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Those Harpies in Giant Steps (Midwest Desert Highlands )

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....are beating the unholy, pure unfiltered poop out of me no matter what I do.....the ones near the Choya hidden camp. The Harpy Predators, and Harpy Spellbreakers.


You can't dodge their arrows. They steal boons. They damage you if you move with their debuff. They do damage WHEN they steal boons, and they hit you with a DOT that just wrecks your health. So they get your boons, exponentially making their damage skyrocket, then all that other stuff compounded on it, plus they have really, really long range attacks and aggro radius (they are also almost always on high ground). It's just too much. They're two-shotting me. Why the heck are they hitting for 8k???


I think they're a bit overtuned and need to be looked at. I was telling a friend about them and he decided to go over and fight them on his Renegade. They ate him alive, too.


I AM playing a Staff Ele Weaver, and I finally figured out a strategy to take them down (summon greater earth elemental and then send him in, then burn them down as hard and fast as I can), but sweet baby jebus, they need adjusting!!! They aren't even veteran or elite!


UPDATE: A 'tanky' build warrior friend of ours went over and tried to take them on. Same thing. He just got shredded. So I go to help him and rez him, I get shredded. Either nerf them back down to normal mob levels, or make them all appear as Veterans.

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How many of them were you taking on at once? I remember trying to get an item from them for an achievement (think a gathering mastery) and found them rather strong for what they were. I couldn't successfully take more than 3 to 4 at a time, if even that many. A lot of running, dodging and trying to burst as quickly as possible was involved. In the end I never ended up getting the item.

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> @"Imperadordf.2687" said:

> You need to burst them. And staff ele has a ramp up time. Which is why staff ele is not considered good in open world. I recommend running sword/dagger or scepter/focus for more burst and more survivability. Good luck.


Thank you. I was afraid of that, to be honest. I think Scepter/Focus is gonna be my route.

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> @"DarthFurby.3970" said:

> How many of them were you taking on at once? I remember trying to get an item from them for an achievement (think a gathering mastery) and found them rather strong for what they were. I couldn't successfully take more than 3 to 4 at a time, if even that many. A lot of running, dodging and trying to burst as quickly as possible was involved. In the end I never ended up getting the item.


You can't take on just 1. I tried to pull just 1. Then _another from across the entire plateau_ came. They seriously need to be toned down.

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> @"Martimus.6027" said:

> > @"Imperadordf.2687" said:

> > You need to burst them. And staff ele has a ramp up time. Which is why staff ele is not considered good in open world. I recommend running sword/dagger or scepter/focus for more burst and more survivability. Good luck.


> Thank you. I was afraid of that, to be honest. I think Scepter/Focus is gonna be my route.


Yeah sadly I love staff too but it's slow and unforgiving when you make a mistake. You can use staff when you're doing world bosses or metas like istan when you are protected by others. Staff is much better at group content.

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> @"Martimus.6027" said:

> > @"DarthFurby.3970" said:

> > How many of them were you taking on at once? I remember trying to get an item from them for an achievement (think a gathering mastery) and found them rather strong for what they were. I couldn't successfully take more than 3 to 4 at a time, if even that many. A lot of running, dodging and trying to burst as quickly as possible was involved. In the end I never ended up getting the item.


> You can't take on just 1. I tried to pull just 1. Then _another from across the entire plateau_ came. They seriously need to be toned down.


Well, I recall taking on a few at a time. My partner was able to take on more than me, sad as I am to admit, which is likely why she got the item and I didn't. Due to killing more in volume.


If you can group them in a pile and burn them down fast it isn't too bad, when they start going all over the place it becomes problematic.


I agree they are quite strong for being trash mobs, but with timing it is not unreasonable to take on a few.


Maybe because you are rolling ele staff weaver, they aren't mobile at all. I was using SB condi. I can move and kill them with conditions and have pet finish them.

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There are some areas of the PoF maps where given the unavoidable aggro from hard-hitting mobs, you pretty much need to either group up or keep moving. I think the intention was to encourage group play. As a solo player I do find it annoying though - there are some places I just have to run through and not pause for anything.

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> @"Martimus.6027" said:

> > @"DarthFurby.3970" said:

> > How many of them were you taking on at once? I remember trying to get an item from them for an achievement (think a gathering mastery) and found them rather strong for what they were. I couldn't successfully take more than 3 to 4 at a time, if even that many. A lot of running, dodging and trying to burst as quickly as possible was involved. In the end I never ended up getting the item.


> You can't take on just 1. I tried to pull just 1. Then _another from across the entire plateau_ came. They seriously need to be toned down.


Every mob in POF has like 3000 range. If you engage them, that might trigger another mob at 3000 away, and so on.

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The funny thing is, that every mob in PoF has its strategy to destroy it. For me as Warrior main, the hydra was quite nasty in the beginning because of the cc chains. The learning curve on the hydra was acceptable and right now, I think fighting them is good fun (despite the severed heads being a bit too tanky imo, but at least their mobility is somewhat limited). Harpies, on the other hand, while being utter trash in vanilla, are foes that I forgo because fighting them is no fun at all. You are punished for staying at range, you are punished even worse for going melee and if there's more than one, it's gg.


But perhaps I just need to learn to adapt to that kind of enemy. Until now, I have adapted to every enemy successfully, even to those candid things (hate them). Yet somehow I doubt that those SB/DH harpies are going to be fun for me...

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PoF Harpies are by far the overall strongest beings in Tyria. We should be fighting Elder Harpies instead of the weakling Elder Dragons. They deal massive damage compared to other mobs, they are ranged, ye they dont really care about "block projectile" much, they have mass CC and condi dealing abilities and many are super tanks+mass evades.


Even Smokescales etc. are harmless stuffed animals compared to PoF Harpies.

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> @"HyperLooser.2698" said:

> PoF Harpies are by far the overall strongest beings in Tyria. We should be fighting Elder Harpies instead of the weakling Elder Dragons. They deal massive damage compared to other mobs, they are ranged, ye they dont really care about "block projectile" much, they have mass CC and condi dealing abilities and many are super tanks+mass evades.


> Even Smokescales etc. are harmless stuffed animals compared to PoF Harpies.


That's absolutely right. I've never faced a stronger opponent in this game. I don't understand the oversight on them, and if it isn't oversight, then it is on purpose? WHY!?!?!?! Why are they so strong?! They're just trash mobs in some random obscure area!

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The Canid Awakened Plautze mentions are definitely harder for me than the super-harpies. Harpies are still very strong, but you can beat them with the proper mix of kiting and bursting. You need to move fast, and have a decent source of stab.

I typically burst the harpy casters as fast as possible in melee-mid range, then kite the warriors from afar while retreating. Heal and recover CDs, then again into the fry with the casters, and so on. Juggernaut perma-stab, rocket boots, burns and lots of CC are my weapon of choice.

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I remember having a same kind of experience with the harpies at the western cliffs of Boundary Preserve, in the Desolation. :D

They've been my mortal enemies ever since.


> @"HyperLooser.2698" said:

> PoF Harpies are by far the overall strongest beings in Tyria. We should be fighting Elder Harpies instead of the weakling Elder Dragons. They deal massive damage compared to other mobs, they are ranged, ye they dont really care about "block projectile" much, they have mass CC and condi dealing abilities and many are super tanks+mass evades.


> Even Smokescales etc. are harmless stuffed animals compared to PoF Harpies.


Elder Harpies indeed!


> @"Plautze.6290" said:

> Maybe we can ignite some war between Joko and the harpies? Perhaps masquerade as High Matriarch and lead the harpy armies against Joko's forces?

> GW2: Path of Feathers.


You just came up with a method for saving Tyria. We'll just provoke the harpies against both Joko and the Elder Dragons!

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> @"Fundor.2098" said:

> I remember having a same kind of experience with the harpies at the western cliffs of Boundary Preserve, in the Desolation. :D

> They've been my mortal enemies ever since.


> > @"HyperLooser.2698" said:

> > PoF Harpies are by far the overall strongest beings in Tyria. We should be fighting Elder Harpies instead of the weakling Elder Dragons. They deal massive damage compared to other mobs, they are ranged, ye they dont really care about "block projectile" much, they have mass CC and condi dealing abilities and many are super tanks+mass evades.

> >

> > Even Smokescales etc. are harmless stuffed animals compared to PoF Harpies.


> Elder Harpies indeed!


> > @"Plautze.6290" said:

> > Maybe we can ignite some war between Joko and the harpies? Perhaps masquerade as High Matriarch and lead the harpy armies against Joko's forces?

> > GW2: Path of Feathers.


> You just came up with a method for saving Tyria. We'll just provoke the harpies against both Joko and the Elder Dragons!


Let's just hope they stay unorganized afterwards...

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