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Spotted an ANet member? Tell us here!

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I saw an anet employee two days ago in chak meta... we made joke in map chat - oh a dev with VitV … he bought it or anet has dev that can play raid .. :p as a joke u know.. no heart feelings no discrimination.. only a joke.. and didn't expect he replied. I made the raid.. so I should know how to play it

HAHAHA.. was good giggle.. :) +1 to this dev.. his nick started with J ... something ..not the Joker from the batman

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A couple times a dev had their tag on during the Domain of Kourna meta event. The players were being cool and not pestering him/her with questions, and the chat was lighthearted. We did try to casually point out that the portal from the village to the meta had been broken since 7/24, hoping the dev would comment on that and say "we're working on it" or something like that, but they never commented on that topic. I've spotted Gaile in the Mistlock Sanctuary once or twice. I apologize I didn't say hello or anything, but even though I was silent it was nice to see a "familiar face" so to speak.

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I've seen a couple. What I found distressing though, was a few weeks back, there was a player with ANET tag waiting for the Auric Basin meta to start, and once the players around noticed this, they began to bombard the ANET employee with questions:


"When will be fixed"

"Why won't you nerf "


I recall thinking, and then typing: "This is why we can't have nice things".

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I had just gotten my roller beetle mount the other day and was zooming around Divinity's Reach trying to figure out how to control it when I saw a Dev with the character name "First" going the opposite direction and just killing every turn and jump on their own roller beetle. It was fun and it made me happy :)

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  • 7 months later...

I ran into a anet charr named gar something by the malchors leap wood farm the other day. Very nice person who said they designed alot of the legendaries including the new one, I was shocked that they have to farm for their legendaries too lol even though he designed the new one.


Asked him many questions which he couldn't answer but I'm glad to know they are a choya enthusiast as well. I mentioned the Skritt or choya in a ball mount skin and they said he had brought it up several times with his peers so that's good news!

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Couple of months ago I was running about in WvW during an afternoon off (I am on EDT) and low and behold a zerg full of Anet tags ran me over, kicked my butt and then took the Keep. :lol: I still see random Anet tags a fair bit in WvW it just depends on which server my server is up against and linked too. I have to say, those who play WvW are good players!


The other Dev I ran into was Gaile during the Festival of Four Winds; she was on checking out the Crown Pavilion and I think doing some recon at the same time. I have even had the pleasure of raiding with an Anet employee in hiding under a regular tag. That person offered brilliant insight into how the game works mechanically. Lately I have seen more Anet tags running about in all aspects of the game than usual which, I think is really a good thing for transparency.

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I saw a few of them in WvW last week. They were playing (SFR) against us (Surmia). As soon as it became clear that they were there and that there was an achievement for killing them, many Surmian players went bananas so we ganked them for the achieve. We quite a bit outmanned them and any rules of decency or fair play went overboard for the achieve. Sry guys.


![](https://i.imgur.com/izIia56.jpg "")

The pleasure was all mine.


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