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The 10 Commandments Of Conquest

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Thanks, I read all the way through. If anyone has any advice for my issues, I'd appreciated it. (Other than "don't do that!" How do I stop doing that?)


One of my weaknesses is my eyes don't move well. I'm looking too much at 1) red circles, 2) my cooldowns, and 3) the map. I don't do a good job identifying battlefield animations, enemy reticle (esp. buffs like stability or resistance), or my team's health. Anyone do anything to train your eyes?


My most successful build is a mesmer because it has great disengage with invises, blinds, and port. On other classes, I'm often not able to disengage from a losing fight. Am I being too greedy and not chicken enough? Should I be running away earlier? Is it wrong to build all-in for bunker or burst, leaving out escapability?

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> @"Sergo.2867" said:

> Thanks, I read all the way through. If anyone has any advice for my issues, I'd appreciated it. (Other than "don't do that!" How do I stop doing that?)


> One of my weaknesses is my eyes don't move well. I'm looking too much at 1) red circles, 2) my cooldowns, and 3) the map. I don't do a good job identifying battlefield animations, enemy reticle (esp. buffs like stability or resistance), or my team's health. Anyone do anything to train your eyes?


> My most successful build is a mesmer because it has great disengage with invises, blinds, and port. On other classes, I'm often not able to disengage from a losing fight. Am I being too greedy and not chicken enough? Should I be running away earlier? Is it wrong to build all-in for bunker or burst, leaving out escapability?


There’s a nagging feeling I get when I know I’ve over extended myself. It usually means I have a greater than 50% chance of going down if I don’t get out of the line of fire quickly.


I generally get a similar feeling if I see multiple team mates go down at the same time. If I know I can’t save them and I’m 5-10 seconds from a 3v1 I use those 5-10 seconds to leave.


So I’d say (1) know your own limits and (2) know your team’s limits. It won’t always work out but it might save you from dying needlessly in a hopeless situation.

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  • 3 months later...

> @"polvere.2805" said:

> How the 10 commandements really are:

> 1. Memeser is meta

> 2. Use EXCLUSIVELY the builds that deals the most damage, no matter your role

> 3. Go always mid, if you die mid respawn and repeat

> 4. Spam your skills. If you cant kill someone spamming then class is weak enemy class is OP

> 5. Greet everybody with "kys noobs" at the start of each game. if you lose flame, if you win taunt

> 6. Play by clicking on your skills, use a potato mouse from the nearest pet shop

> 7. Never try to watch someone else playing. You are better than everyone else and they should learn and adapt to you

> 8. As said before, you are better than everyone else, everyone shouldo as you say. If you lose it's their fault.

> 9. If you lose a fight or they dont manage to rezz you against a cleave of 2 scourges that killed you when you dove in "trying to create space" (suiciding ? I do not suicide i am a godlike player), respawn, type "noob team going afk" and proceed to tap really fast your keyboard spouting insults and insulting everyone mother

> 10. Use every single cheat that is on the market "the others are just stupid to not use them"


Carried me to silver, can't thank you enough

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  • 1 month later...

> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> An addition to my blog of entries, here is a video on **"When you think you're carrying, but you're not actually carrying."** This is a good video for any bottom plat 1 player to watch, who already understands the basics, who wants to identify what they could be doing better rotationally. This is important nowadays because being in plat division often means being placed in teams with golds & silvers. The video is a good example of how a person can learn much from watching a recording of their own performance. Any player who seeks to become better by watching their own performance, would need to go through a similar process to what is shown in the video. Rather than showing "what to do", it shows what could have been done better and why.


> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDb1qjQ7oko&feature=youtu.be


In the heat of the moment I wouldn't have played much differently I think. Also, you can understand what you could have done better afterwards, but during the game you can not predict your teammates behavior, you can only guess and hope for the better.

In addition, it's harder to carry with some specs. A good FB can be game changing, but if teammates can't dodge/LOS/cleanse/disengage/bait/rotate and kill stuff, he won't get anywhere by himself. Hence why good thieves/mesmers have always been historically the best classes for carrying, imo. Now any good mobile+sustaining&bursting spec can do the job. And stealth is also an advantage if your enemies don't pay much attention to your respawn and movements. The specs that are very team dependant are Necro, Ele, and support FB I think.


I think the hardest thing in pvp is to read the flow of your teammates. Harder to predict than your enemies.

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