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ranked is a downstate fiesta


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I have been playing alot of ranked recently and will share my experience playing support around ~1700 rating.


First of all the q time is pretty long and often reaches up to 6 minutes because the population is pretty low. This causes the next issue, player skill difference within the same game varies alot and creates unwinnable/unloseable games. Often times you lose the game the moment you get matched.


The skill differences also cause the problem, that the whole gamemode turns into: who farms opponents noobs the fastest. Everybody is playing high burst builds in order to kill enemies before one of your "bad" teammates dies. Supporting low sustain teammates on burst builds against even more burst builds on the opposing team is simply impossible. Damage in this game mode is way too rewarding in comparison to support. Surviving outnumbered situations is not possible either. The losing side enters a permadownstate and gets snowballed till the end of the game, causing frustrating blowouts.


Possible fix:

A) Reduce burst damage. Way too many people get oneshot by coreguards/reapers/deadeyes and many more, basicly every class finds a way to stack enough dps.

(last patch already showed a good direction by nerfing engi and weaver burst) I am not asking for nerfs on builds that aren't tournament viable, just give them a compensation. DPS

Guardian could be alot more fun to play if scepter autos actually connected for example.


B) Change the mode from solo q to something more team oriented. This would promote more teamplay and help the quality of Automated Tournaments. Also you don't have the problem

of creating and balancing around 2 different metas, cause as it is now ranked and tournament meta are completely different and balancing for both at the same time doesn't seem like a

good idea.


I understand that there has to be a place for solo players aswell, so why not implement a system similar to overwatch, that allows all group sizes to enter, but the taller your group is, the

less rating you gain and lose more.

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heavy powercreep + low pop matchmaking issues + no teamplay


that’s what we have atm, & it just causes the population to shrink further


the powercreep makes the game hard to learn, & pushes away new players. there are also huge disparities in specialisation’s power levels, like go compare berserker & scourge. the imbalance is wild. powercreep also drives vets away, as it ruins the nuance & fun this games combat once had.


low pop causes matchmaking issues, & they are super frustrating. this is a serious issue for vet retention, as they are the people who suffer most from skewed teams. furthermore the noobs & silvers who have to play in these skewed games get farmed & discouraged. the game starts to become a frustrating roulette experience, especially for vets. hence why so many quit.


no teams causes three big issues.

firstly conquest is designed around a team, it requires serious organisation, so when you can only play solo it gets bloody frustrating. the only way to escape this frustration is to actually not play gw2, because solo queue roulette is currently inescapable.

secondly no teams has some really detrimental effects on the community. because being social & cooperative are no longer valued. once there was a reason to be a nice guy who helps people out, so you could all team up together. but now since ranked is by definition antisocial- there is no reason to not be toxic. an attitude that is fostered by the frustrations of solo queue roulette. i feel this antisocial environment is antithetical to fostering a good community.

lastly, no teams makes the game unrecommendable. because no sane person is going to suggest a friend picks up a team based pvp game that they cant play together. why would anyone suggest a multiplayer game that you can’t play with your friends, over one which you can all play together? you wouldn’t. no one wants to sit in discord with two friends & all separately solo queue, you want to bloody play together. obviously this is a big issue for growing population.


personally, the main reasons i don’t play gw2 anymore is that the balance sucks & i cant play with my friends (my whole 40+ person guild left for similar reasons). however i will say, i would come back for some causal games every know & then if i could actually play with my old guildies. but not to solo queue alone. heck that, i’ve got other games i can play.




as far as solo v premade- thats uh totally easy to solve. i have a draft, & a refined draft if pop issues arise. i’ll lay em out.



only allow people to queue as solo, duo, trio & full team.

only match the full team with duo + trio, or full team.

dont allow full solo vs duo + trio


Refined Draft

only allow people to queue as solo, duo, trio & full team (can add four man too).

only match the full team with duo + trio, full team, or trio + solo + solo (add solo + four man if needed)


so yeah, you can adapt the queue to not have solos v premade. which tbh is more a psychological issue than an actual one, as anet did tell us that premades actully lost more than they won when matched against non premades. but still, its a problem that can be overcome.

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There's only one fix in my opinion. They need to ditch the solo-q ranked mode and conquest-only system. They need to accept the fact that what they are doing now doesn't work. And they need to "go back to the drawing" board and design 4 or so non-conquest maps (to start) .... 10v10 capture the flag, 15v15 5-node maps (with click-to-capture, not stand in circle), etc.


Basically, they need to copy WoW and make solo/random queue for "battlegrounds." These should be focused on fun and reward you for playing with a small bonus for winning. They should continue making more maps with different modes. A LOT of more casual people would play if there were bigger maps with bigger teams.


They should then make 5v5 conquest mode the new "arena" (borrowing from how WoW does pvp) and that is pre-made only with really good rewards.


Conquest is too complex and 5v5 is too punishing for any sort of ranked solo-q. It just doesn't work and is a terrible experience.

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> @"pah.4931" said:

> Conquest is too complex and 5v5 is too punishing for any sort of ranked solo-q. It just doesn't work and is a terrible experience.


No. Conquest is boring and lacks any depth. Macro is really limited and most of the time comes down to micro and comp. Currently it's all about mobility and burst, the opposite of what it actually should be. It's a game mode about holding nodes, why do they enforce high dps builds while nerfing support?


A new game mode is not a possibility. It would take a huge amount of work, probably 6-12months depending on the amount of maps (which should be 3). An investment that i don't think arenanet is gonna make this late in the game's life. Stronghold was a chance, but was basically abandoned in beta when it was plagued by bad dev choices and design.


People should start facing reality, not much is gonna happen anymore. Either you're fine with that, or you move on like many already did.

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'Way too many people get oneshot by reapers'


Yet complains of getting teamed up with one cause damage it brings is useless.

Honestly i often have aswell matches against unkillable chronos, tanky firebrands, condition throwing scourges, pretty tanky holos and spellbreakers with invuln procs, druids and evade weavers. I can complain aswell getting teamed up with such builds massively lacks damage and i can kill nothing. There are always extreme builds which are either rly defensive or more burst orientated. If you gonna reduce it go for both. If we have a long living quite sustainy meta there will be tanky builds and condi builds only. From watching for example the previous UGO i can not see any burst issues here. Mesmers, Firebrands, scourges, s/d thieves, holos, spellbreakers. Not bursty at all i'd argue. If you complain burst damage is out of hands compare condition output of scourge and mirage to condichrono and reaper and if you look at support i am pretty sure firebrand is still miles ahead of scrapper and tempest.


Getting bad teammates and opponents does not mean the specs are crazy in damage, they just need to use their dodge key.

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> @"Blackjack.5621" said:

> reapers

I've played a couple of matches with you this season and just in case I've influenced this post of yours I wish to point out that I am playing Reaper this season because Scourge is getting boring and because I want to see how high I can get on Reaper, not because it's good. I'd rather be playing some relaxing Blood Scourge tbh.


Next season I will play Core Condi Minionmancer.

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> @"pah.4931" said:

> There's only one fix in my opinion. They need to ditch the solo-q ranked mode and conquest-only system. They need to accept the fact that what they are doing now doesn't work. And they need to "go back to the drawing" board and design 4 or so non-conquest maps (to start) .... 10v10 capture the flag, 15v15 5-node maps (with click-to-capture, not stand in circle), etc.


> Basically, they need to copy WoW and make solo/random queue for "battlegrounds." These should be focused on fun and reward you for playing with a small bonus for winning. They should continue making more maps with different modes. A LOT of more casual people would play if there were bigger maps with bigger teams.


> They should then make 5v5 conquest mode the new "arena" (borrowing from how WoW does pvp) and that is pre-made only with really good rewards.


> Conquest is too complex and 5v5 is too punishing for any sort of ranked solo-q. It just doesn't work and is a terrible experience.


copying wow with its less than 1% pvp population? yeah that would totally help the game, legit the dumbest post ive read this year by far

WoW Arena is legit more dead, especially in higher ranking where near gladiator you already only play against max 2 or 3 other teams even in in primetime with 15-20 minute queue times

even wow battlegrounds ahs you play with the same people over and over again for hours, and that mode doesnt even have matchmaking so you 90% of the people you play with are less than prestige 1 while you are prestige 24


and arenanet may be slow in making new maps, but they arent atleast as slow as wow where the timeframe between deepwind gorge(the one before the newest one) and the newest one, something with shore (released early 2018) , was 5 years (deepwind gorge was released mid 2013)


edit: its also kinda funny you guys want teamq only when in wow pvp forum everyone screams for soloq at the moment

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> @"Aktium.9506" said:

> > @"Blackjack.5621" said:

> > reapers

> I've played a couple of matches with you this season and just in case I've influenced this post of yours I wish to point out that I am playing Reaper this season because Scourge is getting boring and because I want to see how high I can get on Reaper, not because it's good. I'd rather be playing some relaxing Blood Scourge tbh.


> Next season I will play Core Condi Minionmancer.


He probably is referring to you, given that you run yolo into middle as a reaper and go insta downstate. I doubt playing scourge would affect that much, as that's to do with gameplay/ awareness rather than build.

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> @"Kasdwer.3721" said:

> > @"pah.4931" said:

> > There's only one fix in my opinion. They need to ditch the solo-q ranked mode and conquest-only system. They need to accept the fact that what they are doing now doesn't work. And they need to "go back to the drawing" board and design 4 or so non-conquest maps (to start) .... 10v10 capture the flag, 15v15 5-node maps (with click-to-capture, not stand in circle), etc.

> >

> > Basically, they need to copy WoW and make solo/random queue for "battlegrounds." These should be focused on fun and reward you for playing with a small bonus for winning. They should continue making more maps with different modes. A LOT of more casual people would play if there were bigger maps with bigger teams.

> >

> > They should then make 5v5 conquest mode the new "arena" (borrowing from how WoW does pvp) and that is pre-made only with really good rewards.

> >

> > Conquest is too complex and 5v5 is too punishing for any sort of ranked solo-q. It just doesn't work and is a terrible experience.


> copying wow with its less than 1% pvp population? yeah that would totally help the game, legit the dumbest post ive read this year by far

> WoW Arena is legit more dead, especially in higher ranking where near gladiator you already only play against max 2 or 3 other teams even in in primetime with 15-20 minute queue times

> even wow battlegrounds ahs you play with the same people over and over again for hours, and that mode doesnt even have matchmaking so you 90% of the people you play with are less than prestige 1 while you are prestige 24


> and arenanet may be slow in making new maps, but they arent atleast as slow as wow where the timeframe between deepwind gorge(the one before the newest one) and the newest one, something with shore (released early 2018) , was 5 years (deepwind gorge was released mid 2013)


> edit: its also kinda funny you guys want teamq only when in wow pvp forum everyone screams for soloq at the moment


Hmm. Well. WoW is 14 years old. So your reply just MIGHT just MAYBE have beat out my post for dumbest forum post of the year. Of course populations are dwindling!


It seems you were hurt badly by WoW, and for that I can only apologize on behalf of Blizzard. But I was HOPING anyone reading my comment and wanting to discuss its content would be able to think critically... oh well, here goes.


The "copying" from WoW would be the SYSTEMS not the exact 1:1 facsimile. If you're theory is that WoW did not have a thriving PvP community for YEARS, then I guess we can't have a discussion because you are purposefully ignoring facts. And that SYSTEM that WoW adopted was this:


* Battlegrounds are solo / party queue (not raid)

* Arena is premade teams only (and you form teams that last the whole season)

* Battlegrounds are large map (simple objectives), large team efforts where a single DC won't ruin the experience for everyone.

* Arena was much smaller maps but less variability (same objective, just different terrain)

* Battlegrounds only gave a small bonus to winning, making participation a more rewarding experience (therefore increasing playerbase and decreasing toxicity)

* Arena is all about winning and rewards the best of the best

* Battleground rewards were basically about the grind, put in the effort and you get SOMETHING in return

* Arena rewards were far better, which is good because arena was harder (and no amount of grinding could earn top rewards - thus increasing PRESTIGE players who want to show off that they're the best)


Anet throwing every player into the SAME game mode for 5 years has done no favors to both the competitive and the casual PvPer. Good luck arguing against that point.


Edit: also kind of funny that solo-q should still exist, just not in any ranked form (unless Anet can figure out how to rank based on personal performance and not just W/L)

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> @"Meteor.3720" said:

> He probably is referring to you, given that you run yolo into middle as a reaper and go insta downstate. I doubt playing scourge would affect that much, as that's to do with gameplay/ awareness rather than build.

I yolo'd into mid with blood scourge all the time last season. I could just spam barriers until the burst was over. Worked out fine most of the time. For some strange reason this tactic ain't working with zerk reaper. It's really odd.

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> @"pah.4931" said:

> > @"Kasdwer.3721" said:

> > > @"pah.4931" said:

> > > There's only one fix in my opinion. They need to ditch the solo-q ranked mode and conquest-only system. They need to accept the fact that what they are doing now doesn't work. And they need to "go back to the drawing" board and design 4 or so non-conquest maps (to start) .... 10v10 capture the flag, 15v15 5-node maps (with click-to-capture, not stand in circle), etc.

> > >

> > > Basically, they need to copy WoW and make solo/random queue for "battlegrounds." These should be focused on fun and reward you for playing with a small bonus for winning. They should continue making more maps with different modes. A LOT of more casual people would play if there were bigger maps with bigger teams.

> > >

> > > They should then make 5v5 conquest mode the new "arena" (borrowing from how WoW does pvp) and that is pre-made only with really good rewards.

> > >

> > > Conquest is too complex and 5v5 is too punishing for any sort of ranked solo-q. It just doesn't work and is a terrible experience.

> >

> > copying wow with its less than 1% pvp population? yeah that would totally help the game, legit the dumbest post ive read this year by far

> > WoW Arena is legit more dead, especially in higher ranking where near gladiator you already only play against max 2 or 3 other teams even in in primetime with 15-20 minute queue times

> > even wow battlegrounds ahs you play with the same people over and over again for hours, and that mode doesnt even have matchmaking so you 90% of the people you play with are less than prestige 1 while you are prestige 24

> >

> > and arenanet may be slow in making new maps, but they arent atleast as slow as wow where the timeframe between deepwind gorge(the one before the newest one) and the newest one, something with shore (released early 2018) , was 5 years (deepwind gorge was released mid 2013)

> >

> > edit: its also kinda funny you guys want teamq only when in wow pvp forum everyone screams for soloq at the moment


> Hmm. Well. WoW is 14 years old. So your reply just MIGHT just MAYBE have beat out my post for dumbest forum post of the year. Of course populations are dwindling!


> It seems you were hurt badly by WoW, and for that I can only apologize on behalf of Blizzard. But I was HOPING anyone reading my comment and wanting to discuss its content would be able to think critically... oh well, here goes.


> The "copying" from WoW would be the SYSTEMS not the exact 1:1 facsimile. If you're theory is that WoW did not have a thriving PvP community for YEARS, then I guess we can't have a discussion because you are purposefully ignoring facts. And that SYSTEM that WoW adopted was this:


> * Battlegrounds are solo / party queue (not raid)

> * Arena is premade teams only (and you form teams that last the whole season)

> * Battlegrounds are large map (simple objectives), large team efforts where a single DC won't ruin the experience for everyone.

> * Arena was much smaller maps but less variability (same objective, just different terrain)

> * Battlegrounds only gave a small bonus to winning, making participation a more rewarding experience (therefore increasing playerbase and decreasing toxicity)

> * Arena is all about winning and rewards the best of the best

> * Battleground rewards were basically about the grind, put in the effort and you get SOMETHING in return

> * Arena rewards were far better, which is good because arena was harder (and no amount of grinding could earn top rewards - thus increasing PRESTIGE players who want to show off that they're the best)


> Anet throwing every player into the SAME game mode for 5 years has done no favors to both the competitive and the casual PvPer. Good luck arguing against that point.


> Edit: also kind of funny that solo-q should still exist, just not in any ranked form (unless Anet can figure out how to rank based on personal performance and not just W/L)




seems like you cant even think more than 5 meters it seems, wow arena was populare back in bc/wotlk because it was one of the few pvp games out there, you know, before mobas, battle royal/other mmos with decent pvp really existed, the only other pvp games in that time were cs, and these games didnt had a ranking system, once other pvp game establed themself with own ranking system, wow pvp got deserted


and you dont need to tell me how wow pvp works, i think ive played wow pvp long enough and was high rated for quite some time to knew how the system :) its just ignorant that you think that wow pvp is better considering wow has MUCH less pvp player percentage wise than gw2


and in gw2 the rewards for ranked is fine in the sentence that people who only play for the rewards and dont care about playing well will just end up in silver/lowgold while people who try will be plat+, its legit the same in wow arena, there are many people farming rewards (the items with okay itemlvl) around 1,5-2k, the difference is that in wow arena its much harder to play with regular people considering you neeed to form a team first

ill just tell you this, if anet copies the wow system for pvp 1:1, the game will ultimately die


the only thing i liked about wow is that arena high ranked was more rewarding considering you got a mount/a own colored version of the pvp set and some visible enchants for you weapon, i would like it if anet implement rewards like that

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> @"Aktium.9506" said:

> > @"Meteor.3720" said:

> > He probably is referring to you, given that you run yolo into middle as a reaper and go insta downstate. I doubt playing scourge would affect that much, as that's to do with gameplay/ awareness rather than build.

> I yolo'd into mid with blood scourge all the time last season. I could just spam barriers until the burst was over. Worked out fine most of the time. For some strange reason this tactic ain't working with zerk reaper. It's really odd.


Almost like scourge encourages brainless play :O

oh well no problem, they received nerfs to cooldowns so they're now totally balanced and skillful to play

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The issue is that you have unbalanced matchs due to matchmaking but also due to builds. I had a match against you and other top100 players earlier ( my team being gold 3/ plat 1 players), in addition of having 2 thieves against 2 guards + scourge on foefire. I purposely played terribly awful and not sustain so the scourge and the guard chase me while thieves handle, and this worked well since it came to 350-500. But that's a lot of work involved, whereas it would take 1 little mistake to lose 500-50, plus we have no way to prevent a lord rush.


Also, you're mistaken considering power builds. From my experience in solo queue, this is much more complicated to deal with scourges + mesmers than coreguards, deadeyes and stuff. These builds have no obvious counter, and it's common to have noone in your party that can 1v1 any of those builds


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> @"Jekkt.6045" said:

> > @"pah.4931" said:

> > Conquest is too complex and 5v5 is too punishing for any sort of ranked solo-q. It just doesn't work and is a terrible experience.


> No. Conquest is boring and lacks any depth. Macro is really limited and most of the time comes down to micro and comp. Currently it's all about mobility and burst, the opposite of what it actually should be. It's a game mode about holding nodes, why do they enforce high dps builds while nerfing support?


> A new game mode is not a possibility. It would take a huge amount of work, probably 6-12months depending on the amount of maps (which should be 3). An investment that i don't think arenanet is gonna make this late in the game's life. Stronghold was a chance, but was basically abandoned in beta when it was plagued by bad dev choices and design.


> People should start facing reality, not much is gonna happen anymore. Either you're fine with that, or you move on like many already did.


Sorry but you sound like a solo Q Qer.


Conquest is the best team competitive game mode I have ever seen in any MMO and one of the best I've seen for any game ever.


Construct a 5 man team, start queueing together and challenge a few ATs. If you aren't doing that, then you aren't really playing the best that PvP has to offer.

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> @"bladezero.9470" said:

> > @"Jekkt.6045" said:

> > > @"pah.4931" said:

> > > Conquest is too complex and 5v5 is too punishing for any sort of ranked solo-q. It just doesn't work and is a terrible experience.

> >

> > No. Conquest is boring and lacks any depth. Macro is really limited and most of the time comes down to micro and comp. Currently it's all about mobility and burst, the opposite of what it actually should be. It's a game mode about holding nodes, why do they enforce high dps builds while nerfing support?

> >

> > A new game mode is not a possibility. It would take a huge amount of work, probably 6-12months depending on the amount of maps (which should be 3). An investment that i don't think arenanet is gonna make this late in the game's life. Stronghold was a chance, but was basically abandoned in beta when it was plagued by bad dev choices and design.

> >

> > People should start facing reality, not much is gonna happen anymore. Either you're fine with that, or you move on like many already did.


> Sorry but you sound like a solo Q Qer.


> Conquest is the best team competitive game mode I have ever seen in any MMO and one of the best I've seen for any game ever.


> Construct a 5 man team, start queueing together and challenge a few ATs. If you aren't doing that, then you aren't really playing the best that PvP has to offer.


AT's don't run during everyone's hours...


I can't play them because the times that it was on when I last checked was:

1pm: Working

6pm: Coming home from work

1am: sleeping for work the next day


Australian hours.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"bladezero.9470" said:

> > > @"Jekkt.6045" said:

> > > > @"pah.4931" said:

> > > > Conquest is too complex and 5v5 is too punishing for any sort of ranked solo-q. It just doesn't work and is a terrible experience.

> > >

> > > No. Conquest is boring and lacks any depth. Macro is really limited and most of the time comes down to micro and comp. Currently it's all about mobility and burst, the opposite of what it actually should be. It's a game mode about holding nodes, why do they enforce high dps builds while nerfing support?

> > >

> > > A new game mode is not a possibility. It would take a huge amount of work, probably 6-12months depending on the amount of maps (which should be 3). An investment that i don't think arenanet is gonna make this late in the game's life. Stronghold was a chance, but was basically abandoned in beta when it was plagued by bad dev choices and design.

> > >

> > > People should start facing reality, not much is gonna happen anymore. Either you're fine with that, or you move on like many already did.

> >

> > Sorry but you sound like a solo Q Qer.

> >

> > Conquest is the best team competitive game mode I have ever seen in any MMO and one of the best I've seen for any game ever.

> >

> > Construct a 5 man team, start queueing together and challenge a few ATs. If you aren't doing that, then you aren't really playing the best that PvP has to offer.


> AT's don't run during everyone's hours...


> I can't play them because the times that it was on when I last checked was:

> 1pm: Working

> 6pm: Coming home from work

> 1am: sleeping for work the next day


> Australian hours.


Yes, this is a shame. They are working on another team queue option. Until then, I'd suggest WvW.


Ranked queue is just a farm. No need to treat it any other way! :-)

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> @"bladezero.9470" said:

> > @"Jekkt.6045" said:

> > > @"pah.4931" said:

> > > Conquest is too complex and 5v5 is too punishing for any sort of ranked solo-q. It just doesn't work and is a terrible experience.

> >

> > No. Conquest is boring and lacks any depth. Macro is really limited and most of the time comes down to micro and comp. Currently it's all about mobility and burst, the opposite of what it actually should be. It's a game mode about holding nodes, why do they enforce high dps builds while nerfing support?

> >

> > A new game mode is not a possibility. It would take a huge amount of work, probably 6-12months depending on the amount of maps (which should be 3). An investment that i don't think arenanet is gonna make this late in the game's life. Stronghold was a chance, but was basically abandoned in beta when it was plagued by bad dev choices and design.

> >

> > People should start facing reality, not much is gonna happen anymore. Either you're fine with that, or you move on like many already did.


> Sorry but you sound like a solo Q Qer.


> Conquest is the best team competitive game mode I have ever seen in any MMO and one of the best I've seen for any game ever.


> Construct a 5 man team, start queueing together and challenge a few ATs. If you aren't doing that, then you aren't really playing the best that PvP has to offer.


is solo q player supposed to be a new insult? i used to play in esl / weekly tournaments with my teammates back when we were still actively playing. nowadays i can‘t get myself to play pvp at all, because that time can be spent in a better way.


if you think conquest is the best game mode ever in an mmo i have to disappoint you. it might be more complex than your standard 2v2 or 3v3 arena, but it doesn‘t hold a candle to GvG which was created more than 10 years ago. speaking from a pvp perspective, games like mobas or starcraft (albeit that one‘s solo) have way more depth than conquest. i would even argue gigantic‘s game mode has more depth than conquest has.


what you mean with „too punishing for soloq“ is not the right case. the game mode is not too complex, it‘s just that people never put in the effort to learn rotations or actually think before they walk close with 3 people. that‘s a result of not having an educated playerbase, of having no tutorials, or professional scene to learn from.

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> @"Jekkt.6045" said:

> > @"bladezero.9470" said:

> > > @"Jekkt.6045" said:

> > > > @"pah.4931" said:

> > > > Conquest is too complex and 5v5 is too punishing for any sort of ranked solo-q. It just doesn't work and is a terrible experience.

> > >

> > > No. Conquest is boring and lacks any depth. Macro is really limited and most of the time comes down to micro and comp. Currently it's all about mobility and burst, the opposite of what it actually should be. It's a game mode about holding nodes, why do they enforce high dps builds while nerfing support?

> > >

> > > A new game mode is not a possibility. It would take a huge amount of work, probably 6-12months depending on the amount of maps (which should be 3). An investment that i don't think arenanet is gonna make this late in the game's life. Stronghold was a chance, but was basically abandoned in beta when it was plagued by bad dev choices and design.

> > >

> > > People should start facing reality, not much is gonna happen anymore. Either you're fine with that, or you move on like many already did.

> >

> > Sorry but you sound like a solo Q Qer.

> >

> > Conquest is the best team competitive game mode I have ever seen in any MMO and one of the best I've seen for any game ever.

> >

> > Construct a 5 man team, start queueing together and challenge a few ATs. If you aren't doing that, then you aren't really playing the best that PvP has to offer.


> is solo q player supposed to be a new insult?


It deserves to be an insult, because these people voted for restricting ranked Q and basically killed the PvP community.


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> @"bladezero.9470" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > @"bladezero.9470" said:

> > > > @"Jekkt.6045" said:

> > > > > @"pah.4931" said:

> > > > > Conquest is too complex and 5v5 is too punishing for any sort of ranked solo-q. It just doesn't work and is a terrible experience.

> > > >

> > > > No. Conquest is boring and lacks any depth. Macro is really limited and most of the time comes down to micro and comp. Currently it's all about mobility and burst, the opposite of what it actually should be. It's a game mode about holding nodes, why do they enforce high dps builds while nerfing support?

> > > >

> > > > A new game mode is not a possibility. It would take a huge amount of work, probably 6-12months depending on the amount of maps (which should be 3). An investment that i don't think arenanet is gonna make this late in the game's life. Stronghold was a chance, but was basically abandoned in beta when it was plagued by bad dev choices and design.

> > > >

> > > > People should start facing reality, not much is gonna happen anymore. Either you're fine with that, or you move on like many already did.

> > >

> > > Sorry but you sound like a solo Q Qer.

> > >

> > > Conquest is the best team competitive game mode I have ever seen in any MMO and one of the best I've seen for any game ever.

> > >

> > > Construct a 5 man team, start queueing together and challenge a few ATs. If you aren't doing that, then you aren't really playing the best that PvP has to offer.

> >

> > AT's don't run during everyone's hours...

> >

> > I can't play them because the times that it was on when I last checked was:

> > 1pm: Working

> > 6pm: Coming home from work

> > 1am: sleeping for work the next day

> >

> > Australian hours.


> Yes, this is a shame. They are working on another team queue option. Until then, I'd suggest WvW.


> Ranked queue is just a farm. No need to treat it any other way! :-)


Which is why I want team queue, to farm with guild friends.


Even if they put a cap on it like they have with duo.

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> > @"Jekkt.6045" said:

> > > @"bladezero.9470" said:

> > > > @"Jekkt.6045" said:

> > > > > @"pah.4931" said:

> > > > > Conquest is too complex and 5v5 is too punishing for any sort of ranked solo-q. It just doesn't work and is a terrible experience.

> > > >

> > > > No. Conquest is boring and lacks any depth. Macro is really limited and most of the time comes down to micro and comp. Currently it's all about mobility and burst, the opposite of what it actually should be. It's a game mode about holding nodes, why do they enforce high dps builds while nerfing support?

> > > >

> > > > A new game mode is not a possibility. It would take a huge amount of work, probably 6-12months depending on the amount of maps (which should be 3). An investment that i don't think arenanet is gonna make this late in the game's life. Stronghold was a chance, but was basically abandoned in beta when it was plagued by bad dev choices and design.

> > > >

> > > > People should start facing reality, not much is gonna happen anymore. Either you're fine with that, or you move on like many already did.

> > >

> > > Sorry but you sound like a solo Q Qer.

> > >

> > > Conquest is the best team competitive game mode I have ever seen in any MMO and one of the best I've seen for any game ever.

> > >

> > > Construct a 5 man team, start queueing together and challenge a few ATs. If you aren't doing that, then you aren't really playing the best that PvP has to offer.

> >

> > is solo q player supposed to be a new insult?


> It deserves to be an insult, because these people voted for restricting ranked Q and basically killed the PvP community.



Wowie, that's some real salt right there.


Yes it's all the soloquer's fault why PVP Community is dying, it couldn't be the balance/power creep, the shady practices at the top end making the game mode some joke clown fiesta, pulling of the plug on the esports scene, or just the same old focus on conquest only.

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