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Incoming changes to underwater combat

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Squad leader: "Let's do a water fight with these guys"

Me: "I hate you so much"


That was my reaction a few months back, and while there were lulz in TS, I sincerely doubt that Anet can change underwater combat sufficiently to make me not hate it. Still, at least it's getting attention, I guess.

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> @"Vova.2640" said:

> Interesting...

> But I'm not sure this update is going much, if any, impact on wvw...



Well its obviously going to be with future PvE content in mind. Only time we get to fight in the water in WvW is chasing down scattered enemies in bay or annoying mesmers.

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I hope they fix downstate & reviving under water, in addition to weapon skills.

It seems like half the time players are unkillable downstate and the rest of the time trying to "heal" yourself while in downstate underwater is an exercise in futility and patience.


~ Kovu

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> @"Clownmug.8357" said:

> Wow, maybe Revenant will finally have legends that actually work other than Shiro and Mallyx.


I wish, maybe a second weapon too. Shiro sucks even more now since they removed quickness from Impossible odds, was nice to combo it with #2 spam.

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Maybe if they make EotM fall from the sky into the water we could have a water like wvw map. Even when the BL has a bit water spaces in the center ppl did not fight there all that much as there was only quagones for an objective. It was full of bots most of the time.

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> @"Zero.3871" said:

> OMG they finally REALLY found a new part of the game were they now can make mesmers OP. Congratz, ANET!


Hate to break it to you, Mesmer is already OP underwater, one of 2 or 3 classes that are, ranger being at the top obv.

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> @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > @"Zero.3871" said:

> > OMG they finally REALLY found a new part of the game were they now can make mesmers OP. Congratz, ANET!


> Hate to break it to you, Mesmer is already OP underwater, one of 2 or 3 classes that are, ranger being at the top obv.


Funny you mention this, back when reapers would cause 3 bleed per chill reapers were insanely broken underwater for anyone that cared.



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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> > @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > > @"Zero.3871" said:

> > > OMG they finally REALLY found a new part of the game were they now can make mesmers OP. Congratz, ANET!

> >

> > Hate to break it to you, Mesmer is already OP underwater, one of 2 or 3 classes that are, ranger being at the top obv.


> Funny you mention this, back when reapers would cause 3 bleed per chill reapers were insanely broken underwater for anyone that cared.


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Frozen_Abyss


Oh I remember those days, fun times.

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> @"Clownmug.8357" said:

> Wow, maybe Revenant will finally have legends that actually work other than Shiro and Mallyx.


haha ha..... People complain Rev is to strong in the water - so I expect Anet will make the Rev useless in the water also.


Seriously. Anet would have to completely rework how the Legends work -

1. Dwarf Stance - Inspiring Reinforcement is what keeps it from working underwater, plus would the hammers hit foes beneath you.

2. Centaur Stance - every utility is ground based directional

3. Dragon Stance - Elemental Blast is ground based and Chaotic Release and Burst of Strength would be really weird to point underwater

4. Renegade Stance - everything is ground based and it hardly works on the ground unless it is flat and wide open.



What Anet would need to do to fix the issues.

1. Dwarf Stance - Inspiring Reinforcement would need to be a 180 degree spherical area in front of you. Land should work this way also.

2. Centaur Stance - Need to have an F2 ability allowing you to stow and unstow. Stowed it is more selfish, whereas unstowed is more allied focused. Underwater you would gain an F3 and F4. F3 sends to foe and F4 brings it back.

3. Dragon Stance - should be more like signets with the new ammo system. Elemental blast should be a 360 degree AoE at target and a self cleanse on the flip. Burst of Strength becomes a 360 degree sphere AoE (water) and on land 360 degree AoE at target. Chaotic Release becomes a 360 degree sphere AoE stun (water) and become a 360 degree AoE knockback.

4. Renegade Stance -

* Option 01 - becomes the mobile up keep skills like the current Dragon Stance, and a little colored sphere floats around you based on the summons you are maintaining.

* Option 02 - They become more like the tablet and Mesmer illusions combined, but are non-targetable and only last a specific duration. The real difference is in how the F skills work. Suggestions are as follows -

F2 sends them to foe and F3 brings them to you.

F4 is a combination of Orders From Above and Heroic Command, which destroys them giving 360 radius ally beneficial effects, maybe even a little healing.

F5 destroys them with Citadel Bombardment which happens at their location damaging foes. Now a Grand Master Trait allows them to not be destroyed.

You can also resummons them before they disappear - they always summon at your location.


This potentially fixes only the Revenant Issues and doesn't even address any other Profession. However, has the largest issues since the utilities are tied to the specific legends and we can't just swap in skills that work underwater.

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Anet has just to completely rework the revenant in my opinion and its E-Specs together and remove this illogical and completely impractical legendary stance/energy nonsense and rework it by design into the same system that all other classes use as well too, with healing, utility and elite skills freely changeable by the player, so that this class also can make useage if you want from Racial Skills finally too.


Exchange the silly legendary stance mechanic out with something completely different, like ASH URNS and basically completely redesign the revenant into a by now heavy armored Ritualist Class, which would make much more sense, if Anet has no intentions to give the Necromancer a Ritualist Elite Specialization, which would make in fact the absolute most sense, but on the other hand is having the Ritualist back as a complete onw class, like in GW1 naturally also an onw interesting concept that could work out, if the Revenant receives therefore a complete class redesign, including its silyl unfitting E-Specs, being turned then into Forgemaster for a Ritualist Spec, which is specialized then on Spiritual Armors, using spricitual armors like for example Sasuke from Naruto,, turning his spiritual armor basically into a commandable Avatar, called Susanoo, which is based on japanese mythology and the name of a brother from the japanese Sun Goddess Amaterasu and Moon Goddess Tsukiyomi, beign self in that mythology represented as the God of the Sea and Wind ("Sea" Storms). while Renegades would be turned then as Ritualist E-Spec into something like "Soulbinders" to have a spec that is focused stronger in a different way on the Ash Urns to bind with them souls of "Heroes" turnign this way the revenant gameplay basically more into a generic Elite Specialization, that would have made more sense to me ... instead of putting way too much focus onto these legendary stance stuff to try too hard to put too much uniqueness into this class just for the sake and hope, this will make HoT sell better, than what is good for this game ...


Thats for me the only solution, how anet can solve also the underwater design disaster around this class which cripples this class even much more, than how much underwater combat cripples already Thieves since 2012 into total uselessness, which were before of Revenants the unbeaten number 1 in uselessness for underwater combat losing there over half of their whole build diversity, if we dare to touch water, which is an absolutely non acceptable situation that we thief players are already enduring for the last 6 years, that it is just so sad to see, that they created with Revs a class, which gets hit by the "make you useless-hammer" for underwater combat even much harder, than it hits us Thieves

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> @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > @"Zero.3871" said:

> > OMG they finally REALLY found a new part of the game were they now can make mesmers OP. Congratz, ANET!


> Hate to break it to you, Mesmer is already OP underwater, one of 2 or 3 classes that are, ranger being at the top obv.


Evade thief.


~ Kovu

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