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Feedback: Official Forums

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I think I would prefer it if i was notified every 10 seconds that my draft has been saved just in case i lose some information in that 50 second interval. And id like the notification to popup maybe 12 new divs that cover every part of the screen I was posting on so i dont accidentally miss it. Maybe play some music and have them filled with animated gifs to get my attention. And do your best to obfuscate the close button on the divs so by the time i close the 12 divs my 10 seconds is up and my draught is saved again popping up another 12 divs.


Thanks in advance.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Just noticed one concern about Previews:


Previews should be available to any forum member. I know there is a bug, where the formatting is quirky. I have reported this and Vanilla will work on making sure previews truly represent what will be shown on the post itself. But again, for availability, anyone should be able to use Preview. If that is not the case, could you please post? We can look at your account to try to see what's going on.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Hybarf Tics.2048" said:

> Love everything except for one, the removal of picture upload from my PC to here.

> That's the one thing I loved most before, now you made it a complicated inconvenience as in not practical at all.


Believe me, you are preaching to the choir here. The inability to upload images is my most missed feature on the new forums, and one I argued against.... err... spoke to retain ;) more than any other.


I remain hopeful that we can someday allow uploads, but for now I've been told, "None shall pass!" And I am truly sorry for that!

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Personally, I love the new forum. It looks a lot nicer, and it has some character versus the old one that really just felt like a list of red text. There is a lot of white space, but that can really be a nice way to break up all the text and in the future be a good way to continue to improve the overall design, without losing this current build.


I also like the index page, as it has a simple header section that updates can be pinned to. That way if there is something important the devs can pin it there and you should always see it if you go through the index page.


I can see how both designs have their pros and cons. I like it though.

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I'd just like to suggest that perhaps Anet can allow people to download new content maybe the day before..... Hyped, hyped hyped about new PoF and hanging out in LA partying with the gang watching twitch feed and getting more excited!!! and then 5, 4, 3, 2 1, LAUNCH!!!! EEEEEE so excited!!!!! AND!!!!


.......................................................................2 hours of download..............................................................................................


an hour and a half after launch I'm still sitting here watching the bar...76%, getting texts from my friends doing fun things in new expansion.


.......................................hype............... /sigh .....

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> @Khisanth.2948 said:

> > @"Valik Shin.9027" said:

> > I think it needs to be easier to see which post belong to devs.


> The red header is already a pretty big indicator. Easily seen when scrolling through. There is also the ArenaNet logo next to the name. Did you mean being able to easily jump between dev posts like in the old forum?


Maybe it's only on the mobile but I don't see any indication of a dev post except that is say arena net at the end of the post

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Didn't realize there was a feedback thread so I already made a thread for this but someone suggested I repost here since this is where it's all collected.


> @Conncept.7638 said:

> Being harassed by a player in private messages here on the forums, and saw immediately that you both cannot report private messages, and that the language filter does not work for the preview window you get when hovering over a new message notification, so I both cannot do anything about his message and got the pleasure of seeing it in its pure vitriolic glory.


> I can't imagine this is intended, so first please put in the option to report PMs, and second, is it appropriate to take something like this to player support in the meantime?


Also, apparently he knows this as now he is further goading me and claiming I can't do anything about him.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @Kreiri.9048 said:

> Your css rule for poll post labels on category pages is still broken. Right now, it is:


> .Tag-Poll {

> background-color: #fba000;

> }


> and is being overridden by rules


> .Section-DiscussionList .DiscussionsTable .DiscussionName .HasNew, .Section-DiscussionList .DiscussionsTable .DiscussionName .Meta .Tag, .Section-DiscussionList .DiscussionsTable .DiscussionName .MItem


> which set background color as gray. Looking at css rules for other tags, it looks like it should be


> .Section-DiscussionList .DiscussionsTable .DiscussionName .HasNew.Tag-Poll,

> .Section-DiscussionList .DiscussionsTable .DiscussionName .Meta .Tag.Tag-Poll,

> .Section-DiscussionList .DiscussionsTable .DiscussionName .MItem.Tag-Poll {

> background-color: #fba000;

> }


> instead. Unless poll labels are **supposed** to be that "disabled gray" color, but then why would you have that rule for orange bg color?


Our web developer said that yes, it is intended that the poll tag be grey.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @Moyayuki.3619 said:

> Any chance separate sub-forums for HoT, PoF, and Living World/Story be created like the previous forums? It's resulting in the General Discussion feeling cluttered.


When going through the process of selecting and screening various forum candidates, then creating the final forum list, I received a request from upper management to greatly reduce the number of subforums that we host in an effort to focus and concentrate conversations, and to eliminate, basically, a "cluttered" list. I had observed over some months a transition that saw players post less in the HoT subforum and more in GW2 Discussion. This was a natural migration and noting that, I wasn't too concerned when we decided to not have subforums for Heart of Thorns, Path of Fire, or Living World.


We achieved quite a bit of streamlining by creating a main Profession subforum and then instituting "child" or sub-subforums off of that heading. That, coupled with addition reductions or compacting, helped meet our objectives. And with that in mind, while I understand the reasoning behind the request, I do not anticipate that we will be creating more subforums at this time.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > @"Hybarf Tics.2048" said:

> > Love everything except for one, the removal of picture upload from my PC to here.

> > That's the one thing I loved most before, now you made it a complicated inconvenience as in not practical at all.


> Believe me, you are preaching to the choir here. The inability to upload images is my most missed feature on the new forums, and one I argued against.... err... spoke to retain ;) more than any other.


> I remain hopeful that we can someday allow uploads, but for now I've been told, "None shall pass!" And I am truly sorry for that!


Keep hoping, Gaile. I'm hoping with you.

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It seems like it lets me stay logged in for a lot longer, which is great, thank you.


I did encounter a weird issue today after it 'did' log me out. I had a page opened which I [ctrl-click'd] into a new tab out of one of the profession forums. It was a discussion on some build ideas for one of the new specs. Because it was opened in the manner it was, there was no history to it. When I was logged out, it seemed as though I was redirected to an 'auto sign out' page, and the forum cleared the history of the page I was on getting there. In theory, after I signed back into the main forum, I should have been able to go 'back' to that tab with that one page and refresh it and I'd be logged in on it, but that didn't happen. I was stuck on that seemingly static page, with not even a 'back' history to return to that page. So now I have to go find it and open it again.


I personally open a Chrome window for each major game I play, and each window has tabs related to that game, be it wikis, forums, main site, build generators, specific builds, or other fan sites. I think it will be problematic to have to find and re-open any page from the forum I might have had open in a separate tab each time I'm logged out.

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I have a teeny wishlist:


**Signatures**: I'd love to have these back? Were they are problem on the old forums? It offers a small way to individualize our profiles; I don't mind the generic avatars as much if I'd be able to have a little signature. Unless I'm dumb and can't find it (but I don't see any from others).


**Server Forums**: It'd be really cool to have forums for each server so people could gather and create a community. I know many servers have their own but it's a pain to add yet another website to the list.


**See who replied / quoted you**: In fast-based threads it can be hard to see who's replied to you without doing a search - would be cool to have a notification feed when someone's quoted you so you can easily continue a discussion

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one thing I've noticed a lot, despite not being on the forums all that much - The way Devtracker works.


In the old forums, it showed the dev's posts, while linking to the relevant thread. Now, it just shows the thread, without showing the dev comment, when/where it was made, etc. Instead of the list of dev comments that the old tracker was, this is just a list of threads with the red **Arenanet** tag, and doesn't help you actually find the posts in question.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > @"Hybarf Tics.2048" said:

> > Love everything except for one, the removal of picture upload from my PC to here.

> > That's the one thing I loved most before, now you made it a complicated inconvenience as in not practical at all.


> Believe me, you are preaching to the choir here. The inability to upload images is my most missed feature on the new forums, and one I argued against.... err... spoke to retain ;) more than any other.


> I remain hopeful that we can someday allow uploads, but for now I've been told, "None shall pass!" And I am truly sorry for that!


@"Gaile Gray.6029" hope this stays like this being subjected to others bad tastes . well that would make me and lot of other people stop coming to the official forums for good.


hopefully they will leave this as it is for life and never change I could easy see some abusing this very easy myself . given how I see some abuse names in game and on the forums . which honestly the ones I seen on the forums I am shocked they have not been banned yet for their forum user names .

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Just noticed one concern about Previews:


> Previews should be available to any forum member. I know there is a bug, where the formatting is quirky. I have reported this and Vanilla will work on making sure previews truly represent what will be shown on the post itself. But again, for availability, anyone should be able to use Preview. If that is not the case, could you please post? We can look at your account to try to see what's going on.


I can preview, unless it is an edit. In that case there is no preview option.


Also, the @username doesn't work if there is a space in the username and it is typed out. Such as my Display name: @"Inculpatus cedo.9234

I bring this up because I find posts with my Display name as in the example.



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