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What's your favorite Episode(s) from all the Seasons?


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There are many to choose, but which episode gave you a feeling: _Please, don't end!_ and gave you goosebumps?


This poll will look like that: You choose a season, and write the name of the episode in your comment.


HoT is included to Season 2 and PoF is included to Season 3.


Personally I will make TOP 3.


# The Point of No Return


I can't explain the feeling I had when I first played it. The whole leading us through by Caithe's history gave me the feeling that how her life was tangled, through love, pain, death, feeling guilty. The whole mess with her Wyld Hunt gave me chills. And this absolutely perfect culmination that the Sylvari come from the Jungle Dragon, the death of poor and pure-hearted sylvari made me almost cry, and the villainy Faolain gave this whole situation an unbelivable feeling. One of the best episodes this game has, in my opinion. Also the music was just mind-blowing- The Nightmare Court, The Golden Cave and The Shadow of the Dragon. Astonishingly good episode.


# Daybreak


This episode was just what I wanted from GW2 since Season 3 had began. The lore in this map was great, mysteries and unexpected reveals, and more story, less running through the whole map, epic battles in Amnoon and the Great Hall with Amala. The whole building-up the story was just phenomenal. And hearing Taimi's scared voice gave me the feeling I'd never felt before playing this game.


Asonishing music like Amala's theme or Inquest's theme gave this episode something extraordinary, gave a feeling of mystery and dread. Joko is the villain this game deserves.


#A Bug in the System


Not as good as Daybreak, but I really liked it, especially the moment when Joko threw the plague into the portal, and traversing 3 locations and when we got to the space my heart almost stopped beating. Very touching episode with the charr that look completely different than the ones we know-- Charr that cherrish the Nature??? Never imagined I'd see anything like that. :D And the music just in the end of the whole episode gave me unbelivable feelings.



Season 3 was pretty interesting, but killing my favorite character: Demmi was a dire mistake and I'll never forgive Anet... Also the grand reveal maybe was something special, but giving Balthazar a mask of almost madman made me very angry. And this whole "The Shining Blade" thing was soo unnecesary. I like some elements of this season like the moment when Taimi said: Jormag is also active, made me gasped. And Aurene's birth was pretty nice, but I didn't like any episode as I did for example The Point of No Return.



The trailers were really bad in Season 3, like the Head of the Snake one that showed Jennah as a fighter, as somebody that says: "We'll not fall!!!" and then in episode she was like: "oh nice flowers, oh minister is dead, oh i make a shield and kiss my naked feet."


Can't tell too much about Season 1, because I only touched the end of it. And didn't paricipate in the final battle, so I can't tell.



EDIT: So I think Season 4 is my favorite. :)

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I miss how epic Season 1 was..!

I know it had some things people didn't like so much, but it felt really exciting--especially the disaster at LA. If only A.net followed-through with making it replayable in the story journal like all the other story steps and LivingWorld seasons. I know it wouldn't be the same, but at least there wouldn't be this giant story gap between Personal Story and Season 2. I never even got to do the Tower of Nightmares and the giant ugly mess in Kessex Hills makes zero sense to me. I wish with all the mystic coins in Tyria that Zammoros would turn Kessex Hills back to how it was before it became a hideous toxic dumpsite and to give us story instances or dungeons for Season 1 episodes. Southsun Cove would also have a little more context and more traffic if season one story-steps directed players here.

P.s. I loved Scarlet as a psychotic villain as much as Taimi loved her!

P.p.s. Job-O-Tron/Hobo-Tron/Hero-Tron's origin story is from this season! As are Taimi's, Rox's, Braham's, Marjory's, Kasmeer's, Canach's, Ellen Kiel's, Evon Gnashblade's, Mai Trin's, the Consortium's and the Aetherblades'!

P.p.p.s. The Mount Racing music is Sanctum Sprint in the Labyrinthine Cliffs.

#ALSO: the music.


:warning: Possible Spoilers :warning:


My second favourite would have to be Season 4. Specifically, The Bug in the System episode because of how thoroughly engrossing it was to me; from the infiltration of Primus Beta to the diverse Charr society of grassroots non-militarised sorcery, and to the achievements and collections side-quests--I loved it all! Sandswept Isles is one of my favourite Elonan maps now (next to Crystal Oasis, Elon Riverlands, and Desert Highlands :sweat_smile: ).


Season 2 lacked a lot of voice-acting so it'd be rock-bottom for me.. :bawling: Also, I found it weird that Marjory had to organise an audience with the Pale Tree if you were playing a sylvari. But my favourite episode this season would have to be Seeds of Truth because back-story, intrigue, and front-/back-stabbing!


Season 3 was better but upset me when there were zero-poops given for Marshal Trahearne! Even us sylvari barely had any fanfare for one of our Firstborn! And right after A.net failed to deliver on the sylvari-arc loose-ends (Nightmare Court, The Harbinger, etc.)!!! My favourite episode for this season is a tie between A Crack in the Ice and The Head of the Snake.


I loved HoT but it missed out on a lot of story/lore opportunities because they rushed it (do any of the Itzel mention anything more about Ameyalli? The Temple of Ameyalli have a bunch of them sitting around it but without much dialogue--and I've noticed that her shrine looks AMBITIOUSLY like a tree with sylvari seed pods hanging from them). So favourite expac would have to be PoF for its story-completeness. :lol:

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Season two had its moments. The pale tree getting all the leaders together, Rytlocks attempt to remove the ghosts by lifting Adelbern's curse, even the final bossfight against the Shadow of the Dragon. Good stuff. But the timing was odd. So much about season two was definitely solid, but still not quite there.


Then came Heart of Thorns, establishing the commander as a character.


Season three started out with a bang.


All the things we did. Play with Aurene, chase Caudecus, meet Canach, Rytlock getting questioned by Smodur/Bangar offscreen, Commander fooling around in the fire Islands, Lazarus being back, Braham going through his emo phase, Caudecus assaulting Divinity's Reach, Jennah being badass and making all the Mesmers jealous, assaulting Beetlestone Manor one last time, Canach on fire, that one secret room in Queensdale, that ceiling mirror ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), Lazarus not being back!? Unmasking Balthazar, moving to Draconis Mons to SAVE Primordus, challenging a god of war, searching for the Eye of Janthir(the WHAT NOW!?!), my charr apparently being eligible to join the shining blade(low point of S3), moving to Siren's Landing to kill the actual Lazarus in preparation for killing the fake Lazarus.


Enter PoF, where we have to defeat a



And now we're at season four. And while the new maps are formulaic, the quality on the first two maps has been unmatched. So far the story is increasing in tension. Pretty well executed timing, encounter design is challenging. Istani scholars, pirates, Sunspears, a lost tribe of Charr, Inquest (Our employees are important to us!*). If season four develops at this level of quality, it will be better than even season three, which was better than season two.

I can't make a statement on season one, but from what I've heard season two was a step up from one, thanks to Scharlet being dead.


*What if this is a cry for help from the devs?

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> @"Sublimatio.6981" said:

> of course people are gonna vote for season 4 because its new and trendy.


I didn't vote for S4, because "it's trendy", but because it's astonishingly well designed. There is a huge difference between S3 and S4, it was like they totally changed the story writers, but it didn't happen (I guess).


And especially the trailers have been really showing the content, showing something what can be seen in game, and Daybreak trailer was something in between S3 and A Bug in the System trailer, still with scenes that give 2 ways of understanding, but it was okey.


But after watching A Bug in the System trailer I didn't feel hype, it wasn't meant to give hype in my opinion.


Some joky scenes, showing what's going to be released, and then this huge dread from Fear not this Night version gave me something I'd never felt before. It was scary, giving chills, not meant to build up hype, just the mature interestment in what's to come. That's how I saw it.

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that's what i'm talking about. i can't know for sure but you're probably hyped because it's still fresh and recent and people (without even realising) tend to forget how amazing some older content was when other content is in the spotlight. i'm not saying this as a rule but as a tendency. you can observe this in many other areas like tv, movies, music.

and yes there are exceptions like "old star wars is classic its way better" or "dungeons are better than raids please bring them back", but when people talk about tv series or episodes within a season then that tendency is more apparent

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Well since you won't let me specify the episode, I'd say my favorite is Out of the Shadows. The end when Lazarus comes back was one of the hottest and most buzz-inciting endings that Guild Wars ever delivered.


For a season though, 4 will probably be the top dog for me. LS3 suffered by running around a bit too much. LS4 has us run around but at least they haven't introduced two different plot points for us to follow simultaneously already.

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> @"Cuddy.6247" said:

> Well since you won't let me specify the episode, I'd say my favorite is Out of the Shadows. The end when Lazarus comes back was one of the hottest and most buzz-inciting endings that Guild Wars ever delivered.


> For a season though, 4 will probably be the top dog for me. LS3 suffered by running around a bit too much. LS4 has us run around but at least they haven't introduced two different plot points for us to follow simultaneously already.


_This poll will look like that: You choose a season, and write the name of the episode in your comment._


If I would write all of the names of episodes, this would be real mess. :) Could have also not making a poll, but it's fun. :)

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Season 4 is so far the only season that hasn't had me hating an episode so far. So it's a clear winner for me. The Braham season 3 stuff was too forced, I hated the Caithe episodes in season 2, I didn't play season 1 but from what I've heard that's a good thing. Etc.. There are other issues I had with the other seasons but I don't feel like taking the time to list all of them.

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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> > @"Cuddy.6247" said:

> > Well since you won't let me specify the episode, I'd say my favorite is Out of the Shadows. The end when Lazarus comes back was one of the hottest and most buzz-inciting endings that Guild Wars ever delivered.

> >

> > For a season though, 4 will probably be the top dog for me. LS3 suffered by running around a bit too much. LS4 has us run around but at least they haven't introduced two different plot points for us to follow simultaneously already.


> _This poll will look like that: You choose a season, and write the name of the episode in your comment._


> If I would write all of the names of episodes, this would be real mess. :) Could have also not making a poll, but it's fun. :)


Well I'd still be hesitant to choose since season 4 isn't over... With the way they're taking the Joko story, I could see one of the next 2 chapters blowing me away.

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4 in terms of design and overall quality, it is the best and I want anet to continue LW like these episodes.

3 in terms of maps, because desert is my least favorite biome in games. Which isn't saying much, I still am loving the maps, its just every other region, such as those visited in 3, were more my speed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I really loved the introduction of baby Aurene with that cute gif of her that loads of people put online from the "birth scene" with her kinda stomping from one foot to the other. I love baby Aurene and playing with her and teaching her and protecting her was my favorite thing about season three. Plus spiderman mastery. Wish I could use spiderman mastery in every map.

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