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as far as i remember when we were in t1, they fought us good and regular.


bg is one notch above all others in coverage and the game as it is.


yb had the coverage and guts to stay in t1 and they fought us and each other and sometimes 3 way.


so i am really confused with the post. hehe

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My hope is some players from SoS will share their views, and whoever is matched up with BG & YB next week can follow up.


It could be nothing, but here's my view having played on SoS for the last 9 months: BG & YB are working together to deny any other servers enough points to remain in T1.

On EBG, you see BG objectives untouched while SoS objectives are flipped faster than they can be reclaimed.

On other BL's, you see the BG zerg coming to defend YB objectives.

The 2v1-ing is seen time and time again.


SoS spent a good 6+ months in T1, but 2 weeks ago something changed. I'd love to know what so as a server we could adapt and resume our fight to beat BG for once. But if it's a rigged game, that's uh, not cool, ya know ?

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> @"sorayuki.8906" said:

> My hope is some players from SoS will share their views, and whoever is matched up with BG & YB next week can follow up.


> It could be nothing, but here's my view having played on SoS for the last 9 months: BG & YB are working together to deny any other servers enough points to remain in T1.

> On EBG, you see BG objectives untouched while SoS objectives are flipped faster than they can be reclaimed.

> On other BL's, you see the BG zerg coming to defend YB objectives.

> The 2v1-ing is seen time and time again.


> SoS spent a good 6+ months in T1, but 2 weeks ago something changed. I'd love to know what so as a server we could adapt and resume our fight to beat BG for once. But if it's a rigged game, that's uh, not cool, ya know ?


not from sos but ns here.


i didnt see them.help each other. both sre just opportinistic. i even saw bg hit yb more than.us because were were not as many as yb.


both are looking for fights. so unlike what i expected where both would siege up. reality is good.

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This is a matchup thread and will end up shut down. Before it does. There is no collusion. The game is not rigged. That requires too much work honestly. It's not a 2v1, it's more often than not map politics. Or OJs on the map which is like a pretty flame for moths to gather to. As for what SoS did? I can only give you the BG perspective. They were bosses of the PPT game. They were excellent at draining PPT from red map. The scales tipped when YB came because YB defends their borderland, regardless of which one it is with their very last breath. This cost SoS in the PPT side of it.

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> @"sorayuki.8906" said:

> It could be nothing, but here's my view having played on SoS for the last 9 months: BG & YB are working together to deny any other servers enough points to remain in T1.


Don't tempt me to post screenshots of BG and SoS each owning half of redbl and red only having their garrison.


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As a notarized card carrying member of the YB leadership. We do not want to be in T1, SoS is welcome to stay in T1.


There is no collusion between BG and YB.


In fact, when you see swords on YB or BG objectives steer clear of them, and go take other YB or BG stuff, preferably YB.

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> @"sorayuki.8906" said:

> My hope is some players from SoS will share their views, and whoever is matched up with BG & YB next week can follow up.


> It could be nothing, but here's my view having played on SoS for the last 9 months: BG & YB are working together to deny any other servers enough points to remain in T1.

> On EBG, you see BG objectives untouched while SoS objectives are flipped faster than they can be reclaimed.

> On other BL's, you see the BG zerg coming to defend YB objectives.

> The 2v1-ing is seen time and time again.


> SoS spent a good 6+ months in T1, but 2 weeks ago something changed. I'd love to know what so as a server we could adapt and resume our fight to beat BG for once. But if it's a rigged game, that's uh, not cool, ya know ?



Welcome to red side and to the view every other 3rd server has had of BG and SoS for the past 9 months.

Maybe this will finally lightbulb SoS on how to out ppt BG for a change, maybe...


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This is a match up thread so it's going to get locked. Personally I think it was always a mistake to ban match up threads. WvW was intended to be a team competition and if the official forums deny players the opportunity to discuss the outcome of matches in a league then it undermines the whole principle of the competition. Match up threads need to be heavily moderated but they should never have been outright banned.


That said, the YB/BG position, as I see it from YB, is that some on YB feel they'd rather not be in T1 while others feel it's fine to stay as long as we can hold our place. There is no collusion whatsoever between BG and YB and there isn't likely to be, ever. BG have the coverage to do pretty much what they want but over the past few months they've fallen into the habit of getting a big lead at the weekends then slacking off because the third team has always given up. YB doesn't generally give up and at the moment we are very strong in NA and have some good coverage in OCX and EU, meaning we can compete to an extent. That means BG has had to do a bit more work to keep its comfortable lead, which probably means BG hitting the third team (currently SoS) harder than they're used to.


If there was going to be any organized double-teaming, which there won't be because, contrary to opinions often expressed, it's incredibly hard to organize and even harder to maintain, it would be more likely to involve YB and the 3rd team vs Blackgate, which is the only way BG will ever be pegged down from the top spot. SoS and YB hate each other far too much for that to happen. It could, conceivably happen with another server - TC would probably be the most amenable to trying it - but it almost certainly never will. BG will sit on their coverage and the top spot until the revamp breaks them up forever.

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:


> lmao....

> Welcome to red side and to the view every other 3rd server has had of BG and SoS for the past 9 months.

> Maybe this will finally lightbulb SoS on how to out ppt BG for a change, maybe...



The week SoS was d/t'd out of T1... SoS was physically blocked from entering Lords room several times one time in particular I was dead in Air keep Lord room with one other other person (when the rest of the SoS zerg had been blocked), when YB took it and BG stood there with them... I only saw one red circle happen LOL... then BG just walked out.


This was the only week I have noticed this happen to SoS in all the time in T1...


Surely some of u guys remember that one? dontcha?


Is that how it always is for red?

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> @"Lady Sapphirah.6234" said:

> The week SoS was d/t'd out of T1... SoS was physically blocked from entering Lords room several times one time in particular I was dead in Air keep Lord room with one other other person (when the rest of the SoS zerg had been blocked), when YB took it and BG stood there with them... I only saw one red circle happen LOL... then BG just walked out.


> This was the only week I have noticed this happen to SoS in all the time in T1...


> Surely some of u guys remember that one? dontcha?


> Is that how it always is for red?


My NA acc is on IOJ and I remember that well, I think it was the week after that guild left bg and yb came into T1. BG would [seemingly] come to aid YB at bay etc and it looked like they were there to stop us and then immediately leave. My other guildies however were on YB and said there was no helping bg at all [so it could have been bg assisting yb, and not yb assisting bg]. In any case, I am paired with YB now and we are equal opportunity destroyers, going for both servers at the same time, we go deep enough into bg stuff. Bg is also attacking us constantly, and have people having picnics outside our keep hehe. If there was anything indeed happening, it was probably only that week when YB came into T1 and YB wasn't [afaik] part of it [not talking about the guild that moved from bg to yb however].

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> @"sorayuki.8906" said:

> My hope is some players from SoS will share their views, and whoever is matched up with BG & YB next week can follow up.


> It could be nothing, but here's my view having played on SoS for the last 9 months: BG & YB are working together to deny any other servers enough points to remain in T1.

> On EBG, you see BG objectives untouched while SoS objectives are flipped faster than they can be reclaimed.

> On other BL's, you see the BG zerg coming to defend YB objectives.

> The 2v1-ing is seen time and time again.


> SoS spent a good 6+ months in T1, but 2 weeks ago something changed. I'd love to know what so as a server we could adapt and resume our fight to beat BG for once. But if it's a rigged game, that's uh, not cool, ya know ?


lol, I'm on SoS as well. ... and I have friends on other servers... every server says the same thing about the other two servers they're fighting. Hey look they're ganging up on us. People say that about us and BG, us and YB, us and.... and so on. It's the same on every server I have friends on, which is quite a few. Everyone thinks the other two are ganging up on them. It's kind of what you call take all the stuff you can, when you can, gank who you can when you can... and so on and so on...

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> @"X T D.6458" said:

> Sometimes its map politics,

> Sometimes its payback,

> Sometimes its for funsies.



lol... ah the feeling of being steamrolled by 60 BG killers. I have no complaints though. It is what it is. I know it's there and frankly it's a lot of fun to poke (the hornets nest) aka fire keep or even set on dbl, a few times with a bunch of people and watch the big blob of BG flood over the wall as we port away. oooh yaaa.. we is trollin ya too! lol

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