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Whats the Point of enemy Emotes!?

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Seems like the only reason we can see emotes in chat from the enemy server is for purposes of griefing only. We aren't allowed to chat with the other server or any of the members from there (unless of course you right click portrait > hit block > check block list> add to friends list > whisper player - all of this clearly an oversight). I don't get it, it seems like the only reason we can see their emotes is to make fun of the other side or for the other side to make fun of/bully us.

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With or without emotes, people will find a way to exhibit their poor sportsmanship. I usually witness players jumping on bodies, or throwing down blueprints or food platters. Removing emotes won't change the way these **few** players treat others.

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there are many ways of poor sportsmanship, i usually nowadays return the favor if i happen do experience such behaviour. those people often are also not the best players, so i do get alot more opportunities to payback then they do, wich mostly results in them raging way more.

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Also you can turn off emotes, which is probably advisable unless you want to start dueling. Most of the time it's people just spamming it anyway, but like the others above have addressed, there is always ways that people find to grief - I suggest getting a balloon or kite and popping it up when they do that lol (when you are dead). Also, paying them back is not a problem at all, they love to do it to others but can't seemingly handle it when done to them.

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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> just have a bit more thick skin.


> as long as they don't hack or go to your ts or teansfer to your server to spy, it is all good.


yes but one persons definition of a thick skin is not another. Hard to know where to draw the line in that case. As you say it can lead to being a server spy or hacking or invading TS, all of which is crossing the proverbial line according to you. All forms of griefing can easily escalate to eventually cross everyones (made up) line/threshold of whats tolerable. So why promote it at all or allow it in any form? Unless of course people enjoy it.

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well there is no report option for poor sportsmanship, so not much to do about it. and if there was i bet there would be many reports just for buildchoice as there are people who dont like certain parts of the combat system like conditions or stealth and would see running a build involving thsese as poor sportsmanship as they consider that 'unfair'

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You're far too negative. Waving, bowing and dancing exist too and emotes are the only way to interact with the enemy besides killing them. I've seen /laugh before and after fights too, from both sides but it never felt out of place. Spicy, but far from offensive. Groups that actually play so well they just smash everybody don't care about that crap either, I don't see an issue.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > what do you want to happen?


> Make emotes forcibly not visible or not work in wvw, don't provide a right click interface on enemy portraits.


Click on your tab options in the chat window. Deselect emotes. Turn it back on when you want them. This option has been around for quite a while now, even when I first played. I do agree though there is quite a lot of emote spam in pve.

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I always turn off emotes in wvw, and that solves most of the issue, because I'm too old for that shit. As for the throwing of siege/food/etc and jumping on corpses, I find it a lot easier to deal with that kind of juvenile epeening from the enemy than from my own side. I've been known to grief my own squad for that. It's easier to fight arseholes than to play with them.


I also have seen that that kind of classless behavior rarely happens in retaliation for a ganking or when someone wins an outnumbered fight. Far more often it's from a 20-man zerg running down a lone scout or similarly ridiculous shows of "pwnership". I've left squads that repeat this nonsense or when the commander endorses the behavior, and I won't run with them again.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> Seems like the only reason we can see emotes in chat from the enemy server is for purposes of griefing only. We aren't allowed to chat with the other server or any of the members from there (unless of course you right click portrait > hit block > check block list> add to friends list > whisper player - all of this clearly an oversight). I don't get it, it seems like the only reason we can see their emotes is to make fun of the other side or for the other side to make fun of/bully us.


Because without them, Players on Maguuma have no idea what to do after killing someone 4v1.

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