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Changes to UNDERWATER combat [merged]

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So the game is badly crying out for more balance changes and normal skill changes and you see fit to spend developer resources on content that has been rendered irrelevant across the game! Not to mention the previous waste of developer resources on chairs.

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I think the lack of content/rewards and the fact that many skills dont work underwater is a problem. Plus every playable race being land based makes underwater a niche setting to begin with. Other than that its like playing with flying chars, it lacks point of reference in environmental objects to determine up/down size and distance. Maybe if they added loads of doodads like jellyfish bubbles and volume shadow cast it would be less disorientating for players.

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I like how powerful I am underwater, seems like most of my characters come out being more awesome underwater than on land.


Knowing there are kinda two camps (three? more?) of "I hate UW", while I don't think whatever they are planning is going to help people that just spatially have issues fighting in the environment, I'm a bit nervous that big skill revamps and finding a way to let us use all of our utilities might also come with a 'balancing' that kills how awesome most/all my characters are under water.


Guess it'll all be moot in a week. :)

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> @"Crise.9401" said:

> > @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > > @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > > I'm wondering if this means a new UW map in the next LW update. If so, I might need to look at upgrading breathers...

> >

> > I doubt it. I'd put money on the breathers being removed entirely.


> I doubt they will remove an entire item category, it would likely have some cascading effects to many not so obvious parts of the game. Plus people are possessive of their items (e.g. anyone who went for the aqua breather with the unique skin would likely be pretty miffed (it doesn't matter that UW content is bad, or if they don't do it... it is something that they invested some time into, people don't like stuff being taken away in MMO's).


> I'd welcome it if they did something to the rune situation though.


I guess i should be more specific, i see them removing stats and runes from them while keeping them as no more than a functional skin that's displayed when underwater.


There are other things i could see them doing like removing several skill limitations assuming they've had time to work on tech so that ground target and the like can just be target cast anyway.

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Though unlikely, I'm kinda hoping racial skills are also updated to work in the water.


I'd like to see my Sylvari's Healing ~~Seed~~ Lotus and ~~Seed~~ [seaweed Turrets](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/fb/29/ff/fb29ff516ce366a3dcb3c9bce61cfbad.jpg) grow around my location and just float there (similar to how mines just float in place underwater), or Grasping ~~Vines~~ Kelp that.. binds the target from moving.

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> @"Mea.5491" said:

> I actually like underwater combat and I hope I will like it even more. ;)


Yeah same. I always liked underwater combat and anything that improves/makes it more fun is great. :)


Would be nice if we could get the old Raid on the Capricorn pvp map back, if underwater combat becomes good enough for it, even if only for unranked.


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> @"ParanoidKami.2867" said:

> Either an underwater expansion or an underwater living world. Never hated underwater. It's just that there was never anything down there to do.


This and the underwater combat hadn't been balanced in a long time so it was possible to have a class become completely useless underwater. Add on that people never bothered with learning underwater combat or replacing their underwater gear and so were running blues and greens, which just made it worse on themselves and reinforced the "underwater sucks" mentality.


Overall it was part that underwater wasn't being kept balanced, part that underwater was sort of lacking at launch, and part that people became very stubborn and refused to learn it or keep up with it.


Hopefully the changes anet has planned with fix the first two, and then maybe people will actually give the content a chance by getting new gear and actually trying out the underwater skills.

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Suggestions for necro:

Necromancers need more life force gained through underwater skills(trident/spear auto attack most probably), also flesh golem should be replaced with a "flesh shark" underwater instead of just disappearing. It's annoying.

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> @"Rasp Sabreblade.5421" said:

> What about the glaring fact the Revenant can only use 2 out of 6 legends underwater and only has access to 1 underwater weapon. Anet would almost have to release an entire revenant revamp to make this work or they just shelved the Rev.


I might be wrong, but I'm guessing that this is _exactly_ the sort of issue that is being sorted in the upcoming patch. Rev may be hit the hardest, but tonnes of professions have whole categories of skills that don't work underwater, and still more that function awkwardly. I would think that any update overhauling UW combat to make it less broken and obnoxious will address these things. Hoping I can now actually use a tanky Rev underwater...




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They probably have long term plans for that, but don't get too excited guys. If we simply get skills that are actually effective and not too boring it's just a first step, but still a good one. And then we could expect to see more later.

I'm sure there are some cool things to come, but don't expect too much too quick !

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> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> I'm wondering if this means a new UW map in the next LW update. If so, I might need to look at upgrading breathers...


I'm a completionist, so all my characters already have ascended breathers. ;) I even started replacing exotic underwater weapons with ascended ones for some dungeons and fractals last week. It's like a had a premonition of these changes coming. =)

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> @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > @"Crise.9401" said:

> > > @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > > > @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > > > I'm wondering if this means a new UW map in the next LW update. If so, I might need to look at upgrading breathers...

> > >

> > > I doubt it. I'd put money on the breathers being removed entirely.

> >

> > I doubt they will remove an entire item category, it would likely have some cascading effects to many not so obvious parts of the game. Plus people are possessive of their items (e.g. anyone who went for the aqua breather with the unique skin would likely be pretty miffed (it doesn't matter that UW content is bad, or if they don't do it... it is something that they invested some time into, people don't like stuff being taken away in MMO's).

> >

> > I'd welcome it if they did something to the rune situation though.


> I guess i should be more specific, i see them removing stats and runes from them while keeping them as no more than a functional skin that's displayed when underwater.


> There are other things i could see them doing like removing several skill limitations assuming they've had time to work on tech so that ground target and the like can just be target cast anyway.


The problem with making the breathers skins only is that while it would resolve the rune thing as in not removing 6th tier bonus underwater for people who don't pay attention to it. It doesn't really address the build deficit we have underwater currently. What we really need is the ability to have a different set of runes underwater altogether (I know this would be annoying in the current system, but I am thinking of it in terms of how much control the player has over their underwater build, because not all current rune sets even work underwater properly as far I know, so maybe they would need to fix that first before evaluating other changes).



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