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What are you wanting the most from PvP? (excluding balance)


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I definitely want to see an FFA gamemode with custom rules (reduced stealth duration, no downstate, hitting a certain hp percent as damage to get kill contribution to avoid kill stealing on really low hp targets, only being able to see enemy class but no name or guild + forced standard models so people wouldnt avoid fighting the better people instantly, etc.) and a new map big enough with multiple rooms for around 10-15 ppl where multiple fights occur between 2-4 people. Respawn could be around after 5-10s and would give invul for around 3s in case there is a fight nearby.

Goal would be to reach a certain killcount or time limit where most kills win (rewards should be given per player killed at the end - like 20s/player - you would get 1g for killing 5 ppl, but top 3 (or 5) should get something else too).


Its never going to happen tho :(

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I'm waiting for a different game mode, so that people can play the game in other ways other than capture the flag type game mode.Capture the flag isn't that fun cause of insta burst and toxicity.


New game mode can spread the toxicity thin and also add new stuff to do in case you get bored of capture the flag.

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New game modes without a doubt.


Always wanted a medium sized skirmish map maybe a third of the size of Alpine borderlands for between 10 and 20 a side, encouraged to split up via objectives in a kind of siege based game mode with one side defending something and the other attacking, with varying layered objectives.

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I've already put this in another thread, and I'm putting a link in this below, but I will keep on saying it: Better Death Recap Details.


Seeing "Burning 24 hits 23,000 damage" tells me absolutely nothing about who it came from, who I should focus, and how I should avoid it (aside from just stacking resistance).


[https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/35601/death-recap-improvements-suggestion#latest](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/35601/death-recap-improvements-suggestion#latest "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/35601/death-recap-improvements-suggestion#latest")

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i want definetely first and foremore more different modes, and that ANet doesn#t abandon the first different mode they added, like they abandonded dungeons ..

I mean Stronghold.. Stronghold has so much potential for improvements to to become more fun and different to Conquest/Deathmatch PvP.

All it needs is some more new maps and more Mist Heroes...


Aside of this, pvp needs more fun and interestign different game Modes... 6 years of permanent Conquest has become total boring, theres so much more you can do with PvP, than only conquest style of PvP:


* Hunger Games - Since ive seen the tribute of panem Trilogy, I'm absolutely in love with this kind of pvP concept of team based last man standing pvp, cause in fact, I know absolutely no single mmorpg in this world, which offers this as game feature. it would be saomethign totally new and at the same tiem a nice homage to the trilogy movie Tributes of Panem to have a PvP Mode, where you have to fight in 2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2 , so twelve teams of 2 person teams agaisnt each other, until the last man or woman of a team standsnas the victor having battled it out in big maps full of environmental deadly traps and dangers.


* Classical Duel Tournaments 1v1 in a Collosseum Style, fighting your opponents until death through finishing move like a true gladiator ^^


* Guild Battlefields, small scaled WvW like Pvp where you do 10v10, 25v25, 50v50 or even 100v100 PvP battles (GvG) or for nostalgia 8v8 GW1 Style


* King of the Hill - a different type of Conqust Style pvp, which is just focused on 1 spot - the hill , instead of having like 5 spots to conquest for points, making these battles in KOTH more focused on point


* Codex Arena - Bring back GW1s Codex Arena, where you fight random peopel with random by the game given to you builds/classes where for fulfilling certain tasks in the battles grants you extra points.


* Heroes Ascent - As a kind of Guild Wars based MOBA style pvp, where you dont play your character, but instead as one of many for that mode designed GW2 based Mist Heroes and play the pvp with their own Skills which are completely different from our own player Skills for a total new and different PvP experience this way.

Didn't you want never to play maybe one day as Nika, or play a Shiro Tagachi battling their fights out in PvP style?? Heroes Ascent as a MOBA Pvp similar to games like Paragon, or Overwatch and Co, which have become quite very popular lately is defientely somethign that is missing in GW2 and would be somethign fresh and fun to have defientely as a different way of PvP which doesn't use our own characters...


Just some ideas I think which woudl be great to have implemented for GW2's Pvp mode to expand this game mode and make finally usage of this games potential for the game mode of Pvp, then lettign it rot with havign permanentlsy always only Conquest and nothing else...which will only lead to PvP being played less and less over time by the players, once more and mroe people ged fed up by always having only Conquest to play there...

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> @"Orpheal.8263" said:

> I mean Stronghold.. Stronghold has so much potential for improvements to to become more fun and different to Conquest/Deathmatch PvP.

> All it needs is some more new maps and more Mist Heroes...

Honestly, they should have gone all out on the MOBA theme of Stronghold. Remove custom builds and make it so players have to chose a Mist Champion to play as with a preset build. That way balancing Stronghold independently of Conquest and the effort required to do so wouldn't have been an issue.


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