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Art Issues: Characters, Weapons, Armor - [Merged]

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Race: Female/Human

Item: Barbaric Legplates

Since todays deployed build, the item now has a double skirt. I circled in red the part of the skin that wasnt there prior to the update.


[https://drive.google.com/open?id=1vlIP3S_7HsTYufRJHECaRXMbhqUiGWmX](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1vlIP3S_7HsTYufRJHECaRXMbhqUiGWmX "https://drive.google.com/open?id=1vlIP3S_7HsTYufRJHECaRXMbhqUiGWmX")



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Item: Primitive Mantle

Gender: Male only

Profession: Necromancer

Race: Human shown (applicable for all races)


The primitive mantle shoulder armor piece has two black lines that look like antennas or something showing on top of the skull, I've circled the issue in red. When looking from the back side these black lines no longer appear, I've circled this in green. Would like to see this fixed as it looks really strange and is clearly not suppose to be there. The female version of this shoulder armor piece does not have this problem. The issue also appears no matter what other armor/weapons your character has in use.


Thank you, appreciate everything you guys do!






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Item: Bloodstone Visage

Profession: Warrior

Race: Charr



Im yet another victim of this bug. spent hours doing the achi and after equipping it, its effects are almost invisible, nothing like the preview.

They only show up when shader settings are set to 'low'


It would be a pretty minor fix, but would give a gratification for a relatively long achievement. thanks



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Item: Racing Scarf

Profession: All

Race: All

Gender: Both


Ever since the patch on January 8th, the Racing Scarf seems to have had some kind of weird texture applied that makes it impossible to dye 'true'. It will always dye a couple shades lighter than usual.


Here is how my scarf USED to look when dyed with Shadow Abyss: https://puu.sh/C8GiK/27db4ac738.jpg

And now, with the same dye (the darkest dye in the game!) it's a weird blue-grey color: https://puu.sh/Cwf7i/3fca70c9a7.png


This is pretty annoying, as now I can no longer look like the ninja I've always wanted to be. Please fix.

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Item: Exalted Gloves

Profession: Dardevil

Race: Charr

Gender: Female


Issue: Dyes don't work on the new Exalted Gloves added this week to the Black Lion Statuettes ! !

Please tell me that's not intended if they are stuck on the Hair color !

( little bit expensive for an undyeable item... )


I consumed some Style hair kits to test it blue. This character used to have black hair:

![](https://i.imgur.com/P6ja9xe.jpg "")

But black hair = Black useless gloves


More Dye test:





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Item: Pharus

Profession: Soulbeast

Race: Norn

Gender: Male



Issue: Pharus bowstring. When you ride on mount and use skill 1 (attack) bowstring disappear and back only after changing map or summon mount again and remove him with special (summon) key (sometime it take 2 or 3 times).








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Profession: Guardian

Race: Norn

Gender: Female


Issue: The female Norn (and only the female) walking animation is buggy. When you walk forward and strave to the right at the same time the character suddenly turns around and runs backwards in the animation. Every other walking animation is fine as you can see in the video.


Video: [https://youtu.be/EG11wXHOhto](https://youtu.be/EG11wXHOhto "https://youtu.be/EG11wXHOhto")

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> @"Chaz.1857" said:

> Item: Swindler Coat

> Profession: Deadeye

> Race: Charr

> Gender: Female (Haven't tested on Male charr yet)


> Issue: While kneeling with any rifle equipped, the character's neck/body can be seen clipping through the left shoulder of the coat.

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/xynGUty.png "")

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/EqUHTA0.png "")



nice humble looking charr btw

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Having NPC character textures not display during most recent play-through of personal story. Playing as an asura all of the cut scenes so far from level 10 through to level 40 with Zojja have her appearing as a black and white texture.


See screen of Almorra Soulkeeper and Forgal also appearing as this texture during cut scenes: https://imgur.com/a/UaaQtzG

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So the above issues? They don't just apply to Zojja. While she has primarily been the problem, it is beginning to span across several characters during numerous instances. ![](https://i.imgur.com/liadhNG.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/jDNJBco.jpg "")

There have been more I haven't gotten screens of yet, but boy howdy, just run through the personal story and you'll find plenty of them.

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The heavy Hellfire Chausses skin has a weird black void stretching and poking through the front, more prominently whilst weapons are drawn. It seems to have no purpose being there and almost feels like a sloppy job done by whoever modeled the armor skin. I understand armor stretches and gets "ugly" whilst in combat, but could you perhaps trim away this seemingly pointless black void that's behind the visible armor skin? The Achievement Point skins do after all take a while to unlock, especially the legs and body. It'd be nice if they didn't have weird glitches like this.


![](https://i.imgur.com/KtCspst.jpg "What is this?")

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Item: NPC Ministry Guard during Cinematic

Race: Human story (Whispers)

Gender: (not me, the NPC, and I can't tell)

Class: (unknown)

Description: only during the cinematics: "Stealing Secrets" - "Sneak upstairs and eavesdrop on the ministry guards speaking behind the door." The whole NPC is Black & White squares looks like large Pixels. Thought it was part of story, saw it before with this character just created 1/30/19 in earlier act of story cinematic.


[ https://dropbox.com/s/wzu03nixv6qd6p4/gw886.jpg?dl=0]( https://www.dropbox.com/s/wzu03nixv6qd6p4/gw886.jpg?dl=0 " https://dropbox.com/s/wzu03nixv6qd6p4/gw886.jpg?dl=0")


first time during my story line that Tybalt shows up black/white squares

[ https://dropbox.com/s/lsbuj33dcfytccb/gw887.jpg?dl=0]( https://www.dropbox.com/s/lsbuj33dcfytccb/gw887.jpg?dl=0 " https://dropbox.com/s/lsbuj33dcfytccb/gw887.jpg?dl=0")



here he is at next cinematic with no texture problems

[https://dropbox.com/s/1u8lpf0k3177ksq/gw888.jpg?dl=0](https://www.dropbox.com/s/1u8lpf0k3177ksq/gw888.jpg?dl=0 "https://dropbox.com/s/1u8lpf0k3177ksq/gw888.jpg?dl=0")


It happened again during the starting Cinematics of my new Charr Guardian with Iron legion. I didn't catch it in time to get a screen shot and it only happened once...with one of the NPC's in the cinematic.

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Issue: Agent Batanga NPC (Order of Whispers)

When: Personal Story (Asura Act 3) cinematics.

Race: Asura


The picture is the same as all the others posted here about missing textures. She's a checkerboard. I'm not posting a picture because it's the same as all the others.


EDIT: Okay, this is odd. Batanga's textures/skin is missing in the first stage of "Forging Permission", when you go to steal the documents, but she's fine in the second stage when you use the forged documents to get past the arcane eye guards. This is the first time I've seen a skin missing and then return. Normally it's consistently gone (like in the case with Zojja).

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> @"Rutte.4689" said:

> Item: Zojja NPC

> Race: Aura

> Personal Storyline Level 10

> The Cut Scenes with Zojja no longer appear correct. See image. All other NPCs are correct.

> https://imgur.com/dkTikBS



This is occuring in all Asura personal story steps as well as chapters that contain Zojja. Can confirm this happens with Statics, "Val-A" as second chapter. I assume the same with other second chapter choices.

> @"grommie.6107" said:

> Issue: Zoija

> When: Personal Story (A Fragile Peace: Travel to Lion's Arch)

> Race: Asura

> ![](https://www.dropbox.com/s/vz7uz70e58ris08/gw928.jpg?dl=0 "")



This is "Setting the Stage", the prelude to all things Chapter 4, and it's one of the chapters mentioned, regardless of others.


While I'm bringing this up, I'm also getting reports of missing skins for the human Lionguard NPC during "Track the Seraph" instance in Chapter 3 of the Human's personal story. Checkerboard, like the rest.


I need to verify that there is a missing skin for Gixx in the cutscene cinematic for Durmand Priory's version of "Meeting my Mentor". Can anyone confirm?

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