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> @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> I don't like the "^ Go To Top" pop-up. I have several icons on the notification area of my (windows) taskbar that regularly pop me a notification. The "Go To Top" thing pops up at the exact same location when I have my browser maximized (which is pretty much whenever I use it) and that's confusing and annoying. This new thing is useless to me anyway because I still (and will forever) habitually just press the "Home" key to go to the top of the page. In short: annoying and useless.


> The other changes like fine though.


For me "Home" does not reliably take me to the top of the forum page. Sometimes yes, sometimes no. I'm trying to figure out the difference now. But of course "Page Up" raises placement only incrementally.


The "Go to Top" addition was based on user feedback where the consensus indicated such a feature was desirable and would be of value. I do notice it quite boldly myself right now, but I feel certain that its newness is what is making it appear more obvious. I believe that once we're familiar with its form, function, and placement, it will be less noticeable and therefore feel less intrusive.



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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > > Dev Tracker is a major disappointment for me, too. It's not at all what we intended, but we're not able to make changes. Perhaps in the future we'll be able to develop a system that best addresses our needs, and I do remain hopeful about that. In the meantime, or until such time as we can make the improvements, we expanded the Latest Posts rotating section at the top from 6 dev posts to 12, and I think you'll find it's quite helpful in locating recent posts.

> >

> > I used to read the dev tracker posts every single day on the old forum, that all ended when this forum was introduced.


> But I assume you are reading the Latest Posts in the four-page rotating stream of dev comments at the top of the page?


Not to answer for the person who was quoted, but I don't.


The main reason why I don't read the "Latest ANet post" is because it doesn't specify which forum got the dev response without clicking on the post.

GW2 is a multifaceted game that attracts PvE and PvP players. If the comment is in a section that doesn't pertain to the game mode I play, it's extraneous comments to me. Typically, I'll click on the comment to see what forum it is on. If it's not pertinent to my gameplay, I won't read it.


If the "Latest ANet post" showed which forum/sub-forum it is in, I'd greatly appreciate it. I think it would be a QoL update to the forums.



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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > > Dev Tracker is a major disappointment for me, too. It's not at all what we intended, but we're not able to make changes. Perhaps in the future we'll be able to develop a system that best addresses our needs, and I do remain hopeful about that. In the meantime, or until such time as we can make the improvements, we expanded the Latest Posts rotating section at the top from 6 dev posts to 12, and I think you'll find it's quite helpful in locating recent posts.

> >

> > I used to read the dev tracker posts every single day on the old forum, that all ended when this forum was introduced.


> But I assume you are reading the Latest Posts in the four-page rotating stream of dev comments at the top of the page?


No, but occasionally I notice them as I'm browsing, then might take a look, but rarely. The whole format is just so bad, it's more irritating than helpful.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > @"Charrbeque.8729" said:

> > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > In case you've not noticed, some posters are reporting (over in the Bugs sub-forum) the 'Search' function no longer works .

> >

> > It was fun while it lasted. I guess some things just aren't meant to be. :/


> I just tested and it appears to be working fine. A forum member also confirmed that they had no problems with "Search." I asked for input from others in that thread about their experience, but this appears to have been a temporary situation and not a long-lasting or systemic bug. Still to be confirmed, of course.


Whoops. I meant to use a winking smiley face 'cause I was making a joke, on account the search feature really was broken on the old forums. :p

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personally, I don't like the Go To Top addition. I always use the home key, and never really felt the forum needed a button to do the same thing.

also, maybe it's because it's such a prominent colour, but it just feels intrusive, like I always tend to look at it. maybe that's just me though.


don't like how the thumbs up/helpful buttons work now either. I don't know which ones I've clicked and which I haven't, just that someone did.


@"Gaile Gray.6029" the home button won't take you to the top of the page if you've clicked in the comment box or in the search box

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"nottsgman.8206" said:


> don't like how the thumbs up/helpful buttons work now either. I don't know which ones I've clicked and which I haven't, just that someone did.


They never did show that. I'm not happy with the change, and it's not one I requested. I at first believed that the new shift in color revealed that a member had actively reacted, which would be helpful. But from the beginning, you had to click "Thumbs Up" or "Helpful" and watch to count to see if you did or did not react.



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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> I don't remember a single forum post asking for that feature. Must be in-house only.


Not in-house only. Here is one such request: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/114004/#Comment_114004


And another: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/114138/#Comment_114138


And a third: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/120821/#Comment_120821

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As my post was singled out there I shall say that I for one am very pleased with the go-to-top button being added. It might be a slightly clumsy implementation (as compared to, say, adding it to the red text options at bottom left) but it does the job.


Now I just need to train my muscle memory to use it rather than scrolling, lol.

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To reiterate my objection to it: it appears in the exact same spot that some icons in my windows taskbar notification area pop their notifications. From the corner of my eye, I can't spot the difference. And worse, if the "Go To Top" is up, I can miss some alerts because they don't stand out against the black rectangle.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > @"nottsgman.8206" said:

> >

> > don't like how the thumbs up/helpful buttons work now either. I don't know which ones I've clicked and which I haven't, just that someone did.

> >

> They never did show that. I'm not happy with the change, and it's not one I requested. I at first believed that the new shift in color revealed that a member had actively reacted, which would be helpful. But from the beginning, you had to click "Thumbs Up" or "Helpful" and watch to count to see if you did or did not react.




I know it didn't show it before, but after the change, it highlighted the issue more to me. does that make sense? it just seems more noticeable now than it did anyway. I think when I saw the change I was hoping for a way to tell if I had clicked it. now it appears bolder, and in my mind that says I've touched it already.


I know this isn't your fault, Gaile, and appreciate that you are listening to feedback and are trying to get things improved.

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The Dev Carousel is so wonky. Why isn't the Patch Notes post listed? Of all the Dev posts, that would be one many are interested in. :unamused:


Oh, I see. It's because they are written the day before, (or more). Too bad the Carousel doesn't go by when they are actually posted, or made visible, because if there are more than a few posts between, they will never show up on the Carousel.

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I did a quick research but I didn't find any Announcement Thread advertising this aspect so I'm going ahead and create a new one (sorry if it already existed).

So my question is simple, do we know the requirements and benefits of stars in this forum? (1 to 4 stars)


* 1 Star: Req: you get it by simply registering on the forum. Benefits: it allows you to create threads and post in them, you can edit your posts within 4 hours.

* 2 Stars: Req: if I remember correctly it required a certain time to pass after your first log in. Beneficts: no more time limit for editing your posts.

* 3 Stars: Req: I don't remember. Benefits: you can now have a signature.

* 4 Stars: Req: idk. Benefits: idk.


I'm editing this as soon as someone clears the missing points. Thanks.

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I think these new forums are way too cluttered. The old forums was sleek and simple. The text size in these forums are just plain stupid and make it a pain to read any text longer than a paragraph.


Everything is just too big and too much. I loved the simplistic design of the old forums. There was a bit too much white space, but this new design is just too much of everything.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Did the 'Thumbs Up'/'Helpful', etc. lose its color? Or is it just me?


Just you: I still get red on hover, and red on active, for them.


> @"Geiir.7603" said:

> I think these new forums are way too cluttered. The old forums was sleek and simple. The text size in these forums are just plain stupid and make it a pain to read any text longer than a paragraph.


I think that would be remedied by limiting the maximum width of the content area, better than shrining the size of the text. If you really want smaller text, I'd strongly encourage something like the stylish extension to override the size with your own custom CSS, and achieve the result you want. (In part, because much smaller and we would be in the 9-10 point range, and that is smaller than is comfortable for "most" people to read large amounts of text; you are obviously the exception here, congratulations on the really great eyes.)




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