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So much fun and success with "Fractal T4 dailies + recs (Chill)"

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I love Fun And Game. Recently I only lfg with the "Chill" and I have so much fun and success compare to other lfgs which "exp,pots" etc...

Really Tired with the Elitists and all of the "Show your things" in order to group with them. Wondering how did they get the "things" in the very 1st place?


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I recently only do t4 no cm.. My LFG goes like this - lfg T4 only | EXPERIENCED chrono, bs/spb, dps | f&p |

Before that lfg msg I had the capital letter "experienced" as "exp" small letter and chrono with no alacrity and quickness joined. I just leave the group and remake another group with capital full word. Ppl join and play .. we make nice conversation.. jokes a bit sometimes..everyone say thanks with smiley faces at the end before parting. ?

When I hv a lot of free time and if I'm in good mood, I’ll make group that take anyone but usually my playtime is limited.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> I recently got more into CMs. One thing I learned is PREMADE > PUG. Even with 2 more friends going fractals is much more enjoyable than going full solo.


Thats been the case since for ever tho with instanced content. Since dungeons at least.

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> @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > I think 150kp groups are pretty chill as long as noone fails


> That's for cm run yeh. If only t4 can't use cm kp as req can I? Oh.. I can I guess but maybe won't get anyone to join xD when in a hurry can't do full run

Good groups are faster with cm + t4 than the usual t4 only groups. So for me there is no reason to do t4 only fractals. Also if one or more people leave after CMs the run usually turns into a clown fiesta because the usual t4 only pugs ruin everything.

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > I think 150kp groups are pretty chill as long as noone fails

> >

> > That's for cm run yeh. If only t4 can't use cm kp as req can I? Oh.. I can I guess but maybe won't get anyone to join xD when in a hurry can't do full run

> Good groups are faster with cm + t4 than the usual t4 only groups. So for me there is no reason to do t4 only fractals. Also if one or more people leave after CMs the run usually turns into a clown fiesta because the usual t4 only pugs ruin everything.


Yes true.. but longer to wait for EU morning (I only play on eu morning time) to fill party.. by the time party fill up for cm.. I done my t4 :p

But yeh if my chrono friend online.. I do cm. Since less ppl to fill up in lfg :)

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Dunno, my 100 kp cm + t4 groups are constantly chilled, relaxed and fast. Faster than the usual t4 meta groups (I ran them a lot as well) and also way friendlier than those p + f groups where it seems to be an unwritten rule for lots of players to pretend that they have the most knowledge/skill/whatsoever although they aren't running the hardest fractal content a.k.a. cms. So funny to see those wannabes. I don't meet them in my cm runs. Who would have thought that!

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> @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > > I think 150kp groups are pretty chill as long as noone fails

> > >

> > > That's for cm run yeh. If only t4 can't use cm kp as req can I? Oh.. I can I guess but maybe won't get anyone to join xD when in a hurry can't do full run

> > Good groups are faster with cm + t4 than the usual t4 only groups. So for me there is no reason to do t4 only fractals. Also if one or more people leave after CMs the run usually turns into a clown fiesta because the usual t4 only pugs ruin everything.


> Yes true.. but longer to wait for EU morning (I only play on eu morning time) to fill party.. by the time party fill up for cm.. I done my t4 :p

> But yeh if my chrono friend online.. I do cm. Since less ppl to fill up in lfg :)


I knew it it was you.We did yesterday T4, i was the holosmith ^_^. I should add you on the friend lists, because i'm trying to do my run in the morning.

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> @"SidewayS.3789" said:

> > @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > > @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > > > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > > > I think 150kp groups are pretty chill as long as noone fails

> > > >

> > > > That's for cm run yeh. If only t4 can't use cm kp as req can I? Oh.. I can I guess but maybe won't get anyone to join xD when in a hurry can't do full run

> > > Good groups are faster with cm + t4 than the usual t4 only groups. So for me there is no reason to do t4 only fractals. Also if one or more people leave after CMs the run usually turns into a clown fiesta because the usual t4 only pugs ruin everything.

> >

> > Yes true.. but longer to wait for EU morning (I only play on eu morning time) to fill party.. by the time party fill up for cm.. I done my t4 :p

> > But yeh if my chrono friend online.. I do cm. Since less ppl to fill up in lfg :)


> I knew it it was you.We did yesterday T4, i was the holosmith ^_^. I should add you on the friend lists, because i'm trying to do my run in the morning.


Oh.. ? I will add you too later when I come online.. I only play in eu morning.

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