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4 Tiers are way too much to balance WvW population.


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My question is:

Why have 4 tiers of WvW?.

Imagine if we only had 2 Tiers and all the other servers get paired up with the "higher" tier servers. More people available, means more fights that equals more fun.


PD: Yeah, queues but hell, little price to pay to have more people actually fighting instead of empty maps.

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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> No doubt a variable match count will be part of the coming alliance system.

> And you're right, there's too many empty slots for everything but EB.


Yeah, but they can do something like this while we wait for the alliance system to take place. Try to revive WvW while we wait for the alliances, make people care and come and fight again, instead of "Meh, not playing until the alliance system is online".

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It depends really. When the pips system got released or the wxp weekend was happening 4 tiers wasn't enough but a lot of the times even 3 tiers is too many. With WVW restructure we'll see the elimination of servers. We also need the elimination of tiers. Make it all about the alliances i say.

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> @"hidrOxi.7082" said:

> My question is:

> Why have 4 tiers of WvW?.

> Imagine if we only had 2 Tiers and all the other servers get paired up with the "higher" tier servers. More people available, means more fights that equals more fun.


> PD: Yeah, queues but hell, little price to pay to have more people actually fighting instead of empty maps.


So you are up to date on what’s coming...



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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > > eb is love eb is life =)

> >



> That's it... I just saw Pestilence galloping down the street.


That's how the get you.

One minute it's all friendly conversation, next 70% of the species has Genghis Khan ancestry.

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So what criteria do you balance the number of tiers around? The activity during prime time hours? The around the clock activity level?


You could almost certainly condense the NA servers down to three tiers, and it wouldn't be too crowded during NA, but for the off-hours folks you would have to condense them all into one tier to make it comparable.


Or we just wait until alliances when tier creation will be dynamic based on population activity.

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> @"hidrOxi.7082" said:

> My question is:

> Why have 4 tiers of WvW?.

> Imagine if we only had 2 Tiers and all the other servers get paired up with the "higher" tier servers. More people available, means more fights that equals more fun.


> PD: Yeah, queues but hell, little price to pay to have more people actually fighting instead of empty maps.


No no no. The queues would be too big to make it worth it.

You say that's a small price, but people are more likely to stop playing altogether if they can't get past queues or can't get a raid going because they can't get their guild on any maps.


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Ah yes, only 2 tiers, imagine how much more boring matchmaking would become. And the queues, no chance to play WvW in-between work and sleep at all. Sounds lovely <3

Anyone still remembers when people used to actively transfer onto small servers to avoid queues and enjoy roaming etc? When did WvW become all about equal oppurtunities and stacking numbers...?

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> @"hidrOxi.7082" said:

> > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > No doubt a variable match count will be part of the coming alliance system.

> > And you're right, there's too many empty slots for everything but EB.


> Yeah, but they can do something like this while we wait for the alliance system to take place. Try to revive WvW while we wait for the alliances, make people care and come and fight again, instead of "Meh, not playing until the alliance system is online".


I don't think there's any reviving WvW short of major class balance restructure and elite spec design.


**The game's PvP just isn't fun.**


It doesn't matter how fair the matchmaking is and how balanced the PPT scoring may be if nobody really even wants to play because the build diversity and balance is terrible.


It's why PvP fell apart and why WvW will continue to.

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> @"morrolan.9608" said:

> 4 tiers was OK when linking happened but with the continuing decline in population its now too much, It probably should be 2 tiers.


Knowledge is power...


This is what the devs are working on...




“World Creation Summary

So to summarize world creation: at the start of every season our new World Restructuring system will use recent statistics, based on similar predicted participation, skill, and coverage, to create worlds filled with alliances, guilds, and unaffiliated players.




The above graph displays an example of what makes up a world under the World Restructuring system. Keep in mind, due to the algorithm used to keep worlds balanced, the number of alliances, guilds, and individual players can be wildly different between worlds, but the participation and playtime should be relatively the same.”




Amount of worlds, and amount of match ups, will change from season to season depending on population numbers... See the below for more dev info...




“Q. How many servers will there be? Will this be evolving or a constant?


The number of worlds can change every season. The number will always be divisible by three, but one season could have 12 world and the next could have 15 based on the need of the population.”



You’re very welcome!

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> @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > @"hidrOxi.7082" said:

> > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > > No doubt a variable match count will be part of the coming alliance system.

> > > And you're right, there's too many empty slots for everything but EB.

> >

> > Yeah, but they can do something like this while we wait for the alliance system to take place. Try to revive WvW while we wait for the alliances, make people care and come and fight again, instead of "Meh, not playing until the alliance system is online".


> I don't think there's any reviving WvW short of major class balance restructure and elite spec design.


> **The game's PvP just isn't fun.**


> It doesn't matter how fair the matchmaking is and how balanced the PPT scoring may be if nobody really even wants to play because the build diversity and balance is terrible.


> It's why PvP fell apart and why WvW will continue to.


Well said, we totally agree on that!

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Every meta people cry and there's stuff that's OP but even if the meta was picture perfect the Wvw population balance is so bad that there's barely anyone to fight and the game lacks any sort of meaning and purpose. There's no new content in this gamemode. It's not even worth playing most of the time since there isn't anything to do even if the PVP was super balanced it wouldn't change anything about the gamemode.

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I'd hate to be forced into constant t1 level blob fights. T2 seems to be okay for roaming, t3 is ideal for roaming or small group play, though. If you're running a group smaller than ~35 on a t1 matchup, you're gonna lose the majority of your fights because they blob at 50 plus a handful of tagalong pug's.


Big fights are not enjoyable. At all.

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4 tiers are fine. Tier 4 is mostly 1-2 groups at a time while T1 is just 2-3 blobs and maybe a guild group or two. T2 and T3 are much more evened out and fun to play in. I'd hate to be forced into playing T1 or T4 every week or I guess it would be T1 or T3. Blob vs. Blob isn't for everyone and it lags a lot of player's games.

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