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Feedback: Official Forums

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Not a fan of the new forum style. The posts looks -extremely- cluttered together and it feels hard to catch individual posts with a glance, because there is not enough distance between them, or missing much more visible divide between them so you clearly can tell each post apart.. I feel i have to squint to focus on indivual posts now, i am thinking my forum use is going to go drastically down now.

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Is there a way to follow specific topics, Devs (not that you all aren't great)? Or do we need to just check in periodically or do specific searches. For example, let's say I'm interested in WvW & want to follow all related topics on WvW & the Devs working on it. Or as I see it in the account menu, is it only ones that I've participated in the discussion in some way via comment or thumbs? So far I didn't see a "follow" button for Gaile Gray for instance (although this isn't a popularity contest we all love Gaile :D ). I did see the Dev Tracker section up top, but was wondering about specific devs or topics.

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I have another issue: so, we're allowed to edit a post for 15 minutes after it's posted.


But what about threads like [fan stories](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/416/fan-story-the-assassin-of-rata-sum#latest "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/416/fan-story-the-assassin-of-rata-sum#latest") where we have to update the first post to show the latest updates to the story? That'll happen days later.

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> @saerni.2584 said:

> I'd like to ask why signatures are disabled. Is this feature going to be enabled in the future or is there some kind of minimum post/status requirement?


I posted this earlier:


> @AegisRunestone.8672 said:


> You get to unlock it when you become a "Veteran." Which is obtained through getting positive feedback from posts (thumbs up, helpful).


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> @AegisRunestone.8672 said:

> I have another issue: so, we're allowed to edit a post for 15 minutes after it's posted.


> But what about threads like [fan stories](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/416/fan-story-the-assassin-of-rata-sum#latest "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/416/fan-story-the-assassin-of-rata-sum#latest") where we have to update the first post to show the latest updates to the story? That'll happen days later.


Also relevant for, say, guild recruitment posts where it's often necessary to change details over time.


On a related note, not sure I like threads being sent to moderation if you make an edit? Posted a thread just now, wanted to make a minor formatting change... aaaand it's gone, with no way for me to access it. This feels like I'm wasting a moderator's time just to add a little extra spacing, and it's causing me anxiety because I don't know if my thread is just gone into the ether lol

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Definitely an improvement over the old forum (yeay for a working search function ! ), but will have to take some time to be used to.

And looks quite good too.

However : thumbs up/down shouldn't be explicitly shown (or it could lead to some harassment of sorts). Why not keep it as a numeric value ? Like +50/-13 ? Something like that ?

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For the most part I like the look. However, there's a few points that have been brought up that I agree with and could probably use some tweaking.


The first is the width of a thread - the messages are *very* wide on the screen. I think it would improve readability if the max width was reduced a bit.


Related, I agree that on PC it needs a bit more vertical space between messages; right now there's not much vertical space, and combined with the width issue and the size of avatars, it makes it seem both a bit cluttered and also makes it harder to distinguish individual posts.


I don't mind thumbs up being shown (though I'd definitely shrink those icons down a bit, and maybe just show the icons but not have the account attached to it?), but I don't think that who thumbs downed a post should be visible. Letting people see who disliked a post they made has the potential to lead to harassment, or people using it to harass. It should definitely be anonymous.


User avatars on posts look quite low-quality (very blurry and full of artifacts); this makes no sense as on user profiles they're much higher quality. Something isn't shrinking them down properly.

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1. I don't like that there isn't a "reply" button on any of the comments or original post. I have to scroll all the way to the bottom to start a reply? Not cool.

2. The new layout is too sparse and poorly organized. We don't need to see the "Latest post", we don't need to know how many discussions/comments exist. We don't need all this white space between section headers, let alone the grey bar separating them. The old layout was significantly better looking.

3. What happened to the "Arrow -> Next official response" button? That was like, the pinnacle of forum user friendliness.

4. Why don't we have a Suggestions/Feedback subforum?

5. http://imgur.com/a/oYbDT Just LOOK at this. This look absolutely ridiculous. Why is there so much wasted space, and so much attention paid to garbage like "started by " and "most recent", let alone visibility on all the stupid tags that need their own row of space?


My god this is such a huge disappointment. It's like you guys decided "Eh, people might want to browse this forum on mobile I guess? Let's just make it look like a total obfuscated nightmare just in case."



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