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Things that Should be changed For Next Season


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> @"Panda.3620" said:

> Do a official anet pool with 1600+ players if they want duoQ, I'm certainly it will be a no. Matches are pretty balanced now, the LB proves it, duoQ is just a excuse to secure your rating easier and lower the match quality for other players, but class balance should be looked at, balance patches takes way too long.


I hope you realize that this change will not really affect anyone beyond the 140 people in the 1600 range.


This topic doesn't concern anyone below the 1600 threshold.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"Panda.3620" said:

> > Do a official anet pool with 1600+ players if they want duoQ, I'm certainly it will be a no. Matches are pretty balanced now, the LB proves it, duoQ is just a excuse to secure your rating easier and lower the match quality for other players, but class balance should be looked at, balance patches takes way too long.


> I hope you realize that this change will not really affect anyone beyond the 140 people in the 1600 range.


> This topic doesn't concern anyone below the 1600 threshold.


Exactly, thats why I said to do a official pool with 1600+ players if they want duoQ.


> @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > @"Panda.3620" said:

> > Do a official anet pool with 1600+ players if they want duoQ, I'm certainly it will be a no. Matches are pretty balanced now, the LB proves it, duoQ is just a excuse to secure your rating easier and lower the match quality for other players, but class balance should be looked at, balance patches takes way too long.


> what are you talking about balance? are you anywhere in the 1600-1800 rating? Games are NOT balance anywhere at that level.


I am and I find it balanced, if you can't take a loss, don't play a competitive mode, everyone on the LB has a perfectly normal w/l rating to be on the LB, some matches will be one sided but that's normal and there is no way to avoid it, it's impossible.


Im sitting between 1650 and can't go higher and I acknowledge the fact that there is a huge skill gap between me and a top 10~20 player, if they're on the enemy team I won't cry because the match will probably be one sided or hard, you can't balance players but you can balance classes. Matchmaking has been doing a fine job pairing players.

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> @"Panda.3620" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > @"Panda.3620" said:

> > > Do a official anet pool with 1600+ players if they want duoQ, I'm certainly it will be a no. Matches are pretty balanced now, the LB proves it, duoQ is just a excuse to secure your rating easier and lower the match quality for other players, but class balance should be looked at, balance patches takes way too long.

> >

> > I hope you realize that this change will not really affect anyone beyond the 140 people in the 1600 range.

> >

> > This topic doesn't concern anyone below the 1600 threshold.


> Exactly, thats why I said to do a official pool with 1600+ players if they want duoQ.


> > @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > > @"Panda.3620" said:

> > > Do a official anet pool with 1600+ players if they want duoQ, I'm certainly it will be a no. Matches are pretty balanced now, the LB proves it, duoQ is just a excuse to secure your rating easier and lower the match quality for other players, but class balance should be looked at, balance patches takes way too long.

> >

> > what are you talking about balance? are you anywhere in the 1600-1800 rating? Games are NOT balance anywhere at that level.


> I am and I find it balanced, if you can't take a loss, don't play a competitive mode, everyone on the LB has a perfectly normal w/l rating to be on the LB, some matches will be one sided but that's normal and there is no way to avoid it, it's impossible.


> Im sitting between 1650 and can't go higher and I acknowledge the fact that there is a huge skill gap between me and a top 10~20 player, if they're on the enemy team I won't cry because the match will probably be one sided or hard, you can't balance players but you can balance classes. Matchmaking has been doing a fine job pairing players.



You do understand that your rating anywhere in the 1600s won’t matter in the last week right ? Currently now to even get on the leaderboard is within the mid 1500s we won’t see actual good quality games till the last two weeks it’s been like this for a few seasons now.


In no way should I been winning matches over 350 points or losing a match over 350 points that isn’t “balance” nor or horrible team comps going against “meta”. That with itself is a balancing issue for players within the 1600-1800 rating. If you consider everything that’s been happening “balance” then that’s on your opinion just how mines is to disagree this system for match making is Far from being anywhere near “balance” or fair at all.

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> @"Emtiarbi.3281" said:

> Have you guys though on reimplementing something like win streak?


No! Absolutely NOT! Those win streaks and the corresponding loss streaks ( I ran approximately 68 straight losses at one point, ) are a big reason the population is as low as it is.

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> @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > @"Panda.3620" said:

> > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > @"Panda.3620" said:

> > > > Do a official anet pool with 1600+ players if they want duoQ, I'm certainly it will be a no. Matches are pretty balanced now, the LB proves it, duoQ is just a excuse to secure your rating easier and lower the match quality for other players, but class balance should be looked at, balance patches takes way too long.

> > >

> > > I hope you realize that this change will not really affect anyone beyond the 140 people in the 1600 range.

> > >

> > > This topic doesn't concern anyone below the 1600 threshold.

> >

> > Exactly, thats why I said to do a official pool with 1600+ players if they want duoQ.

> >

> > > @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > > > @"Panda.3620" said:

> > > > Do a official anet pool with 1600+ players if they want duoQ, I'm certainly it will be a no. Matches are pretty balanced now, the LB proves it, duoQ is just a excuse to secure your rating easier and lower the match quality for other players, but class balance should be looked at, balance patches takes way too long.

> > >

> > > what are you talking about balance? are you anywhere in the 1600-1800 rating? Games are NOT balance anywhere at that level.

> >

> > I am and I find it balanced, if you can't take a loss, don't play a competitive mode, everyone on the LB has a perfectly normal w/l rating to be on the LB, some matches will be one sided but that's normal and there is no way to avoid it, it's impossible.

> >

> > Im sitting between 1650 and can't go higher and I acknowledge the fact that there is a huge skill gap between me and a top 10~20 player, if they're on the enemy team I won't cry because the match will probably be one sided or hard, you can't balance players but you can balance classes. Matchmaking has been doing a fine job pairing players.



> You do understand that your rating anywhere in the 1600s won’t matter in the last week right ? Currently now to even get on the leaderboard is within the mid 1500s we won’t see actual good quality games till the last two weeks it’s been like this for a few seasons now.


> In no way should I been winning matches over 350 points or losing a match over 350 points that isn’t “balance” nor or horrible team comps going against “meta”. That with itself is a balancing issue for players within the 1600-1800 rating. If you consider everything that’s been happening “balance” then that’s on your opinion just how mines is to disagree this system for match making is Far from being anywhere near “balance” or fair at all.


I've been playing since the introduction of the new rating system and never had a problem with the last weeks. Sure games got more competitive and toxic and there is a bigger influx of players but doesn't change my rating at all, usually it goes up.


You're losing matches over 350 points because of team composition, that's class balance. Players that get on our matches are from close skill level, that's matchmaking pairing balance. When you pick a mirrored matchup the matches are pretty technical since all players are skilled but when you get stupid OP things on the enemy team like necro+firebrand combo + mirage and your team has a necro without support or people running off meta or a wild rev tmatches will be one sided even though all players are skilled.

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Since we are entering season 12 now it really would not hurt changing the rules from time to time. One season with duoQ just to see how the it goes would spice things up a bit. What holds duoQ back in my opinion is the whole Mesmer class right now. A class should not be able fulfil nearly every role while being that mobile...but that's a different discussion...

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> @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> > @"Emtiarbi.3281" said:

> > Have you guys though on reimplementing something like win streak?


> No! Absolutely NOT! Those win streaks and the corresponding loss streaks ( I ran approximately 68 straight losses at one point, ) are a big reason the population is as low as it is.


You clear don't understand what they were asking for when they say win streak.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:


> > Adding some of this new achievements , or reward would generate more players to jump over and focus in playing rank(more people playing the better it is for everyone).


> We add new rewards as we get them. We have more rewards in the pipeline, though I can't tell you when they will be delivered. As far as new achievements, I'm not opposed. What kind of achievements would you like to see?


@"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" You know how we have those achivements for winning 150 games with each profession "Champion Shadow" etc. What about winning 150 games with elite specs : "Champion Firebrand", "Champion Scourge" etc. Winning a game as FB for example would progress your Guardian title by 1 and FB title by 1.


Other than that I believe that if you want to bring more PvE audience into PvP you should make special events with special rewards - skins. Like a glove skin or helmet for winning a few tournament games. After the event is over skins could be acquired from PvP vendor for Tickets & Ascended shards. Add some good looking skin which can be acquired only via PvP and players will come. Maybe they will just get the skin and leave. Maybe they will stay. But at least they will give it a shot. Which is important. I recently tried to put together a guild team for ATs and 3 out of 200 people were interested :anguished: . There are players who haven't tried PvP since 2012.

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When it comes to new achievments, i just think that "Year of the Ascension" needs to end and be replaced with a new "Year" or something. The achievments can stay the same, people just need more reasons to play ranked, and some play it due to missing achievments.


I can say for myself, pvp and especially ranked pvp stress me out every now and then, so i take really long breaks from it sometimes. But the missing achievments (class wins) are the main reason why i keep coming back.

When year of ascension came, that was most likely the time i was most active in ranked. There was a whole new category of achievments for me to aim towards to, alongside the legendary.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> We add new rewards as we get them. We have more rewards in the pipeline, though I can't tell you when they will be delivered. As far as new achievements, I'm not opposed. What kind of achievements would you like to see?


I'm thinking about titles for getting a specific top stat X times. Something like this:

250 times earning the healing best stat > Life giver

250 times earning the damage best stat > Master of pain

250 times earning the kills best stat > Master of death

250 times earning the offense best stat >Tireless assaulter

250 times earning the defense best stat > Everlasting defender


This maybe could make people interested into trying different kinds of builds and improving at playing them in order to get the cool title attached to it.


Other things (requires more dev time tho):

Letting players rate their teammates when the match ends (like giving that cool and friendly teammate a Loved Playing With You badge) and creating achievements with titles and maybe a small reward or gizmo (like a thing that gives you an aura of hearts for 5 minutes) for them.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> There would have to be enough that return that we could pit 2 duo queues against each other at all times. I'm not confident that would happen, so making the change we would have to be willing to sacrifice some match quality in return.

Which is a terrible idea to please a vocal minority. Most players would suffer from this but it has been discussed so many times.

There are already several complaints about matchmaking quality (personally I'm fairly satisfied currently, it is a LOT better than duoq and 5 man q times). Ranked would become a playground for a few number of duoq-ers which would eventually lead to a dead gamemode. Even the last vote we had about bringing back duoq here on the forums - where the vocal (complaining) minority is extremely overrepresented - people voted down this option.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > Just going to list a few things that should be addressed and looked on by anet.

> >

> > 1. Having the top 250 play 1 game every 2-3 days after meeting the total game requirement for the season kills the match making/population

> >

> > What I believe should be done in order to keep people from camping their rating/spot on the leader board is that anyone above Plat should be required to play 2-3 games per day before they get decayed or drop in rating from not playing long enough(for the "casual" players this would suck but then again rank shouldn't be so casual in the first place).


> I feel like decay is in an ok spot right now. I don't want to force someone to have to play every single day.


> >

> > 2. Add New titles, Rewards, Or even add a new legendary that would requier a few season to complete.

> >

> > Adding some of this new achievements , or reward would generate more players to jump over and focus in playing rank(more people playing the better it is for everyone).


> We add new rewards as we get them. We have more rewards in the pipeline, though I can't tell you when they will be delivered. As far as new achievements, I'm not opposed. What kind of achievements would you like to see?


> > 3. Report system NEEDS to be adjusted/fixed so it can actually be useful to report x player for x amount of reasons.


> > the current report system seems to be a "joke" toward a lot of negative players/trolls that just don't fear it at all. This needs to be looked into and buffed in terms of how it should be feared so we can get less toxic games/players. Can't have a proper report system if no one really respects it enough to fear it right?


> I can't comment too much on CS stuff like reporting players.


> > 4. Rating system NEEDS to be relooked into If the spvp Population is low

> >

> > If noting being done to attract more players into spvp, then the Rating system needs to be addressed big time. If one player has 30 wins over loses in rank but is rated at 1600 rating because he or she played over 150 games total and Player 2 has 25 wins over loses but under 150 games total played and yet is rated in the 1700s because he or she is playing the "minimal" games required then something doesn't add up at all. The current system in place at the moment seem to punishes players for playing to much which doesn't make sense at all and is a factor as to why match making/population really low when queuing up(when above plat rating).


> The formulas for skill rating are based on quality of win/loss. If you defeat a team that has a higher mmr average than yours, you will gain more points. Yes, someone playing more games takes more risks to lose, but they also have more opportunity to gain points. Generally, messing with the glicko rating system has been shown to make it worse. We don't want to do something to make skill ratings suddenly start climbing to infinity, which is what I think most people's suggestions would do.


> > 5. Soft reset after every season needs to be swapped into "hard" reset after every season or the very least after xx amount of seasons

> >

> > these soft resets haven't done a single thing besides keep the same 50-100 players in the same exact spot over and over. With a system that punishes players for spamming to much rank games how does this benefit silver/gold players if they are pretty much rest into the same setting they were before the season ended with a rating system that does more harm to your overall rating level even if you go 50/50?

> >

> We've debated going to a hard reset internally from time to time. The only big pro to a hard reset is making everyone start from the same place, as you note. But the drawback is that the start of seasons would become even far more chaotic than they are now. Match quality is certainly much lower at the start of a season, and the soft reset is one of the reasons. A hard reset would make this even worse. Also, the idea that the top players only stay high because of the soft reset is wrong, I believe. Most of them have proven that they have the ability to get back there. With the reset, the highest someone usually starts is Plat 1.



> > Just a few things i believe should be added/changed in order to help make things a lot smoother for players, however none of these are "facts" it's just an opinion of a player whos been around 5 season with the same rating level of plat 1 - plat 3 over and over. The game is enjoyable because the battle system is different and amazing but it gets really boring when matches end up 100-500 winning only 6 rating, but if i lose a match where it's 189-500 i lose out on 17-19 rating which is a reason why so many "smart" players play 1 - 3 game every few days after reaching over 100 games played total in the season. This kills the population and the fun from most players and should be deeply looked into @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" if you can please give us some details on any of the things listed ill highly appreciate it.

> >

> >

> > P.S I didn't mention balancing because it's pretty obv we all know it's needed more frequently.


> Thanks for your feedback and thoughts, even if I don't agree with all your points. Reading constructive posts gets us to think about these systems and evaluate changes to make, even if the changes we do aren't the suggested ones!


You already have a legendary reward, which is still available as far as I know..You just need to publicize it.


Though I note: in Reality no one is going to want to play all the various classes in ranked... and get slaughtered. Unranked perhaps?

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> We've debated going to a hard reset internally from time to time. The only big pro to a hard reset is making everyone start from the same place, as you note. But the drawback is that the start of seasons would become even far more chaotic than they are now. Match quality is certainly much lower at the start of a season, and the soft reset is one of the reasons. A hard reset would make this even worse. Also, the idea that the top players only stay high because of the soft reset is wrong, I believe. Most of them have proven that they have the ability to get back there. With the reset, the highest someone usually starts is Plat 1.


@Ben Phongluangtham.1065 From my point of view, the trouble with soft reset is that it tends to hold people in place. Having a bad streak in ratings matches (don't ever start the season minutes after it opens) it has been extremely hard to climb the ladder, as I have to win more often than someone who started higher. Then I have to face the same thing again next season because I haven't managed to get up there agsainst the odds before the season ends. Great incentive. Not. I also find it difficult to believe that a hard reset could make things much worse than they already are. Perhaps the a good solution would be to increase the number of rating matches?


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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > Just going to list a few things that should be addressed and looked on by anet.

> >

> > 1. Having the top 250 play 1 game every 2-3 days after meeting the total game requirement for the season kills the match making/population

> >

> > What I believe should be done in order to keep people from camping their rating/spot on the leader board is that anyone above Plat should be required to play 2-3 games per day before they get decayed or drop in rating from not playing long enough(for the "casual" players this would suck but then again rank shouldn't be so casual in the first place).


> I feel like decay is in an ok spot right now. I don't want to force someone to have to play every single day.


> >

> > 2. Add New titles, Rewards, Or even add a new legendary that would requier a few season to complete.

> >

> > Adding some of this new achievements , or reward would generate more players to jump over and focus in playing rank(more people playing the better it is for everyone).


> We add new rewards as we get them. We have more rewards in the pipeline, though I can't tell you when they will be delivered. As far as new achievements, I'm not opposed. What kind of achievements would you like to see?


> > 3. Report system NEEDS to be adjusted/fixed so it can actually be useful to report x player for x amount of reasons.


> > the current report system seems to be a "joke" toward a lot of negative players/trolls that just don't fear it at all. This needs to be looked into and buffed in terms of how it should be feared so we can get less toxic games/players. Can't have a proper report system if no one really respects it enough to fear it right?


> I can't comment too much on CS stuff like reporting players.


> > 4. Rating system NEEDS to be relooked into If the spvp Population is low

> >

> > If noting being done to attract more players into spvp, then the Rating system needs to be addressed big time. If one player has 30 wins over loses in rank but is rated at 1600 rating because he or she played over 150 games total and Player 2 has 25 wins over loses but under 150 games total played and yet is rated in the 1700s because he or she is playing the "minimal" games required then something doesn't add up at all. The current system in place at the moment seem to punishes players for playing to much which doesn't make sense at all and is a factor as to why match making/population really low when queuing up(when above plat rating).


> The formulas for skill rating are based on quality of win/loss. If you defeat a team that has a higher mmr average than yours, you will gain more points. Yes, someone playing more games takes more risks to lose, but they also have more opportunity to gain points. Generally, messing with the glicko rating system has been shown to make it worse. We don't want to do something to make skill ratings suddenly start climbing to infinity, which is what I think most people's suggestions would do.


> > 5. Soft reset after every season needs to be swapped into "hard" reset after every season or the very least after xx amount of seasons

> >

> > these soft resets haven't done a single thing besides keep the same 50-100 players in the same exact spot over and over. With a system that punishes players for spamming to much rank games how does this benefit silver/gold players if they are pretty much rest into the same setting they were before the season ended with a rating system that does more harm to your overall rating level even if you go 50/50?

> >

> We've debated going to a hard reset internally from time to time. The only big pro to a hard reset is making everyone start from the same place, as you note. But the drawback is that the start of seasons would become even far more chaotic than they are now. Match quality is certainly much lower at the start of a season, and the soft reset is one of the reasons. A hard reset would make this even worse. Also, the idea that the top players only stay high because of the soft reset is wrong, I believe. Most of them have proven that they have the ability to get back there. With the reset, the highest someone usually starts is Plat 1.



> > Just a few things i believe should be added/changed in order to help make things a lot smoother for players, however none of these are "facts" it's just an opinion of a player whos been around 5 season with the same rating level of plat 1 - plat 3 over and over. The game is enjoyable because the battle system is different and amazing but it gets really boring when matches end up 100-500 winning only 6 rating, but if i lose a match where it's 189-500 i lose out on 17-19 rating which is a reason why so many "smart" players play 1 - 3 game every few days after reaching over 100 games played total in the season. This kills the population and the fun from most players and should be deeply looked into @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" if you can please give us some details on any of the things listed ill highly appreciate it.

> >

> >

> > P.S I didn't mention balancing because it's pretty obv we all know it's needed more frequently.


> Thanks for your feedback and thoughts, even if I don't agree with all your points. Reading constructive posts gets us to think about these systems and evaluate changes to make, even if the changes we do aren't the suggested ones!


I fully agree with everything you have written here and I hope you continue this stance.


In my opinion the best thing you can do for PvP rewards is to allow players to get new items in PvP, WvW or PvE with minimal cross over needed which has mostly been accomplished with fairly non invasive reward tracks. They’re not the most fun way of doing things but it gets the job done and that’s what matters.


I still think the biggest issue for PvP (WvW and to some degree PvE) is the snails pace of balance patches and how little they really change most of the time. I know it’s not your area and you’ve probably heard it before but having to wait months and months before most of the anti fun aspects are solved has really killed my drive to play the game. Sometimes like in the case of ele you’re looking at 2 years to see anything like a role change.

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> @"Mutaatti.2789" said:

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > @"Rufo.3716" said:

> > > Just get rid of ranking all together. Unranked is by far more popular just due to the fact the toxicity is much much lower overall. My unranked matches are better games, less toxic, and much better quality overall. Just add PvP rewards to unranked and get rid of ranked all together. Face it, the way ranking is done in ranked is just bad and doesn't show an accurate skill level at all. I've watch high level pro players go on a streak of losing and almost falling out of plat all together.

> > >

> > > When you have players running around plat/gold that can't even grasp the basics of a map, or even a simple rotation, there is a major problem with how skill is determined.

> >

> > Numbers do not agree with your statement. While seasons are running, ranked has roughly double the number of matches as unranked.


> So how come Unranked Qpops happen in 1-2 mins, while Ranked goes up to 6-7 mins?


> And when they do, it feels like playing Unranked. Teams are so unbalanced that one team has 3 legendary players and 2 plat 2, while other team has one plat 3 and 4 plat 1 players? Happened, dont have pic so believe or not.


> I enjoy playing in Unranked more than in Ranked. Ppl arent so toxic, they play for fun or try something new. And no one gets offended by losing to lower tier team. (Or if they do, no one cares).




Unranked is more fun for a couple of reasons.


1) More casual and therefore less toxic, as you mentioned

2a) Way more build variety (not only on opponents' team, but people are generally more cool with YOU playing something whacky)

2b) Games without Scourge or Mesmer tend to be super fun (funny how that works out) and those profs aren't guarantees in unranked

3) The game design of ranked encourages and rewards bad behavior ... because it's what I call "forced fun" ... instead of making a game mode that is really fun and engaging for players so that they WANT to play the game a lot, ranked sPvP incentivizes all the very things that make it unfun. Oppressive meta builds; not playing at all off peak (so if that's the only time you can play ranked, you might as well forget about it); not playing often to keep rank (and then ironically forcing you to play because decay, screw you vacation on the beach!); not allowing people to play in groups; etc.


The solution is simple.


RANKED - team-q only, really great rewards, leader boards, titles, all that. Ranked just doesn't make sense in conquest with solo-q. They don't make single-player raids, then why do we insist on single-player high-level pvp? If you REALLY want to compete and be "ranked" then find a team ... it's more fun for everyone that way. ATs aren't good enough to foster team-play.


UNRANKED - solo- or team-q, good rewards (add pips and chests), and ideally more game modes. For casual, quick fun.

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> @"Faffin.6741" said:

> From my point of view, the trouble with soft reset is that it tends to hold people in place. Having a bad streak in ratings matches (don't ever start the season minutes after it opens) it has been extremely hard to climb the ladder, as I have to win more often than someone who started higher. Then I have to face the same thing again next season because I haven't managed to get up there agsainst the odds before the season ends. Great incentive. Not. I also find it difficult to believe that a hard reset could make things much worse than they already are. Perhaps the a good solution would be to increase the number of rating matches?

There is no such a thing as holding people in place. It is fairly quick and easy to climb even if you were placed in lower divisions. You get tons of ratings and easy farms if you were placed in low divisions. This myth has been busted several times.

> as I have to win more often than someone who started higher.

Seems that you don't really understand how matchmaking and ratings work. Yes, you need a higher winrate at start, but this won't really be a problem as you will be playing against lot worse players if you were placed lower. It evens out.


> @"pah.4931" said:

> The solution is simple.


> RANKED - team-q only, really great rewards, leader boards, titles, all that. Ranked just doesn't make sense in conquest with solo-q. They don't make single-player raids, then why do we insist on single-player high-level pvp? If you REALLY want to compete and be "ranked" then find a team ... it's more fun for everyone that way. ATs aren't good enough to foster team-play.

Might as well remove ranked altogether as there is no population to support team q, not even duoq


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> @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > @"Faffin.6741" said:

> > From my point of view, the trouble with soft reset is that it tends to hold people in place. Having a bad streak in ratings matches (don't ever start the season minutes after it opens) it has been extremely hard to climb the ladder, as I have to win more often than someone who started higher. Then I have to face the same thing again next season because I haven't managed to get up there agsainst the odds before the season ends. Great incentive. Not. I also find it difficult to believe that a hard reset could make things much worse than they already are. Perhaps the a good solution would be to increase the number of rating matches?

> There is no such a thing as holding people in place. It is fairly quick and easy to climb even if you were placed in lower divisions. You get tons of ratings and easy farms if you were placed in low divisions. This myth has been busted several times.

> > as I have to win more often than someone who started higher.

> Seems that you don't really understand how matchmaking and ratings work. Yes, you need a higher winrate at start, but this won't really be a problem as you will be playing against lot worse players if you were placed lower. It evens out.



Completly wrong. I've experienced it past seasons, lose streaks and having to remain in gold 2 several days due to unplayable matchs ( to give you an idea, i've had people complaining and afking at 60-40 2-1 caps ). You still manage to get back to your rank on the long run, but this is nowhere something " fairly quick and easy ".


I agree also however with Faffin regarding season's begin. First matchs out of placement have a too big impact. Having 8 games( i don't know how many games until points stabilize) counting for +/- 25 is to much, and you can have bad luck on these.



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> @"Abazigal.3679" said:

> Completly wrong. I've experienced it past seasons, lose streaks and having to remain in gold 2 several days due to unplayable matchs ( to give you an idea, i've had people complaining and afking at 60-40 2-1 caps ). You still manage to get back to your rank on the long run, but this is nowhere something " fairly quick and easy ".


> I agree also however with Faffin regarding season's begin. First matchs out of placement have a too big impact. Having 8 games( i don't know how many games until points stabilize) counting for +/- 25 is to much, and you can have bad luck on these.

Completely wrong? That's how the matchmaking algorythm works. Your personal experience might differ. I can also give you an example: playing on my alt account, I got placed in silver t1 with a core ranger iirc, and climbed to low platinum in an additional - roughly - 30 games.

There are uncarriable matches obviously, and the number of these are dependent based purely on your luck, but people make too much out of placement matches (e.g. you have the same ppl in higher tiers as well, afking after 1 wipe or whatever).

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I will give my two Cents.


I tried to build the legendary back or let's say i am still building it, though i stopped playing pvp.


why have i stopped? It is just not fun enough compared to other modes. This is nothing i can actually say where it is coming from. Rather a General Feeling here. Especially losses feel incredibly worse compared to how god wins feel. So if you would add wins and losses to your Feelings the more you Play you will always end up negative. Most of the times, it is not even about the rewards. They are okish. Even the Balance is not such a big deal for me as it is for most of the People here.


A huge part is the missing "doing something with others". PvP feels like a do it alone Thing. This combined with all this toxicity and all the flaming makes pvp a rather unpleasant Event.


I think the real Problem of pvp is the atmosphere in pvp.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"nia.4725" said:

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > We add new rewards as we get them. We have more rewards in the pipeline, though I can't tell you when they will be delivered. As far as new achievements, I'm not opposed. What kind of achievements would you like to see?


> I'm thinking about titles for getting a specific top stat X times. Something like this:

> 250 times earning the healing best stat > Life giver

> 250 times earning the damage best stat > Master of pain

> 250 times earning the kills best stat > Master of death

> 250 times earning the offense best stat >Tireless assaulter

> 250 times earning the defense best stat > Everlasting defender


> This maybe could make people interested into trying different kinds of builds and improving at playing them in order to get the cool title attached to it.


> Other things (requires more dev time tho):

> Letting players rate their teammates when the match ends (like giving that cool and friendly teammate a Loved Playing With You badge) and creating achievements with titles and maybe a small reward or gizmo (like a thing that gives you an aura of hearts for 5 minutes) for them.


The problem with giving titles for top stats is I don't want to incentivize going after them over going after wins. We'd see people just spamming heals, needed or not. Or chasing people down for kills rather than playing to win strategically.

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> @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> > @"Emtiarbi.3281" said:

> > Have you guys though on reimplementing something like win streak?


> No! Absolutely NOT! Those win streaks and the corresponding loss streaks ( I ran approximately 68 straight losses at one point, ) are a big reason the population is as low as it is.


I'm not sure what it had to do with the low population right now? But what i'm thinking is about giving more pips (reward) for win streaks. Not related to the rating :)

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"nia.4725" said:

> > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > We add new rewards as we get them. We have more rewards in the pipeline, though I can't tell you when they will be delivered. As far as new achievements, I'm not opposed. What kind of achievements would you like to see?

> >

> > I'm thinking about titles for getting a specific top stat X times. Something like this:

> > 250 times earning the healing best stat > Life giver

> > 250 times earning the damage best stat > Master of pain

> > 250 times earning the kills best stat > Master of death

> > 250 times earning the offense best stat >Tireless assaulter

> > 250 times earning the defense best stat > Everlasting defender

> >

> > This maybe could make people interested into trying different kinds of builds and improving at playing them in order to get the cool title attached to it.

> >

> > Other things (requires more dev time tho):

> > Letting players rate their teammates when the match ends (like giving that cool and friendly teammate a Loved Playing With You badge) and creating achievements with titles and maybe a small reward or gizmo (like a thing that gives you an aura of hearts for 5 minutes) for them.


> The problem with giving titles for top stats is I don't want to incentivize going after them over going after wins. We'd see people just spamming heals, needed or not. Or chasing people down for kills rather than playing to win strategically.


The titles could require earning the top stat _and_ winning the match. Losses could not count towards the achievement. Just like map achievements (win 25 matches where you cap the bell, etc)?

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"zoopop.5630" said:

> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" thank you for responding and getting back to this post.


> Just one last question, Have you guys thought about possibly adding a new legendary or something to make players want to play rank again?


We do talk about a new legendary backpack. It's not off the table, but it's probably not happening any time soon.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" thank you for responding and getting back to this post.

> >

> > Just one last question, Have you guys thought about possibly adding a new legendary or something to make players want to play rank again?


> We do talk about a new legendary backpack. It's not off the table, but it's probably not happening any time soon.


any reasons as to why though?

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