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Please dont team us up with people we reported recently


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It is already bad that we match up with people in a team who we've played before and lost. It is already so toxic and people blaming other teammates for it. So it really sucks if you match up with them again. But it is even worse that we get teamed with people we reported before due to verbal abuse or matchmaking manipulation.


I guess due to the low popularity and matchmaking abuse it is already not possible that the matchmaking excludes people from our blocklist. But I would really really like if you dont put us in a team with a person we reported recently. After some amount of time it could be possible that this person is in you team again. I just got one person 4 times in a row in my team. Reported him twice for verbal abuse... and once for matchmaking manipulation, for reasons. In kinda everymatch he was yelling at people, blaming everyone else, and did suicides. Why do I get placed in a team with such a person, which I reported already 3 times.


Usually if this happens to me like 2 or 3 times in a row i currently just add them to friend or block list and wait till they are in another match, but this shouldnt be the way to go. Unfortunally some of those people (like the one above) play offline, which not only already tells a lot about them in my opinion, but also prevents checking if they are already in a game.


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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> This is nonsense. It would be too easily abused & reports would lose all of their value because now everybody reports people because they get mad at each other


you may check out the red text, when reporting

"WARNING: Support actions will be based on a review of chat logs, not on unsubstantiated player reports. Abuse of the report feature may lead to the termination of your account."


So this would lead to your own account termination only.


Anyway I'm open for other suggestion. But currently it i just annoying. Sure long time goal should be to reduce toxicity anyway, but I think currently this is out of reach. Being more hard to rude people with temporary bans would already nice. If someone doesnt have something nice to say or doesnt express kindly they should just shut their mouth. Today it seems like most people forget that on the other end are people as well, who want to enjoy the game.

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I feel like I’ve noticed blocked people not being on my team but that might just be coincidence. Just block them for future matches anyway. Doesn’t change match manipulation but I don’t know that you can really gauge match manipulation versus someone who has just had enough trying and just decided to have fun with it.


I don’t report people anymore. There’s no use and at the end of the day it’s just a game. People talk trash, you talk trash back or block. Then you get them in the next match on your team and you both move on and keep playing. Lol

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The issue is the basic nature of the reporting system.

I've posted before in greater detail but in essence there are 2 changes which could be made to make players time in game less frustrating.


1) Do not put players from block list on the same team or allow them to be in the same party without notification - limit block list size (e.g. 20 people max) to minimize abuse.


2) Review the reporting system.

Rather like systems used in other pvp games, make reporting mean something. This can be done by giving each account a limited number of reports per month/week(e.g. 10) and provide a 200(or 300)character explanation box for each submission.

E.g. - If player 1 reports player 2 and player 2 is found guilty of wrongdoing, post a simple automated message to player 1 stating their report has been actioned and they will be "refunded" that report point. If on the other hand player 2 is found not guilty, inform player 1 to be more careful with reporting.

IMO this would cut down on people spamming reports which clog up the que and perhaps make them more meaningful.


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> @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> I feel like I’ve noticed blocked people not being on my team but that might just be coincidence. Just block them for future matches anyway. Doesn’t change match manipulation but I don’t know that you can really gauge match manipulation versus someone who has just had enough trying and just decided to have fun with it.


> I don’t report people anymore. There’s no use and at the end of the day it’s just a game. People talk trash, you talk trash back or block. Then you get them in the next match on your team and you both move on and keep playing. Lol


Good attituted :) I try to keep it that way as well. And i always try to be kind and positive even in the 2nd match and try to communicate with such people. But after the 3rd match with the same person yelling, it just pisses me off so much that i stop playing pvp. It is kinda sad, that such player ignorance is tolerated by anet. I currently have 2 people on my blocklist and I would like to keep it nearly clean. Communication in pvp is important in my opinion so blocking is a bit contra productiv.


> @"MarshallLaw.9260" said:

> The issue is the basic nature of the reporting system.

> I've posted before in greater detail but in essence there are 2 changes which could be made to make players time in game less frustrating.


> 1) Do not put players from block list on the same team or allow them to be in the same party without notification - limit block list size (e.g. 20 people max) to minimize abuse.


> 2) Review the reporting system.

> Rather like systems used in other pvp games, make reporting mean something. This can be done by giving each account a limited number of reports per month/week(e.g. 10) and provide a 200(or 300)character explanation box for each submission.

> E.g. - If player 1 reports player 2 and player 2 is found guilty of wrongdoing, post a simple automated message to player 1 stating their report has been actioned and they will be "refunded" that report point. If on the other hand player 2 is found not guilty, inform player 1 to be more careful with reporting.

> IMO this would cut down on people spamming reports which clog up the que and perhaps make them more meaningful.



Good ideas :+1:

Not sure if everyone can manage 20 people on block list specially when you block gold sellers this is full quickly. Also you could dynamically add and remove people from there to influence the current match up to much during times or ranks with not much population.

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I don’t like the word Monday, reported for saying Monday after I told you I don’t like Mondays.

Stop telling me how to play the game, I’m legend S1-4 I know how to play and am plat. Reported.

You’re obviously trolling by playing without armour, reported for trolling.

You spent half the game on the treb not helping we lose cos of u reported.


Need I go on?

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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> I don’t like the word Monday, reported for saying Monday after I told you I don’t like Mondays.

> Stop telling me how to play the game, I’m legend S1-4 I know how to play and am plat. Reported.

> You’re obviously trolling by playing without armour, reported for trolling.

> You spent half the game on the treb not helping we lose cos of u reported.


> Need I go on?


half of this games population is made up of underaged male adolescents with anger management issues....not being able to make informed and objective decisions comes with the description.

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