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easy/pug raid

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escort (w3 boss1), cairn (w4 boss 1) and mursaat overseer (w4 boss 2) are all easy bosses. Granted you still need to read up on them 1st to know their mechanics that can kill you, and have at least 1 person who knows what to do (shroom cave, circles, claim+dsipel), and be able to pull off respectable dps to breeze through them (10k+).

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For actual boss fights, w4 first 3 bosses are easiest, yush. If you practise enough to do 20k DPS on golem, you'll do quite decently while focusing on mechanics as those 3 have just some simple mechanics to deal with.


1. Cairn: try to point camera downwards and stay out of teleport circles and stay as close to boss as possible. Try to go to nearby green when they spawn. Dodge left if boss slams. Most of all, avoid those ports, they're the real lethality.

2. Mursaat Overseer: just deeps and stay stacked tight while avoiding spikes.

3. Samarog: jump over shockwaves, bring lots of CC (CC is priority over DPS), stack with other bubble if bubbled and if you have pushbacks, use them to keep small guy Rigom away from giant Guldhem.

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I'd say the best one is Vale Guardian, mostly because it's a real tiered fight. First you begin by defeating some split bosses that teach you the individual mechanics, then you need to face them all at once, then progressively some new mechanics are added. Plus most raiders, if not all of them, know how to defeat Vale Guardian by now (since it's the first boss) so it's way more likely to get experienced players, or players that are willing to take a new player with them to show them the fight.

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Wing 4 is mostly staying alive and then putting as much dps as you can while killin the boss. The only team work is maybe Sam. And getting cc right and lock and key together.


Wing 4 is very simple compared to wing 1. Wing 1 to start, you have to have a tank to know what he/she is doing. In wing 4 you just worry about damage mostly. And moving out of bad spots.

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> @"pakuras.7652" said:

> But is it more like dungeons or fractals? You can play your way as long as you can survive on your own, or people expect you to use specific build i.e. to heal/buff others?


Raids are ona much more different difficulty level overall than legacy dungeons (which are, apart from some exceptions, faceroll in terms of difficulty now with new specializations from the expansions). I'd compare raiding to highest tier fractals (at least the new ones, Shattered Observatory is a good example difficulty-wise). The issue with raids is that you mostly need to dish out decent dps (the higher, the better), take mechanics of the bosses into account - with almost each of them having a way to one-shot you and wipe the entire raid, and survive. All of this simultaneously. In the most difficult raids and challenge motes for some encounters, the whole team has to work as one, so outside communication like Teamspeak or Discord is very, very often used.


And as far as playing your way - not so much. There is a certain level of rigidity in team compositions, at least when you try to pug raids through LFG. These groups very often end up being toxic. The best way to learn raiding is to either join a raid-dedicated guild or find a training group. And of course - never start an encounter while not having at least read on the mechanics and phases several times, watching some videos... Also, gear level - at least ascended trinkets and weapon + exotic armor, ideally full ascended gear. These small prcentage increases in damage really do the difference.




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thanks, just finished second boss in spirit vale. But it took us maybe more than 90 minutes to get it done :D We started as group of randoms, but it turned out things go smooth if we just act according to the plan. Nice to finally see PVE contet of this kind in gw2. I avoided raids and then forget about them, because no one wanted a beginner in his team

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> @"pakuras.7652" said:

> thanks, just finished second boss in spirit vale. But it took us maybe more than 90 minutes to get it done :D We started as group of randoms, but it turned out things go smooth if we just act according to the plan. Nice to finally see PVE contet of this kind in gw2. I avoided raids and then forget about them, because no one wanted a beginner in his team


Nice :smile:. Everyone is a beginner at one point (at least once) :tongue:. Feeling insecure doing something new and the pressure of playing together with experienced players. Just need to beat it once for the confidence, the next time it's just business as usual.


> @"blambidy.3216" said:

> Wing 4 is mostly staying alive and then putting as much dps as you can while killin the boss. The only team work is maybe Sam. And getting cc right and lock and key together.


> Wing 4 is very simple compared to wing 1. Wing 1 to start, you have to have a tank to know what he/she is doing. In wing 4 you just worry about damage mostly. And moving out of bad spots.


Imo the more experience you have, the more easier it is or feels that way. I did plenty of W1 compared to the others, although I do agree some bosses are easier but I'm more comfortable with W1. Felt the bosses skill tiers are more clearer. VG gains a new skill after every phase, Gorse after each World's Ender and Sabetha after each lackey. When it comes to W2, eg. Slothazor mechanic; fixated move to the front, poisoned move and drops it at the back. "Shake" aoe gets me all the time if it's not called out :flushed: till recently, *after so long* to find out it's not random! The ability starts after 50% and every 45secs after. /facepalm.

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> @"pakuras.7652" said:

> thanks, just finished second boss in spirit vale. But it took us maybe more than 90 minutes to get it done :D We started as group of randoms, but it turned out things go smooth if we just act according to the plan. Nice to finally see PVE contet of this kind in gw2. I avoided raids and then forget about them, because no one wanted a beginner in his team


congratulations! welcome to the show ^^

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