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Gem Store Whale Discount [Suggestion/Request]

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As someone who regularly buy gems with irl money and knows many other people who do the same, I have a request for the Arenanet team: Could you implement a simple rewards system for regular gem store patrons? I’ve thought of three potential ways to structure this:


* An account-specific discount that’s applied to the player if they bought at least certain quantity of gems in the previous month (1600+ gems or more, depending on what would be feasible on your end.) You could even offer tiers of this, which update at the end of each month (1600+, 2800+, 4000+, etc.) This discount could take two different forms:


>1. General discount for items in the gem store (5-10% off)

>2. Bonus gems for purchases (800+100, 1600+200, 2800+350, 4000+500, 8000+1000. +8% gems? Or +4% or something similar)

* The third one is less of a sustained discount and could just be applied to every player:


>3. Bonus gems per every x gems bought. (ex: every 3000 gems, 200 extra gems. or: like the repeatable wvw/pvp reward tracks except instead of track exp it’s purchased gems and instead of chests it’s bonus gems)


Time-sensitive compounding benefits/rewards would honestly make sustaining the discount unappealing to me, and I’m sure it’d do the same for other people, so I ask that if you do implement something like this it’s not streak-based. ;-;

Of course there are other ways something like this could work, but you get the idea.


Thank you for your time! I hope you consider this idea, as it would be greatly appreciated by us players, and would likely benefit you as well. <3


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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> It always struck me as a little odd that the gem purchase system suggests various quantities when they all come out to the same amount per gem! Why not offer a little incentive for purchasing more? Or would that mess with the gem exchange somehow?


Personally, I love that I can buy the smallest batch of gems without feeling like I'm getting a bad deal because I can't afford bigger lump sums.


Spending €50 gets me 4000 gems, whether I spend €50 once every 5 months or €10 every month. This absolutely makes me *more* inclined to spend money on the game.

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > It always struck me as a little odd that the gem purchase system suggests various quantities when they all come out to the same amount per gem! Why not offer a little incentive for purchasing more? Or would that mess with the gem exchange somehow?


> Personally, I love that I can buy the smallest batch of gems without feeling like I'm getting a bad deal because I can't afford bigger lump sums.


> Spending €50 gets me 4000 gems, whether I spend €50 once every 5 months or €10 every month. This absolutely makes me *more* inclined to spend money on the game.


Yeah, I also like that I can buy gems in smaller amounts when I want them without feeling like I should be buying them in bulk. I appreciate that they offer gems that way.

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> @"Nate Anabe.6091" said:

> Results in a 2 class system

There's already people who regularly spend money on gems to get outfits and cosmetics and such and people who don't, so this wouldn't "result" in it- it already exists. :p

I've decided that I like GW2 and Anet enough to pour my money into their game, it'd just be nice to get a small benefit for doing that regularly.



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> @"Rysdude.3824" said:

> I like these ideas and all for any of them being implemented. To add to the suggestions, maybe a reward track similiar in nature to the achievement point system that rewards it own unique set of cosmetics or titles.


As tempting as this is I am wary of locking specific cosmetics behind spending massive amounts of money. ;-; That Would be unfair for people who don't want to/can't put money into the game.

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I'm with the people that hope that ANet will NOT introduce extra incentives to make people spend (more/more regularly) money on this game. So far, the gem store is exceptionally good at allowing people to spend at their own leisure, without feeding the feeling of "I have to spend more to get the most out of my money" or "I have to spend again to get the most out of what I already spent".


Any incentive/bonus to spending real money on gems beyond what those gems already allow you to buy in game will lead to one person's dollars/euros/whatever spent no longer equalling another person's money spent, and thus put pressure on the person that doesn't/can't spend enough to get "the most" out of their purchase, as such leaving them with a bad feeling. Part of the people will feel pressured into spending more than they should, leading to them not feeling the satisfaction in their purchase that will keep them a long-term satisfied customer. Another part will end up not spending at all because they no longer feel like they're getting their money's worth, seeing how that whale next door will effectively get more value per dollar (rather than just "more" at an equal dollar value).

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> @"Neural.1824" said:

> "I'm rich, so I should get discounts"


You do realize this is how pretty much all customer loyalty rewards programs work right? The more a customer spends at the store or with a certain credit card the more points or rewards they get.


If they were to implement a reward system it would make sense to follow suit with most other rewards systems. I don’t mind one way or the other, but this is how they work.

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> I'm with the people that hope that ANet will NOT introduce extra incentives to make people spend (more/more regularly) money on this game. So far, the gem store is exceptionally good at allowing people to spend at their own leisure, without feeding the feeling of "I have to spend more to get the most out of my money" or "I have to spend again to get the most out of what I already spent".


> Any incentive/bonus to spending real money on gems beyond what those gems already allow you to buy in game will lead to one person's dollars/euros/whatever spent no longer equalling another person's money spent, and thus put pressure on the person that doesn't/can't spend enough to get "the most" out of their purchase, as such leaving them with a bad feeling. Part of the people will feel pressured into spending more than they should, leading to them not feeling the satisfaction in their purchase that will keep them a long-term satisfied customer. Another part will end up not spending at all because they no longer feel like they're getting their money's worth, seeing how that whale next door will effectively get more value per dollar (rather than just "more" at an equal dollar value).


One person's $10 spent is already not equal to another's $100.


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