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[Merged] Customer Support Ticket Response Times

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:


> I can't escalate or "jump the queue" on any tickets, as I'm sure you can appreciate. (I mean, that would just be inappropriate and unfair to do, right?) However, because the last two are so far outside of what I was told were the norms, I will ask about them and if I have any information to share, will post it later.


Since this seem to happen more frequently (I had this problem too as you know) I think a general information (some step that are normaly taken)on how the support really works would be good, so we know why such things happen etc. Also I want to suggest you could implement a new system. I don't know if this would be possible. The people from the support team work there for years and should know what is a normal queue. There should be a system which measures the queue length and if the queue length is far above the normal value a automated hint is shown on the support page that answers could take a bit longer due to large quantities of tickets in the system. This would give players a hint at why tickets may take longer to get an answer. Also a quick "We received your ticket but additional work is required until we can give an answer to you." would be nice as a generic reply if something like you mentioned in the top of your post is going on so players know. Sometimes we don't need an answer right away but would like to know what happend to our ticket.



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> @"Sirc.5710" said:

> @"Gaile Gray.6029" I have been waiting for my account suspended to get something back. Coming back after many years of not playing and account is locked. Its been 6+ days with no response. Account is zyix.4157 and ticket numbers were #6891545 and made another #6895699 Please help. I'd really like to get back into the game with my old toons and buy HoT and PoF. Thanks


Close the second ticket. Creating more then one ticket about the same subject will delay the response time significantly as it clutters up the queue and requires more effort to see the whole picture.


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Ticket #6887806. 10 days with no update. (Yes I have received the automated ticket # email).


I am a patient person. I have been playing by the rules (not harassing support for updates, not posting duplicate tickets), but I think it is fair to say that 10 days of no reply is taking my patience for granted.


We need a system of regular community-wide updates from support that should say how long the queue is. Would I not feel cheated if a theme park didn't tell me there's a 3-hour lineup for the cool roller-coaster? At least there you can **see** the people in front of you.


I understand that if the ticket hasn't been gotten to yet, there would not be a reply. That makes perfect sense. On the other hand, **if a ticket has been seen and referred to a different person, we _should_ receive an update email that says "we are escalating the issue"**


This lack of communication paints the company in a bit of an archaic light, which is unfair given the great content it's putting out. Please do better.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"hailtonothing.5283" said:

> > > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > > Tickets definitely do not take a week to answer, as a general rule. Have you updated the ticket you submitted and asked for an update? Please don't submit a new ticket, but you certainly can respond to the confirmation ("we received your request") e-mail, if you wish.

> > @"Gaile Gray.6029" 11 days here. I've asked for updates three times and have had no response.

> >


> 11 days and asking for 3 updates.. yeah that's the issue buddy. Do it once after a week. From my experience with supports if you "spam" bumps your tickets automatically gets lowered in priority as if it's treated like a new request entirely. Now that is not exactly how the support in GW2 will work, but all you can do is be patient about it. Don't bump too much, your request can't be lost.


As long as he is updating the SAME ticket, it will not cause any issues. So do not tell people that please. He can ask for updates on the same ticket if he likes, but the thing is they only see that ticket when they see it and it could cause issues on your side of checking it unless you remember the time/day you updated it.


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I have also had an issue with a long response time on a recent ticket. I don't mind the ticket taking a while to resolve as much as the fact I got no response whatsoever for 2 weeks. A simple "Thank you for putting in a ticket, please give us a little time to look into the issue." or some other appropriate response would have made a big difference.

I had no idea the issue was even being looked into, or even if it was really an issue. The "Gather Bonus Weekend" came and went w/ no response to my ticket about one of the new gather glyphs.


Ticket #6867144

April 11, 2018 16:50 - opened

April 12, 2018 11:38 - updated w/ data gathered on issue.

April 19, 2018 21:49 - Noted that more than 1 week had passed, w/ no response.

April 25, 2018 08:42 - Finally got a response which gave useful info, asked for clarification/screen shot. (also, the issue appears to be resolved at this point)


I got a survey, but I didn't want to respond until I knew if I could rate the *work* as satisfactory, but the response time/ticket handling as *unsatisfactory*. IMO the ticket was not *handled* properly, even though I did get a useful response.(eventually)

(edited for formatting- the new forum makes it even harder to *not* get a Wall O' Text)

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> @"Sicarine.3985" said:

> An update to my previous post.

> I have now received help on my issue. If you have a ticket and are worried, note that _my_ subjective observations seem to suggest that a 11-day wait is "average" as of the 10th of May, 2018. Hang in there


11 day wait is insane, my issue would take less than a minute to fix :angry:

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> @"Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136" said:

> My Husband is trying to recover his Guild Wars account.

It varies a lot.


> Its been 10 days with no response. Is it normal to have to wait this long?

It is not 'normal', but there's apparently been a huge backlog of people needing this type of support and one of the support leads posted on Reddit (about a week ago) that they were having 10-day-plus response times in some cases.


> He turned in his info and key codes although he did give them the wrong email address at first then gave them the popper one.... It just kind of feels like no one is helping???

I'm sympathetic. It's a fundamental problem with the type of system ANet uses to provide support: it's easy to know when they need your help, but impossible to know if they are making progress, if the ticket hasn't made it through the queue to the right person, if the queue got accidentally reset by something you did or something they did.


The forums used to include a "hey, what happened to my ticket?" thread, but... people abused it. Instead of asking just about overdue tickets, people were using it to jump the queue, escalate, appeal decisions, and so on. It became unrealistic for ANet to have someone read through all the chaff.


For now, your husband can reply to the email he received and ask for an update. Otherwise, wait patiently (I know that's not very useful advice, but that's all that's on the table for now). Don't, I repeat, do not create a new ticket. That slows things down — they have to merge the old ticket into the new one, which (a) puts it at the end of the queue with other 'new' tickets and (b) means someone has to read & compare details in both tickets. (And apparently, it turns out, a lot of people post contradictory details.)


tl;dr 10 days is extra long compared to normal, but apparently happening these days. Wait patiently, don't create a new ticket, and, you can ask for an update (although it probably won't result in faster service).


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so judging by this, a fair estimated response days is a week -__- ive been trying to recover my account (ticket #6898743) (cant log into my main account or nothing) and its been 3 days with no response. I submitted another ticket after not having a response roughly 2days 20hrs into the wait (this ticket number is #6900465), still with no response to either one. ANET should work on communicating with those they are supporting better, at least simply acknowledging they have seen the ticket and give an estimated wait time for proper work to be done would be better than simply ignoring it for god knows how long, after the automated message gives you a ticket number. just my 2 cents....

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> @"Zilyanna.5476" said:

> so judging by this, a fair estimated response days is a week -__- ive been trying to recover my account (ticket #6898743) (cant log into my main account or nothing) and its been 3 days with no response. I submitted another ticket after not having a response roughly 2days 20hrs into the wait (this ticket number is #6900465), still with no response to either one. ANET should work on communicating with those they are supporting better, at least simply acknowledging they have seen the ticket and give an estimated wait time for proper work to be done would be better than simply ignoring it for god knows how long, after the automated message gives you a ticket number. just my 2 cents....


(1) reply to the second ticket and ask for it to be closed — otherwise you just slowed down the response time to your own ticket

(2) in the best of times, support asks for 3 days to help with most tickets; you didn't wait even that long

(3) this isn't the best of times; there's a backlog (sometimes as long as 10 days, according to one of the team leads on Reddit)


This isn't how I would choose to handle an unexpected slow down (whether to loss of personnel or increase in tickets or whatever). But then again, I don't work at ANet so I don't know any of the specific factors with which they are dealing, only the generics that plague every support team.


tl;dr be patient, even if that's hard to do.

and hope that ANet doesn't let such a long delay occur again

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Please kill the stupid security meassure of providing a character name.

After a year or more I don't know the names anymore.

And the support for this issue isn't good enough.

10 hrs now and that sucks.


Add an option to view the names in the online account in the browser.


Arenanet is the only game I know who uses this security meassure.

And I think it sucks big time.

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> @"Meezcore.2137" said:

> Please kill the stupid security meassure of providing a character name.

> After a year or more I don't know the names anymore.

> And the support for this issue isn't good enough.

> 10 hrs now and that sucks.


> Add an option to view the names in the online account in the browser.


> Arenanet is the only game I know who uses this security meassure.

> And I think it sucks big time.


Yes it is a pain in the butt, however even though im almost the same as you (i have a ton of 80s but only remember one of their names since exact spelling is required), i prefer them to be this difficult for security measures instead of super easy recovery. The only thing i dislike is their response times.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> ^If you are submitting duplicate tickets, you can close the duplicates and _only_ update the original. Creating duplicates slows down the process and movement through the queue.


> Good luck.


Well, my first ticket, which I updated multiple times, was closed and I received zero help. So I made a new ticket and that one was closed just a couple days afterwards, as well. They have gotten through, but whoever's reading them just seems to keep ignoring me and gives me absolutely no chance to solve my case.

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