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Feedback: Official Forums

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I'm sure I was automatically signed out while I was typing a rather long post, and then the forum started throwing error pop-ups at me every few seconds.


Eventually I realised what had happened in another tab because I was no longer logged in there, and, fortunately I was able to log back in on that tab and then complete my post in the other. Yikes.

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First of all the font size for the poster's name is ridiculously large.


Second, having the poster's name in the middle only pushes the thread..having the names on the side like the old forum is the best layout.


Third, everyone is a "member" thus that information is irrelevant, plus ArenaNet has a red strip on their post to differentiate themselves.


Lastly, the simplicity of the old forum when it comes to "report", "quote", etc. makes the forum pleasant to read. The constant flashing of red texts when scrolling down hurts my eyes.


To be honest, the old forum didn't need a layout change.

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> @"Kaltyn of Torbins Deep.2946" said:

> > @Pompeia.5483 said:

> > Obligatory request for dark theme/night mode :)


> This is actually a very valid point. White takes more power to generate than black, or even the darker colors. Haven't looked at the mobile site, but if bright white is it will have an impact on battery life.




> @OriOri.8724 said:

> Also the main forum page is very bloated with empty whitepsace. Please consider condensing it significantly, instead of making us scroll down so far to reach the subforum links.




Feedback: I am very impressed with the new forum overall though.

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> @Nokomis.5076 said:

> Can I please get back the possibility to have an RSS feed for each subcategory? At least I haven't found anything like that yet.


Actually they appear to all have them already. Just add ".rss" to the URL. I.E. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/guild-wars-2-discussion and https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/guild-wars-2-discussion.rss

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> @Charrbeque.8729 said:

> Overall pretty decent. It will take a little getting use to, but I like the new forums so far.


Seriously? So far my only comment with thumbs down^.


I must have triggered a couple people who really hate the forums.


I do like the new forums, but think the whole thumbs up/down thing is rather useless.


Edit: Wow. Even the word "t.r.i.g.g.e.r.e.d" is censored and changed to 'kitten'.


Nice to see the profanity filter working better than ever.

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i suppose i should have left this here


> @"Forgotten Legend.9281" said:

> i am impressed by the following:


> a) more threads appear in the subforum lists (i counted around 50)

> b) the default vertical space for a single post has been reduced

> c) search engine!

> d) improved +1 system

> e) improved visibility for Dev Tracker

> f) most recent discussion visibility

> g) dev posts and stickies do not appear to count toward the page limit for threads / posts

> h) ability to bookmark a page easily within the forums

> i) easier access to user area (account settings, notifications, bookmarks, etc)


> feature / QoL suggestion(s) not already covered by the TL:DR feedback thread OP list


> 1) please let me choose how many posts to show per page. (i'd much rather scroll through 200 posts on a single page, than reload the page 20 times while following a conversation)

> 2) make a friends list and/or guild list on the forums

> 3) maybe link the friends list and/or guild list from the game to the forums




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I find the new forums to be a massive downgrade compared to the old version. Visually cluttered, post width is much too wide to read comfortably, avatar/author name is unnecessarily large, too many lines between names/bodies of text -- very unpleasant experience overall. I used to visit the forum multiple times a day to keep up with news/discussions, but I will make it a point to **avoid** the official forums now if this is how it's going to be.


Pretty much agree with everything in [this post](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/682/the-new-forums-are-a-step-back/p1 "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/682/the-new-forums-are-a-step-back/p1").


I also think purging the older forum content without archiving it somewhere is a **HUGE** mistake. I still find a lot of useful information and resources in older posts and discussions, and it would be a shame to lose that.

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**Dev Tracker needs a lot of work.** I don't enjoy being harsh, but it's really not a proper dev tracker currently.

* **Sort them in the chronological order a dev has last posted.** Currently they are sorted in the order _anyone_ has posted. This post, for example, will bump this thread to the top of the dev tracker, even if no dev actually posts.

* **Make it easier to navigate directly to the red post.** Especially if there are more than one on a thread. Old forum had arrow buttons that would take you to the next/previous red posts within a thread.

* **'Latest Arenanet Posts' section of the front page has potential.** It's a functional and quickly skimmable dev tracker- sorts in proper order, shows the preview of the post(preview looks messy when there are quote blocks in them though), takes you directly to the red post when clicked. Maybe expand on that and make it the new dev tracker instead. (then remove it from the front page, it's extra scroll space to get to the subforum buttons)

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Will the dev post category be coming back? I had that linked in my feeds before and was very handy.


Edit: switched out of mobile and found its still there. Could it be added to the mobile version.

Edit2: readded the dev tracker to my feed but it just shows the first post and not the dev post. Using this in the forum also just takes you to the thread and doesn't jump you ahead to the dev post. While being able to see that a dev has posted is great being able to jump to it is also a useful ability. Like on reddit i will use the bot to make sure I found all dev posts within a dev marked thread. Please add more than just a quick key for a tag search which is all the dev tracker button is atm

Loving the new forums looking forward to the capabilities

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May have been said, I didn't read all of the posts but... Please increase the size of forum path at the top/bottom of the page. ie. The "Home -> Profession -> Elementalist" It is significantly smaller than Index / Discussion / Dev Tracker above it and I hadn't even noticed it for the first hour I browsed the forums. I thought it was an oversight and simply didn't exist.

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> @"Jon Olson.8439" said:

> @"elvenswordsmen.3975", @"cephiroth.6182", @"Brandr Skjoldulfr.4810":


> The devtracker RSS is already [a thing](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussions/tagged/arenanet.rss). :)


As others said before: this is not the functionality we had before. The linked feed lists the first post of topic an anet employee posted in. The RSS would be supposed to contain the posts of anet employees ordered by post date (desc).

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> @"ex seraphex.1038" said:

> Boy I would really like a dark/nighttime theme. I usually play in a darkened room, and popping this forum up just kills my vision. Also, this forum isn't fantastic on mobile. Just FYI.


I find it to be very good on mobile tbh (remove the thumbs down option and its pretty much perfect). So much so I have abandoned trying to use the desktop version, because thats... not so great. Its just bad.


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Just noticed this, but could you make it that any topics that Anet have tagged as Announcement be put separate at the top, as more and more of these appear the topics get pushed further down, I don't know if im reading something new or something old with them, a divider would be nice like on the older forums, if possible,


Also are you going to be setting up a re-direct link to these forums, from the original site?

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> @SpecterMAT.7306 said:

> Oh hai.

> It's might be me, but I think the current wrapper width is too big and uncomfortable to read.

> Currently the max-width is 1167px and the wrapper usually for easier read is around 940-960px.

> Here is an image about how it would look like:

> ![](http://i.imgur.com/EkBl9hf.jpg "")





Hi Matt, yes I agree :)

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