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Art Issues: Characters, Weapons, Armor - [Merged]

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Vanishing Bowstrings Bug:


-If you have a bow(short or long) equipped and use use mount skill 1 or 8 to dismount it will make your bowstrings disappear. This applies to all mounts.

-Springer is hit an miss with this bug just by dismounting without using skill 1 or 8. Once in a while this happens with any mount, but Springer is particularly frequent.

-Dismounting with a different weapon and then weapon swapping to a bow.

-Zoning into a map with a different weapon and then weapon swapping to a bow.

-Using bundle items occasionally triggers it.


Here is a small screenshot gallery displaying how this bug triggers: https://imgur.com/a/XLKGx9E

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Item(s): Inquest Exo-Suit, Dynamics Exo-Suit, Timekeeper Outfit

Race: All

Profession: All

Gender: All

This is a glitch that for some reason only happens on my new computer (which can actually run GW2), but not on my old one (which runs GW2 at an amazing 5FPS out of combat)

The holographic bits of these outfits goes...rainbowy. In the screenshots below, the outfit's glowing pieces are dyed pale blue. I have not changed the colour between screenshots.


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Item: Zojja NPC

Where: Friend's Personal Storyline (I was accompanying him)

When in Friend's Story: Ch 4 Setting the Stage

Issue: Zojja only Checkerboard texture during cutscene (experienced on both ends)

![](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/437832013869744130/548931404608831508/unknown.png?width=1248&height=702 "")


Friend race: Female Human (Ares Daughter)

My race: Male Sylvari (Farynd)

Date and Time: 2/23/2019 1:20pm EST?


(Edit) More errors with textures from friend's story. literally next chapter.

![](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/437832013869744130/548944484994646046/unknown.png?width=1248&height=702 "")


Next chapter

![](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/437832013869744130/548948353191247924/unknown.png?width=1248&height=702 "")


Next chapter (taken at 2:55pm EST same day)

![](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/437832013869744130/548955289102188573/unknown.png?width=1248&height=702 "")



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Human, Male, Engineer

Honor Headguard, Nightmare Court Faceguard, Other tight/small headgear seem to also show the skin, like the monocle.


All of these fit just fine previously and out of nowhere they started showing up like this. No changes have been made on the body appearance with any kit between the times of them working fine and now clipping.


![](https://i.imgur.com/QJQ4PiT.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/P1ZIHyG.gif "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/dPkQQbc.png "")



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Item: Exalted Shoulders

Issue: Ribbon dye not applying. When I apply Permafrost to the ribbons, it still appears black on my screen, but correctly appears Permafrost to other players. Have tried this on 2 computers, updated graphics drivers, and toggled with multiple visual settings but the problem persists.



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> @"bobosaur.3946" said:

> Item: Exalted Shoulders

> Issue: Ribbon dye not applying. When I apply Permafrost to the ribbons, it still appears black on my screen, but correctly appears Permafrost to other players. Have tried this on 2 computers, updated graphics drivers, and toggled with multiple visual settings but the problem persists.




Sorry couldn't figure out how to edit the post. Here is some additional info:


A picture of the issue:



The ribbon color seems to be tied to the hair color.



Have also tried the skin om different characters male and female and different shoulder pieces to no avail.

Again it only appears incorrect on my computer (tried 2 different computers with different graphics settings)...

Have also tried clearing cache and repairing game which also didn't work

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Item: Most shoulder pieces

Race: Charr

Profession: Any

Gender: Female

Issue: Most shoulder pieces float very noticably on female charr, even cultural ones. Most of the ones that don't float are horribly deformed. This is also an issue with male charr but to a lesser extent.


Floating shoulders pieces examples:





Deformation examples:



https://i.imgur.com/0td6Ugr.jpg (gets less deformed while walking)

https://i.imgur.com/AxuGC6N.jpg (please also note how the crotch cloth is shaped strangely)

https://i.imgur.com/Tf3n8d2.jpg (male example, less deformation, crotch cloth looks fine)

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Item: All head pieces with peepers, but it's not really the items, it's the off-centring of the head models

Race: Charr

Profession: any

Gender: both

Issue: Alle makeover kit exlusive head models are fundamentally different from the base models. They have a slightly different centring of design which causes terrible apparent misplacing on masks and helms with holes for the eyes. This has been an issue for years.

There's also a really weird split in the Necromancer masks for the lynx head over the nose and artefacts on the clavicles.


https://imgur.com/a/hDG5T5P (gallery of samples)

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