness, that's usually not why you lost

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> @"BMW.2951" said:

> It's frustrating , I agree. In almost every losing match their is that one person to insult a person or the whole team because they are sore loser and can't accept the fact the other team outplayed them.


Depends what you call toxic. People tend to mix together two kinds of players. First ones flaming everyone for no reason, only spamming insults in chat. Second ones trying to usually argue but this being considered as flaming ( i.e " why are you going to solo svanir ")

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> @"Stace.1357" said:

> Most of the toxicity stems from players of different skill levels being forced to play together. It's unfair for the veteran players and also for the new players. You should be fighting people of the same rank.


The game is great for now cause it has low time Q . It wouldnt be that way if they change to restrict the rank gap in matchmaking . You would have 15 min Q time for one game... not funny at all .


So I know its frustrating to play with lower skill players but spvp was way less toxic back in my days..

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> @"Nath Forge Tempete.1645" said:

> Hey there !


> I wonder... Is Arena Net fine with that increasing amount of toxicity in sPVP now ? Even when season was off ppl were insanely toxic. Flaming , insulting others just cause they die or else.


> Most of the time I just report -> verbal abuse but does this even matter? I'm asking to you Anet. Do you allow this kind of behavior? Is there something that's in place to penalize toxic players?


I don't think the toxicity is a result of poor matchmaking (whether or not matchmaking actually is poor is a matter for debate). It's the result of poor sportmanship; people seem to think it's ok to completely cuss out their own team over the smallest errors, or more often than not to cover for their own inadequacies. It really doesn't matter if you're playing well or not, you shouldn't be subjected to verbal abuse. While ANet does provide a button for reporting that, it doesn't seem to actually do anything useful.


I'd like to see Anet apply a swear-jar policy to /team chat. Maybe 5-10 rank points per offense should do the trick; those that can't control their emotions will find themselves buried in Bronze.

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TBH I feel like "toxicity" as you call it is perfectly fine when it is directed at the opposing team. TBH I feel like getting triggered by trashtalk from an opposing player is a weakness that deserves to be exploited until it is corrected.


People being douchebags to their own team though is the problem I have, and there's not an objective way to correct that except to block the people when you encounter them which, btw, is perfectly fine as far as I'm concerned, but it would be nice if we lived in an almost-ideal world where that could be self-correcting as well.

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> @"Nath Forge Tempete.1645" said:

> Hey there !


> I wonder... Is Arena Net fine with that increasing amount of toxicity in sPVP now ? Even when season was off ppl were insanely toxic. Flaming , insulting others just cause they die or else.


> Most of the time I just report -> verbal abuse but does this even matter? I'm asking to you Anet. Do you allow this kind of behavior? Is there something that's in place to penalize toxic players?


They don't allow it; they _encourage_ it with their "balance" patches.

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Dear Lord OP, grow thicker skin.


I kinda wish toxicity and toxic were filtered to kitten on the forum, as soon as I see those words I just know the rest of the argument is going to be some passive-aggressive crying.


Like one of the above posters eluded to, people nowadays let words utterly undermine their self esteem to the point, where we are now as a society, making concessions to protect their pretty little minds.

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Anecdotal, but my "guild and friends" ranking list has only 30 players on it so far this season. When I last played a season of PvP (season 7, I think?) that list had several times as many players on it. And even then the matchmaking showed obvious signs of strain at platinum rank. I would be surprised if this isn't now an issue even in lower gold!


It's hard to look at the state of PvP in this game and not see that it is dying off. It's a shame, because PvP is really a lot of fun, but bad decision after bad decision on top of years of neglect appears to have come to bear. Balance is simply awful here and they can't seem to fix PvP without breaking PvE, and vice versa. On top of that, we're forced to play conquest over and over and over and the alternative is...stronghold. It's basically a study in how to take an excellent combat system and somehow manage to run PvP into the ground in spite of it. Well done!

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When it comes to MMOs (any games really) people have been toxic since the beginning of time. Some people just take some aspects of the game too seriously and cannot control their emotions. The result is them lashing out. Because gaming puts people in a situation where you have diminished responsibility and diminished consequences for actions and words, some use this as an excuse to act aggressively since it's not something they are able to do in the real world.

In all aspects of a MMO you have the chance to cross people who don't relate to your opinions or cannot get along with you. This is especially prevalent in PvP environments **of any game** because whereas some people may accept being beaten by the AI/NPC, being defeated by another human player is far more aggravating as it shows that you are inferior to that player in skill. In the grand scheme of things it might not be true and even if it is, it shouldn't matter, however when a player is caught in the moment, some of that rationality may disappear.

In many circumstances, players who are toxic are in denial. They may have been beaten one way or anther but they cannot accept that it is their skill which has let them down( and they might be right). Some are quick to point fingers at everything but themselves - "oh it's my terrible teammates who let me down", "oh the matchmaking is rigged", "oh Anet keeps putting me with bronze bois", "oh that class is OP, there's no way I can win before it's balanced/nerfed".

The truth is, there are always multiple factors - (I'd say 10-15 )which determine how your match turns out.

In general, there will always be toxicity in PvP, **and** I believe, there always should be at least _some_ to keep the competitiveness there. PvP should be emotional, with heroes and villains - people who have great sportsmanship and those who are salty and provocative. A balance is needed between the two to keep things exciting. This also means that those in PvP should learn to have thicker skin and not come running to forums every time somebody is a little bit mean to them.

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