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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > @"sorayuki.8906" said:

> > My hope is some players from SoS will share their views, and whoever is matched up with BG & YB next week can follow up.

> >

> > It could be nothing, but here's my view having played on SoS for the last 9 months: BG & YB are working together to deny any other servers enough points to remain in T1.

> > On EBG, you see BG objectives untouched while SoS objectives are flipped faster than they can be reclaimed.

> > On other BL's, you see the BG zerg coming to defend YB objectives.

> > The 2v1-ing is seen time and time again.

> >

> > SoS spent a good 6+ months in T1, but 2 weeks ago something changed. I'd love to know what so as a server we could adapt and resume our fight to beat BG for once. But if it's a rigged game, that's uh, not cool, ya know ?


> not from sos but ns here.


> i didnt see them.help each other. both sre just opportinistic. i even saw bg hit yb more than.us because were were not as many as yb.


> both are looking for fights. so unlike what i expected where both would siege up. reality is good.


you didn't see them, end of story, once your server becomes T1 and fight them both together, then you can say you saw them.


it was only a 1 week thing i think, BG wanted to drop SOS to t2, just as a lesson that they dominate t1, with no competition. the Knt guild transfer and the double teaming, and defending yb stuff was a bit obvious, but this was only for that week.


this week things changed and back to normal

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> @"Mirkava.8526" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > > @"sorayuki.8906" said:

> > > My hope is some players from SoS will share their views, and whoever is matched up with BG & YB next week can follow up.

> > >

> > > It could be nothing, but here's my view having played on SoS for the last 9 months: BG & YB are working together to deny any other servers enough points to remain in T1.

> > > On EBG, you see BG objectives untouched while SoS objectives are flipped faster than they can be reclaimed.

> > > On other BL's, you see the BG zerg coming to defend YB objectives.

> > > The 2v1-ing is seen time and time again.

> > >

> > > SoS spent a good 6+ months in T1, but 2 weeks ago something changed. I'd love to know what so as a server we could adapt and resume our fight to beat BG for once. But if it's a rigged game, that's uh, not cool, ya know ?

> >

> > not from sos but ns here.

> >

> > i didnt see them.help each other. both sre just opportinistic. i even saw bg hit yb more than.us because were were not as many as yb.

> >

> > both are looking for fights. so unlike what i expected where both would siege up. reality is good.


> you didn't see them, end of story, once your server becomes T1 and fight them both together, then you can say you saw them.


> it was only a 1 week thing i think, BG wanted to drop SOS to t2, just as a lesson that they dominate t1, with no competition. the Knt guild transfer and the double teaming, and defending yb stuff was a bit obvious, but this was only for that week.


> this week things changed and back to normal


my server was in t1. and so i say it. else, i would not have commented. i am just not from sos


you can check the video at my uncle nsp wants you thread.




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> @"Kaiser.9873" said:

> > @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> > i have been sos for years.

> > this makes no-sense, why beat only the third server, and sit staring at eacher other just to say how awesome they are?

> > i think this is most related to a lazy mindset server strategy on YB/BG: "we bored, but too lazy to try anything diferent, lets just beat the weakest".


> Kinda think you aren't paying attention to the replies. YB is NOT cooperating with BG. There has been NO coordinated double team. Most of us would prefer you PPT to your hearts content. However, if you think that SoS hasn't backcapped, taken advantage of 3rd server focus, and otherwise done EXACTLY what you are accusing YB/BG of doing, you haven't been paying attention the last several months.


That's EXACTLY what that'd say if there WAS collusion.


YakGate confirmed



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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > @"Kaiser.9873" said:

> > > @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> > > i have been sos for years.

> > > this makes no-sense, why beat only the third server, and sit staring at eacher other just to say how awesome they are?

> > > i think this is most related to a lazy mindset server strategy on YB/BG: "we bored, but too lazy to try anything diferent, lets just beat the weakest".

> >

> > Kinda think you aren't paying attention to the replies. YB is NOT cooperating with BG. There has been NO coordinated double team. Most of us would prefer you PPT to your hearts content. However, if you think that SoS hasn't backcapped, taken advantage of 3rd server focus, and otherwise done EXACTLY what you are accusing YB/BG of doing, you haven't been paying attention the last several months.


> That's EXACTLY what that'd say if there WAS collusion.


> YakGate confirmed




I just threw up in my mouth a little..,.


Nothing to see here.. move along..


(Goes back to taking SoS towers with two)

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Just a suggestion what if all servers goin to t1 will 2 servers vs BG , will this make every one happy since BG is the most hated servers of all ,now to accomplish this a representative of a server will organized a plan how to execute this move for 1 week ,keeping this plan till BG ppl get demoralized and drop off T1 .

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> @"swellercross.3974" said:

> Just a suggestion what if all servers goin to t1 will 2 servers vs BG , will this make every one happy since BG is the most hated servers of all ,now to accomplish this a representative of a server will organized a plan how to execute this move for 1 week ,keeping this plan till BG ppl get demoralized and drop off T1 .


Naa pretty sure people hated sos more. Kek.

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OK! I am FAR from the conspiracy theorist... as far as you can get... and last night... oh baby... it doesn't get any clearer than this. NSP was trying to take our Bay.. Out of nowhere comes a BG blob and hits our Garri... takes down the outter se gate. Then sits on the se wall running back and forth. The moment Bay is capped by NSP then BG leaves. Oh ya they take NET and fire a few shots at Garri to make it look like they actually wanted to hit it... then they were gone again.


Nobody can convince me that this wasn't clearly planned.. even if ONLY by BG themselves. NSP might not have even known about it for all that matters. But it was clearly an assist to have Bay taken by NSP.


After all is said and done I'm not complaining at all... I'm amused. I have many thoughts as we humans do about the motivation and at the end of the day it really doesn't matter. I suppose if I was in the server with more people than any other server by far, and bored, I would also want to find ways to amuse myself. I mean it really has to be boring knowing that all you need to do is blob up and take what you really want if you want to... much of the time anyway.


Hey I'm pretty sure I saw XTD in there causing trouble too! ahahaaaa

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> @"sorayuki.8906" said:

> What is going on with these two servers?


YB gave up last week cause commanders didn't want to fight BG and their 24/7 coverage anymore, that's it. It's disappointing to say the least but I can kinda understand why, they can't be expected to either run wvw like a 40 hour a week job or constantly come in to pick up the pieces.

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It is amazing. People continue to think that they are important enough to be 2v1'd.


Seen a true 2v1 during tournaments when BG was double teamed by JQ and TC. Was on TC at the time. Our guild refused to play along and hit JQ targets.


Was fun to wreck them. Then something interesting happened: Our own server started to give our position to JQ commanders. Led to more fights which was good.


Even some of the BG groups saw, helped when they could.


The real reason? Map politics. Of course, most today don't understand that.

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> @"swellercross.3974" said:

> Just a suggestion what if all servers goin to t1 will 2 servers vs BG , will this make every one happy since BG is the most hated servers of all ,now to accomplish this a representative of a server will organized a plan how to execute this move for 1 week ,keeping this plan till BG ppl get demoralized and drop off T1 .


Here’s the secret to bg success. Bg players love the wvw mode. That’s it. We don’t get demoralized in the sense that you propose. When we get pressed the pugs fight harder, commanders tag up more often, scouts stay up later, guilds get more organized, and so on. I understand how fashionable it is to hate on Blackgate but you can’t demoralize people doing what they love to do. We don’t win every fight but we keep coming back for more.

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> @"Brother.1504" said:

> Here’s the secret to bg success. Bg players love the wvw mode. That’s it. We don’t get demoralized in the sense that you propose. When we get pressed the pugs fight harder, commanders tag up more often, scouts stay up later, guilds get more organized, and so on. I understand how fashionable it is to hate on Blackgate but you can’t demoralize people doing what they love to do. We don’t win every fight but we keep coming back for more.

This isn't true. I've personally seen BG stop showing up when they were being dominated. From what I heard/read (but did not witness), BG did the same thing during Maguuma's domination of T1.


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> @"Shining One.1635" said:

> > @"Brother.1504" said:

> > Here’s the secret to bg success. Bg players love the wvw mode. That’s it. We don’t get demoralized in the sense that you propose. When we get pressed the pugs fight harder, commanders tag up more often, scouts stay up later, guilds get more organized, and so on. I understand how fashionable it is to hate on Blackgate but you can’t demoralize people doing what they love to do. We don’t win every fight but we keep coming back for more.

> This isn't true. I've personally seen BG stop showing up when they were being dominated. From what I heard/read (but did not witness), BG did the same thing during Maguuma's domination of T1.


Domination? One week? Yep.


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> @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:


> Hey I'm pretty sure I saw XTD in there causing trouble too! ahahaaaa


Trouble is my middle name ;)


Let me just say that SoS really needs to understand map politics. If you don't, well it can come back to bite you on the you know what.

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> @"Shining One.1635" said:

> > @"Brother.1504" said:

> > Here’s the secret to bg success. Bg players love the wvw mode. That’s it. We don’t get demoralized in the sense that you propose. When we get pressed the pugs fight harder, commanders tag up more often, scouts stay up later, guilds get more organized, and so on. I understand how fashionable it is to hate on Blackgate but you can’t demoralize people doing what they love to do. We don’t win every fight but we keep coming back for more.

> This isn't true. I've personally seen BG stop showing up when they were being dominated. From what I heard/read (but did not witness), BG did the same thing during Maguuma's domination of T1.



how long did maguuma "dominated" t1 and ppt?

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> Domination? One week? Yep.

> @"Eremes Guile.1480" said:

> how long did maguuma "dominated" t1 and ppt?

I have no idea how long it lasted with Maguuma since I wasn't there to see it. I'll let someone from Maguuma speak on that topic. However, it was several weeks when JQ and 2 links were dominating T1. BG actually dropped to T2.



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> @"X T D.6458" said:

> > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:


> > Hey I'm pretty sure I saw XTD in there causing trouble too! ahahaaaa


> Trouble is my middle name ;)


> Let me just say that SoS really needs to understand map politics. If you don't, well it can come back to bite you on the you know what.


lol.. oh ya I get it. The blobs ain't gonna stop... but that won't stop me from going back in again and again and causing whatever trouble I can too :)

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> @"Eremes Guile.1480" said:

> > @"Shining One.1635" said:

> > > @"Brother.1504" said:

> > > Here’s the secret to bg success. Bg players love the wvw mode. That’s it. We don’t get demoralized in the sense that you propose. When we get pressed the pugs fight harder, commanders tag up more often, scouts stay up later, guilds get more organized, and so on. I understand how fashionable it is to hate on Blackgate but you can’t demoralize people doing what they love to do. We don’t win every fight but we keep coming back for more.

> > This isn't true. I've personally seen BG stop showing up when they were being dominated. From what I heard/read (but did not witness), BG did the same thing during Maguuma's domination of T1.

> >


> how long did maguuma "dominated" t1 and ppt?


like 2 or 3 weeks to beat them down and then 9 straight weeks of nothing happening before almost everyone on Mag either transferred off or quit the game at which point BG slowly started playing again.

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> @"Shining One.1635" said:

> > @"Brother.1504" said:

> > Here’s the secret to bg success. Bg players love the wvw mode. That’s it. We don’t get demoralized in the sense that you propose. When we get pressed the pugs fight harder, commanders tag up more often, scouts stay up later, guilds get more organized, and so on. I understand how fashionable it is to hate on Blackgate but you can’t demoralize people doing what they love to do. We don’t win every fight but we keep coming back for more.

> This isn't true. I've personally seen BG stop showing up when they were being dominated. From what I heard/read (but did not witness), BG did the same thing during Maguuma's domination of T1.


Just the truth but it doesn’t really matter, so many factors contribute to the wvw experience. It’s kind of a running joke on bg that the other servers think of us as a blobbing monster. Like I said bg players love wvw, that’s why we are not always but consistently successful.


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> @"Brother.1504" said:

> > @"Shining One.1635" said:

> > > @"Brother.1504" said:

> > > Here’s the secret to bg success. Bg players love the wvw mode. That’s it. We don’t get demoralized in the sense that you propose. When we get pressed the pugs fight harder, commanders tag up more often, scouts stay up later, guilds get more organized, and so on. I understand how fashionable it is to hate on Blackgate but you can’t demoralize people doing what they love to do. We don’t win every fight but we keep coming back for more.

> > This isn't true. I've personally seen BG stop showing up when they were being dominated. From what I heard/read (but did not witness), BG did the same thing during Maguuma's domination of T1.

> >

> Just the truth but it doesn’t really matter, so many factor contribute to the wvw experience. It’s kind of a running joke on bg that the other servers think of us as a blobbing monster. Like I said bg players love wvw, that’s why we are not always but consistently successful.



The reason BG has been so consistently successful is because the server has consistently attracted people who will do almost anything to win and will press any advantage they get no matter how boring or personally dissatisfying it may be to do so. BG attracts the utterly ruthless win-the-game-at-any-costs types as well as those who are seemingly immune to boredom. The two put together make BG a truly formidable opponent with only one or two obvious weaknesses which very few servers have ever been able to effectively exploit.


Those two things put together are also what's most lacking in every other server in the game currently and that's why BG always wins.

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