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Living World Trinkets Core Stats Inconsistency

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So, I wanted to get myself some sentinel ascended trinkets because reasons, and I came to the conclusion that farming some LWS3 maps for like the 10th time would give me them (already did it several times, but didn't know exactly which non-HoT stat they had available). Out of nowhere it came to me that we also have LWS4 maps this time, and the second map even has a ring and an accessory or smth available there, so i dont have to painfully farm Ember Bay once again to get that, and i went to check in the wiki about it.


Turns out that for some strange reason Sentinel stat (and MANY OTHER CORE TYRYA STATS) aren't actually selectable in those LWS4 trinkets, so I actually will have to farm LWS3 once again... I came here to ask why is that? I mean, **I'm fine with that stat separation between HoT and PoF, thats non debatable to me, but why several CORE STATS AREN'T SELECTABLE THERE?**


Here's a list according to the Wiki:

(the ones in **bold** are expansion exclusive, the ones with ~~strikethrough~~ aren't selectable)







Berserker + Valkyrie









Dire + rabid









Rabid + Apothecary


















~~Assassin ~~ (Core)


Berserker + Valkyrie


~~Carrion~~ (Core)






~~Dire~~ (Core)

Dire + rabid




~~Magi~~ (Core)



~~Nomad~~ (Core)


Rabid + Apothecary


~~Sentinel~~ (Core)


~~Settler~~ (Core)

~~Shaman~~ (Core)

~~Sinister~~ (Core)



~~Valkyrie~~ (Core)




~~Zealot~~ (Core)

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Dire, magi and sentinel, are Core stats. Sentinel and magi in Core gw2 are ONLY obtainable via dungeons. Dire dont exist.

The only reliable way to get every stat for Core and HoT are the LS3 maps.


Excluding stats in PoF maps is alright, in my opinion. Plenty of LS3 maps to get various trinkets. Fractals also have the mist talismans, where every stat is available. I presume they did this to add some replayability to the LS3 maps

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Thanks for the response.


Thats the problem, why not do the same with LWS4 maps? It makes no sense! If they’re available in LWS3 there's no reason why they shouldn't be in LWS4, because, you know, they are core stats...I believe this was an oversight tbh.

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ANet's never been very consistent about what stats are available through which means under what circumstances. Even with the wiki to help, it's still confusing. If you don't have room in your brain's hard SSD to memorize, you have to look it up each and every time.


So I don't think the discrepancies found by the OP are "new" to the game; they are just the most recent example of a lack of cohesion to how these things get planned and checked-for-continuity-before-implementation. Mind you: it's a nearly impossible job unless someone is tasked to it and it's hard to imagine ANet wanting to divert resources to support it, given that we can always work around these oddities.


In short: the OP is right, but I think it's a moot issue _unless_ ANet were to overhaul everything regarding stats.

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The inconsistency has been around, oh, probably since the introduction of ascended rings. There seem to be a couple of sets of what might be considered "core" stats. There are what I'll call Core 1 or Central Tyria stats - these are all of the stats that match the original fractal rings (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ascended_trinket#Rings) or the vial of salt, stuff like the Berserker + valkyrie, but no dire or magi. What I'll call Core 2 stats contain a few obvious omissions from the previous Core 1 category like Carrion, Magi's and Shaman's, but mainly have stats that were once modified (e.g. assassin's), and living world stats like settler, sentinel, sinister, nomad, and zealot.


So, core is not always core I guess. *shrug*



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