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The solo pve warrior build?


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Just curious what would be the best go to build on a warrior for solo open world pve?


I'd love to solo champions and all events on a warrior like I do my ranger and necro. Is there a build for warrior or any elite specs that compete with the self sustain of say a scourge or druid?


I'm always playing alone rarely with people unless doing a meta so when I find champions I'd love to take them out alone.


One requirement I want is using a main hand axe if possible

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Spellbreaker GS + Axe\Axe with Marauder stats is Dealing good Damage, as for sustain you can get Endure pain and some traits to cleanse eventual condi when needed + dodge and you're good to go. Only problem is a litlle lack of control for mobs that get a defiance bar.


Otherwise similar build with Berserker Spe give you a little less sustain but a bit more damage and CC.


The best things to do in Open world is really just to take a build you enjoy, because in the end prettyt much evrything can work as long as you dont slack in mobs aoe and use your dodge key from time to time :)

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The most sustain-y build is Core:


Strength, Defense and Discipline using Axe/Shield and GS.


Adrenal Health + Healing Signet for passive healing and Forceful Greatsword/Shield Master + Might Makes Right for more active healing.


Basically taking the classic solo roam build from WvW into PvE.


That all being said, of course, you’re still not going to end up with being able to solo Champs as easily as a Necro or Ranger.

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> The most sustain-y build is Core:


> Strength, Defense and Discipline using Axe/Shield and GS.


> Adrenal Health + Healing Signet for passive healing and Forceful Greatsword/Shield Master + Might Makes Right for more active healing.


> Basically taking the classic solo roam build from WvW into PvE.


> That all being said, of course, you’re still not going to end up with being able to solo Champs as easily as a Necro or Ranger.


can just agree with oglaf, except maybe that shield wouldnt be my first take for the offhand, only while fighting big groups of trashmobs, because alot of pve mobs just attack so slowly that you block like 1 or 2 attacks while fighting a single enemy, id take another axe or a mace for more cc and vulnerability, the aoe knockdown also helps against groups of trashmobs

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > The most sustain-y build is Core:

> >

> > Strength, Defense and Discipline using Axe/Shield and GS.

> >

> > Adrenal Health + Healing Signet for passive healing and Forceful Greatsword/Shield Master + Might Makes Right for more active healing.

> >

> > Basically taking the classic solo roam build from WvW into PvE.

> >

> > That all being said, of course, you’re still not going to end up with being able to solo Champs as easily as a Necro or Ranger.


> can just agree with oglaf, except maybe that shield wouldnt be my first take for the offhand, only while fighting big groups of trashmobs, because alot of pve mobs just attack so slowly that you block like 1 or 2 attacks while fighting a single enemy, id take another axe or a mace for more cc and vulnerability, the aoe knockdown also helps against groups of trashmobs


Yeah, admittedly the Shield doesn’t work as well in PvE because mobs don’t assault you with the sheer volume of attacks that enemy players do in order to make the Shield Master+Might Makes Right heal combo work.


But since the goal was to be as sustain-y as possible I figured I’d go with it regardless. But yeah, not that ideal.


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After trying both GS,Hammer,Dual dagger. D/D handdown the most versatile for open world.

Hammer got lots of CC but its telegraph and knocking mobs away hurt your DPS.

GS are better at dealing damage and mobility. outside Hundred blade which root you and you end up cancle them mid animation many time to get out of big AoE.

Dagger got build in quickness and might via trait and almost instant interrupt and burst damage with 2 Gap closer make it ideal for General PVE.

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> @"LONGA.1652" said:

> After trying both GS,Hammer,Dual dagger. D/D handdown the most versatile for open world.

> Hammer got lots of CC but its telegraph and knocking mobs away hurt your DPS.

> GS are better at dealing damage and mobility. outside Hundred blade which root you and you end up cancle them mid animation many time to get out of big AoE.

> Dagger got build in quickness and might via trait and almost instant interrupt and burst damage with 2 Gap closer make it ideal for General PVE.


telegraphing doesnt do anything to pve mobs, they dont dodge if they see a long animation....

hammer dps isnt the best because it has alot of cc, axe axe is the best dps variant, dunno why you havent tried that one out, even has quickness in its kit aswell, core is the way to go if you want survivability in pve while dealing dmg ------axe/x+gs

axe/axe wins over d/d anyday

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> hammer dps isnt the best because it has alot of cc, axe axe is the best dps variant, dunno why you havent tried that one out, even has quickness in its kit aswell, core is the way to go if you want survivability in pve while dealing dmg ------axe/x+gs

> axe/axe wins over d/d anyday


Hammer Telegraph may not matter on most mobs but slow attack speed on hammer will make it hard to fight mobs with CC due to animation lock. Try fighting Sand Lion on hammer for starter you will know the pain.


Axe is cool for clearing trash mob but for Bounty which require CC on some boss. So Axe is failed on those. Beside Axe work better with berserker spec which provide CC via Elite skill/utility . On Spell breaker it gimped by only 1 adrenaline mechanic.


Full counter on spell breaker let you block that nasty CC hit and do AoE stun on group of mobs While berserker just Stun break out of it

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> @"LONGA.1652" said:

> > hammer dps isnt the best because it has alot of cc, axe axe is the best dps variant, dunno why you havent tried that one out, even has quickness in its kit aswell, core is the way to go if you want survivability in pve while dealing dmg ------axe/x+gs

> > axe/axe wins over d/d anyday


> Hammer Telegraph may not matter on most mobs but slow attack speed on hammer will make it hard to fight mobs with CC due to animation lock. Try fighting Sand Lion on hammer for starter you will know the pain.


> Axe is cool for clearing trash mob but for Bounty which require CC on some boss. So Axe is failed on those. Beside Axe work better with berserker spec which provide CC via Elite skill/utility . On Spell breaker it kitten by only 1 adrenaline mechanic.


> Full counter on spell breaker let you block that nasty CC hit and do AoE stun on group of mobs While berserker just Stun break out of it


axe works best with core, just saying, you can also throw in a shield or mace offhand and some cc utility for breakbar, even traited rampage(not sure if this one was pvp/wvw only) anyways, why do you not even consider core? for power builds i would never go berserker again since its absolut trash after they nerfed it, with core you can even go defense for sustain with adrenal health and if needed endure pain

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Axe stilll hits like a truck in spellbreaker if you are comboing correctly and keeping the right buffs up. over all I like SB the most for soloing champs and open world content Counter is awesome and damage is great as well going full power with GS and axe/axe. Like previously suggested you can switch out some util skills and swap a mace or shield in areas that you need a ton of breakbar.



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Axe is simply better in PvE over Dagger because the damage is higher and the “fancy tricks” provided by Dagger is more suited towards PvP where they matter more and have far greater impact. The raw damage advantage of Axe is simply a bigger advantage when it comes to PvE.


As for CC, the meta setup for PvE Spellbreaker includes both Kick and Bull’s Charge (in order to keep uptime of the _Peak Performance_ trait at maximum) so you’ll have adequate CC for most encounters outside of weapon skills.


However, if you like Dagger for whatever reason, go ahead. Open world PvE ain’t Raids and you hardly need to go with the very best, most optimal build to get by. ;)

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sometimes get bored and il go AC and solo the spider, lieutenant kholer and the troll.. this is basically my WvW roaming build i think someone above said but i tweaked it for more CC for defiance bars... you can run axes or w/e over dagger shield (i jus use dagger cause incinerator lul) but main tip id give is just to learn the enemies attack's and learn how to dodge or avoid them... once you can do that you could probs take a naked warrior and yolo most things to death in open world lul dark souls eat your heart out xD

take care and enjoy o7


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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> Axe is simply better in PvE over Dagger because the damage is higher and the “fancy tricks” provided by Dagger is more suited towards PvP where they matter more and have far greater impact. The raw damage advantage of Axe is simply a bigger advantage when it comes to PvE.


> As for CC, the meta setup for PvE Spellbreaker includes both Kick and Bull’s Charge (in order to keep uptime of the _Peak Performance_ trait at maximum) so you’ll have adequate CC for most encounters outside of weapon skills.




Bulls charge and kick alone arent enough CC to solo some champs breakbars. Just FYI.



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> @"Star.8401" said:

> > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > Axe is simply better in PvE over Dagger because the damage is higher and the “fancy tricks” provided by Dagger is more suited towards PvP where they matter more and have far greater impact. The raw damage advantage of Axe is simply a bigger advantage when it comes to PvE.

> >

> > As for CC, the meta setup for PvE Spellbreaker includes both Kick and Bull’s Charge (in order to keep uptime of the _Peak Performance_ trait at maximum) so you’ll have adequate CC for most encounters outside of weapon skills.

> >

> >


> Bulls charge and kick alone arent enough CC to solo some champs breakbars. Just FYI.




> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> you’ll have adequate CC for most encounters outside of weapon skills.

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Been using this on my Warr and solo'd most HoT hero points, pretty tough with great damage, cc and regen, could probably min-max it, i'm using Scholar runes but maybe there's a better alternative for open world, and Sigil of Draining looks pretty damn good as well, and you can also pick the banner trait and replace Signet of Might for a banner

Build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQRAnX5ejMdQVHW2B2dAnIG+BKbBCgGQTjufHwb4wbBA-jBCBQBVS9HA8AA05RAIAnAAss/o8jAHEgzoEMP6HAA-e

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> @"BRNBRITO.9624" said:

> Been using this on my Warr and solo'd most HoT hero points, pretty tough with great damage, cc and regen, could probably min-max it, i'm using Scholar runes but maybe there's a better alternative for open world, and Sigil of Draining looks pretty kitten good as well, and you can also pick the banner trait and replace Signet of Might for a banner

> Build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQRAnX5ejMdQVHW2B2dAnIG+BKbBCgGQTjufHwb4wbBA-jBCBQBVS9HA8AA05RAIAnAAss/o8jAHEgzoEMP6HAA-e


id change the mace mainhand set to gs for mobility and dodges, also mightgain


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  • 2 weeks later...

[Gayest_Charr_Ever's Warrior build](

"Gayest_Charr_Ever's Warrior build") splits the difference on axe vs dagger by swapping between axe/dagger and dagger/axe. Though in [another thread](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/37859/how-do-i-properly-do-the-spellbreaker-rotation#latest "another thread"), there's talk about a Mace/Axe + Axe/Dagger rotation.


I'm getting set up to make ascended weapons for my warrior which I have not played enough of, but I've been using just the axe/dagger in open PVE and it's one of my quickest-killing characters without actually having learned to do anything with it yet.

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I have two warriors with 2 builds:


Core warrior axe/axe and GS. Full berserker. If sustainability is needed I use shield and defense line.


Other build is similar, SB dagger/dagger and axe/axe. Mostly assasin gear. Again, I use defense line and shield if needed.


While I like warrior long bow style, it is not effective in any shape or form. Rifle is kinda in the same boat. Though they arguably offer the highest survivability in PvE, if paired with defense line.

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