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I wish dueling was a thing

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> @"Eme.2018" said:

> The solutions are simply impractical

No, **you** think they are impractical (**without providing a valid reason**) and you are in the minority.

> the cost of the effort to make a duel happen probably isn't worth the duel

"the cost of the effort" - what even is this? You've already been explained how it can be free and very little effort to set up. If you are not prepared to make _any_ effort then that becomes your personal issue.

> @"MarshallLaw.9260" Either deliberate or unintentional, your ignorance is unjustifiable.

My dude, there is no need to throw around words and phrases, when you clearly don't understand their meaning . I appreciate that English may not be your first language, so I'm more than happy to excuse that.

In addition, there's no need to be rude since your comments will just be cut or this whole thread may disappear if you continue to attempt to derail it.

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I think the addition of dueling, or of a small arena in each map where duels can be issued, would be cool. I've played a lot of other MMOs with open world dueling and haven't seen much of the toxic behavior that people are worried about. People barely ever utilize the feature.

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> @"MarshallLaw.9260" said:

> No, **you** think they are impractical (**without providing a valid reason**) and you are in the minority.

Of course everyone can have his definition of what **is** impractical but I will try to further explain why I believe that the dueling options are impractical. My basic argument is that there are many restrictions in all those options currently implemented for dueling.

1. Guild Hall : (1) Requires a guild and (2) requires the other player to either be in the same guild or you to be able to invite him.

2.WvW: (1) Requires you and the other player to be on "Warring servers" and (2) requires no gankers to be around.

3. PvP on other's Arena(probably the best option):It also requires no gankers to be around.

4. PvP on your Arena: Requires an important sum of gold that not anyone can afford.


> @"MarshallLaw.9260" said:

> "the cost of the effort" - what even is this? You've already been explained how it can be free and very little effort to set up. If you are not prepared to make _any_ effort then that becomes your personal issue.

"Personal issue"? No. Let me give you an example.

Imagine you are living in a friends house and you realize that you want to go take a s*** only to find out that the house has no toilet. The friends tells you either to climb the mountain and go do your dirty work behind the trees or go to the public restroom which is probably very dirty. Those two maybe be options but they are very inconvenient in the sense that they don't address the problem directly these, solutions are there for specific situations, desperate people. The proper solution would be for the friend to finally get a toilet.


All this time you have been saying that separate duel option **doesn't need to be implemented** . Well, I will argue that separate duel option has no reason **not** to be implemented, its a life quality change and like every life quality change it doesn't **need** to be implemented it rather just **helps** to be implemented.


> @"MarshallLaw.9260" said:

> My dude, there is no need to throw around words and phrases, when you clearly don't understand their meaning . I appreciate that English may not be your first language, so I'm more than happy to excuse that.

> In addition, there's no need to be rude since your comments will just be cut or this whole thread may disappear if you continue to attempt to derail it.

Not going to comment on that one.


I really have nothing else to say.


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> @"Eme.2018" said:

> > @"MarshallLaw.9260" said:

> > No, **you** think they are impractical (**without providing a valid reason**) and you are in the minority.

> Of course everyone can have his definition of what **is** impractical but I will try to further explain why I believe that the dueling options are impractical. My basic argument is that there are many restrictions in all those options currently implemented for dueling.

> 1. Guild Hall : (1) Requires a guild and (2) requires the other player to either be in the same guild or you to be able to invite him.

> 2.WvW: (1) Requires you and the other player to be on "Warring servers" and (2) requires no gankers to be around.

> 3. PvP on other's Arena(probably the best option):It also requires no gankers to be around.

> 4. PvP on your Arena: Requires an important sum of gold that not anyone can afford.

You continue to make it sound very difficult when in reality it's fairly straightforward. Have you even tried these methods? My dude, you are restricting yourself.

> > @"MarshallLaw.9260" said:

> > "the cost of the effort" - what even is this? You've already been explained how it can be free and very little effort to set up. If you are not prepared to make _any_ effort then that becomes your personal issue.

> "Personal issue"? No. Let me give you an example.

> Imagine you are living in a friends house and you realize that you want to go take a s*** only to find out that the house has no toilet. The friends tells you either to climb the mountain and go do your dirty work behind the trees or go to the public restroom which is probably very dirty. Those two maybe be options but they are very inconvenient in the sense that they don't address the problem directly these, solutions are there for specific situations, desperate people. The proper solution would be for the friend to finally get a toilet.

This is a horrendous analogy since you are comparing a basic essential utility with an optional ability. A better analogy is this : imagine you come to your friends house. You ask him if you can have an ice-cream. He says, no, he doesn't have an ice-cream machine in his house. You have to make the **effort** to go buy a machine for his/your house or go to a vendor to purchase a single container of the dairy goodness. So yes, it's a _personal issue_ that you choose not to make the effort.


> All this time you have been saying that separate duel option **doesn't need to be implemented** . Well, I will argue that separate duel option has no reason **not** to be implemented, its a life quality change and like every life quality change it doesn't **need** to be implemented it rather just **helps** to be implemented.

The reason is that it would be a waste of resources for a minor improvement.




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> @"MarshallLaw.9260" said:

> You continue to make it sound very difficult when in reality it's fairly straightforward. Have you even tried these methods? My dude, you are restricting yourself.


Yes I have tried. No I am not restricting myself. Those problems are facts that a new duel options solves.


> This is a horrendous analogy since you are comparing a basic essential utility with an optional ability. A better analogy is this : imagine you come to your friends house. You ask him if you can have an ice-cream. He says, no, he doesn't have an ice-cream machine in his house. You have to make the **effort** to go buy a machine for his/your house or go to a vendor to purchase a single container of the dairy goodness. So yes, it's a _personal issue_ that you choose not to make the effort.


If you think this is a horrendous analogy then you clearly don't understand the point. Besides, dueling is a pretty basic need of an MMO (every MMO has it), its not some extra negligible, optional thing. So its closer to taking a s*** than to eating ice-cream.


> @"MarshallLaw.9260" said:

> The reason is that it would be a waste of resources for a minor improvement.

That's the thing. No resources are needed other than some minor programming. It is clearly not a big deal.



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You know, a great solution to any issues concerning dueling would be addressed with my ultimate idea. & i'm first to come up with it. Here it is.

**Have Dueling presented as a dueling box. Or flag that you drop where ever you at in the PVE world. Exactly like a toy box. Anyone wanting to duel just have to click on the flag & voilà**. Problem solved. You would choose between 4 or 5 different options ranging from the 1v1 to more. Need i to say more?

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> You know, a great solution to any issues concerning dueling would be addressed with my ultimate idea. & i'm first to come up with it. Here it is.

> **Have Dueling presented as a dueling box. Or flag that you drop where ever you at in the PVE world. Exactly like a toy box. Anyone wanting to duel just have to click on the flag & voilà**. Problem solved. You would choose between 4 or 5 different options ranging from the 1v1 to more. Need i to say more?


This is a neat idea but a popular argument against the implementation of Open World dueling in general is that it is a waste of time and resources. I believe adding extra features is not as vital as the implementation itself. What I would expect as an easy solution is the ability to right click to a character's icon and request a duel while also having the ability to automatically decline all requests.

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It's mostly about the maps and terrain to be honest. It's boring fighting in the same pvp/wvw maps we've been using for YEARS.


GW2 has so many great environments but we never get to use them for actual combat .. only mindless PvE mobs and bosses. I fall asleep half the time.. which is a shame, 'cause the maps are so cool.

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Bring dueling to PvE! It's annoying to meet in a guild hall or join a random custom PvP match to 1v1 someone. It should be like WoW where you can request someone to duel you. If PvE guys don't care anything about dueling, then you can add a setting in options for them to check that automatically blocks out any new requests. Easyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

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> @"coro.3176" said:

> It's mostly about the maps and terrain to be honest. It's boring fighting in the same pvp/wvw maps we've been using for YEARS.


> GW2 has so many great environments but we never get to use them for actual combat .. only mindless PvE mobs and bosses. I fall asleep half the time.. which is a shame, 'cause the maps are so cool.


Good thing about the g.arena is you can change it up as you please. Couldn't tell ya how many times i was in an arena that you could almost swear was some sort of environment

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> @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > @"coro.3176" said:

> > It's mostly about the maps and terrain to be honest. It's boring fighting in the same pvp/wvw maps we've been using for YEARS.

> >

> > GW2 has so many great environments but we never get to use them for actual combat .. only mindless PvE mobs and bosses. I fall asleep half the time.. which is a shame, 'cause the maps are so cool.


> Good thing about the g.arena is you can change it up as you please. Couldn't tell ya how many times i was in an arena that you could almost swear was some sort of environment


Come on. You know that's not what I mean..


The guild arenas are all boring flat areas. (yeah, you can add walls, traps, but they're pretty basic..). You can change it up however you like, but it's still not going to be as fun as a duel at the edge of Mount Maelstrom's lava pit, or on the floating platforms in Metrica, or on the bridge in Fireheart Rise or in the Divinity's Reach garden or .. you see where I'm going with this?


Also, you have to leave the map. Dueling would be a fun alternative to sitting afk waiting for that next world event. No one is going to give up their spot on the map to do it, but they would if it was available to kill time.

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> @"coro.3176" said:

> > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > > @"coro.3176" said:

> > > It's mostly about the maps and terrain to be honest. It's boring fighting in the same pvp/wvw maps we've been using for YEARS.

> > >

> > > GW2 has so many great environments but we never get to use them for actual combat .. only mindless PvE mobs and bosses. I fall asleep half the time.. which is a shame, 'cause the maps are so cool.

> >

> > Good thing about the g.arena is you can change it up as you please. Couldn't tell ya how many times i was in an arena that you could almost swear was some sort of environment


> Come on. You know that's not what I mean..


> The guild arenas are all boring flat areas. (yeah, you can add walls, traps, but they're pretty basic..). You can change it up however you like, but it's still not going to be as fun as a duel at the edge of Mount Maelstrom's lava pit, or on the floating platforms in Metrica, or on the bridge in Fireheart Rise or in the Divinity's Reach garden or .. you see where I'm going with this?


> Also, you have to leave the map. Dueling would be a fun alternative to sitting afk waiting for that next world event. No one is going to give up their spot on the map to do it, but they would if it was available to kill time.


To many carebears for open world pvp duels to even be considered sadly. lol

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> @"Eme.2018" said:

> > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > You know, a great solution to any issues concerning dueling would be addressed with my ultimate idea. & i'm first to come up with it. Here it is.

> > **Have Dueling presented as a dueling box. Or flag that you drop where ever you at in the PVE world. Exactly like a toy box. Anyone wanting to duel just have to click on the flag & voilà**. Problem solved. You would choose between 4 or 5 different options ranging from the 1v1 to more. Need i to say more?


> This is a neat idea but a popular argument against the implementation of Open World dueling in general is that it is a waste of time and resources. I believe adding extra features is not as vital as the implementation itself. What I would expect as an easy solution is the ability to right click to a character's icon and request a duel while also having the ability to automatically decline all requests.


It's definitely not a vital feature that needs top be implemented. But in the other hand it will bring a little bit of chaos witch desperately this game needs. I can easaly imagine waiting for world bosses by dropping a dueling flag & having fights while waiting for bosses to appear. .

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> It's definitely not a vital feature that needs top be implemented. But in the other hand it will bring a little bit of chaos witch desperately this game needs. I can easaly imagine waiting for world bosses by dropping a dueling flag & having fights while waiting for bosses to appear. .

Yeah, of course I didn't mean that open world dueling itself is vital to the game, what I said only stands in the comparison context. I completely agree with you.



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> @"flog.3485" said:

> > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > @"flog.3485" said:

> > > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > > > @"flog.3485" said:

> > > > > > @"coro.3176" said:

> > > > > > ... but the maps though! It'd be so much fun to fight in Rata Sum, or Caledon Forest, just for the interesting terrain..

> > > > > >

> > > > > > .. or any map with a large event that spawns at a certain time. Think of all those people just sitting afk waiting for some boring world-boss to show up so they can go press 1 at it for 5 minutes. Why not spice it up with a little dueling while they wait?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I really cannot see ANY downside. Make it opt in, and you can already block players if they annoy you. Any potential problems are solved!

> > > > >

> > > > > But here is the big problem: numbers of players allowed in a map. If you allow dueling in a map where a major meta event spawns and some players can’t join the instance because their place is taken by players who are dueling and are not contributing, then what do you do ? It just deincentivizes players using the LFG.

> > > > >

> > > > > You also certainly don’t want to recreate the problem of having raid portals only in open world where events of one map were massively scaled because there was a bunch of players afking in front of the portal.

> > > > >

> > > > > In the end here is what would happened: you would have a specified instance where players would go to duel, which is very much what we already have with guild halls or hotjoin 1v1 servers.

> > > >

> > > > There's always people in meta maps not contributing whether they're just afking with just enough participation to get rewards or gathering nodes, or doing hero points or whatever. A couple of guys having a duel isn't going to destabilize the meta event system.

> > >

> > > I personally don’t agree with you because dueling is far more impactful and draws a lot more attention than having a few solo players gathering nodes or whatever.

> > >

> > > Don’t get me wrong. I am not here to say that dueling is bad. I did have have some duels from time to time in the guild hall, in hotjoin arenas and in WvW.

> > >

> > > I just think that because it will be impactful, it will be abused and therefore it will need support of not only implementing dueling in open world but also regularly updating it. Do you really think that the devs can do this ? How much time before you see threads pop up saying “dueling is unbalanced, dueling is bugged bla-bla-bla?”

> > >

> > > Imo they can’t because their teams are already stretched enough. And here is the most important thing: dueling can already happen without any devs further resources used in the process. It is also way too late (after 6 years) to implement such a groundbreaking development when devs have put so much effort into making PvE a full cooperative and supportive-uncompetitive area.

> >

> > What meta events with full maps are struggling to get done now a days? I mean heck there's always 30+ people in every full Auric Basin map AFKing at east. The Domain of Istan and Sandswept Isles metas have huge quantities of AFK turret engineers. These events get done just fine. Dueling isn't going to render open world PvE unplayable.

> >

> > There's already systems for enabling players to attack each other and to switch allegiances and make players hostile to each other on the fly already built into the game, which would be the bulk of the work required to make this system work. The rest adding a "Accept duel" menu, a timer when the duel is accepted, and a system that ends the duel when one player reaches 1 HP. WoW's dueling system is pretty basic and that's really all we'd need and I really don't think it would take a developer more than a day or two's work to implement this.

> >

> > Players upset about 1v1 dueling not being balanced would be barking up the wrong tree and I would have zero sympathy for them.


> Maybe. But still I don’t want dueling to be implemented in open world. I have provided my feedback and you have provided yours. Let’s see whose feedback they want to listen to.


Most likely neither lmao

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To promote the friendly, flowery feels of the PvE world of Tyria and remind us of its tame values even in Duels, the power of friendship should be emphasized.


I suggest a 7-day try-a-friend period where habitants of Tyria can add one another to the friends list, then giggle and relax with one another to build... solidarity. In that period there can be no hurting, nothing not nice! Friends look out for each other!


After the ties of eternal friendship (and patience) have been tested to the extreme in PvE fire and found not wanting, congratulations!


**You can begin killing each other.**

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I understand a ranked dueling system would balance the game numbers if they balanced around it. Then they can fix the team based issues in 5 v 5 ranked. Together Ranked dueling and 5 v 5 will attacked the largest competitive platform and lead to a more balanced platform.


Open world dueling would take allot of players for HoTM so I know why they wont add it. But they do need to add a ranked system to grab the more solo pvp player base. I would work and increase their companies revenue.

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> @"Ralkuth.1456" said:

> To promote the friendly, flowery feels of the PvE world of Tyria and remind us of its tame values even in Duels, the power of friendship should be emphasized.


> I suggest a 7-day try-a-friend period where habitants of Tyria can add one another to the friends list, then giggle and relax with one another to build... solidarity. In that period there can be no hurting, nothing not nice! Friends look out for each other!


> After the ties of eternal friendship (and patience) have been tested to the extreme in PvE fire and found not wanting, congratulations!


> **You can begin killing each other.**


This is a quality post if I've ever seen one. Good riddance!

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Ah yes. The eternal argument for what people think is fun. GW2 is a casual game for casual players that don't want adversity. Even if that possibility of adversity leads to actual game play being created and played by their own player base for endless repeatable content. The casual open world pve community heavily outweighs the competitive scene. They get the final say because they have more people because that is way more money. This argument will never die because it is genuinely a good idea but is too divisive to come to a conclusion... and what do we do when that happens boys and girls? YES that's right! we follow the path of less resistance. Less dev time and less arguments to be had out of the target player base. Trust me on this one. I know all about not being the target player base. I..... I too was a wvw player once... YES I know... its tragic. They left us to die. All we have now are tales of the olden times. Times with heros, villians, and actual meaning to what we were doing. Now all that's left is a shallow void that could vaguely be interesting to the average gastropod. There is but one thing left to do. I shall shave my bearded neck and.....I.... I'm going outside.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The only thing I can see become a problem is that if dueling is implemented is we might also get complains about balance issues with pve gear and pve damage numbers. In that case I suggest wvw balance is activated the moment a duel is accepted. either that or u shut up and accept pve balance is a thing just like guildhalls.(imo guildhalls should be scaled to wvw balance tough)


As for the rest. I don't say it often but u gotta grow a pair guys.

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There is really no reason not to implement this - resource allocation aside - if it can be easily implemented then by all means they should add this feature.


To all the hardcore PvE extremists that would.. what? have their delicate sensibilities assaulted by the sight of combat? have less fun at the sight of others enjoying a totally optional feature of the game? I don’t quite know why anyone opposes this as not a single rational argument against it has been put forth..


But to all you anti-fun discriminating PvE trolls out there: GROW UP. If you don’t like a feature of the game don’t use it, simple as that. No one is suggesting that you be forced into PvP.


Sweet baby Joko people can be awfully opinionated about something that has zero impact on their play style.



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