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When is 42 mb problem gonna be fixed?

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> @"Nokomis.5076" said:

> Difficulty to fix something, that is not broken. It's not broken for me and for nearly all other users.


> Did you ever try a repair of your gw2.dat file? Just add -repair at the end of the command line for starting GW2.


Yea tried everything. Repair doesn't work. I'm not the only one with this problem.

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Contact support. They have a couple of tricks to work around the issue.


You can also try deleting the the Gw2.tmp file and the Gw2.exe (and download a new one). That sometimes works. If that doesn't work, do the same again **and** delete the GW2 cache (located in `%appdata%\Guild Wars 2`) — this will also delete your settings (aka options aka F11). You can try preserving the relevant file (and if it doesn't work, delete it for a third try) or make a copy of it and paste the copy back in once the game starts downloading properly.


I had to do this once in all my years of playing. It's unclear why it might have happened in the first place


FYI this isn't a "42 mb problem"; it's a problem with the download stalling. It happens rarely, but when it does, it could stop at any point; 42 mb is just an accident of this particular patch for your particular installation.

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This problem is usually caused by your connection. GW2 downloads over standard http, so it's susceptible to interference. For example, some people have found their ISP (or software) manipulating the content, or preventing it from being downloaded altogether, which either causes GW2 to download endlessly with an increasing amount, or cause it to get stuck requesting the file while appearing to download nothing.




You could try a different patch server, but usually there's something blocking the file itself, making a VPN the only solution and this section a lost cause. First, you want to delete Local.dat, which will cause GW2 to re-download the details on what to patch. Delete %appdata%/Guild Wars 2/Local.dat, and if it exists, Documents/Guild Wars 2/Local.dat. Use the following option to launch using the primary asset server:



(the IP changes regularly, so to look it up yourself, open cmd.exe > nslookup origincdn.101.arenanetworks.com


To rule out some software interference, open a command prompt (cmd.exe) and enter:

netsh winsock reset

netsh int ip reset


... then open msconfig (WindowsKey+R > msconfig), select the boot tab and check safe boot with networking, then ok and restart. Under safe mode, delete Local.dat and use the -assetsrv option above. To return to normal, open msconfig and uncheck safe boot.




Different VPNs are going to work for different people, since it's dependent on your location and that of the VPN; the goal being to get out of your usual route and away from your ISP. TunnelBear is a popular choice by players, while support has recommended proXPN and WTFast in the past. Depending on why you couldn't get TunnelBear to work, that may be a part of the problem.


If you want more information on the problem, use the -log option, which will log what the launcher is doing to %appdata%/Guild Wars 2/Gw2.log. With information from this, you can try opening the file in your browser to check for any obvious problems, though I'll have to convert the URL for you first.


If you can't get a VPN working, here's something experimental. It has a built-in asset server, allowing you to see exactly what GW2 is downloading and giving you the option to download files outside of GW2 (tools > asset server proxy / background patching). Use the advanced https option.


If you want to wait for it to be fixed, the problem should go away with the next patch, when the files change.

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> @"Nokomis.5076" said:

> I wonder, if it would help, to change the clientport to something else, like 443. It might not be a secure connection then, but eventually the port is enough to not being scanned from the ISP.


That apparently helps some people. Unfortunately, despite having the same symptoms, different players can be affected by different root causes.

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> @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> Can you try downloading with your VPN off? You can always switch it back on later when you are fully patched. Some VPN services may have data limits or data transfer caps.


Sadly, it doesn't download anything after 41 mbs. With or without VPN doesn't matter. I can't believe I'm missing out on the new current event because of this stupid issue :'(


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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Did you try deleting your local.dat file? Do be aware that local.dat is _not_ the gw2.dat file.


I couldn't find the local.dat file. I have show hidden files on. Appdata thing didn't work either.



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> @"Anna.7845" said:

> I couldn't find the local.dat file. I have show hidden files on. Appdata thing didn't work either.


What did you find in `%appdata%\Guild Wars 2`?


PS Please also create a support ticket. We might be able to help you via forum posts, but maybe not. The Support team is much more likely to be able to get your started again. (If you are already in the queue, great. I'd rather over-remind people about the resource.)


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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Anna.7845" said:

> > I couldn't find the local.dat file. I have show hidden files on. Appdata thing didn't work either.


> What did you find in `%appdata%\Guild Wars 2`?


> PS Please also create a support ticket. We might be able to help you via forum posts, but maybe not. The Support team is much more likely to be able to get your started again. (If you are already in the queue, great. I'd rather over-remind people about the resource.)



I couldn't find anything related to dat file. I have already filed a support ticket. Do other people with the same issue still have it or am I the only one left?



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> @"Anna.7845" said:

> I have already filed a support ticket.

Great. They should be able to help, in case we don't.


> I couldn't find anything related to dat file.

What did you find in that folder? There should be a variety of files.


> I couldn't find anything related to dat file. Do other people with the same issue still have it or am I the only one left?


Probably not, but...


Each update, _someone_ (or usually several someones) has a problem getting the patch. The symptoms are very similar to yours, but the causes are many. So it's not really helpful to you if someone else is unable to get the download. Both will have to go through the same troubleshooting steps.


It's possible that (for example), person A is having an intermittent connection problem that causes a hiccup on a certain file (because of how the game checks it), person B has a corrupted file that is incorrectly telling the updater that it's already current, among other potential issues.




Related vaudeville joke (to distract you from the frustration):

> I recently had some pains in my chest. But my insurance had elapsed. Turned out, my friend Ed had identical symptoms. Great! I figured — Ed goes to the doctor, finds out what's wrong, and I can decide how to proceed. He tells me his appointment is on Wednesday.

> I call him Thursday morning. His wife answers the phone & I ask to speak to him. She says,

>> "oh, I'm so sorry, Ed died yesterday, we thought you knew."

> Immediately, I check myself into the hospital. I make the doctors run thousands of dollars of tests. They discover...

> I have heartburn.

> I take the prescribed antacids, I feel better immediately.

> I call up Ed's wife to commiserate. I ask, "so did she suffer much?" She says,

>> "no, death was immediate. He got hit by the bus from behind, never felt a thing."


or tl;dr even if other people are unable to get past this "42mb" problem, it doesn't mean that they are having the same issue

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Anna.7845" said:

> > I have already filed a support ticket.

> Great. They should be able to help, in case we don't.


> > I couldn't find anything related to dat file.

> What did you find in that folder? There should be a variety of files.


> > I couldn't find anything related to dat file. Do other people with the same issue still have it or am I the only one left?

> >

> Probably not, but...


> Each update, _someone_ (or usually several someones) has a problem getting the patch. The symptoms are very similar to yours, but the causes are many. So it's not really helpful to you if someone else is unable to get the download. Both will have to go through the same troubleshooting steps.


> It's possible that (for example), person A is having an intermittent connection problem that causes a hiccup on a certain file (because of how the game checks it), person B has a corrupted file that is incorrectly telling the updater that it's already current, among other potential issues.



> ****

> Related vaudeville joke (to distract you from the frustration):

> > I recently had some pains in my chest. But my insurance had elapsed. Turned out, my friend Ed had identical symptoms. Great! I figured — Ed goes to the doctor, finds out what's wrong, and I can decide how to proceed. He tells me his appointment is on Wednesday.

> > I call him Thursday morning. His wife answers the phone & I ask to speak to him. She says,

> >> "oh, I'm so sorry, Ed died yesterday, we thought you knew."

> > Immediately, I check myself into the hospital. I make the doctors run thousands of dollars of tests. They discover...

> > I have heartburn.

> > I take the prescribed antacids, I feel better immediately.

> > I call up Ed's wife to commiserate. I ask, "so did she suffer much?" She says,

> >> "no, death was immediate. He got hit by the bus from behind, never felt a thing."


> or tl;dr even if other people are unable to get past this "42mb" problem, it doesn't mean that they are having the same issue



I found these:









And LOL at that vaudeville joke =)



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Thanks for the list of files. Those are all located in your main installation folder. Of those, the ones you will want to delete are

* crash.dmp

* gw2.tmp

* gw2-64.tmp


You can _try_ updating again after deleting those, but ... I doubt it will help _in this case_ (there are other symptoms that would solve though, so worth remembering for the future).


There's a different folder that I'd like you to find with a different file.

The problem is that the path is somewhat different for each of us. On Win10, it would look something like this:

`C:\Users\ANNA7845\AppData\Roaming\Guild Wars 2` (where "ANNA7845" would be the userID that you use on your PC)


If you can't find that (or can't reach it for some reason), then press Win+R (windows key plus R) and type `%appdata%\Guild Wars 2` (exactly like that)

The file we want to delete from there is `local.dat`

Unfortunately, some of the game's settings can get lost when that file is deleted (which is why it's tucked out of sight, to avoid accidental deletion)


In brief, you'd want to delete the three `.tmp files` in the main folder, and `local.dat` in the roaming application data folder.

This _should_ have the effect of making the game think you want to start from scratch, without actually having to download all the data again.


Good luck and please let us know how it turns out.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> Thanks for the list of files. Those are all located in your main installation folder. Of those, the ones you will want to delete are

> * crash.dmp

> * gw2.tmp

> * gw2-64.tmp


> You can _try_ updating again after deleting those, but ... I doubt it will help _in this case_ (there are other symptoms that would solve though, so worth remembering for the future).


> There's a different folder that I'd like you to find with a different file.

> The problem is that the path is somewhat different for each of us. On Win10, it would look something like this:

> `C:\Users\ANNA7845\AppData\Roaming\Guild Wars 2` (where "ANNA7845" would be the userID that you use on your PC)


> If you can't find that (or can't reach it for some reason), then press Win+R (windows key plus R) and type `%appdata%\Guild Wars 2` (exactly like that)

> The file we want to delete from there is `local.dat`

> Unfortunately, some of the game's settings can get lost when that file is deleted (which is why it's tucked out of sight, to avoid accidental deletion)


> In brief, you'd want to delete the three `.tmp files` in the main folder, and `local.dat` in the roaming application data folder.

> This _should_ have the effect of making the game think you want to start from scratch, without actually having to download all the data again.


> Good luck and please let us know how it turns out.


I deleted those 3 files and local.dat. Still having the same issue.



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Next on my list of things I try are similar to each other:

* Repair the database. Instructions are on the [wiki (search for "command line")](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Command_line_arguments) or via the [support site (search for "repair")](https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&query=repair).

* Make a copy of the `gw2.dat` file. Rename the old file to `gw2.dat.old` and the new one to `gw2.dat` (same as original)



The first causes your game client to compare your computer's database contents with what's expected by ANet. If there's a corrupt file, it will replace it and that might be the bottleneck. Depending on internet & hd speeds, could take 5-40 minutes.


The second tries to deal with the fact that the database file is huge (approach 40 gigabytes these days). As the game updates and your characters expose maps and so on, the files get altered a bit. That can result in fragmentation. Windows 7 and newer automatically avoid this issue for most files, but the OS won't be efficient for files this large. Similar to a corrupted file, a mildly fragmented file might cause a download hiccup. Similarly, this can take 5-40 minutes.


If part two does nothing or succeeds, you can delete the .old file. In the unlikely case it makes things worse, delete the new file, and re-rename the original.


Both these suggestions are low probability success and laborious, which is why I didn't suggest them earlier. However, they _might_ help.



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