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I don't use discord

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> @"Zeefa.3915" said:

> I dislike voicechat too... I have very very rarely used it. I still have discord though and communicate in the various text chats now and then when I am not in game. Thankfully my guild is not pushing towards me having to use voicechat. Although at certain organised events it might be more beneficial if I will at least listen.


> But yeah I definitely feel you on this, I have really hated when guilds have pushed for me to use other voicechat programs.


I can try but I live in a fourplex. There are other people here. I don't want to disturb the people next door or anything.

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> @"Zeefa.3915" said:

> I dislike voicechat too... I have very very rarely used it. I still have discord though and communicate in the various text chats now and then when I am not in game. Thankfully my guild is not pushing towards me having to use voicechat. Although at certain organised events it might be more beneficial if I will at least listen.


> But yeah I definitely feel you on this, I have really hated when guilds have pushed for me to use other voicechat programs.


I can try but I live in a fourplex. There are other people here. I don't want to disturb the people next door or anything.

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> @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

> > @"Batel.9206" said:

> > > @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

> > > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > > > @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

> > > > > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > > > > The reason they use them simply is the provide far better functionality than what the game does, with the added bonus of linking players in a guild when not in game. Guild websites used to do this more as a widespread too., but these days discord etc is just better set up, especially with the mobile access too.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Im not a big fan of these things despite being a user at times, but the advantages to guilds are pretty massive compared to limitations the game provides.

> > > > >

> > > > > I had a bad stuttering problem in school. It's gone away now. Kids were not kind to me. I talk much easier just in-game chat. I prefer only in-game chat. Someone on here was wanting to help me. I said yea sure. They wanted to show me screenshots of discord on their webcam

> > > > >

> > > > > . Took two hours, it didn't work. They tried to get me install Skype. I tried that didn't work. Leaving me overly frustrated. I'd prefer only in-game chat if I could.

> > > >

> > > > Which is a perfectly fine and reasonable reason not to want to use it. I would have a private word with an officer, but if it helps, no guild I've ever associated with has ever pushed for compulsory voice chat.

> > >

> > > It feels like it. Twice a guild officer had encouraged me to use discord in PM's. I went so far to tell them my discord ID but they want me to add them to discord. Should I just leave the guild?

> >

> > Have you explained to them why you aren't comfortable using Discord? If they keep pushing you after you've explained, then yes, leave the guild. It's not worth it to be around people who are continually pushing you to do something you aren't comfortable with.


> I feel like if I tell them. They won't take my concerns seriously. I just don't think they'll remove sign-ups from in discord to in the game. I don't think GW2 has sign-ups, do they? I will have to check it out. I just silently watch them talking about discord, some of them are actually nice so I don't want to leave the game, just seems easier than dealing with that.


So...not to be rude, but your entire problem hinges on what you _think_ they _might_ do? You can't really know for certain until you try. They might not take your concerns seriously - or they might, and be accommodating and reasonable. You're going to have to take that risk. Tell them very clearly why you aren't comfortable with Discord, and if they don't respect that, then leave. But not before giving them the benefit of the doubt. :)

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> @"TexZero.7910" said:

> It's an mmo....


> Many guilds use 3rd party communication software, if you're not okay with that for whatever reason then perhaps the problem isn't the game or the tool but how you feel compelled to be a part of an online community instead of doing your own thing.


That's a bit unfair, isn't it? You are basically telling him he has not enough will to integrate into gaming society by not wanting to use a special third party tool. He even said he'd like to participate and not "doing his own thing". However, by restricting to 3rd party programs alone, the guild is doing "their own thing" indeed, locking people out, and that's the actual problem here.


He said why, and I can understand that. My spoken English is far better than many Germans I've met (or listened to) in video games, but still I would not want it, especially with people's bad mics, 10 layers of hiss and noise, people eating, people in the background talking, etc.


I feel with OP and it's just fine not to use such tools. I stopped to care about the names. Had Skype first, then stopped using VoIP tools (except for my landline phone). Then I heard things like "Ventrillo", "Teamspeak", "Discord",.. Who knows. Don't jump through every hoop dangled in front of you.



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The guild I am in uses Discord. Not everyone in the guild plays the same games and not all at the same time. Most of the time it's texting in the different rooms for the different games everyone is playing or thinking about playing. The only time talking is done is if there is a "meeting" about did we want to continue in said game or quit or what, the quitting is usually for the more war type game then GW2 is. Even when a meeting with talking is happening I usually just listen, very rarely do I add anything to the conversation and actually they have implemented the push to talk feature so that you really have to want to chat to get heard.


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> @"Castigator.3470" said:

> Eh, Teamspeak3 is my preferred voicechat, but there's Mumble for those who like open source software, good quality and low latency, and Ventrilo, though that may be a little oldschool?

> I don't really get what's so good about Discord, that cannot be found in the aforementioned programs.


Every program has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. For Discord its a combination of being "free" hosted and the ability to be browser based. Despite a problem with Windows event handling, its an effective "one click" (or at least short link solution) that ANYONE with a browser made after 2000 can use to enter as a Guest. It also sports some very high quality codecs by default, resulting in good voice clarity without having to configure anything (which is something non-power users notice for some reason). Its also effectively a micro social network, with full historical timeline, media preview, global account-based management, and offline notification triggers for email and other social networks...... again, all by default, with no additional setup.


If you needed a stupidly simple, full service Community hub, Discord is the only VOIP program that does it all out of the box. Its not without its disadvantages though... but in 99% of cases that doesn't matter to the average rando, who can't even find their own IP address, much less run a server. Its only when you reach the power user levels that the limitations start becoming a problem...... like lack of advanced channel management, bandwidth efficiency, 3rd party plugin support for DSP and remote management, cross-channel comms (which is why TS is still popular with bigger guilds), server group permissions, access security levels (also why TS is popular) and the server software itself (or lack thereof). From anecdotes, Discord is overall the easiest solution for 15 people or less.... but once you get up to 20 in a single channel, performance suffers, and the missing admin features become desirable. Every other program requires the existence of a server Admin, hardware to run the server, and bandwidth to host it. Thus another reason discord is attractive to Randos just needing a quick and easy solution.


For all the problems discord has, its currently the only well known program that offers all the benefits of a social network with none of the hassles of hosting something themselves. And the only reason its accomplished this is being designed for, and aggressively marketed as, a minimally managed Community Hub that anyone can get setup. Its like Squarespace..... it doesn't have to be the best, or even good for a particular use case, but gets explored first on brand recognition alone.

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> @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

> In my guild's they were telling me about invites to someplace. I'm like okay where are the sign-up sheets. They replied 'Discord" no I do not want to jump on discord. I only have a headset. I play with the sound off. I don't want to jump into discord. I want to stay in the game and play it. Why are people's obsession with discord? I just don't get it.


> Why can't I play in the game, why can't everything be in the game? Why do I need to sign up to discord to listen to them talk and heavy breathing? I just want to play the game.


You can use discord for text chat only too

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> @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

> > @"sakura.7961" said:

> > Discord is also a textchat, not just a voicechat. You can use it without mic and sound.


> It feels like I am going have pressure to talk on the mic. I don't like talking through a headset or mic. I like writing.


I don't use a mic, yet I chat with my guild on Discord. In fact, most of us rarely use the voice portion. We mainly use Discord for out of game chatting.

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The voice chat is not really for the people to talk in most situations where its used. Of course there is social time for that, but that is up to the people using it for that. The main reason for voice chat is to listen maybe ask a question or two to make sure what the leader wants. Think about it like this how long does it take to type instructions for a dungeon or raid or even a guild mission would take longer than the mission of course. With voice chat it just takes a few seconds more actual play time. Discord is being used more because of its quality and its free to use. It also lets you join several guilds easily switching between them. I suggest trying it out you can still play and listen you do not even have to talk.

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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

> > In my guild's they were telling me about invites to someplace. I'm like okay where are the sign-up sheets. They replied 'Discord" no I do not want to jump on discord. I only have a headset. I play with the sound off. I don't want to jump into discord. I want to stay in the game and play it. Why are people's obsession with discord? I just don't get it.

> >

> > Why can't I play in the game, why can't everything be in the game? Why do I need to sign up to discord to listen to them talk and heavy breathing? I just want to play the game.


> You can use discord for text chat only too


I feel like but I should ask if they will require voice. I think they will get mad if I'm in discord but haven't heard them. It's because I don't play with my headset on. I don't know if they will do an only voice. I can try.

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they didn't kick you for not using discord so i doubt they'll kick you for only using discord for sign-ups. it would be an issue with your guild and not discord if they did. i have never used the voice chat on discord and have never gotten in trouble for it. (since they're usually empty)

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> You can join 5 different Guilds. You could always try some other Guilds out, and see if they are a better fit, if you feel uncomfortable in this one.


> Good luck.


I know this sounds weird. I feel like there are some nice people in that guild. I'm afraid if I leave it. I won't get the chance to know them again. I'll lose them forever and I won't be able to know them as a person. I don't know I just take that type of thing so hard.

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> @"Chyanne Waters.8719" said:

> The voice chat is not really for the people to talk in most situations where its used. Of course there is social time for that, but that is up to the people using it for that. The main reason for voice chat is to listen maybe ask a question or two to make sure what the leader wants. Think about it like this how long does it take to type instructions for a dungeon or raid or even a guild mission would take longer than the mission of course. With voice chat it just takes a few seconds more actual play time. Discord is being used more because of its quality and its free to use. It also lets you join several guilds easily switching between them. I suggest trying it out you can still play and listen you do not even have to talk.


But Why put sign ups only in discord basically saying. You need that to play the game?

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> @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

> > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > > @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

> > > In my guild's they were telling me about invites to someplace. I'm like okay where are the sign-up sheets. They replied 'Discord" no I do not want to jump on discord. I only have a headset. I play with the sound off. I don't want to jump into discord. I want to stay in the game and play it. Why are people's obsession with discord? I just don't get it.

> > >

> > > Why can't I play in the game, why can't everything be in the game? Why do I need to sign up to discord to listen to them talk and heavy breathing? I just want to play the game.

> >

> > You can use discord for text chat only too


> I feel like but I should ask if they will require voice. I think they will get mad if I'm in discord but haven't heard them. It's because I don't play with my headset on. I don't know if they will do an only voice. I can try.


There is no overlap between text and voice channels. Basically it's like this. Your guild has a server on Discord. It's that server you will join. In that server they'll have at least 1 text chat, probably more from what I've seen from various Discord servers. Then, separate from that, there are voice channels. Unless you actively enter one of those voice channels, you are not part of any voice chat. There is no risk of not hearing them, because they can see you're not in a voice channel.


Also, don't think for other people. You are afraid they might get mad, but I get the feeling that is not based on anything they've said or done. You put the burden of choice solely on your own shoulders, creating a potential outcome in your mind that is most likely not based on anything they've done. I get that. I've had the same problem (and sometimes still have). But unless you're a mind reader there's really no other way of finding out how they will react than by actually telling them. No amount of thinking, waiting or anything any of us here will tell you, can guarantee a specific reaction from your guild. Just do what feels best to you. Tell them as much of your reasons and background as you like to make it clear to them that you will not be joining voice chats. I personally don't know of any guild that demands their members regularly engage in voice chat conversations. For certain content like Raids or Fractals, perhaps. And even then, listening is often enough for most guilds. But mandatory voice chat in general? Not really.

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> @"Talindra.4958" said:

> did you talk to your guild leaders and officers about it?


Still too afraid. I'm afraid they will kick me if I say I don't use discord. > @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said:

> > @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

> > > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > > > @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

> > > > In my guild's they were telling me about invites to someplace. I'm like okay where are the sign-up sheets. They replied 'Discord" no I do not want to jump on discord. I only have a headset. I play with the sound off. I don't want to jump into discord. I want to stay in the game and play it. Why are people's obsession with discord? I just don't get it.

> > > >

> > > > Why can't I play in the game, why can't everything be in the game? Why do I need to sign up to discord to listen to them talk and heavy breathing? I just want to play the game.

> > >

> > > You can use discord for text chat only too

> >

> > I feel like but I should ask if they will require voice. I think they will get mad if I'm in discord but haven't heard them. It's because I don't play with my headset on. I don't know if they will do an only voice. I can try.


> There is no overlap between text and voice channels. Basically it's like this. Your guild has a server on Discord. It's that server you will join. In that server they'll have at least 1 text chat, probably more from what I've seen from various Discord servers. Then, separate from that, there are voice channels. Unless you actively enter one of those voice channels, you are not part of any voice chat. There is no risk of not hearing them, because they can see you're not in a voice channel.


> Also, don't think for other people. You are afraid they might get mad, but I get the feeling that is not based on anything they've said or done. You put the burden of choice solely on your own shoulders, creating a potential outcome in your mind that is most likely not based on anything they've done. I get that. I've had the same problem (and sometimes still have). But unless you're a mind reader there's really no other way of finding out how they will react than by actually telling them. No amount of thinking, waiting or anything any of us here will tell you, can guarantee a specific reaction from your guild. Just do what feels best to you. Tell them as much of your reasons and background as you like to make it clear to them that you will not be joining voice chats. I personally don't know of any guild that demands their members regularly engage in voice chat conversations. For certain content like Raids or Fractals, perhaps. And even then, listening is often enough for most guilds. But mandatory voice chat in general? Not really.


I don't know the outcome that's what worries me. They put Guild Signs up inside discord. I feel like telling them not to use discord will not be welcomed. Your right, I don't know their reaction for sure. I can think but not know.


I'm worried they will kick me after I display my concerns or create a hostile eviomriment but I don't know how long that can go on. Leaving discord. Sooner or later they'll want me to sign up there, but aren't they creating an impossible situation by making it there instead in the gulid in the firsr place?

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At the end of the day you have a choice, use it or not. You have decided not to use it, tell them that and tell them why. You are concerned about them kicking you or creating a hostile enviroment if you tell them you do not want to use Discord, but fair more likely is that they will feel like you don't want to be apart of the guild by not talking to to them about your reasons for not wanting to use it. Obviously this is not the case, but unless you talk to them they will not know that. If you don't want to talk "in person" via whispers or guild chat, send them an in game mail explaining why. Take your time with it, explain your thoughts, your concerns, and your problems clearly and calmly in the message you send. I get living inside your own head surrounded by what ifs, and self created scenarios, I suffer from the same problem if I don't actively work against it. This is one of those situations where you need too, and hopefully when the situation is resolved you will feel a little better about it.

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You can choose not to use Discord, because there's nothing in the game that requires it. However, you are also cutting yourself off from a lot of interesting people and interactions. I think it's worth taking some time to experiment with Discord (and maybe TTS) before rejecting the idea out of hand, simply because you choose not to speak over a mic.


In particular: I don't use a microphone and I use Discord every day (which replaced Mumble & TeamSpeak — only a few WvW still use those).


You can just listen to people and avoid downloading the app by sticking with the webclient (I specifically use a separate browser for Discord). If you want to contribute, there is a text-to-speak option in Discord. (However, it is not set up all that well and requires special set up to work well for most guilds — if you go that route, I can help.)


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> @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

> > @"sakura.7961" said:

> > Discord is also a textchat, not just a voicechat. You can use it without mic and sound.


> It feels like I am going have pressure to talk on the mic. I don't like talking through a headset or mic. I like writing.


Every guild I am in (In both MMOs I play) except for the WvW havoc guild (for obvious reasons) uses the text chat functions waaaay more than the voice ones. You're **never** obligated to use the voice function of discord just because it exists. Why not in game? Because web links don't work in game, and neither does copy/paste.

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> @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

> > @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > did you talk to your guild leaders and officers about it?


> Still too afraid. I'm afraid they will kick me if I say I don't use discord. > @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said:

> > > @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

> > > > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > > > > @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

> > > > > In my guild's they were telling me about invites to someplace. I'm like okay where are the sign-up sheets. They replied 'Discord" no I do not want to jump on discord. I only have a headset. I play with the sound off. I don't want to jump into discord. I want to stay in the game and play it. Why are people's obsession with discord? I just don't get it.

> > > > >

> > > > > Why can't I play in the game, why can't everything be in the game? Why do I need to sign up to discord to listen to them talk and heavy breathing? I just want to play the game.

> > > >

> > > > You can use discord for text chat only too

> > >

> > > I feel like but I should ask if they will require voice. I think they will get mad if I'm in discord but haven't heard them. It's because I don't play with my headset on. I don't know if they will do an only voice. I can try.

> >

> > There is no overlap between text and voice channels. Basically it's like this. Your guild has a server on Discord. It's that server you will join. In that server they'll have at least 1 text chat, probably more from what I've seen from various Discord servers. Then, separate from that, there are voice channels. Unless you actively enter one of those voice channels, you are not part of any voice chat. There is no risk of not hearing them, because they can see you're not in a voice channel.

> >

> > Also, don't think for other people. You are afraid they might get mad, but I get the feeling that is not based on anything they've said or done. You put the burden of choice solely on your own shoulders, creating a potential outcome in your mind that is most likely not based on anything they've done. I get that. I've had the same problem (and sometimes still have). But unless you're a mind reader there's really no other way of finding out how they will react than by actually telling them. No amount of thinking, waiting or anything any of us here will tell you, can guarantee a specific reaction from your guild. Just do what feels best to you. Tell them as much of your reasons and background as you like to make it clear to them that you will not be joining voice chats. I personally don't know of any guild that demands their members regularly engage in voice chat conversations. For certain content like Raids or Fractals, perhaps. And even then, listening is often enough for most guilds. But mandatory voice chat in general? Not really.


> I don't know the outcome that's what worries me. They put Guild Signs up inside discord. **I feel like telling them not to use discord will not be welcomed.** Your right, I don't know their reaction for sure. I can think but not know.


> I'm worried they will kick me after I display my concerns or create a hostile eviomriment but I don't know how long that can go on. Leaving discord. Sooner or later they'll want me to sign up there, but aren't they creating an impossible situation by making it there instead in the gulid in the firsr place?


While I sympathize with your situation, in all honesty it's not them creating an impossible situation. For that it would have to impact more, if not most, guild members. At the moment it seems you are the only one with a problem (at least, I haven't heard you mention anything about other guild members having the same concerns as you). Not to dismiss them, but I feel like your worries are entirely for nothing. For starters, they can't put sign ups in game, because the game gives us no options to do that. So those sign ups will appear in text chat on Discord instead. There, everyone who joins the server can read it and respond with text chat. For instance, they post they are going to do a daily Fractal run at 8 PM in the evening, asking anyone willing and able to join to confirm in text chat so they know who and how many will show up. It gives time for more people to read it, then if you post it in guild chat when you are online at the actual time you want to do the run. Or you could shoot a quick message if you are somehow delayed. You can even do this while not at your computer, if you install the Discord app on your phone as well. And this could be for other things too, like organized metas, bounty runs or HP runs, etc.


Look at it this way. I don't know if you use a chat app on your phone, like WhatsApp (in my experience, most if not all people do these days). That app also has the ability to engage in voice chats with people. Sure, it will seem like a regular call because you're using your phone, but technically you're calling someone through a chat program. It's very similar to Discord in that way. Do you also worry that people will require you to call them via WhatsApp? Maybe if you look at it that way, the choice will become easier. And hey, if they do demand a general participation in voice chat, know that you've met a very rare example and the guild then probably isn't the right fit for you. I'm sure there are some nice people there, but they are not the only nice people in the game.


Whatever your choice will be, I wish you good luck with it. :)


**Edit: Oh, and don't tell them not to use Discord (if that's actually what you meant and not the other way around). That would be out of line. It's about your doubts about using Discord, not whether or not the guild uses Discord in the first place. Asking a majority to do or not do something just for one person usually gets a no for an answer.**

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Discord is extremely convenient for coordinated guild play across many different games. This is why a lot of people use Discord because a majority of people play multiple games. The use of 3rd party programs to keep in touch with your guild has been a common occurrence for the history for gaming (teamspeak, etc).


Discord isn't that hard to install and use, so give it a go! :)

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> @"Zedek.8932" said:

> > @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > It's an mmo....

> >

> > Many guilds use 3rd party communication software, if you're not okay with that for whatever reason then perhaps the problem isn't the game or the tool but how you feel compelled to be a part of an online community instead of doing your own thing.


> That's a bit unfair, isn't it? You are basically telling him he has not enough will to integrate into gaming society by not wanting to use a special third party tool. He even said he'd like to participate and not "doing his own thing". However, by restricting to 3rd party programs alone, the guild is doing "their own thing" indeed, locking people out, and that's the actual problem here.


> He said why, and I can understand that. My spoken English is far better than many Germans I've met (or listened to) in video games, but still I would not want it, especially with people's bad mics, 10 layers of hiss and noise, people eating, people in the background talking, etc.


> I feel with OP and it's just fine not to use such tools. I stopped to care about the names. Had Skype first, then stopped using VoIP tools (except for my landline phone). Then I heard things like "Ventrillo", "Teamspeak", "Discord",.. Who knows. Don't jump through every hoop dangled in front of you.


> Excelsior.


Is it unfair ?

If you want to do group activities you'll need to communicate. If its easier for the guild to use VOIP to do so then perhaps its time for people who dislike VOIP to either, band together and type, or just come out of their shell.


Also, nothing and i mean absolutely nothing is stopping said person from joining their guilds discord and not saying a dang thing in voice while signing up and participating.

It's literally as simple as using the text channel and typing "I dont have a mic". I'm saying this as a person who has raided with near about half the group not saying anything whatsoever but still being in chat to listen for callouts and instructions.




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