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Void Jumping and Map Breaking

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TLDR version: map breaking was fun for many people, should it be brought back or would that be a waste of time?


So, according to one of the devs, Chris Cleary on Reddit 2 years ago, map breaking is not normally something GW2 would ban for unless being maliciously used (I will presume maliciously = for easier map completion or unfair gains of some kind, which I completely understand why they would ban for that). However, despite (hopefully!) not banning for innocent map breaking just for fun, GW2 has not only eliminated the potential to void jump, but has added many invisible walls, making some map breaks like the hidden Caledon Forest unfinished JP impossible now.


This is really sad to me, because I love exploring and finding cool hidden areas to hang out alone or with friends in. I actually bonded with my significant other, who I met in this game a few years ago <3, over exploring maps together and trying to find pretty views and cool places. I know that he and I were far from the only two people who enjoyed map breaking; one time, when map breaking, I ran into a whole group of charrs roleplaying in an area that was normally only accessible in a charr story! Despite me being a norn, they were very welcoming ;).


I know the devs love to give us as finished a product as possible, and I genuinely appreciate their attempts to finalize maps before they put them out there, but I do wish they would keep these fun little easter eggs and hard to reach areas available to those of us who enjoy exploring them so much!


What do you guys think about map breaks? If you enjoyed them, or know anyone who did, do you think it is worth developer time to remove some invis barriers around the coolest map breaks, or bring back void jumping? BTW to any devs who see this - if map breaks aren't allowed any more and if policy has changed I apologize. Feel free to remove my post if that is the case - I have put a lot of time and effort into my account and definitely don't want to end up on anyone's bad side here!


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> @"derd.6413" said:

> map breaks are a form of bugs and should be fixed. just because bugs are "fun" doesn't mean they should be left in the game


But they aren't bugs that are easily experienced by people unless they are trying to find them, mostly. And they don't actually affect gameplay negatively. Plenty of games have cool easter eggs and hard-to-find areas, I don't see why this should be any different, although granted most of those games are single player while this is an MMO.


I respect your opinion, but disagree that all bugs need to be fixed.

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> @"alaskasnowgirl.6047" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > map breaks are a form of bugs and should be fixed. just because bugs are "fun" doesn't mean they should be left in the game


> But they aren't bugs that are easily experienced by people unless they are trying to find them, mostly. And they don't actually affect gameplay negatively. Plenty of games have cool easter eggs and hard-to-find areas, I don't see why this should be any different, although granted most of those games are single player while this is an MMO.


> I respect your opinion, but disagree that all bugs need to be fixed.


you don't need void jumping to have hidden areas or easter eggs. besides having to much easy ways to break maps will just give the game a bad rep (and yes, alot of map breaks became easy with the addition of mounts)

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Breaking out of the map also always holds the risk that your character ends up in a "place" with undefined coordinates. If I recall correctly ANet explained at one point that they try to prevent people from going out of the map because there are ways to mess up your character's coordinates that makes it pretty much impossible even for the techs to move you back into the regular game world, so your character and their whole inventory would essentially be lost.

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> @"alaskasnowgirl.6047" said:

> And they don't actually affect gameplay negatively.

According to the devs, they do. Which is why the gaps get filled in or blocked


> Plenty of games have cool easter eggs and hard-to-find areas,

Yes, including GW2. But those are designed to be in the game; void jumping areas are not.


> I ...disagree that all bugs need to be fixed.

All bugs ought to be fixed ultimately, unless devs agree that they should retroactively accept them as features.


A more interesting argument would be: why doesn't ANet reduce the priority of fixing void-jumps? As a practical matter, no game will ever see all its bugs fixed; there are just always going to be too many, some too complex to discover their origins, and some that would require major overhauls. Given that, focusing on void jumping prevention means less time spent on fixing other issues.


Thus it boils down to: why do devs think that void jumping is such a big deal that its prevention should be among its high priorities?


Unfortunately I haven't kept track of ANet's posts on the topic (and they've made several over the last year or two). I urge those who wish to change ANet's policies to track them down and find a way that the studio's concerns can be addressed while leaving at least some void jumps in the game.

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> map breaks are a form of bugs and should be fixed. just because bugs are "fun" doesn't mean they should be left in the game


> @"derd.6413" said:

> map breaks are a form of bugs and should be fixed. just because bugs are "fun" doesn't mean they should be left in the game


Sometimes bugs become features.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > map breaks are a form of bugs and should be fixed. just because bugs are "fun" doesn't mean they should be left in the game


> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > map breaks are a form of bugs and should be fixed. just because bugs are "fun" doesn't mean they should be left in the game


> Sometimes bugs become features.


then you still need to fix some of the kinks/issues of the "new feature" but i very much doubt anet is gonna make void jumping a feature

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