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[Merged] Customer Support Ticket Response Times

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Jarlbboi.1780" said:

> Lmfao, they were quick to view those tickets (after i closed them down) that i placed anonymously before i used this account to comment on the forums, and place a ticket with this one. If only they were quick enough to answer my rather simple password issue "shrug" in reply to @"EriskRedLemur.7153" comment I also placed one two years ago. shortly after the release of HoT kitten and it was done with in minutes 0_0


Wait, are you suggesting that the team is going "Oh, that's **him**! Let's ignore his ticket!" That's so wrong as to be ridiculous. We answer tickets in the order received, although some more-complicated issues will take longer. We don't flag certain accounts for faster or slower service, but endeavor to handle each matter as promptly, correctly, and thoroughly as possible.


Main Point: Submitting additional tickets is a bad thing to do, and it will continually reset you to the back of the queue.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > @"Jarlbboi.1780" said:

> > Lmfao, they were quick to view those tickets (after i closed them down) that i placed anonymously before i used this account to comment on the forums, and place a ticket with this one. If only they were quick enough to answer my rather simple password issue "shrug" in reply to @"EriskRedLemur.7153" comment I also placed one two years ago. shortly after the release of HoT kitten and it was done with in minutes 0_0


> Wait, are you suggesting that the team is going "Oh, that's **him**! Let's ignore his ticket!" That's so wrong as to be ridiculous. We answer tickets in the order received, although some more-complicated issues will take longer. We don't flag certain accounts for faster or slower service, but endeavor to handle each matter as promptly, correctly, and thoroughly as possible.


> Main Point: Submitting additional tickets is a bad thing to do, and it will continually reset you to the back of the queue.


Replying/updating response to your ticket doesn't do that though right?


Gaile you KNOW CS is after this one account, he's their Zhaitan it's all they think about! :grin: :lol: Thanks for replying and updating us I totally get order and complexity and the new peeps coming and things are backed up more than usual. Frustrating but understand and glad you are aware/talking about it!

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> Since gw2 is translated in other languages, french, german and spanish (puttig aside chinese since it's almost a completely different game), does it have CS members for those languages as well? Some people may be uncomfortable at holding a conversation in english.


Yes we have a full team, and that includes native speakers in FR, DE, and ES.

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> @"Nero.7602" said:

> > @"Blanche.2170" said:

> > I have 2 accounts and a ticket on each account since 13 days now. I have refresh each one 6 days ago and I still have no answers. I can't log in my GW original account that's why I opened those tickets... But 13 days it look like a joke as my brother had an answer 24h after and got access to his account 72h after the ticket has been opened...


> Making 2 tickets is the worse thing you could do, unless they are not related, 2 tickets actually slows them.


> their lack of response is annoying tho mi ticket have been seen twice now, and i feel like they dont think its important nuf, wich is making me a bit angry, some forum poster had a support ticket submited way later than mine and his problem is already solved, mine is still sitting there...


You miss understand. It's a ticket in each account not in one account

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> > Since gw2 is translated in other languages, french, german and spanish (puttig aside chinese since it's almost a completely different game), does it have CS members for those languages as well? Some people may be uncomfortable at holding a conversation in english.


> Yes we have a full team, and that includes native speakers in FR, DE, and ES.


Nice, thanks :)

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> @"Lady Loony.9314" said:

> I made a support ticket a week ago. No response yet. Ticket #6928376


> @"Frerol.7658" said:

> Submitted a ticket 7 days ago regarding my original Guild Wars account, and no answer yet.


16 days over there for Guild Wars Orginals...

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My friend account got suspended, they said that it was because his account was accessed by an unauthorized individual.

i don't know if this is true or not, since he use 2-step verification (sms validation) but didn't even received any sms from ANet recently and already checked his current log-ins and authorized networks list on security tab, i think there is no suspicious user location on the list. judging from this i think his account is fine, just restore it and they can do any validation if they want to prove he is the real owner.

ticket id (#6939368) 3 days ticket, i know that i sound so impatient but i think the problem shouldn't be there in the first place.


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Anyone of you having problems contacting the support aswell?

I know this is a old discussion that have been made 20 times.

I do understand that the support has a lot to do because of the "new" expansion and so on. But its not possible that it takes weeks (and still no answer) for getting a answer at a "request email change ticket).

I dont wan to compare ArenaNet with Blizzard or other companies. But i played a lot of games and even when new expansions got realeasd the support was always efficent.

Whats going on with ANet support? Its frustrating.

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> @"Masterpat.2965" said:

> Hello.

> Anyone of you having problems contacting the support aswell?

> I know this is a old discussion that have been made 20 times.

> I do understand that the support has a lot to do because of the "new" expansion and so on. But its not possible that it takes weeks (and still no answer) for getting a answer at a "request email change ticket).

> I dont wan to compare ArenaNet with Blizzard or other companies. But i played a lot of games and even when new expansions got realeasd the support was always efficent.

> Whats going on with ANet support? Its frustrating.


- which expansion are you referring to? (do you mean the new LS?)

- support team are not the same as dev team, they probably don't work on ingame content development so their work pace is not dictated directly by content release deadlines.

- submit a support ticket via the website for best results.

- as mentioned in other threads, it seems they are on a 10 day backlog at present.

- "weeks" sounds a little unusual; are you sure it's been that long ?


As far as I am aware, there has been an influx of new players in recent weeks, some labeled as the "Bless refugees" and GW2 has been more prominent on various media channels. This has probably put more strain on the support team.

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What's going on? An influx of tickets from the recent ban wave, renewed interest in Guild Wars (One) due to recent updates, and new and returning players to both GW and GW2 due to recent publicity.


Make sure to provide as much information confirming you are the actual account owner to speed up the process (my recent ticket [last week] removing SMS took only hours from submission to be resolved).


Good luck.

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> @"MarshallLaw.9260" said:

> > @"Masterpat.2965" said:

> > Hello.

> > Anyone of you having problems contacting the support aswell?

> > I know this is a old discussion that have been made 20 times.

> > I do understand that the support has a lot to do because of the "new" expansion and so on. But its not possible that it takes weeks (and still no answer) for getting a answer at a "request email change ticket).

> > I dont wan to compare ArenaNet with Blizzard or other companies. But i played a lot of games and even when new expansions got realeasd the support was always efficent.

> > Whats going on with ANet support? Its frustrating.


> - which expansion are you referring to? (do you mean the new LS?)

> - support team are not the same as dev team, they probably don't work on ingame content development so their work pace is not dictated directly by content release deadlines.

> - submit a support ticket via the website for best results.

> - as mentioned in other threads, it seems they are on a 10 day backlog at present.

> - "weeks" sounds a little unusual; are you sure it's been that long ?


> As far as I am aware, there has been an influx of new players in recent weeks, some labeled as the "Bless refugees" and GW2 has been more prominent on various media channels. This has probably put more strain on the support team.


Ofc i did request the support via the website.

I am not talking about one specific expansion, i play this game since day1 and the support of ANet always struggled responding fast (maybe just to me lol).

Well with weeks i mean like 10-20 days.

My point is that i don't buy "a lot of new players" and so on as a valid excuse. Blizzard with 10 times more players answers the same day 95% of the times.

I am just wondering why ANet support struggles so much managing tickets?

Again i am not here to flame or create drama.

Like i sad i play since day 1 and i always had to wait a long time before getting a answer. I do wonder why. Even tho mine are just "small" problem like E-Mail change.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> What's going on? An influx of tickets from the recent ban wave, renewed interest in Guild Wars (One) due to recent updates, and new and returning players to both GW and GW2 due to recent publicity.


> Make sure to provide as much information confirming you are the actual account owner to speed up the process (my recent ticket [last week] removing SMS took only hours from submission to be resolved).


> Good luck.


Hm i see.

Anyways i provided every info asked and submitted the ticket. Pretty surprised that your problem got solved so fast.

I guess i never had "luck" with ANet supp then :bleep_bloop:

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> @"Masterpat.2965" said:

> > @"MarshallLaw.9260" said:

> > > @"Masterpat.2965" said:

> > > Hello.

> > > Anyone of you having problems contacting the support aswell?

> > > I know this is a old discussion that have been made 20 times.

> > > I do understand that the support has a lot to do because of the "new" expansion and so on. But its not possible that it takes weeks (and still no answer) for getting a answer at a "request email change ticket).

> > > I dont wan to compare ArenaNet with Blizzard or other companies. But i played a lot of games and even when new expansions got realeasd the support was always efficent.

> > > Whats going on with ANet support? Its frustrating.

> >

> > - which expansion are you referring to? (do you mean the new LS?)

> > - support team are not the same as dev team, they probably don't work on ingame content development so their work pace is not dictated directly by content release deadlines.

> > - submit a support ticket via the website for best results.

> > - as mentioned in other threads, it seems they are on a 10 day backlog at present.

> > - "weeks" sounds a little unusual; are you sure it's been that long ?

> >

> > As far as I am aware, there has been an influx of new players in recent weeks, some labeled as the "Bless refugees" and GW2 has been more prominent on various media channels. This has probably put more strain on the support team.


> Ofc i did request the support via the website.

> I am not talking about one specific expansion, i play this game since day1 and the support of ANet always struggled responding fast (maybe just to me lol).

> Well with weeks i mean like 10-20 days.

> My point is that i don't buy "a lot of new players" and so on as a valid excuse. Blizzard with 10 times more players answers the same day 95% of the times.

> I am just wondering why ANet support struggles so much managing tickets?

> Again i am not here to flame or create drama.

> Like i sad i play since day 1 and i always had to wait a long time before getting a answer. I do wonder why. Even tho mine are just "small" problem like E-Mail change.


ANet support team is clearly going to be smaller than Blizzard, the playerbase figures alone are enough justify why.

With any tickets I've put forward, the reply has come back within a max of 2 days (historically) and a minimum reply time of a few hours.

I believe email change could be more complicated than you suspect since they possibly will have to verify details and check for suspicious activity on the account to ensure this isn't a fraudulent request (just a hunch).


best of luck with your ticket.

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> @"MarshallLaw.9260" said:

> > @"Masterpat.2965" said:

> > > @"MarshallLaw.9260" said:

> > > > @"Masterpat.2965" said:

> > > > Hello.

> > > > Anyone of you having problems contacting the support aswell?

> > > > I know this is a old discussion that have been made 20 times.

> > > > I do understand that the support has a lot to do because of the "new" expansion and so on. But its not possible that it takes weeks (and still no answer) for getting a answer at a "request email change ticket).

> > > > I dont wan to compare ArenaNet with Blizzard or other companies. But i played a lot of games and even when new expansions got realeasd the support was always efficent.

> > > > Whats going on with ANet support? Its frustrating.

> > >

> > > - which expansion are you referring to? (do you mean the new LS?)

> > > - support team are not the same as dev team, they probably don't work on ingame content development so their work pace is not dictated directly by content release deadlines.

> > > - submit a support ticket via the website for best results.

> > > - as mentioned in other threads, it seems they are on a 10 day backlog at present.

> > > - "weeks" sounds a little unusual; are you sure it's been that long ?

> > >

> > > As far as I am aware, there has been an influx of new players in recent weeks, some labeled as the "Bless refugees" and GW2 has been more prominent on various media channels. This has probably put more strain on the support team.

> >

> > Ofc i did request the support via the website.

> > I am not talking about one specific expansion, i play this game since day1 and the support of ANet always struggled responding fast (maybe just to me lol).

> > Well with weeks i mean like 10-20 days.

> > My point is that i don't buy "a lot of new players" and so on as a valid excuse. Blizzard with 10 times more players answers the same day 95% of the times.

> > I am just wondering why ANet support struggles so much managing tickets?

> > Again i am not here to flame or create drama.

> > Like i sad i play since day 1 and i always had to wait a long time before getting a answer. I do wonder why. Even tho mine are just "small" problem like E-Mail change.


> ANet support team is clearly going to be smaller than Blizzard, the playerbase figures alone are enough justify why.

> With any tickets I've put forward, the reply has come back within a max of 2 days (historically) and a minimum reply time of a few hours.

> I believe email change could be more complicated than you suspect since they possibly will have to verify details and check for suspicious activity on the account to ensure this isn't a fraudulent request (just a hunch).


> best of luck with your ticket.


Hm yeah. Well only time will tell :)

Thanks for your time!!!!

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> @"Deathanizer.3716" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > They’re running at about 10 days.


> Just for the first "we got your ticket" response?


No. Before you get a response from an actual person.


Check spam folders to see if the automated one went there.

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