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Which type of gathering tools should I use for Eternal Battleground synthesizers?


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WvW synthesizers have the ability to produce T1 to T6 materials. Therefore you could use Oricalcum tools to be able to harvest all types. As you are hardly wanting to use the nodes "for income" the 4s for each tool are no-nonsense "investment". You could use Mithril tools as well (cheaper) and suffer from the occasional ruined T6 mat, but I see no reason to be thrifty.

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> @"Gorani.7205" said:

> WvW synthesizers have the ability to produce T1 to T6 materials. Therefore you could use Oricalcum tools to be able to harvest all types. As you are hardly wanting to use the nodes "for income" the 4s for each tool are no-nonsense "investment". You could use Mithril tools as well (cheaper) and suffer from the occasional ruined T6 mat, but I see no reason to be thrifty.


Should I use any glyph with Oricalcum tools? If yes which one?

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With the exception of the glyph that speeds up harvest time, they are all nearly useless except for the unbound magic ones. I spent a good week testing the others, and the % chance to get X is clearly not 33%. The fact that unbound magic converts to T6 mats makes it the only one worth using, unless you are just in a hurry.

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> @"Ubi.4136" said:

> With the exception of the glyph that speeds up harvest time, they are all nearly useless except for the unbound magic ones. I spent a good week testing the others, and the % chance to get X is clearly not 33%.

My experience is different from yours then. I've been using a leather glyph in my axe since the glyphs were added to the game, and I have almost precisely the expected amount of leather in my inventory after each wood gathering run (50-60 T5 and T6 nodes per run).

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Unbreakable Unbound Magic tools (when you can get them). As for glyphs, I imagine that would depend on what mats you want/need more, or as someone mentioned above go with the Glyph of Industry for faster gathering (not everyone waits around for people to "get their nodes").

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> @"Brother.1504" said:

> The karma gathering tools from sun swept isles are cheap and gather volatile magic currency. I swap between volatile and unbound gathering when wvwing.


Where exactly can I buy them? Do I need to complete something before I will be able to purchase them?

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It’s one of the hearts on the central island. Pretty sure they reset everyday, but it’s only a few minutes to complete the heart. I buy a weeks worth of tools at a time and store them in my bank so my toons have easy access. Hope that helps.


Ps. Buy four times as many plant gathering tools as they are used for cloth and leather also and you will burn through them very quickly.

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> @"Brother.1504" said:

> It’s one of the hearts on the central island. Pretty sure they reset everyday, but it’s only a few minutes to complete the heart. I buy a weeks worth of tools at a time and store them in my bank so my toons have easy access. Hope that helps.


> Ps. Buy four times as many plant gathering tools as they are used for cloth and leather also and you will burn through them very quickly.


1. You mean in the central island of the Sandswept Isles?

2. I have not completed LS4. If I will teleport once with "Teleport to Friend", will I be able to get there any time I wont with simple teleport?

3. If I get there as I mentioned in the previous question will I be able to complete that heart and buy tools from that merchant?

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Yes the sand swept islands. I’m not sure of any “gating” of hearts, it’s open world I don’t think it matters how advanced your LS4 is. The heart is just a karma merchant. Teleport to friend should work. I know it’s a bit of a pain to find the first time but worth it IMO.

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Yes, Limited use UM gathers purchased with karma are sold in LS3 maps from some (maybe not all) heart vendors. If you have the lava lounge portal scroll you can just jump off into ember bay, I know for sure the heart directly north (by sloth and jade construct) sells these gathers. If you don't have the lava lounge portal scroll, and haven't gotten at least 1 toon to these LS3 maps the legit way (by story), then you'll need to do that.


Edit: here's the wiki for those limited UM tools with locations where they can be purchased https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Unbound_Harvesting_Sickle


BUT notice it says in the notes section you won't gather UM until you complete the Reaper of Magic story step or purchased an Ancient Murat relic. So, just be aware of those restrictions prior.

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> @"Annihilator.2617" said:

> > @"Brother.1504" said:

> > I swap between volatile and unbound gathering when wvwing.


> Also which is more profitable if converted to gold?


No idea which is more profitable. I’m sure some industrious spread sheet person has figured that out. I use the karma volatile tools for wvw lately. The extra currency makes the berry and herb nodes in wvw useful. As you guys know the cloth, leather, and wood are sought after and the others are considered almost worthless.

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> @"Brother.1504" said:

> > @"Annihilator.2617" said:

> > > @"Brother.1504" said:

> > > I swap between volatile and unbound gathering when wvwing.

> >

> > Also which is more profitable if converted to gold?


> No idea which is more profitable. I’m sure some industrious spread sheet person has figured that out. I use the karma volatile tools for wvw lately. The extra currency makes the berry and herb nodes in wvw useful. As you guys know the cloth, leather, and wood are sought after and the others are considered almost worthless.


How much gold do you make with karma volatile tools in one evening? Or you use volatile magic for something else?

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Brother.1504" said:

> I estimate about 5k volatile magic extra a week just from regular wvw gathering. I use the currency for alts trinkets but you could buy the crafting mats bags.


As I understand, you also need [Difluorite Crystal](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Difluorite_Crystal "Difluorite Crystal") to buy trinkets. Where and how you farm them?

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> @"Annihilator.2617" said:

> > @"Brother.1504" said:

> > I estimate about 5k volatile magic extra a week just from regular wvw gathering. I use the currency for alts trinkets but you could buy the crafting mats bags.


> As I understand, you also need [Difluorite Crystal](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Difluorite_Crystal "Difluorite Crystal") to buy trinkets. Where and how you farm them?


I bought the node for my home instance and you can farm them on the sandswept isles. I have a toon camped near the broken golem backpack thingy. There are 3 diflourite nodes that spawn daily near there.

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