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Complete PoF and get gryphon before completing HoT?

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As a returning player (I left shortly after HoT release), I'm trying to come up with the best way to finish HoT and PoF content.


The Gryphon mount seems like a really good thing to beeline for since it will help speed up everything else I do tremendously. I've currently unlocked the Springer mount and am wondering how long it will take to get the Gryphon mount? Do I need to complete all PoF masteries?

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You'll have to finish the PoF storyline and then do a series of collection achievements. You'll have to do a handful of group events (including some that require groups of other players to get done), buy certain items from heart NPCs (for 25g a piece, totaling to 250g overall), collect eggs from nests placed in high locations, and then do a couple of instanced things. You don't need to have all the other Masteries for PoF maxed out, but having at least tier 3 Springer and tier 2 Raptor will help you a lot with getting around.

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Given the vertical nature of the HoT zones, gryphon mount for sure would make playing them much, much easier. That being said, I do suggest playing through the expansions and living world episodes in order, at least as far as your personal story quests go. The story will make more sense this way, and it's well enough written/voice acted that I consider it worth playing all the way through at least once. After story completion, go for the gryphon and hammer out your zone completions. Just my 2 copper.

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I love having the griffon and I find it useful, but you can achieve the same result much quicker with the springer and gliding.


HoT was built to be played without mounts so they're not required at all. The tricky part is it was built with gliding in mind, and since you're always losing height when you're gliding you often need to start higher than your destination (and/or within sight of an updraft). The springer makes that much easier.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> Unlocking Advanced Gliding makes all the difference in HoT maps.


True, but once you get the mastery that lets you mount your griffon while gliding, you never miss a platform by being just a bit too low again. With the griffon, HoT becomes FAR more managable.

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