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Is there always an OP class in a season?


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anet have a really slow, and often senseless approach to balance


so when something ends up being broken or OP, it can stay untouched for months


so it's not always like this, but when it is it stays like this for a looooonnnnggg time


this is 50% of the reason why I just trashpost and don't play anymore (other 50% being I can't play w my friends anymore, so there goes most of the fun I got from this game)

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> @"CaldaRaric.6305" said:

> Where there is one mega op class that ruins the fun for people not playing said class which we all know what said class I’m referring to? It’s my first season.


Yes. it's a fix one thing make 20 things worse approach. Kind of hard when you have maybe one part time person dedicated to working on pvp. For years the idea was pve and pvp can live in harmony with builds but after all the mess it just can't be done with 3 specs per class. So now like Guild wars 1 we have a pvp and pve split on a lot of things. Now since its a new concept to have it split, things are starting to improve but very very very very very very slowly. By time Guild Wars 3 comes out they should have pvp in guild wars 2 mastered and improved.

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> @"Blackjack.5621" said:

> In terms of competitive pvp mesmer has been OP since the release of HoT. A class that carries a portal and has the same fighting potential as a non portal class will always be OP.


In a perfect world they should just remove portals altogether in pvp... I mean having clones is OP anyways. ugg

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I would say yes, but that's partly due to ArenaNet's behavior when it comes to balance passes. Every time they do a balance pass, the meta gets shaken up for ~2 weeks, during which time nobody's really determined if there's an OP class. They also don't do smaller balance passes regularly, which would help tap down those overperforming builds.

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Let's say there are 5 classes with OP builds... 1 of them stands out more than the rest, so playerbase calls for a nerf on it. The nerf comes, 4 classes are still OP but now 2 more classes are added to the OP board because the class that got nerfed was countering them and now they don't have to worry about said class.


So now we have 6 OP builds, 1 will stand out above the rest... And the cycle repeats itself.

It will never end, ever.


(this is why I want remakes on all classes rather than pushing for another 9 elite specs with next expansion, to break this endless cycle to speak.)

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