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Remove Wall Repair From Participation


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I'm against this simply for one reason: Maguuma.


They spawn camp with siege, use 8 man groups to stop 1 person flipping a camp or sentry and use 30 man Stealth bombs on 5 man groups trying to take a tower back....

We sorta need the silly things like wall repair to be able to maintain participation against players like that.



(Maybe get rid of it after alliances? in a more balanced population scenario)

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> @"Moonlit.6421" said:

> > @"Last Crysis.1934" said:

> > No make it easier to get participation!! I hate WvW and the only reason I do it is for gift of battle...... Heck if I could afk for all of it I would....or better yet make it so I can just spend money to get the gift and I won't bother the elitist WvWers who think they are better than everyone else and want to make it harder for ppl to the the gift.?

> I really really want to believe this is a troll post, yet with all the entitled people I've seen on this forum over time I fear you may actually be serious.



I'm guessing he's serious.... He wants to make a Legendary without doing content he dislikes and that is WvW...


I want to make a Legendary without having the Gift of Completion because I hate PvE... So I just save and buy them directly from trading post.

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> @"Last Crysis.1934" said:

> since I like my legendary weapons it forces me to do WvW. So yes I will pay real money if I don't have to go into that environment. I would even pay someone else to do it for me if I could trust them


Just buy the completed weapon?



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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > @"Last Crysis.1934" said:

> > since I like my legendary weapons it forces me to do WvW. So yes I will pay real money if I don't have to go into that environment. I would even pay someone else to do it for me if I could trust them


> Just buy the completed weapon?




That only works for the first generation weapons. Any thing HoT and beyond you can't buy.

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There are multiple other activities to do in order to build and maintain participation.

If all you're doing as a scout is hanging around a structure waiting to repair for a defend objective event you're doing it wrong or just being lazy.

Kill and capture a camp.

Kill and capture a sentry.

Escort or kill yaks.

Capture a ruin.

Capture a shrine.

Kill a player.

These are all things you SHOULD be doing as an active scout.


The only issue I see here is if defend objective is only working on repairs(which I doubt), I would think it gives you credit for most of the above stuff listed if done within it's sphere, if it doesn't then it needs to be properly fixed.


"But what about the times defend objective is on and there's no enemies around? like a tap?" Well... if you didn't kill anything like a player or siege, you didn't defend against anything.. Why the hell should you get participation for it? Imma tap repair this wall and get full credit for the defense anyways.


Also repair isn't the lowest form of participation. The wiki list below it gives 5 mins plus some of the highest participation points for an activity. Defend objective gives 10 mins and a good chunk of participation, but oh look capturing a sentry gives the same amount of points. Why do you think roamers do the lap on maps and kill sentries and camps around it as well kill some other roamers along the way? As a scout you should be countering or backcapping. You should be rewarded participation for actually being active around your map and not sitting behind a wall waiting to repair.


![](https://i.imgur.com/ybjsPoM.jpg "")



> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> I'm against this simply for one reason: Maguuma.

> They spawn camp with siege, use 8 man groups to stop 1 person flipping a camp or sentry and use 30 man Stealth bombs on 5 man groups trying to take a tower back....

> We sorta need the silly things like wall repair to be able to maintain participation against players like that.

> (Maybe get rid of it after alliances? in a more balanced population scenario)


If you're being spawn camped, most likely don't have a force to hold anything on the map, most likely you own nothing on the map, and have nothing to repair anyways... why are you still on that map trying to get participation?

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> There are multiple other activities to do in order to build and maintain participation.

> If all you're doing as a scout is hanging around a structure waiting to repair for a defend objective event you're doing it wrong or just being lazy.

> Kill and capture a camp.

> Kill and capture a sentry.

> Escort or kill yaks.

> Capture a ruin.

> Capture a shrine.

> Kill a player.

> These are all things you SHOULD be doing as an active scout.


> The only issue I see here is if defend objective is only working on repairs(which I doubt), I would think it gives you credit for most of the above stuff listed if done within it's sphere, if it doesn't then it needs to be properly fixed.


> "But what about the times defend objective is on and there's no enemies around? like a tap?" Well... if you didn't kill anything like a player or siege, you didn't defend against anything.. Why the hell should you get participation for it? Imma tap repair this wall and get full credit for the defense anyways.


> Also repair isn't the lowest form of participation. The wiki list below it gives 5 mins plus some of the highest participation points for an activity. Defend objective gives 10 mins and a good chunk of participation, but oh look capturing a sentry gives the same amount of points. Why do you think roamers do the lap on maps and kill sentries and camps around it as well kill some other roamers along the way? As a scout you should be countering or backcapping. You should be rewarded participation for actually being active around your map and not sitting behind a wall waiting to repair.


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/ybjsPoM.jpg "")



> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > I'm against this simply for one reason: Maguuma.

> > They spawn camp with siege, use 8 man groups to stop 1 person flipping a camp or sentry and use 30 man Stealth bombs on 5 man groups trying to take a tower back....

> > We sorta need the silly things like wall repair to be able to maintain participation against players like that.

> > (Maybe get rid of it after alliances? in a more balanced population scenario)


> If you're being spawn camped, most likely don't have a force to hold anything on the map, most likely you own nothing on the map, and have nothing to repair anyways... why are you still on that map trying to get participation?


For fun.


Sneaking a tower from a server like Mag under those conditions is apart of that fun.



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Concerning "Object Defender" daily & repairs


There are two things that make wall repairs so important:

* repairs, whether they are just spending one supply or ten with a single "stroke" award a guaranteed participation to the dynamic event and therefore qualify for the daily

* most other things you do as a single player rushing to help has no or kind of vague chance of giving you participation, like rezzing a downed NPC, throwing a siege disabler or driving the enemy out of the tower (including killing it outside the tower).


This makes wall repairs so tempting to use, because it is a safe way to obtain the daily.

Why don't players use camp defence instead? Because getting a camp defend is even more random. All of the things I listed apply as well in addition of camps having no clears boundaries. Killing an attacker outside the "claiming circle" in my years of experience in WvW is very likely to not count as participation to the defence event. Sadly Anet has never addressed this problem and set up clear condition on how exactly participation to defence events work.


PS: On the point of "wasting supply on failed towers". Draining supply in the courtyard, when the enemy is fighting the lord might actually be a decent tactic, because the depot will be empty when the attackers have overtaken the tower, leaving them with less supply to attack something else or to set up a fast defence siege.

If I could, I sometimes would like to spend only two supply into a failed tower's wall, but due to my maxed out repair Mastery, I "have to spend" at least 10, because that's what the game engine applies to the wall.


My conclusion: The OP would be less angry if the "normal players" had a more reliable way of getting event participation. This would reduce the number of people wanting to repair walls for that purpose and leave only the "lazy people" exposed, who don't really contribute to the game mode at all.

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > @"HazyDaisy.4107" said:

> > I sometimes don't get credit for objective defender even if I'm throwing disablers, building seige and killing a few fools. Repairing walls/gates (assuming there's enough damage to do so) usually does the trick for that daily.

> >

> > No thank you, no more changes to what constitutes defending something, it's already screwed up enough.


> Object defender is not a one time event per day, get plenty of chances to get it.

> I really don't see that as a reason to justify having afk repair participation around, sorry.


> > @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> >


> I don't really care I just want it off the participation list so the lazy afking repair once every 10 mins players either go do something for participation or leave.


Except there are those that will legit repair a wall and not be an afk'er. This will be punishing those that try.

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