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Favorite ally profession


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A good thief is particularly impressive to me to have as an ally, when I'm playing war. Good allies are not class specific ofc but something about having a hitman drop in and cut down a fleeing target/interrupt an opponent trying to set up to burst me is thematically pleasing to me. That kind of interplay is what made thief my second class pickup.


After that, its tied between Guard, specifically reaper necros, and Ele thematically. (Just being decent/aware transcends class preference though.)

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Two really stand out to me: Guardian and Thief. A good thief can change the course of the game singlehandedly with the right team. But a good guardian can practically guarantee that an enemy thief can't do the same, be it through teamfight support, natural tankiness, or good damage output.

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> @"Legatus.3608" said:

> Lol wut people voting thief


> I never would have guessed, that's interesting


I think it's because -- in my experience -- a bad thief (which happens a LOT) usually makes the game 4v5 and almost auto-lose. Or better said, when everyone else is mostly competent, the team with the better thief wins.


Also, I am not basing my answer of the current fotm OP classes (cough.mesmer.cough) ... but just generally speaking over all the years of GW2 pvp I've played.


"A Good Thief is Hard to Find" -- Flannery O'Connor, 1953. Wait...

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