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Full Counter hits way too hard

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"Low skill ability"


Sure, but have you thought about not attacking him so it ends up doing nothing? He's gonna block damage anyway and you just end up damaging yourself.


It's a counter and that's what it does. One of the few abilities that deal damage that are reliable, Warrior needed one of those for sure.

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Ok all these people saying just don't attack it have clearly never been in a team fight or used a class with persisting aoe or AI skills lol. Yes everyone knows you can stow weapon, 1v1 it's an easy tactic, but outside of that it is not that simple.


FC should get DH LB 5'd and only hit players that strike it.

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It does other things and still has a small cool down it doesnt need to be one of the hardest hitting abilities around. Its predictable that warriors are swarming like sharks to this post. Name me another ability like this that hits like a truck. Never mind the fact that we can argue if an ability like this even makes sense to exist. Imagine a sitaution where I am dueling a Warrior on a side point and he keeps using this ability basically he gets to whale on me the entire time its up and I basically have to spend the entire time trying to avoid his attacks or run away meanwhile his massive self regen is healing him up how the hell can I win if he is any good? Burst a high toughness high hit point high self regen class down in the small period of time full counter is unavailable? Either its damage needs to get toned down or the sustain of spell breakers needs yet another nerf. Yes its amazing a-net keeps nerfing it and its still too strong. Not to mention team fights where you can be careful and still accidently trigger it.

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> @"BeepBoopBap.2840" said:

> > @"Conscript.3657" said:

> > Full Counter is the consequence for mindlessly spamming skills.


> GG what every pro warrior says.


> But am I supposed to get punished for someone else hitting Full Counter?


This is a team game, so yes.

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> @"Conscript.3657" said:

> > @"BeepBoopBap.2840" said:

> > > @"Conscript.3657" said:

> > > Full Counter is the consequence for mindlessly spamming skills.

> >

> > GG what every pro warrior says.

> >

> > But am I supposed to get punished for someone else hitting Full Counter?


> This is a team game, so yes.


Ok so unblockable interrupting AOE backstabs that give the user protection and resistance are good, got it, thank you for you unbiased opinion Mr warrior main! Clearly justified because it's soooo hard to use and proc Full Counter /s


I remember the days when people thought Steal (single target) did too much, then we got Full Counter at a much lower cooldown lmfao but ok ok if none of you warriors want spellbreaker nerfed, I wonder what Anet will screw over in core warrior next.

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> @"Arkantos.7460" said:

> and if your not attacking war, he simply heal itself ... gg reward for mindless gameplay


Yes he will heal for a total of around 600 health during that time. I'm sure 1 auto attack from you after Full Counter wears off will fix that

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If in 1v1 vs Warrior: Count to 12, Expect full counter. Stop hitting or dodge if you hit by mistake

If in team battle vs Warrior: Count to 12. Expect full counter. Watch what teammate is doing, be prepared to dodge if teammate is auto-bot. If there is an aoe on the ground, dodge when you hear the sound cue.


I don't understand why people are smacking a counter, getting countered, then whining that the counter hits too hard. This is pve level gameplay. The warrior cannot force you to hit him.


> @"Arkantos.7460" said:

> and if your not attacking war, he simply heal itself ... gg reward for mindless gameplay


Full counter lasts for 1.5 seconds. That is enough to get two ticks of healing signet, and if the warrior is not running healing signet he cannot heal while countering. Stop exaggerating.

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Traited and using zerker amulet, my FC has a 1014 tooltip. Add in 20% from trait (which for whatever reason doesn't just increase the tooltip, and instead adds a '20% dmg increase' line of text O.o) and that's about 1200. That's a decent amount of damage, but far from really alarming, especially since it's on a 10.25 sec CD, can be dodged, and requires you to hit the warr in order to activate.


Protection only lasts 3 sec and only applies if the FC succeeds. Resistance is a grand total of 2 sec and only if traited.


It definitely is not a hard hitting ability. That's like...just a bit higher than thief AA damage pre nerf, the third strike? If you're losing to a warrior, FC is most certainly not the only, or even the primary reason.


SB sustain might get another nerf, but only because people are whining about it without actually playing warr. They get 344/sec if they don't hit any f1/2 skills (which you should be trying to dodge). Perhaps if you bothered to really play warr for a bit, you might have more insight to what others are saying beyond 'lol ur warr main'. Yeah, cuz THAT'S the best rebuttal in the world xD Right. Well said. What, do you want the people who DON'T play spellbreaker and have dubious amounts of exp with the spec to weigh in? Pffffft.

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> @"Conscript.3657" said:

> Full Counter is the consequence for mindlessly spamming skills.


lol, full Counter is instant cast, while other classes often have casttimes of 1+ sec. so its ez for every warrior to see obvious Animation like e.g. gravedigger or chilled to the bone or soul spiral and activate full Counter on Timing to the hits from those skills. its not hard to do that. this skill does OP dmg + being like epidemic (sharing every condition warriors stack with their endless resistance on themself to the enemy) + daze + resistance + block every few seconds is just OP .

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Deleted in protest of anet leaving support ticket #7495730 without answer since October 10th 2019. It's sad how if this were a money-related issue you'd have answered within a couple of hours. At this point I'm not even mad, but disappointed by the mediocrity displayed by your community managers..

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> @"Conscript.3657" said:

> > @"Arkantos.7460" said:

> > and if your not attacking war, he simply heal itself ... gg reward for mindless gameplay


> Yes he will heal for a total of around 600 health during that time. I'm sure 1 auto attack from you after Full Counter wears off will fix that


block , evade,adrenal health, counter, endure pain, evade, a lil run away, rousing resilience, counter, more greatsword evade, adrenal health, endure pain, more rousing resilience, block , counter..again ... I dont put the parts in where he instant does great dps

so full HP and circle starts again ... try some autoattack ;)

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You really cannot just avoid full counter if you're playing in melee range unless you are watching for it and dodge. "not attacking" simply does not work.


* pulsing ground aoes

* bouncing attacks

* attacks started before the warrior used fc

* ai pets, clones, minions, etc.


Now, maybe you're not playing a class with ai minions.. and maybe you're not playing a class with bouncing attacks or pulsing aoes and maybe you're lucky and never start an attack before a warrior uses FC, but I guarantee SOMEONE on your team will be doing one of those things. Full Counter WILL go off, and it won't be your fault.


.. but that said, I personally haven't seen it hit too hard. It's more annoying. The damage seems fine

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> @"Arkantos.7460" said:

> > @"Conscript.3657" said:

> > > @"Arkantos.7460" said:

> > > and if your not attacking war, he simply heal itself ... gg reward for mindless gameplay

> >

> > Yes he will heal for a total of around 600 health during that time. I'm sure 1 auto attack from you after Full Counter wears off will fix that


> block , evade,adrenal health, counter, endure pain, evade, a lil run away, rousing resilience, counter, more greatsword evade, adrenal health, endure pain, more rousing resilience, block , counter..again ... I dont put the parts in where he instant does great dps

> so full HP and circle starts again ... try some autoattack ;)


"Full counter's uptime is too small to support my argument for why full counter is busted, so I will list everything I don't like about warrior to try to force my point to be valid".

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> @"Conscript.3657" said:

> An unblockable low range AoE which has an obvious sound cue and visualization is good, you're welcome.


Uh no Full Counter is like inevitably visually bugged in that the animation lingers permanently. So no, not really obvious on the visualization part most of the time.


Would it be too much for your warrior heart if we fixed that bug?

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> @"BeepBoopBap.2840" said:

> > @"Conscript.3657" said:

> > An unblockable low range AoE which has an obvious sound cue and visualization is good, you're welcome.


> Uh no Full Counter is like inevitably visually bugged in that the animation lingers permanently. So no, not really obvious on the visualization part most of the time.


> Would it be too much for your warrior heart if we fixed that bug?


Sound cue still works, and even with the sword animation the warrior still performs the counter stance animation and draws additional swords. Also why are you assuming that he thinks he includes the obvious visual bug as a necessary feature of FC? It obviously isn't intended to work like that and will get fixed eventually.

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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @"BeepBoopBap.2840" said:

> > > @"Conscript.3657" said:

> > > An unblockable low range AoE which has an obvious sound cue and visualization is good, you're welcome.

> >

> > Uh no Full Counter is like inevitably visually bugged in that the animation lingers permanently. So no, not really obvious on the visualization part most of the time.

> >

> > Would it be too much for your warrior heart if we fixed that bug?


> Sound cue still works. also why are you assuming that he thinks he includes the obvious visual bug as a necessary feature of FC? It obviously isn't intended to work like that and will get fixed eventually.


Eventually, it's been 6 months lol


Also the sound cue mostly works in that if you heard the sound and didn't dodge already, you already got hit so that doesn't exactly work.

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One other piece that others haven't mentioned is that FC really only hits hard if:

1. It crits

2. You have high stacks of Attacker's Insight.


So even if you do end up procing full counter, its damage can be minimized by avoiding other key warrior attacks, such as the GS F1 for fury and the dagger F1/#3/#4 for boon rip (which gives attacker's insight).


Easier said than done in team fights, but the in a smaller fight scenario you can still outplay the warrior by avoiding certain abilities other than FC (if you struggle to bait out FC)

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