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Should shades skills recieve a cast time?


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Yes, they should. I recommend those skills to have either a 1-2 second cast time. I'm sick of scourges instant casting AoE condi bombs when they are resurrecting or are knocked down and being nearly impossible to kill as a melee profession like thief. It's worse when they play full condition builds. Those types of scourge players are the worst.


> They should just buff reapers so fewer people play scourges

Agreed. They should also buff core necromancer because both core and Reaper require more skill than Scourge. Scourge is basically the spoiled brat of the necromancer profession. Whenever they see an enemy, they go full on temper tantrum and throw stuff at you, and by stuff I mean conditions. Combine that with the amount of chills, fears, pulls, cripples, weaknesses and you've got a recipe for disaster.


Scourge was intended to be a more supportive specialization with emphasis on rescuing allies by pulling them out of the fight and resurrecting them. Whenever I see power Scourges that pull you away from enemies to resurrect you, those types of Scourge players are the ones that I respect and are the best. It's sad that most Scourges play condition builds and smash their faces on the keyboard for an easy win. It also sucks when the enemy team swaps the profession they were currently playing to Scourge and now you're facing 3 Scourges with a Mesmer and a Deadeye thief.

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A big issue (read: not the only issue) with Scourge is that the _core_ profession has too many aoe's.

I mostly play Ranger and Necromancer and its really night and day which one can shit all over the field and which one has to pick their targets. I actually switched from Ranger main to Necromancer main when PoF came out.


Necromancer has 4 AoE attacks on staff, 1-2 on most other weapons, potentially a full bar of AoE utilities, all AoE elites, AoE F1-F5 and traits with AoE effects that activate on F1, F5 & Scourge utilities. There's just too much potential damage in an area this one profession can put out. Heck, the _core_ profession has more than most others.


You can't tell everyone to separate to fight, not in a gamemode where the objective is to hold a point, (which is about the size of a sand shade, wells and staff marks,) that would be silly.


IMO, this profession needs less AoEs and more heavier ranged single target attacks.


~ Kovu

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> @"Kovu.7560" said:

> A big issue (read: not the only issue) with Scourge is that the _core_ profession has too many aoe's.


lolwat. Core necro is almost entirely single target. Staff is the only core weapon with a cleave focus, and Wells are the only serious AoE utilities. Heck it wasn't until HoT that dagger auto chain was allowed to hit more than one target.


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> @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > @"Kovu.7560" said:

> > A big issue (read: not the only issue) with Scourge is that the _core_ profession has too many aoe's.


> lolwat. Core necro is almost entirely single target. Staff is the only core weapon with a cleave focus, and Wells are the only serious AoE utilities. Heck it wasn't until HoT that dagger auto chain was allowed to hit more than one target.



Yeah, those marks and wells _alone_ grant more AoE uptime potential than, at worst, 7 out of 8 of the other professions. This is without Scourge. You don't even need to factor in the other weapon set.


~ Kovu

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> @"Kovu.7560" said:

> > @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > > @"Kovu.7560" said:

> > > A big issue (read: not the only issue) with Scourge is that the _core_ profession has too many aoe's.

> >

> > lolwat. Core necro is almost entirely single target. Staff is the only core weapon with a cleave focus, and Wells are the only serious AoE utilities. Heck it wasn't until HoT that dagger auto chain was allowed to hit more than one target.

> >


> Yeah, those marks and wells _alone_ grant more AoE uptime potential than, at worst, 7 out of 8 of the other professions. This is without Scourge. You don't even need to factor in the other weapon set.


> ~ Kovu


Those marks also provide very little damage/pressure. Staff as a weapon is used for only three things:

1. unblockable condition transfer

2. unblockable Fear

3. life force generation


All of which only works when traited (though to be fair, there's not much competition at that slot).


Any Necro trying to just camp staff is a free kill, because that weapon doesn't have damage or sustain outside of life force (minimum 10 second cooldown on using *that* for defense).

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Ok. Let me explain why it is bad idea. I think its still not clear for everybody, but more telegraph of scourge skills failed to teach most stubborn noobs about dodging. So making sand skills more clunky is not the way.


What i think its OP problem is posibility for scourge to hard pressure attacker while being stuned. This require some explenation with history of necro.


From begginig of the hame it was pretty clear that necro had two weknesses that really getting out of hand in pvp. Immobility and lack of scaling defenses such as evades. No mater if core or reaper you were always ping ponged as necro without any way to do anything about it. Because of that the whole focus necro stuff came out.


Now scourge has patched this wekness by allowing to counter that pressure by incredible aoe pressure making this focus necro tactic require baiting sand shroud first.


So adding cast time on it will make scourges ping ponged them again.


My proposition to solve this issue would be making ss real defence/support skill like 2 or 3 sec of evade +1 sec of evade for allies. With proper numbers it could provide less condi cancer in the air. Increase necro supporting abilities, enable more glassy necro builds and provide reilable tools for not beeing ping ponged

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> @"Virelion.4128" said:

> Ok. Let me explain why it is bad idea. I think its still not clear for everybody, but more telegraph of scourge skills failed to teach most stubborn noobs about dodging. So making sand skills more clunky is not the way.


> What i think its OP problem is posibility for scourge to hard pressure attacker while being stuned. This require some explenation with history of necro.


> From begginig of the hame it was pretty clear that necro had two weknesses that really getting out of hand in pvp. Immobility and lack of scaling defenses such as evades. No mater if core or reaper you were always ping ponged as necro without any way to do anything about it. Because of that the whole focus necro stuff came out.


> Now scourge has patched this wekness by allowing to counter that pressure by incredible aoe pressure making this focus necro tactic require baiting sand shroud first.


> So adding cast time on it will make scourges ping ponged them again.


> My proposition to solve this issue would be making ss real defence/support skill like 2 or 3 sec of evade +1 sec of evade for allies. With proper numbers it could provide less condi cancer in the air. Increase necro supporting abilities, enable more glassy necro builds and provide reilable tools for not beeing ping ponged


Idk if dodge is really the necro thing though. Why not just replace some of the cancer spam with more barrier?

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Barrier is not scaling defence and suffers from the same thing death and reaper shroud. It is fixed dmg amount which will he blocked not helpful against 1 or 2 ppl. Less effective if 5 is hitting you. Aditionally is not solving its purpose as CC defence.


Thematicly distorting yourself with sand stream imo makes sense. I agree that block/evade was not in the necro kit originally but this is why necro has its defence problem in the first place

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I dont think they should nerf them in that way.

Perhaps just not be castable while CCed.So a CCed scourge would not be spreading love around him.After all these nerfs,they seem to be almost in a sweet spot where they are still relevant but not so oppresive "given the tools avayable to classes".

Some classes and some abilities are still meta defining,but i dont think that scourge is the only offender in that case.

And yes,you still can't go melee vs scourge without solid cleansing or enough CC,but at least nowadays most popular builds can deal with them fairly,without further nerfing the Condie Scourge,i believe.

In fact there is probally room for a buff to power and support scourge,to spice things up :)

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