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What if Retaliation actually did something in PvP?


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Could potentially give Revs a niche as AFAIK they're the Profession with the most bonuses to it, but from what i've been testing the damage it reflects is hardly even noticable. I understand its a bit of a slippery terrain as its yet another "passive" mechanic but in the current game environment where so much of the damage going out is AoE based (Scourge, Holo to only name these two) having it be useful could actually serve as a counter to that as people just mashing their AoE keys in teamfights would get punished for it (as long as a Rev is around).


Would probably require a retooling of the entire Retribution tree but if the recent Mesmer and Engi changes are any indication, its not something beyond Anet's power.

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> @"Best.3479" said:

> Yeah man I love builds that punish me for playing the game and getting killed passively, good idea! I wonder why it was nerfed in the first place


Were Teamfights an AoE-Fest when it was nerfed? Is reflect a bad mechanic because it punish projectile based builds for "playing the game"? Being a straight passive mechanic is probably a bad yeah but reworking it into a cooldown with telegraph, similar to how Projectile Reflection work is an idea.


What other form of counter-play would you suggest to AoE damage otherwise?

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Retal is already very strong considering it's un-mitigateable damage. It pushes around 1.2k damage when eating a photon forge unload or a blurred frenzy. It completely demolishes staff autoing druids (even if there aren't any right now) same goes for gs mesmers.

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Ironicaly, retal hits rev really hard since all their big damage skill are multi-hit, meaning that i can't burst something with retal without eating 2k damage in return.


If retal application were to be completely rebalanced to be short with long cd and non-spammable, why not. Otherwise as it is, retal is just passive damage, and no one likes passive damage.

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> @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> Retal is already very strong considering it's un-mitigateable damage. It pushes around 1.2k damage when eating a photon forge unload or a blurred frenzy. It completely demolishes staff autoing druids (even if there aren't any right now) same goes for gs mesmers.


BF on 3 ppl is suicide , like GS ambush/auto . Running demolisher that 1/3 of their HP


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> @"Odik.4587" said:

> Retal is useless thats why combat log vs guardian show about 12k retal alone ,very very weak !


Not only guardians, retal is often top dmg in duels for spellbreakers with defense line and even soulbeasts with Dolyak stance. It's ridiculous already, cuz the thing is in the current meta you can't really afford to wait out for retal to drop to hit your opponent.

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Retaliation existed in gw1 but it reflected a a % of damage back instead of reflecting damage back based upon your attack power:


Enchantment Spell. While you maintain this enchantment, whenever target ally takes attack damage, this spell deals 33% of the damage back to the source (maximum 5...17...20 damage).

Concise description


Enchantment Spell. Deals 33% of each attack's damage (maximum 5...17...20) back to the source.




It also had to be maintained, like rev utility skills. Ret in gw2 is terrible, its either overpowered or useless. In spvp its useless.

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Retaliation is not passive. It is reactive. It does wonders against crappy builds that rely on my hits in little time like the sporadic Unload spammer.


If anything, I'd like to see retaliation changed to stack in intensity instead duration since boon hate is likely to remove it before it can do its full effect anyways, then have skills and traits that create more and more retaliation during its duration if the enemy keeps hitting. Of course such a change would mean and adjustment in the damage per stack.

Imagine a Symbol of Wrath that adds another stack of Retaliation per ally in the symbol when it pulses, max 3 per second, wondrous aoe hate punishment against the lazy stack-spammers.

Or a Dolyak Stance that gives 1 stack of retaliation when attacked, only once per second per enemy, max 5 per second. Entire enemy party bursts together, you activate the stance, if they do not kill you they kill themselves hitting you with 30 stacks of retaliation. Beautiful vindication against cowards ganging up on you. Add Leader of the Pack, and let the madness begin.

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