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I don't use discord

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > Here's an interesting counterpoint, OP. I don't care whether or not a person in discord has a mic or not. I do care whether they can join discord for specific guild events....and listen.

> > >

> > > I can provide a lot of information, particularly to new and returning players. I don't want to type a novel to them. Your freedom to not use discord, in my guild anyway, would impose on my freedom to not have to type a novel several times a day to different people.

> > >

> > > I'm not saying people have to talk. I'm asking people who I'm helping out not to force me to type. Sometimes I will anyway, but I type enough. Talking is much easier

> > >

> > > This is exacerbated by stuff like guild missions where you need coordination and sometimes it's faster to say something than type it. I can't tell you how many times I've died stopping to type something, when I could have just said something because someone doesn't want to take the time to come into discord.

> > >

> > > I don't require discord for my guild. But I can 100% guarantee people not on discord in my guild are missing out.

> >

> > Missing out? Perhaps so, but personally, this time I'm not putting any of the common VoIP programs on this computer, even though it's primarily for gaming. No TS3, Mumble, Raidcall, Discord, etc., etc., if any guild I belonged to required it or strongly hinted at it I'd just leave that guild. Your example of the Guild missions is I think rather misguided, there is a thing called the Wiki, it tells you exactly what you need to do to complete the Guild missions, that should be enough for the majority of players. I belong to one guild that has Discord, but so far it's not required, even though I know they use it for Guild related stuff, as long as it remains that way I'll stick with it...the moment it changes, no matter how much I like the bounty trains I'm out. Obviously this is my personal opinion, and there might be other situations where it's called for(I did use it in the original GW, but that was mostly for whenever I was drafted to help out with Guild battles, because it is useful for that, I however am not fond of PvP so currently don't participate, nor do I plan on trying it in GW2 or going back into WvW).


> It's not misguided. There are times when you need coordination and that coordination is time sensitive. Typing is NOT as fast as voice, it really is that simple. I don't really care if any one person or two people are ten people will leave my guild. My guild has well over 400 people in it now with hardly any active recrutiing at all. If we bothered to recruit regularly we'd be capped.


> Only a handful of those people use voice at all, let alone regularly. Strangely they seem to be the ones that get into dungeon groups,. get into fractal groups, get the content they want done. Knowing what to do is half the problem. Coordinating with other people doing stuff at the same time, quite a different problem. The wiki won't tell you where someone else is at a certain moment, or when their cooldowns are ready. If you have a bunch of people coordinating say reflects in a hard fight, and one person misclicks and doesn't have access to it, odds are the only way to communicate that is on voice. It's okay to say you don't like voice and won't use it. It's not okay to say that I'm overstating a case for the need for voice for coordination in hard content. It makes a world of difference. If you don't like it that's fine. Doesn't change a word I've said about it.


I agree it works for certain content, but if that is not content a player is interested in then it's really not necessary...that's probably what I should've said the first time, but it really comes down to personal choice.

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > > Here's an interesting counterpoint, OP. I don't care whether or not a person in discord has a mic or not. I do care whether they can join discord for specific guild events....and listen.

> > > >

> > > > I can provide a lot of information, particularly to new and returning players. I don't want to type a novel to them. Your freedom to not use discord, in my guild anyway, would impose on my freedom to not have to type a novel several times a day to different people.

> > > >

> > > > I'm not saying people have to talk. I'm asking people who I'm helping out not to force me to type. Sometimes I will anyway, but I type enough. Talking is much easier

> > > >

> > > > This is exacerbated by stuff like guild missions where you need coordination and sometimes it's faster to say something than type it. I can't tell you how many times I've died stopping to type something, when I could have just said something because someone doesn't want to take the time to come into discord.

> > > >

> > > > I don't require discord for my guild. But I can 100% guarantee people not on discord in my guild are missing out.

> > >

> > > Missing out? Perhaps so, but personally, this time I'm not putting any of the common VoIP programs on this computer, even though it's primarily for gaming. No TS3, Mumble, Raidcall, Discord, etc., etc., if any guild I belonged to required it or strongly hinted at it I'd just leave that guild. Your example of the Guild missions is I think rather misguided, there is a thing called the Wiki, it tells you exactly what you need to do to complete the Guild missions, that should be enough for the majority of players. I belong to one guild that has Discord, but so far it's not required, even though I know they use it for Guild related stuff, as long as it remains that way I'll stick with it...the moment it changes, no matter how much I like the bounty trains I'm out. Obviously this is my personal opinion, and there might be other situations where it's called for(I did use it in the original GW, but that was mostly for whenever I was drafted to help out with Guild battles, because it is useful for that, I however am not fond of PvP so currently don't participate, nor do I plan on trying it in GW2 or going back into WvW).

> >

> > It's not misguided. There are times when you need coordination and that coordination is time sensitive. Typing is NOT as fast as voice, it really is that simple. I don't really care if any one person or two people are ten people will leave my guild. My guild has well over 400 people in it now with hardly any active recrutiing at all. If we bothered to recruit regularly we'd be capped.

> >

> > Only a handful of those people use voice at all, let alone regularly. Strangely they seem to be the ones that get into dungeon groups,. get into fractal groups, get the content they want done. Knowing what to do is half the problem. Coordinating with other people doing stuff at the same time, quite a different problem. The wiki won't tell you where someone else is at a certain moment, or when their cooldowns are ready. If you have a bunch of people coordinating say reflects in a hard fight, and one person misclicks and doesn't have access to it, odds are the only way to communicate that is on voice. It's okay to say you don't like voice and won't use it. It's not okay to say that I'm overstating a case for the need for voice for coordination in hard content. It makes a world of difference. If you don't like it that's fine. Doesn't change a word I've said about it.


> I agree it works for certain content, but if that is not content a player is interested in then it's really not necessary...that's probably what I should've said the first time, but it really comes down to personal choice.


Well that's my point. By not involving yourself in discord, you're making quite a bit of content much harder. Sure it's a choice, but it's not just I don't want to do it and I'll lose out nothing on it. If you don't want to WvW, AND you're not doing high end PvP, AND you don't want to run with a static raid group, AND you don't want participate in content that requires coordination, you're right.


You can play this game as strictly a solo game and some stuff you might not do, and if you're happy not doing that stuff that's fine. But there are people out there who don't realize they're missing out, and don't understand why guilds insist on certain things.


I help a ton of people in this game. I mean dozens of players a week. People in my guild and not in my guild. People who are most likely to get the most help are the people who are willing to log into a voice chat, so I don't have to type a novel to explain things to them. Refusing to log into discord only makes it harder for me to help them. That may be okay but my points all still stand.


Sure you can choose to avoid some of the most challenging content in the game. But don't tell people they're not missing out on anything, because some people really don't realize it. In other words, there are reasons people ask for people to get on voice, and those reasons ARE valid.

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Discord is a fantastic cross-platform tool for communication and organisation. It's multi-media, not just voice chat and it can be accessed via your browser so you don't even have to download anything.

Unless you have an attention span that is incapable of handling anything outside the game window, there's no great reasons to *not* use discord in all honesty.

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Let's see now...


1) Wait for entire guild to log into the game to see a message about an event and then send you emails to sign up, which is limited at 10 mails and your inbox is instantly full. If you reply or just send mail you don't even see who you sent mail to, when you sent it, if sending was successful etc... Imagine trying to send a message to entire guild via in game mail system. One by one. Not to mention character limit per mail as well.


2) Make a channel on Discord where everyone can see it whenever they have time, no need to even log into game. They can post to sign up and all info is in the same place from entire guild. Can post long posts, videos, pictures, format your posts properly and much more. Posts stay there, no need to delete them to make space for more posts.



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I agree with OP. If a guild _requires_ me to use Discord, I will leave it. I know what it's used for. It works in a raid environment, but you end up not hearing the encounter and the music. I have raided competitively in many MMO's and I've been on Ventrillo, Teamspeak, Mumble, and now DIscord. Over and over, and I don't really like Discord (or any forced voice chatting in a guild). I want to hear game sounds and music, not hear someone breathing heavy, dogs barking, someone's mother complaining to them, their telephone calls, some guy trying to sound funny and joke and get attention when none of it is funny but he thinks he's super super funny and the guild jokester, with people reinforcing it with "ha you're so funny you're so crazy." People telling silly inside jokes that go on and on and on and nobody gets but them and they act like little children giggling. I don't want to hear someone's political opinion with them assuming we all agree and are in the same mental bubble as them. I think Discord has become a way for people to act like they have actual friends without having to leave their house.

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I have teamspeak and discord installed. I find 99% of the time that's what people use for communication. It's up to you, but why not just have both? Discord is very good as well, in fact a lot easier and smoother than TS. Both are very light software wise and very simple to use.


If using voice communication is somehow something you never want to do then there are plenty of people/guild who will not require it. But those who do, have it for a valid reason. Some groups may just require you to listen and you don't have to speak, so always ask that first if you don't like speaking.


I'll only hop on voice if it's organized content in a game, otherwise I agree I don't like having to listen to 10+ people randomly talking while I try relax playing a game. But some people do like that, and that's cool as well. I have my music way too loud. ;)

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> @"serialkicker.5274" said:

> Let's see now...


> 1) Wait for entire guild to log into the game to see a message about an event and then send you emails to sign up, which is limited at 10 mails and your inbox is instantly full. If you reply or just send mail you don't even see who you sent mail to, when you sent it, if sending was successful etc... Imagine trying to send a message to entire guild via in game mail system. One by one. Not to mention character limit per mail as well.


> 2) Make a channel on Discord where everyone can see it whenever they have time, no need to even log into game. They can post to sign up and all info is in the same place from entire guild. Can post long posts, videos, pictures, format your posts properly and much more. Posts stay there, no need to delete them to make space for more posts.


> Hhhmmm


I just don't agree with making a message on discord where everyone cans see it. There are some people who log into discord or have one and don't see the message because they don't do discord. Those people who haven't joined discord or signed into it, wouldn't see it. You are leaving those members out.

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Well, you cold always sign up for a different guild I guess? Guilds just have their own rules, and working with TS/Discord only can be limiting for players who do not have this, want this or for example are deaf it can be a problem. But there are enough other guilds out there that welcome all players and communicate via the chat channel.


In WvW I run into the same. Commanders only opening their squad for players who are verified on TeamSpeak. In that case, I just follow the tag and help out as the rest of WvW is not very complicated anyways. Yes, I joined TS once but the speech was very hectic and with a lot of words that would result in kitten at this forum. So, I'll just follow tag.

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> @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > I read this thread 7 times and still can't understand why it's here and not in OP's guild forums.


> I like to hear other peoples points of view. .


Are you going to show this to your leaders to convince them to change guild rules? :dizzy:

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I like using Discord and chatting with my guild members in the text channels even when I'm not playing.


If you don't want to talk to anyone in your guild, what's the point? Just pug the content you want and roll solo until you find a guild that can coordinate over in game text somehow.

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > > > Here's an interesting counterpoint, OP. I don't care whether or not a person in discord has a mic or not. I do care whether they can join discord for specific guild events....and listen.

> > > > >

> > > > > I can provide a lot of information, particularly to new and returning players. I don't want to type a novel to them. Your freedom to not use discord, in my guild anyway, would impose on my freedom to not have to type a novel several times a day to different people.

> > > > >

> > > > > I'm not saying people have to talk. I'm asking people who I'm helping out not to force me to type. Sometimes I will anyway, but I type enough. Talking is much easier

> > > > >

> > > > > This is exacerbated by stuff like guild missions where you need coordination and sometimes it's faster to say something than type it. I can't tell you how many times I've died stopping to type something, when I could have just said something because someone doesn't want to take the time to come into discord.

> > > > >

> > > > > I don't require discord for my guild. But I can 100% guarantee people not on discord in my guild are missing out.

> > > >

> > > > Missing out? Perhaps so, but personally, this time I'm not putting any of the common VoIP programs on this computer, even though it's primarily for gaming. No TS3, Mumble, Raidcall, Discord, etc., etc., if any guild I belonged to required it or strongly hinted at it I'd just leave that guild. Your example of the Guild missions is I think rather misguided, there is a thing called the Wiki, it tells you exactly what you need to do to complete the Guild missions, that should be enough for the majority of players. I belong to one guild that has Discord, but so far it's not required, even though I know they use it for Guild related stuff, as long as it remains that way I'll stick with it...the moment it changes, no matter how much I like the bounty trains I'm out. Obviously this is my personal opinion, and there might be other situations where it's called for(I did use it in the original GW, but that was mostly for whenever I was drafted to help out with Guild battles, because it is useful for that, I however am not fond of PvP so currently don't participate, nor do I plan on trying it in GW2 or going back into WvW).

> > >

> > > It's not misguided. There are times when you need coordination and that coordination is time sensitive. Typing is NOT as fast as voice, it really is that simple. I don't really care if any one person or two people are ten people will leave my guild. My guild has well over 400 people in it now with hardly any active recrutiing at all. If we bothered to recruit regularly we'd be capped.

> > >

> > > Only a handful of those people use voice at all, let alone regularly. Strangely they seem to be the ones that get into dungeon groups,. get into fractal groups, get the content they want done. Knowing what to do is half the problem. Coordinating with other people doing stuff at the same time, quite a different problem. The wiki won't tell you where someone else is at a certain moment, or when their cooldowns are ready. If you have a bunch of people coordinating say reflects in a hard fight, and one person misclicks and doesn't have access to it, odds are the only way to communicate that is on voice. It's okay to say you don't like voice and won't use it. It's not okay to say that I'm overstating a case for the need for voice for coordination in hard content. It makes a world of difference. If you don't like it that's fine. Doesn't change a word I've said about it.

> >

> > I agree it works for certain content, but if that is not content a player is interested in then it's really not necessary...that's probably what I should've said the first time, but it really comes down to personal choice.


> Well that's my point. By not involving yourself in discord, you're making quite a bit of content much harder. Sure it's a choice, but it's not just I don't want to do it and I'll lose out nothing on it. If you don't want to WvW, AND you're not doing high end PvP, AND you don't want to run with a static raid group, AND you don't want participate in content that requires coordination, you're right.


> You can play this game as strictly a solo game and some stuff you might not do, and if you're happy not doing that stuff that's fine. But there are people out there who don't realize they're missing out, and don't understand why guilds insist on certain things.


> I help a ton of people in this game. I mean dozens of players a week. People in my guild and not in my guild. People who are most likely to get the most help are the people who are willing to log into a voice chat, so I don't have to type a novel to explain things to them. Refusing to log into discord only makes it harder for me to help them. That may be okay but my points all still stand.


> Sure you can choose to avoid some of the most challenging content in the game. But don't tell people they're not missing out on anything, because some people really don't realize it. In other words, there are reasons people ask for people to get on voice, and those reasons ARE valid.


Not arguing against you because I dont have anything in particular against voice chats (as our guild uses Discord as well) but we run raids silent and get kills :P teaching people personal awareness!

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > I read this thread 7 times and still can't understand why it's here and not in OP's guild forums.

> >

> > I like to hear other peoples points of view. .


> Are you going to show this to your leaders to convince them to change guild rules? :dizzy:


No. I don't want them to know at all. By making discord only messages and discord "invites" they are intentionally leaving out the user-base that doesn't use it. So that people who don't use it will always be left on the out, leaving people further and further behind even if I used discord. I play the game with no sound on.

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> @"MattDu.7123" said:

> Along with other severe mental health problems have Tourettes (luckily I dont swear only 10% do). Quite often they post the world boss event Tripple trouble where you need to join TS. I really wanted to have a go at it but shouting random words and repeating parts of what they are saying over and over wouldn't help them or me.


If your headset has an "off" switch for the mike, use that to stop yourself from actually sending those random words to the TS voice chat. When you have something you want to say, switch the mike on, say whatever it is, then switch it off. Don't forget to include checking the mike as part of your "ritual" when you connect to TS.

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> @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

> > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > I read this thread 7 times and still can't understand why it's here and not in OP's guild forums.

> > >

> > > I like to hear other peoples points of view. .

> >

> > Are you going to show this to your leaders to convince them to change guild rules? :dizzy:


> No. I don't want them to know at all. By making discord only messages and discord "invites" they are intentionally leaving out the user-base that doesn't use it. So that people who don't use it will always be left on the out, leaving people further and further behind even if I used discord. I play the game with no sound on.


So all the good advice in this thread about engaging with your guild officers and giving them an opportunity to recognise your issue with Discord and be more inclusive was wasted?

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> @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

> > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > I read this thread 7 times and still can't understand why it's here and not in OP's guild forums.

> > >

> > > I like to hear other peoples points of view. .

> >

> > Are you going to show this to your leaders to convince them to change guild rules? :dizzy:


> No. I don't want them to know at all. By making discord only messages and discord "invites" they are intentionally leaving out the user-base that doesn't use it. So that people who don't use it will always be left on the out, leaving people further and further behind even if I used discord. I play the game with no sound on.


Except they don't do it to 'intentionally leaving people out' It is the way they do stuff. The way they shaped there guild.

If someone joins a guild he/she should get information about it beforehand. stuff like how missions are organized are things you should have asked before joining.

If you don't want to use discord at all that is your choice, but look for a guild that dosn't use it.

You can't expect a guild to change there ways because one person asks it. what if the next person joining demands EVERYTHING will be sorted over discord?

People have different mindsets and expect different things from the game they play.

As guildleaders you can't cater for everyone seperatly. You set up a guild with your own idea's in mind and from there you look for likeminded people.

It's your responsebility to find a guild that fits your needs. it's not the guild that need to change to fit you.

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> @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

> > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > I read this thread 7 times and still can't understand why it's here and not in OP's guild forums.

> > >

> > > I like to hear other peoples points of view. .

> >

> > Are you going to show this to your leaders to convince them to change guild rules? :dizzy:


> No. I don't want them to know at all. By making discord only messages and discord "invites" they are intentionally leaving out the user-base that doesn't use it. So that people who don't use it will always be left on the out, leaving people further and further behind even if I used discord. I play the game with no sound on.


Guilds may have multiple other restrictions ostracizing a lot of players in the process. The general way of thinking for you should be "I don't like it, I leave".

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I sympathize and can understand with your struggles with anxiety, OP, because I also have bad anxiety and such. But the guild you're in isn't making unreasonable demands on their members just by using Discord to easily share information and/or do sign ups. If their choice to use Discord for those reasons is a deal breaker for you, that's fine. But nothing can be done about it if you don't bring this up with one of your guild leaders. They might be able to work out something where they can help you with sign ups or whatever without you having to use Discord. Or, if you really can't bring yourself to talk to one of them, just leave the guild and find a new one.

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Similar to Guild websites, Discord is a popular host for Guilds, boasting channels that can be used to *text-chat, share images or links, share news/events, pin messages, even share videos*. Of course, there is also the voice chat.


I've joined a certain Guild's Discord channel and ***have never voice chatted in it since I was in it 6 months ago***. Voice chat is really not required at all for Discord; if anything, it's a hub that allows Guilds to share information and, essentially, treat their Discord channels as an update/news outlet.


I use Discord not just for Guilds, but for many other communities/groups. I rarely voice chat, compared to how often I text-chat and share images/links/videos.


I too used to fear voice-chat--I would avoid any program associated with it.


*My anxiety used to be so abysmal that I had a phobia of looking at my reflection in the mirror. It was that bad. My confidence was anchored in a swamp.*


My recommendation is: *try Discord*. You don't need to voice chat, if ever. It's a neat way to get information from Guilds--there's even a mobile app if you own a mobile device that can greatly increase the accessibility of your Guild's updates.


If your Guild pushes you to voice chat (as in, it's 100% required otherwise you get kicked), then leave ASAP. Unless the Guild is a raid Guild they have no right to wish such stressful practices upon you.


Hope my advice helps you.

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> @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

> > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > I read this thread 7 times and still can't understand why it's here and not in OP's guild forums.

> > >

> > > I like to hear other peoples points of view. .

> >

> > Are you going to show this to your leaders to convince them to change guild rules? :dizzy:


> No. I don't want them to know at all. By making discord only messages and discord "invites" they are intentionally leaving out the user-base that doesn't use it. So that people who don't use it will always be left on the out, leaving people further and further behind even if I used discord. I play the game with no sound on.


Quite the opposite.

They are making sure those that want to do it are committed and not just being flakes.

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> @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

> > @"Chyanne Waters.8719" said:

> > The voice chat is not really for the people to talk in most situations where its used. Of course there is social time for that, but that is up to the people using it for that. The main reason for voice chat is to listen maybe ask a question or two to make sure what the leader wants. Think about it like this how long does it take to type instructions for a dungeon or raid or even a guild mission would take longer than the mission of course. With voice chat it just takes a few seconds more actual play time. Discord is being used more because of its quality and its free to use. It also lets you join several guilds easily switching between them. I suggest trying it out you can still play and listen you do not even have to talk.


> But Why put sign ups only in discord basically saying. You need that to play the game?


If you want to do more than run around like a chicken with its head cur off. It comes in handy when some things take coordination. It is a nice tool for leaders to say what needs to be done in whatever a team is doing. I play a lot without it also, but I know I cannot do a raid without following a leaders advice that know what they are doing.


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> @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

> > > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > > I read this thread 7 times and still can't understand why it's here and not in OP's guild forums.

> > > >

> > > > I like to hear other peoples points of view. .

> > >

> > > Are you going to show this to your leaders to convince them to change guild rules? :dizzy:

> >

> > No. I don't want them to know at all. By making discord only messages and discord "invites" they are intentionally leaving out the user-base that doesn't use it. So that people who don't use it will always be left on the out, leaving people further and further behind even if I used discord. I play the game with no sound on.


> Quite the opposite.

> They are making sure those that want to do it are committed and not just being flakes.


And they can ensure this by making invites on discord? Maybe not all people want to use discord. They could be not flakes. I don't see how making users sign up on discord ensures they don't flake. You can still flake by not showing up on discord?

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> @"Martimus.6027" said:

> I agree with OP. If a guild _requires_ me to use Discord, I will leave it. I know what it's used for. It works in a raid environment, but you end up not hearing the encounter and the music. I have raided competitively in many MMO's and I've been on Ventrillo, Teamspeak, Mumble, and now DIscord. Over and over, and I don't really like Discord (or any forced voice chatting in a guild). I want to hear game sounds and music, not hear someone breathing heavy, dogs barking, someone's mother complaining to them, their telephone calls, some guy trying to sound funny and joke and get attention when none of it is funny but he thinks he's super super funny and the guild jokester, with people reinforcing it with "ha you're so funny you're so crazy." People telling silly inside jokes that go on and on and on and nobody gets but them and they act like little children giggling. I don't want to hear someone's political opinion with them assuming we all agree and are in the same mental bubble as them. I think Discord has become a way for people to act like they have actual friends without having to leave their house.


Not that i necessarily disagree but you can use discord without the voice part. I presume in this particular case the guild uses it to make the sign-ups easier using the textchat option.

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