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Coming back after an absence. Things have changed, a lot. I have questions.

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So I played GW2 back in the days when you had to buy it. Seems it's now a F2P game, but the expansions cost money.

Do us "paid for the original" customers get any discount on the expansions? Did we get anything when the game went F2P in exchange for us having actually paid for the game?


I don't mean to sound ungrateful, Just want to make sure i'm not overpaying if we get a discount or something.



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The core game was made f2p (with some restrictions, e.g. to prevent gold farming) mostly to get in new players when HoT was released. There is no discount on the expansions, but HoT gives you a free character slot (I think? maybe it was a limited time thing though), I don't remeber if PoF had any ingame reward for older accounts.

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> @"Shailyn Slay.7234" said:

> The core game was made f2p (with some restrictions, e.g. to prevent gold farming) mostly to get in new players when HoT was released. There is no discount on the expansions, but HoT gives you a free character slot (I think? maybe it was a limited time thing though), I don't remeber if PoF had any ingame reward for older accounts.


the free character slot was only if you prepurchased hot so thats long gone.

To the Op you get both the expansions now for the price of what heart of thorns was at release.

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