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Queen bee aura stacking

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I want options to disable everything that is shiny, or set everything to basic skins. I want the PVP/WVW option of setting standard models to everyone in PVE as well. And disable all the weapon glitter effect on everyone, or everyone but myself, or everyone but my party etc.


Seriously, This is starting to remind me of oldschool games before they heard of epilepsy warning and all that.![](https://i.imgur.com/ApagLZW.gif "")


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I think, in the vid the effec is increased because the player is using a spider tonic. I know that toon and when in human form the effects of the aura are a bit more reasonable. With the Queen Bee infusion the noise is much more a problem than the visual clutter.

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Worse yet, that player seems to have nothing better to do than troll that area for hours every day. Half the time when I'm there they are there to annoy people with the glare and buzzing. I shouldn't have to mute all sounds simply to not be driven mad because I want to use the area I paid real world money to access. Spam is a bad thing and this really amounts to little more than visual and auditory spam. Please give us an option to mute and hide these sorts of intentionally irritating displays.

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The video perfectly illustrates why we need a "standard model" option for open world. Siezures are a real thing, and people like to troll...incessantly.

Not to mention the performance improvements that could be had if I could turn off everyone else's light show.

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> @"lokh.2695" said:

> I think, in the vid the effect is increased because the player is using a spider tonic. I know that toon and when in human form the effects of the aura are a bit more reasonable. With the Queen Bee infusion the noise is much more a problem than the visual clutter.


I have a Queen Bee and checked. The effects from using a spider tonic greatly increases the size of the bees, though not the numbers. Other tonics, the bees are either the same size or smaller than when used on a char.


Nerfing the spider tonic to match other topics would make a difference, although it would also remove the amusement value of being in a plastic spider form and holding a gigantic weapon/birthday blaster at the same time.

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The guy in the video in chat clearly says its from 8 infusions. Man 8 of any infusions is that annoying. Have you ever seen anyone with more than 4 or 5 (I forgot) ghostly infusions? It's a freaking eyesore. Add to that the character in the video was larger from the tonic. Which that embiggening tonic would do just as well. Imagine 8 bee infusions on a norn, with an embiggening tonic. I mean people are gonna be as ridiculous with their money as they want to be the only saving grace is these bee infusions are several thousands of gold each so there's not more people who can do it. But yelling halp! police! is bad for the game, i think.

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I'll be honest, I have no idea why anyone would want to use the Queen Bee infusion on their characters. The constant buzzing noise on its own would be enough to drive me insane. I've seen players stack this and other auras all on top of each other, to the point where they end up looking like a walking new years fireworks show, but I can't help but scratch my head and wonder why they do it.


I wouldn't be able to enjoy playing a game with all that visual and audio noise. It would become too bothersome and distracting. It would obstruct both your view and the ambient sounds of the world. Maybe some people think it looks cool and they want to show off and make other players think they're wealthy or something, but to me, when you just stack a ton of particle effects on top of each other, it doesn't look classy, epic or amazing, it looks messy, ugly and very unappealing.

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> I don't think there's a problem, mostly because stacking 8 infusions costs, like, 32,000 gold. It is prohibitively expensive to be annoying this way.


I take it you don't visit Mistlock Sanctuary on EU. The annoyance exists and they troll regularly. An option to not be harassed would be appreciated and adding this sound effect to the the other mutable nuisance ones is not unreasonable. The visual is less an issue to me, but I'd certainly dial that down if given the option also.

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> @"Onex.2590" said:

> > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > I don't think there's a problem, mostly because stacking 8 infusions costs, like, 32,000 gold. It is prohibitively expensive to be annoying this way.


> I take it you don't visit Mistlock Sanctuary on EU. The annoyance exists and they troll regularly. An option to not be harassed would be appreciated and adding this sound effect to the the other mutable nuisance ones is not unreasonable. The visual is less an issue to me, but I'd certainly dial that down if given the option also.


I've never seen this in Mistlock/NA and I find it hard to believe that the behavior is that different. People have infusions and it probably wouldn't occur to them that the thing that pleases them bothers other people so much.

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I just saw this toon bouncing around Mistlock. People were complaining and they called us poor and jealous and suggested we mute sound effects because we have "autism". :open_mouth: I don't want to mute sound effects! Why should we change settings because of them? Is there no other solution? I find it bothersome also. :confounded:

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Some stacking isn’t bad. For example my Charr had the [Ghostly outfit](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Ghostly_Outfit.jpg) which I dyed black then used a Poly Undulating black infusion to make it completely black. I then added a Ghostly infusion for blue smoke. For my mounts I used the Halloween set and dyed them black with blue smoke. Both my Charr and my mounts were deep black with white eyes and with blue smoke coming off them. So I wouldn’t want all stacking to be removed although I admit that it can go over the top if people use multiples effects.

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> @"Celine.4206" said:

> I just saw this toon bouncing around Mistlock. People were complaining and they called us poor and jealous and suggested we mute sound effects because we have "autism". :open_mouth: I don't want to mute sound effects! Why should we change settings because of them? Is there no other solution? I find it bothersome also. :confounded:


That's kinda funny actually like....does this person actually listen to themselves? Does being poor in a videogame make your hearing and sight more sensitive? Does being jealous give you autism? Like they know they're trolling there's literally no getting around it, acting the reason you're annoyed is because you can't afford to be that annoying is just more trolling.


As for aura stacking, i think some aura stacking is good. The deep purple aura from double quip is lush, I love it and it's the reason I made quip.

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There are always going to be trolls. Block them from aura stacking and they'll just find some other way to annoy people. (As always: don't feed them. Don't let them know if you're bothered. They almost always go away if they don't get the attention they want.) Consequently, I don't want ANet to limit aura stacking because of trolls.


However, there are other good reasons to offer _more_ options to reducing visual clutter. So many skills are stunning, there are tells from bosses that we want (or need) to see, fields we want to combo on... and all of that is hidden by too many legendaries, gem shop, infusions, etc.


Near as I can tell, though: ANet would like to offer more options, it just turns out to be technically more complicated than it looks from our end.

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