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[Merged] Customer Support Ticket Response Times

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Literally been over a month and I still haven't gotten a response about my issue besides the initial automated response. This is outrageous. I came back to the game after 2 years to have a bunch of account issues that they just refuse to address. I literally couldn't even play one of my characters because somehow it showed my account had 6 out of 5 character slots in use so I was pretty much forced to pay for an additional character slot since they never responded to the issue. I wanted to buy additional character slots so I can have one of each class but until I have the issue addressed I don't want to waste extra money on a company that can't even respond to a customer support ticket after a MONTH. I followed each and every step to make sure that it was as detailed as they needed it and attached any email attachments with a reply email and not the initial ticket but still nothing. The fact that their customer support has been this unresponsive for so long has made me loose faith in the game, and it is no longer fun to play since I am constantly checking everyday to see if my ticket has been answered.

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My account was hacked and the hacker changed my email, I then contacted support and they changed the email to my new one but they could not even copy and paste it. They spelt my new email wrong and No response since. 6 days ago.


Ticket ID: 7009437

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Ticket 6981565 - Finally resolved.. took 24 days to exchange an incorrectly purchased item from SAB vendor.

Ticket 6999736 - 13 days - No response - Not able to login to my GW1 account, wasted money buying a couple of GW1 expansions until it gets looked into.

Ticket 7014471 - 3 days - Seems 939 thumbs up in forum account vanished with no word as to why, but likely related to some of the higher profile threads that seem to of been pushed backwards this past week. Though only half of thumbs up since are showing up.. - no response, but figured this being less important will likely reach the higher peaks of support time...

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It's been almost a week now since I've submitted a ticket about my lost Raid precursor. I understand the CS is busy but in all of my years that I've played gw now I never had to wait this long. I even updated and translated my ticket to English, hoping it will resolve the problem sooner.

My ticket number is #7011561, I doubt this will help me in any way at all but it's always worth a try, I'd like not to wait 20 days to get a response, seeing it as my ticket has been "seen" at least twice, but was left with no response whatsoever.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> Ticket 6981565 - Finally resolved.. took 24 days to exchange an incorrectly purchased item from SAB vendor.

> Ticket 6999736 - 13 days - No response - Not able to login to my GW1 account, wasted money buying a couple of GW1 expansions until it gets looked into.

> Ticket 7014471 - 3 days - Seems 939 thumbs up in forum account vanished with no word as to why, but likely related to some of the higher profile threads that seem to of been pushed backwards this past week. Though only half of thumbs up since are showing up.. - no response, but figured this being less important will likely reach the higher peaks of support time...


Forum issues are handled by emailing forums@arena.net, rather than through the CS Ticket system, I believe. You may find that is quicker, unless emailing that address automatically creates a CS Ticket.


Good luck.

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I could solve my problem on my own.. I could find the old version unter windows.old..

I'm so freaking dump that I didn't got this idea earlier..

C:\Windows.old\Users\*Username*\AppData\Roaming\WinAuth ist the path and there you can open the tilfe with editor and could read out the old secret code





6996405 is 17 days old. Still can't login. Only Winauth needs to be removed.. Hope i can play next WvW Reset with my main account again.. Guess this week it wouldn't happen

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I wrote up a ticket working on two months old about how I'm missing an item I apparently was supposed to get retroactively. I was polite, my ticket is simply asking if it's possible to get this item. They have not replied. I waited two weeks, wrote a second ticket just in case I slipped through the cracks. Another few weeks go by and I write a third, near pleading just to hear back from them.. Nothing, not even checked. Meanwhile someone was missing the same item, they replied to her the next day, and gave it to her. Then she writes a ticket about something else, and again, they reply the next day. What gives? Am I on some sort of imaginary black-list? I'm not asking for real money, or refunds or anything.. At this point I'm not even sure I care more about the item in question or just the reply to me in general. I'm losing faith in this game because of this, even if I adore so much about it.. But I just feel ignored. :[


Please Anet, please.

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I emailed stating I wanted the last 2 closed, but they haven't even replied to close them. And even so, I waited nearly a month for the first ticket before writing the others. A friend writes a ticket yesterday in the same category as mine yet gets a reply the next day, meanwhile mine is working on months old. Duplicate tickets are clearly not the issue..

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I did receive an automated message that they got my ticket. And I have been replying to my main ticket, yet they haven't even looked at it (no updated activity at all).

Here is my Ticket # just in case a miracle happens. Ticket #6979072

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Same, I've had my tickets answered pretty much the next day, or next business day. And this is STILL happening to others I know putting tickets in. They are responded to in a few days max. So there's clearly not a queue, or if there is, something is going on where they're skipping around people. It's like "Hey, this person got help with a totally different problem a few days ago, that's their limit for the month". But even THAT false logic isn't true because others I know are like a Spitfire with their requests and getting them all answered.

Edit: I'm not proud, but I became desperate enough to change my subject from in game issue to an account purchase issue just to see if it would be responded to quicker. (Frankly, it technically is a purchase issue since it's tied to the Deluxe Edition.. but it's still an in game item.) Yet that did nothing.

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Some tickets will take longer to answer than others, for a variety of reasons. The backlog is still severe, employees are still being trained. (We know this from a few recent dev posts touching on this indirectly.)


There is a queue, they answer everything in it. If you are creating duplicate tickets, that can send you ticket back to the end of the queue, depending on who gets the duplicates and how long it takes them to merge all the details. For example, if the text is identical, it's probably pretty easy for them to merge and they'll start working on it at that point. If one post is a rant about how the game ate an item and the second is a more respectful recitation of the events leading to a lost item, then they'll just combine and sort it later, perhaps much later. Especially if it's not an urgent issue.


Regardless, posting here isn't going to speed things up. If it did, everyone would post in the forums to bypass the queue.


I'm really sorry that you've waited so long and are still waiting. I think it's bad that ANet didn't seem prepared for some predictable surges in support needs (exacerbated by unpredictable surges). I think it's unfortunate that they aren't keeping us updated with the status of the queue, if only to set our expectations. But none of that will change the fact that we still all are going to have to be more patient than any of us think is reasonable.

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I realize that posting here may not help, yet I do see mods posting here asking for ticket #'s, so /something/ IS being done. And you mention the queue, yet like I said... A friend posts days after I do, for the same problem, yet hers is replied to first. That doesn't sound like a proper queue, does it? I'm not making this up, she gets multiple tickets answered before mine is even looked at, yet posts WELL after me. Also, all my tickets were similar, and very respectful. There is no ranting involved.


So, even if posting multiple tickets did in fact put me in the back in the queue, my last ticket was still well over a week ago, so... if anything, by logic of what I'm experiencing and what others are experiencing.. being "in the back of the line" should actually have my tickets answered first, seeing as new tickets are answered before mine, yet just as "Not critical" of an issue. This is of course not the case.


While I understand you're trying to have me look at all angles, and you're trying to think of all reasons they may not have replied... I'm seeing other reasons why they should have by now, given the common logic of how this is SUPPOSED to work. There's no excuse as to why someone can make a ticket a week after me, with the exact same issue, and even similar wording, and have it replied to before me if this queue is actually working as intended.(Besides the whole trainee business).

Note this was before I made a second ticket, I didn't make a second ticket until two weeks after.


I'm not so much asking for things to be sped up as I'm trying to reach out and see if this is a common issue. If you read my first post, I'm frantic to the point of wondering if they're not responding on purpose. While that's illogical to believe, you can't blame me for wondering if something is going on after this length of time.


Edit: Regardless, I'm not expecting much. I just came on here to figure things out rather than wake up, check my inbox, and still not see a reply from them for over a month now. Going down the list, and the comment from someone above me. It's obvious I'm not alone when it comes to waiting weeks (and hopefully not months) for a ticket response. So, in a way I guess I found what I was looking for, and I'll continue to wait patiently.


I also just now caught the post of their delayed responses, so.. I guess all is working as intended! Thanks everyone for your responses. I do appreciate it! <3

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I submitted a ticket to get my Guildwars 1 account back and after 21 days a GM replied to it. I gave them all the information they needed for my account and the GM said "I will get back to you as quickly as possible once we receive your response".....


Now a 1 week has passed and still no response...I can put my money into their games(GW2) but can't receive proper customer support this is really unacceptable...


They can take your money and if all goes well with your account nobody notices, but as soon as you need them you are lost...


Why would you give them more money if you know that you will get bad support if you need them?... Look Shiny i'm buying it!

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Been playing since launch, and both me & my friends have had pretty amazing & fast customer support when we've needed help. I've worked with IT customer support before, iso9000 certified etc, and my experience with Anet customer support was so good, that I would prolly model any customer support department after Anet's customer support! (Yes, it was that good!).


Keep in mind that this is holiday season for many many people.. that could be the reason for abit slower than average response


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Not here to discuss details, but I am wondering how long is too long.


I have irrefutable proof that my ban should be contested. It was a 2 week ban, its been 4 weeks.


I want this resolved, and I get that JP was around the same time and CS was already overloaded, but there comes a point at which what is reasonable comes into question...


How much longer am I going to have to wait?


Regarding evidence, that is between ANet and I, it is not being brought up in this thread, don't ask, if you feel the need to chastise me for questioning things, this isn't the thread for you, take your hate elsewhere.


All I'm looking for is a timeframe I can reasonably expect the issue to be resolved within, and more importantly, ideally the sooner the better, as the issue involves things like my real world safety (yes, police are already involved).


Posting this is potentially compromising to my safety, so I ask that as soon as I can get a response pm'd to me that explains what I can expect, please delete this thread as soon as I can see a response.

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> @"Balkan.8692" said:

> Hi guys,


> Is it normal to wait for 9 days for a reply on a ticket? Seems like an eternity to me.


One of my friends still waiting on ticket, clocked in on 12 days and closely approaching Gaile's "unacceptable" two weeks standard

What can I say? They sure are super understaffed and I know complaints don't help

All I can do is make sure he follows "support ticket tips" and provide some form of moral support

Hopefully he doesn't lose interest in game even after ticket is resolved, yet he started to say he plays GW2 for our guild only now

I know this sounds passive aggressive, but it is actually quite disheartening to see someone love the game so much gradually felt this way

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