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The PvP population is dead because of the following reasons


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> @"Sampson.2403" said:

> > @"Lux van Grozny.3458" said:

> > And the forum it self is a prove of how horrible things are latley, reading the forum titles its like reading first page of tabloid's horror titles. Murder there murder everywhere!

> > and most people that uses forum are here from long based expiriences with the game and are players who actualy care about this game! Get someone who plays gw and pay him to read those posts if u cant! It clearly shows your lack of communication between players and anet!


> Yes, because clearly the select few players who pour salt into the pvp forums each day represent the larger majority of players who just play the game and dont post anything.


> Take a look at the leaderboard, how many of those names in the top whatever be the glorious number do you see posting here. Barely any.


> So most of the top players are kickin butt and not crying on the forums while the mid/lower tier make one salty post after another.


> Just an observation.



well... they dont make posts they make videos about it!

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People have been complaining about balance from the start of the game and people will continue to complain about balance right up until this game eventually dies. You cannot have a sustainable business model where a few developers have to manually figure out a way to balance shit across professions. Its an inefficient process that will eventually collapse under its own weight because you need to throw more and more hours at it as we keep introducing new professions/gear/abilities/mechanics to the game. Add to that employee burn out, core developers leaving and taking their knowledge with them, etc. and you have a recipe for disaster.


Asking for balance in this type of business model is asking for a bandaid on an ever growing wound. At some point, you won't have a bandaid large enough to cover the wound. Also, a lot of valuable time is being spent creating the bandaid that could be better spent on other aspects of game that actually move the game forward. Anet needs to stop wasting their time addressing the symptoms and instead focus on coming up with a permanent/scalable solution to class balance. IMO, Anet should have set up a system for the users to be able to balance themselves by giving them the tools to do so.


To some extent, this means going back to the drawing board on a lot of core decisions and I don't really see Anet cutting out the cancer at this point. Some companies are willing to scrap bad ideas and re-invent themselves (e.g. WarFrame) but I haven't really seen that from Anet.


Edit: Another example of bad, inefficient game design are the pre-set gear selections in PVP. Instead of coming up with a system or set of parameters for the players to work with, Anet decided to have a short-sighted approach to this by micro-managing this aspect to the game. This is another example of a lose-lose system where the developers are spending unnecessary hours monitoring and implementing the gear choices, and the players are left with less build choices that makes little sense as its based on the whims of the developers. This just another example of a short-sighted solution that is destined to fail long-term.

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I have not idea if the population is declining but suspect so. I play one game a day each day - my play time is limited. I never feel any drive to play a second game after the first.


Here is what happens, at the beginning of the season I get ranked in low silver, then slowly decline into bronze, the more games I play the lower and lower I drop. Each and every season the exact same thing happens. Clearly as the season go on, lower ranked players are dropping out and as such the odds on losing each successive match increase.


Here is what I hate:-


(a) 2-secs kill builds; these are really random, all professions can contain them, by the time you realise what you are up against the match is finished and coming from the bottom of the pyramid up you will almost certainly never see that character again in the season - obviously at the top of the pyramid you can learn from such matches.

(b) There is nothing in the game to help you identity 2-sec kill builds other than being on the receiving end. As the season goes on, you avoiding any form of 1v1 combat. Odds are you are going to lose as the non-2 sec kill build players leave the season if you are not running a 2-sec kill build yourself.

© Whatever handicaps 2-secs kill build have, they are ineffective in a 5v5 team game - may well be fine in 1v1 for all I know.

(d) PvP seems to be ALL ABOUT going to website/youtube, getting an 2-sec kill build, and playing it (with key macros for your burst spamming). End of.


The simple problem is that 2-sec kill builds are far far too oppressive a feature of the PvP mini-game for casual players who are not going to go outside the game to get-gud.





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> @"Chilli.2976" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > Gw2 is known to be a bad pvp game... why would u expect population on this game mode?


> It can be so much better if more resources were put into the development of PvP.


It actually dont need mor eresources IMO.

All they had to do were the right choices.... pvp is for title farmers... besides that game is hollow, the imbapance(promoted by a awfull class design to cater the pve players and extrme casual players) is almost a feature to make the game look competitive rather than cara about good combat, pitty that most got confused about the character modelign and animation wich is nice and get ludibriated has "that's the good combat stuff"



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Contributions with such titles are based on a subjective perception. Allegations of this kind are arbitrary!


"The PvP population is dead because..."


Anet would do well to close such inadequate contributions and allegations!


It is the kind of wording, which is why you should not pay any attention to the contribution or title!

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> @"Metzie.9083" said:

> Contributions with such titles are based on a subjective perception. Allegations of this kind are arbitrary!


> "The PvP population is dead because..."


> Anet would do well to close such inadequate contributions and allegations!


> It is the kind of wording, which is why you should not pay any attention to the contribution or title!


But the thing is its true, PvP has been rapidly declining every season.

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