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No, magi is no longer good. Your second job (arguably more important than healing) is might, and you need boon duration for might. Thus, either run harrier, a minstrel/magi/harrier+concentration mix or, of your group is good enough, an offensive might druid. But I wouldn't recommend the latter to a beginner.

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I think for working towards your real set, magi is fine. Can't think of any stat that's easier to obtain than harrier and brings healing power and boon duration.


One more thing, though. If you need to work towards your final set anyway, give it a thought whether you want to go for harrier or the concentration mix. Harrier is a bit easier to use and brings a bit more personal damage (though that's not relevant, since you still deal no damage), but the concentration sigil builds offer better healing and have the advantage of being more durable than harrier. Personally, I'd not play harrier, but then that's a personal opinion. If you want some info on the concentration builds, follow the [link](

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If you're still gearing up, an exotic magi's build does work well enough with platinum doubloons on trinkets, even more so if you're not the only druid.

Kitty's personally using this kind of cheapo accessible-by-anyone 69% BD build to pull 80th-90th percentile might output on her alt account's druid: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNBmOD7kHRoVFsZFwmVgoFswIYMhrvVAA+pWVzqOhuSXMA-jRiGABtrKQAXBgdU+BgSwO0MwiaPDt/gyzfK/hA6AIFQgD2A-e

You can get minstrel's staff from starting druid spec and minstrel's shoulderguards for finishing it. Armors and trinkets can be bought from temple karma merchants in Orr.


As end-gears for a druid, you can farm harrier's trinkets and weapons and you'll be at 87% perma-BD which is more than enough for almost any situation.



And what's most important is that you know how to boonbot. Kitty has 3 guidelines which she druids by while outputting enough boons to out-boon 2 average druids as solo.

1. Start the fight in staff and swap to axe+wh after entering combat mode to wh5 and then CA 432-out and wh5 again.

2. Use CA 432 whenever you can. Delay it a bit if you'll need heavy burst heals in next 5 secs or if you're about to swap from staff to axe+wh to quick-draw wh5,

3. Use wh5 whenever you can, try to quick draw it if possible and camp staff if it goes on long CD (spam staff 2 and use staff 5+3 for blast heal)

4. ?

5. Profit. If you play by those 3 guidelines mentioned above, you're outputting very good might, fury, swiftness and regen. If wh5 occasionally goes on long CD, it doesn't ruin the world. Remember to do your other boss-specific drood duties (and use appropriate utilities for them).

As a bonus hint: If boss has invincibility phases (VG, KC, Gors), you don't necessarily need to use spirits during those phases as Kitty's found it better to drop the spirits a few secs before next boss phase/burn begins (about 5-8 secs for KC so you can wh5+CA before KC's burn begins). And if boss moves (Matt, VG, Sloth), try to drop the spirits somewhere close to center during moving phases to have maximal uptimes when moving around the arena.


If even half of druids played by those guidelines, everyone's lives would be so much easier.

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> @"LadyKitty.6120" said:

> If you're still gearing up, an exotic magi's build does work well enough with platinum doubloons on trinkets, even more so if you're not the only druid. Kitty's personally using this kind of build to pull 80th-90th percentile might output on her alt account's druid: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNBmOD7kHRoVFsZFwmVgoFswIYMhrvVAA+pWVzqOhuSXMA-jRiGABtrKQAXBgdU+BgSwO0MwiaPDt/gyzfK/hA6AIFQgD2A-e

> You can get minstrel's staff from starting druid spec and minstrel's shoulderguards for finishing it. Armors and trinkets can be bought from temple karma merchants in Orr.


> As end-gears for a druid, you can farm harrier's trinkets and weapons and you'll be at 87% perma-BD which is more than enough for almost any situation.

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNBmOD7kHRoVFsZFwmVgoFswIYOhuSXMgJc9tCAwP1qaWF-jRyGQByUzA5eIAQVJI7UFQI7PsUlfA4KAsC1eupOASB43gN-e


> And what's most important is that you know how to boonbot. Kitty has 3 guidelines which she druids by while outputting enough boons to out-boon 2 average druids as solo.

> 1. Start the fight in staff and swap to axe+wh after entering combat mode to wh5 and then CA 432-out and wh5 again.

> 2. Use CA 432 whenever you can. Delay it a bit if you'll need heavy burst heals in next 5 secs or if you're about to swap from staff to axe+wh to quick-draw wh5,

> 3. Use wh5 whenever you can, try to quick draw it if possible and camp staff if it goes on long CD (spam staff 2 and use staff 5+3 for blast heal)

> 4. ?

> 5. Profit. If you play by those 3 guidelines mentioned above, you're outputting very good might, fury, swiftness and regen. If wh5 occasionally goes on long CD, it doesn't ruin the world. Remember to do your other boss-specific drood duties (and use appropriate utilities for them).

> As a bonus hint: If boss has invincibility phases (VG, KC, Gors), you don't necessarily need to use spirits during those phases as Kitty's found it better to drop the spirits a few secs before next boss phase/burn begins (about 5-8 secs for KC so you can wh5+CA before KC's burn begins). And if boss moves (Matt, VG, Sloth), try to drop the spirits somewhere close to center during moving phases to have maximal uptimes when moving around the arena.


> If even half of druids played by those guidelines, everyone's lives would be so much easier.


Very helpfull and thank you.

Just one question though...


Why does Kitty talk to her self in the third person?

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> @"MarkoTheCheeky.4739" said:

> > @"LadyKitty.6120" said:

> > If you're still gearing up, an exotic magi's build does work well enough with platinum doubloons on trinkets, even more so if you're not the only druid. Kitty's personally using this kind of build to pull 80th-90th percentile might output on her alt account's druid: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNBmOD7kHRoVFsZFwmVgoFswIYMhrvVAA+pWVzqOhuSXMA-jRiGABtrKQAXBgdU+BgSwO0MwiaPDt/gyzfK/hA6AIFQgD2A-e

> > You can get minstrel's staff from starting druid spec and minstrel's shoulderguards for finishing it. Armors and trinkets can be bought from temple karma merchants in Orr.

> >

> > As end-gears for a druid, you can farm harrier's trinkets and weapons and you'll be at 87% perma-BD which is more than enough for almost any situation.

> > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQNBmOD7kHRoVFsZFwmVgoFswIYOhuSXMgJc9tCAwP1qaWF-jRyGQByUzA5eIAQVJI7UFQI7PsUlfA4KAsC1eupOASB43gN-e

> >

> > And what's most important is that you know how to boonbot. Kitty has 3 guidelines which she druids by while outputting enough boons to out-boon 2 average druids as solo.

> > 1. Start the fight in staff and swap to axe+wh after entering combat mode to wh5 and then CA 432-out and wh5 again.

> > 2. Use CA 432 whenever you can. Delay it a bit if you'll need heavy burst heals in next 5 secs or if you're about to swap from staff to axe+wh to quick-draw wh5,

> > 3. Use wh5 whenever you can, try to quick draw it if possible and camp staff if it goes on long CD (spam staff 2 and use staff 5+3 for blast heal)

> > 4. ?

> > 5. Profit. If you play by those 3 guidelines mentioned above, you're outputting very good might, fury, swiftness and regen. If wh5 occasionally goes on long CD, it doesn't ruin the world. Remember to do your other boss-specific drood duties (and use appropriate utilities for them).

> > As a bonus hint: If boss has invincibility phases (VG, KC, Gors), you don't necessarily need to use spirits during those phases as Kitty's found it better to drop the spirits a few secs before next boss phase/burn begins (about 5-8 secs for KC so you can wh5+CA before KC's burn begins). And if boss moves (Matt, VG, Sloth), try to drop the spirits somewhere close to center during moving phases to have maximal uptimes when moving around the arena.

> >

> > If even half of druids played by those guidelines, everyone's lives would be so much easier.


> Very helpfull and thank you.

> Just one question though...


> Why does Kitty talk to her self in the third person?


Good question.

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> @"MarkoTheCheeky.4739" said:

> Is magi's good for pure healing druid in raids? I know herrier's is better but is this also good?


The thing is since the raid bosses from hot haven’t been buffed or nerfed, magis are still great to use. People want to say add boons but when training.... or people still learning the raid, healing is better then giving boons. That’s why you get a second chrono anyways... and a banner slave... to give those boons anyways. So druids job isn’t to give boons as the main priority, but to make it so nobody dies. That is druids job. It’s off chronos job to give boons.


People (think) because this is meta build so you (have) to use this build.... magis are still by far better to use for healing. And since most people want to speed through and not worry about mechanics because, it’s druids job to take care of the mess ups. That’s why it’s better to heal then boon. Staying alive is better then more dps. Less dps but more heals and finishing a raid is better than, fast dps and people not completing the raid by 5 percent because you needed more powerful heals.




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If you start raiding you will see 2 druids in your groups anyways and it won't change that much because almost all pugs via lfg have those 2 heal druids on board. In that case - and this is the overwhelming majority - magi is enough to start with.

For experienced statics and speed clear guilds it can be a different thing but as a beginner and pug raid groups magi gear is fine.

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There are multiple variants nowadays. Full Harrier is widely seen as the META but it is hardly the only thing that works - some might even say it is less optimal than certain Concentration sigil builds. The cleft between any druid build and an actual top DPS build is growing with every patch. Keeping people above the 90% threshold (Scholar runes) is becoming much more important than any personal damage. Same goes with using two CC pets when needed due to the lack of CC with some DPS builds.


That said, while Magi is indeed outdated it is still not completely obsolet. Exotic Magi remains not the worst of places to start out at.

While I don't completely agree with everything he says, I'd like to refer you to this guide as it covers everything you might wonder about:

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