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Longbow is NOT 1500 Range


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> @"Dralor.3701" said:

> Can Roy or Karl (if you still work there?) comment on this.


> Or one of the new guys, go check arcing vs non-arcing shots with the range indicator. Unless you have changed something the statement of all ranged skills having a buffer is false.




It not a statement on all ranged skills it’s a statement on all Melee and Ranged skills have the Buffer, and t is false since Mesmer GS and Rifles/Pistols are missing it but every other Melee and Ranged skills have it. And we have asked multiple time even tagging Karl in the poss to look into it, with zero acknowledgment to the posts multiple times

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What do you want them to look into? It’s working the way it is supposed to. More often than not the skills don’t have the increased range, there are just a few exceptions in the cases of skills that arc.


Mesmer GS is also not a projectile weapon so it really shouldn’t even be in the discussion.

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> @"Dralor.3701" said:

> What do you want them to look into? It’s working the way it is supposed to. More often than not the skills don’t have the increased range, there are just a few exceptions in the cases of skills that arc.


> Mesmer GS is also not a projectile weapon so it really shouldn’t even be in the discussion.


Working as intended aye? Do you have a Dev post stating 1500 Range isn’t supposed to equal 1500 Range? Do You have a Dev post to substantiate that claim? No? I have a Dev post that specifically states otherwise.


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I don’t know who is currently working there but when I did I would trust maybe three of them to know how the skills actually work.


Imo keep asking for an explanation from Karl and Roy. Maybe someone else on the skills and balance team, otherwise Dev tag =\= knowledgeable.

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> @"Dralor.3701" said:

> I don’t know who is currently working there but when I did I would trust maybe three of them to know how the skills actually work.


> Imo keep asking for an explanation from Karl and Roy. Maybe someone else on the skills and balance team, otherwise Dev tag =\= knowledgeable.


The Dev was a PvP and Balance Dev if I recall I would hope they would know something about the skills in game

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> @"Dralor.3701" said:

> Getting way off topic but if it wasn’t one of those two, probably not. Not really the persons fault either if they never physically tested the skills.


> Not trying to argue for what it’s worth just trying to shed some light.


I would just love any explanation at all good or bad if it’s intended or not and if it is why they list said Skills at X Range when they clearly extend past those ranges.

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The biggest problem right now is that people are playing zerker soulbeast builds that can one shot you from 1500 range. As soon as you get near them or in range, they've already used leaps to get away to the back of their zerg or group. Then the problem is glorified when half the pugs are running this kind of build and you just down before you can even get close enough to start doing damage. I had 5 rangers on me the other day, 3 of their pets were at my feet when I downed. I couldn't help but laugh at both the situation and poor balance.

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> @"Blackarps.1974" said:

> The biggest problem right now is that people are playing zerker soulbeast builds that can one shot you from 1500 range. As soon as you get near them or in range, they've already used leaps to get away to the back of their zerg or group. Then the problem is glorified when half the pugs are running this kind of build and you just down before you can even get close enough to start doing damage. I had 5 rangers on me the other day, 3 of their pets were at my feet when I downed. I couldn't help but laugh at both the situation and poor balance.


If 5 people focus you, regardless of class, you should die..

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I mostly use full zerk on my chars and I have not experienced this. Even if you only dodge once during the rapid fire/cds you shouldn’t die.


Mesmer burst is by far the scariest thing right now. So much soulbeast and deadeye hate when they aren’t even meta..

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> @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

> Someone recently showed me that the action camera can help you hit shots you normally can't, since you can aim a little over the target, giving your shot more of an arc, and allowing it to travel farther. This is very evident with staff Ele and Engi mortar kit when destroying siege on walls.


The issue we are describing doesn’t rely on Action Camera it’s how they work with normal camera, their range states 1200 or 1500 but they are in fact a lot further.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Blackarps.1974" said:

> > The biggest problem right now is that people are playing zerker soulbeast builds that can one shot you from 1500 range. As soon as you get near them or in range, they've already used leaps to get away to the back of their zerg or group. Then the problem is glorified when half the pugs are running this kind of build and you just down before you can even get close enough to start doing damage. I had 5 rangers on me the other day, 3 of their pets were at my feet when I downed. I couldn't help but laugh at both the situation and poor balance.


> If 5 people focus you, regardless of class, you should die..


Well yeah, but my point was that it was all rangers and all near that 1200-1500 range. Not that I should have lived. If you can do big damage from the furthest range in the game, why play anything else as a pug? That's the problem I'm starting to see.

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> @"Blackarps.1974" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @"Blackarps.1974" said:

> > > The biggest problem right now is that people are playing zerker soulbeast builds that can one shot you from 1500 range. As soon as you get near them or in range, they've already used leaps to get away to the back of their zerg or group. Then the problem is glorified when half the pugs are running this kind of build and you just down before you can even get close enough to start doing damage. I had 5 rangers on me the other day, 3 of their pets were at my feet when I downed. I couldn't help but laugh at both the situation and poor balance.

> >

> > If 5 people focus you, regardless of class, you should die..


> Well yeah, but my point was that it was all rangers and all near that 1200-1500 range. Not that I should have lived. If you can do big damage from the furthest range in the game, why play anything else as a pug? That's the problem I'm starting to see.


Fair point. I guess I look at them as part of the scourge solution. Probably intentionally so on some level.

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> @"Dralor.3701" said:

> Mesmer is the best for roaming, scourge is the best for blobbing soul beast is a non-issue unless you have slow reaction time.


> I’ve been blown up by the pure glass sickem build too, just saying it isn’t very good. :)


I run it as one of my 2 ranger builds. It is a turret build. Great quick burst dps, no stunbreak or condition clears. Sure, it hits like a truck and can be made unblockable, but just about every other class can provide the same with better options.

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> @"Blackarps.1974" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @"Blackarps.1974" said:

> > > The biggest problem right now is that people are playing zerker soulbeast builds that can one shot you from 1500 range. As soon as you get near them or in range, they've already used leaps to get away to the back of their zerg or group. Then the problem is glorified when half the pugs are running this kind of build and you just down before you can even get close enough to start doing damage. I had 5 rangers on me the other day, 3 of their pets were at my feet when I downed. I couldn't help but laugh at both the situation and poor balance.

> >

> > If 5 people focus you, regardless of class, you should die..


> Well yeah, but my point was that it was all rangers and all near that 1200-1500 range. Not that I should have lived. If you can do big damage from the furthest range in the game, why play anything else as a pug? That's the problem I'm starting to see.


Because 1 spellbreaker can walk up and easily kill 2-5 of them. There are a LOT of broken things right now, but longbow range (for ranger and guardian) isn't one of them.

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> @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > Things that go longer than their listed range is quite extensive.

> > Few examples:

> > ranger longbow auto

> > guardian longbow auto

> > ele staff fire auto

> >

> > If OP is asking for all of them to be fixed at the same time, than sure. Make ALL skills cap at their max range and just disappear without hitting anything when they pass their listed range.


> Which they should because as it sits now “1200”Range Bows shoot further than 1500 Range non Bow attacks or they need to give all attacks missing the Range Buffer the Range Buffer that they should have as stated by a Dev Tyler Chapman:

> “17. Intended. All ranged and melee skills have a 15% buffer range to take account for tracking.”


I just tested this on my DH moments ago. I don't have a precise range, but I estimate that DH's longbow auto attack (on seemingly flat ground) can strike targets about 1650 units away.


Method: The way I tested this was strike target at maximum range (where even a very slight press of the back key results in 'out of range'), JI to target (I tested JI against trueshot, they both seem to travel the same distance so the assumption is that JI is accurately measures 1200 range), then attempted to hit target with a 300 range skill (staff auto attack) which was barely unsuccessful.

From this point, I needed to move around 100-150 units forward (about the range of a melee attack, 130 units, which my only proof here is the apparent animation range of a greatsword swing's length forward) before staff auto attack was capable of hitting.


All in all, that's 1200 + 300 + 150 units = 37.5% range buffer. If you apply this same math to ranger longbow, you arrive at a range of 2062.5. Even if you round down to the nearest 25, that's 2050 units which @"Justine.6351"'s video gives undeniable evidence for ("Sic Em!" has a range of 2000 units and longbow clearly out-ranges this).


I think it's safe to say that regardless of coding, the effective range buffer for arcing projectiles in this game is between 33% and 37.5%. That's a bit excessive if you ask me. Like OP argued, this should be nerfed, or other projectiles should be buffed. It's a very significant and unfair discrepancy if we leave things as they are now.

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> @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > @"Dralor.3701" said:

> > Mesmer is the best for roaming, scourge is the best for blobbing soul beast is a non-issue unless you have slow reaction time.

> >

> > I’ve been blown up by the pure glass sickem build too, just saying it isn’t very good. :)


> I run it as one of my 2 ranger builds. It is a turret build. Great quick burst dps, no stunbreak or condition clears. Sure, it hits like a truck and can be made unblockable, but just about every other class can provide the same with better options.


Hold on. :)


I don’t think it is OP but you should still have at least 1-2 stun breaks and 1-2 ivuln. I don’t think any class has this kind of sustained damage at this range... but again doesn’t mean it isn’t fine for one class to fill that niche.


Let’s just be honest on both sides of the discussion.

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