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"GW2 has no healers" .... I wish they did :(


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> @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> I just wanna say that I have mad respect for those that play support.


> Im too impatient in fights and need to do damage to be able to play a good support. They keep the condis off us and provide much needed heals in fights to keep the DPS peeps going.


> #RespectTheSupports



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> @"Mil.3562" said:

> > @"FASTCAR.7831" said:

> > None of the above are in the class of E,le

> > Engy doesnt heal 5% as much


> Hi. Looking at your heal ticks and 12k hp, I believe you are using full cleric gears? Why not minstrels for wvw?


Short answer....it heals MUCH less, I tried it, it is much worse overall.

Sadly they dont make a set that is Heal power (most) VIT/Tough like a healers soldiers


Edit , also not clerics

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> @"FASTCAR.7831" said:

> > @"Mil.3562" said:

> > > @"FASTCAR.7831" said:

> > > None of the above are in the class of E,le

> > > Engy doesnt heal 5% as much

> >

> > Hi. Looking at your heal ticks and 12k hp, I believe you are using full cleric gears? Why not minstrels for wvw?


> Short answer....it heals MUCH less, I tried it, it is much worse overall.

> Sadly they dont make a set that is Heal power (most) VIT/Tough like a healers soldiers


> Edit , also not clerics


I am using full minstrels and my max heal ticks from soothing mist is only about 20 heals lesser than yours but my hp bar is at 18.5k. With the present meta scrouge zerg, I think the 6.5k hp makes a huge difference in surviving those broken condi aoes. I did try mixing minstrels with cleric/magi but the hp or toughness loss far outweighs the little heal increase. Anyway, love your videos <3

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> @"Mil.3562" said:

> > @"FASTCAR.7831" said:

> > > @"Mil.3562" said:

> > > > @"FASTCAR.7831" said:

> > > > None of the above are in the class of E,le

> > > > Engy doesnt heal 5% as much

> > >

> > > Hi. Looking at your heal ticks and 12k hp, I believe you are using full cleric gears? Why not minstrels for wvw?

> >

> > Short answer....it heals MUCH less, I tried it, it is much worse overall.

> > Sadly they dont make a set that is Heal power (most) VIT/Tough like a healers soldiers

> >

> > Edit , also not clerics


> I am using full minstrels and my max heal ticks from soothing mist is only about 20 heals lesser than yours but my hp bar is at 18.5k. With the present meta scrouge zerg, I think the 6.5k hp makes a huge difference in surviving those broken condi aoes. I did try mixing minstrels with cleric/magi but the hp or toughness loss far outweighs the little heal increase. Anyway, love your videos <3


My Mist maxes at 989, Minst gear is MUCH less then that

I have NP staying alive with 12k but I have done it since launch


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> @"ArmageddonAsh.6430" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > Tks for the correction, had to play it again and see why i tough they were destroyed, for some reason i tough they were destroyable like sumons, i played with ventari 2 months ago, should remember it wasnt destroyable..but for some reason....

> >

> > yeah testing against group with lots of scourges wasnt the ideal test ground, it is a pain, had to swap back to Jalis, that thign with mediocre to decent groups on both sides is unplayable due combat movement required.


> Thankfully it isnt, its bad enough designed as it is, imagine if it was killable as well lol

> I think the bigger problem with Ventari is the tablet design. Its poorly designed in a game that is about movjng, fast paced combat and everything to have to keep moving the tablet every few seconds. In my opinion, they should remove the tablet and make the effects happen round the Revenant. The Heal would need to be changed. Maybe have the Heal summon a passive tablet that follows you and heals and keep the elite so that it is used to destroy the tablet but the utilities proc around yourself rather than the tablet. It has some good skills but its too fiddly and too micro management heavy for this kind of game. Would actually work in a game like WoW where boss fights and such arent all about moving every 2seconds and such but here, it just doesnt work as well.




I actually spend a few hours playign with it on solo, small scale and larger scale... besides fights on camps and choke points is completelly useless.

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> I actually spend a few hours playign with it on solo, small scale and larger scale... besides fights on camps and choke points is completelly useless.


yep. Any fights like choke points, Camps. Even Tower or keep fights on stairs/lord it can be semi decent, because not much player movement. Out in the world fighting its just unusable. Too much movement. Too much micromanagement. Too much hassle. Any fights with lots of movement, it loses any strength it had and thats sad because it wasnt really all that strong to begin with.


It needs a full redesign, though you could say that about a lot of the Revenant class through its weapon skills, legends, traits. Everything. Looks and feels like it was rushed out.



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GW2 doesn't have **dedicated** healers. Meaning that even if you go with a full heal build, you will still be doing damage and control too.


> @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > @"Buy Some Apples.6390" said:

> > There are several builds which can be used as healer builds.

> >

> > Problem is:

> > 1) Loot is based on damaging target above a certain amount in order for you to tag it for loot. Healer builds have very very low tag rate, hence very very low loot


> This isn't true. Loot and WXP is also shared to people healing after a certain threshold amount of heals. So long as someone you heal gets a tag, you'll get the loot, too.


> In a number of cases, the healers I've played with have gotten the most loot because they get loot coming in from two different sides of a fight or from people they've healed who have moved away from them and gotten kills.



No. While you do share participation with whoever you support with healing and buffs, you still need to attack enemies to qualify for rewards from them and heir related events. Being in a party or squad or supporting other people just reduces the amount of damage you need to do on your own to tag enemies.

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> @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > @"Buy Some Apples.6390" said:

> > There are several builds which can be used as healer builds.

> >

> > Problem is:

> > 1) Loot is based on damaging target above a certain amount in order for you to tag it for loot. Healer builds have very very low tag rate, hence very very low loot


> This isn't true. Loot and WXP is also shared to people healing after a certain threshold amount of heals. So long as someone you heal gets a tag, you'll get the loot, too.


> In a number of cases, the healers I've played with have gotten the most loot because they get loot coming in from two different sides of a fight or from people they've healed who have moved away from them and gotten kills.



This is 100% not true at all

I think you may be playing a different game entirely or forgot you tagged things

I have had fights where i had to stay on resolve tome and courage tome the whole fight and i got no bags as i never tagged anything with damage

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There only two reasons why anyone wants a _Healer_ in a game.


* They play DPS and want someone to babysit them and feel the need to have others enable their fun, as opposed to dealing to with taking care of themselves.


...healers hate these kinds of players, and they are the main reason why so few players play healers.


* They want a Class that is a shoe in for Raids and the like, without needing to prove their skill or ability to do the content, and Heal-bot roles are often the Go-To class for this kind of player as often they don't need to deal with any of the mechanics of encounter and just watch life bars.


...and this is one of the largest reasons why players play healers.


Well.. as it were.. Anet tried to do this for you, because some small vocal demographic cried and cried and cried that this game needs roles and role based content, but they kinda messed it up, and while Druid is a healer type support role, it is not a Heal-Bot, because Anet built this game from the start so that players could take care of themselves, so they could not lobotomize all their core work to make this game into some other game.


But they did a pretty good job of trying and in effect messing things up pretty good... so there is that I guess.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Mil.3562" said:

> > @"FASTCAR.7831" said:

> > > @"Mil.3562" said:

> > > > @"FASTCAR.7831" said:

> > > > None of the above are in the class of E,le

> > > > Engy doesnt heal 5% as much

> > >

> > > Hi. Looking at your heal ticks and 12k hp, I believe you are using full cleric gears? Why not minstrels for wvw?

> >

> > Short answer....it heals MUCH less, I tried it, it is much worse overall.

> > Sadly they dont make a set that is Heal power (most) VIT/Tough like a healers soldiers

> >

> > Edit , also not clerics


> I am using full minstrels and my max heal ticks from soothing mist is only about 20 heals lesser than yours but my hp bar is at 18.5k. With the present meta scrouge zerg, I think the 6.5k hp makes a huge difference in surviving those broken condi aoes. I did try mixing minstrels with cleric/magi but the hp or toughness loss far outweighs the little heal increase. Anyway, love your videos <3


That isnt my max mist

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> @"Elva.6372" said:

> > @"Buy Some Apples.6390" said:

> > There are several builds which can be used as healer builds.

> >

> > Problem is:

> > 1) Loot is based on damaging target above a certain amount in order for you to tag it for loot. Healer builds have very very low tag rate, hence very very low loot

> > 2) The condi cancer meta is literally cancer. You cannot heal and cleanse the condis at anywhere near close to the rate at which condis are applied. By the time you remove all condis you are full of consid again and your skills are on cooldown for 10 to 30 seconds, all the while more condis are added and refreshed.

> >

> > So in order to even just level it, you will probably need half your zerg on these healer builds, all of whom will get very low amount of loot keeping their dps members alive, who will get all the loot.

> >

> > Or you can play the condi meta of 90% necro scourges and everyone gets loot, even if they wipe to the enemy condi zerg they still get a bit of loot.

> > When players of these healing build win again the enemy zerg, they still get very little loot for all the effort they put in.

> >

> >

> > I believe Anet devs call this balance.

> >

> > They got rid of the trinity, only reward dps players, and completely forgot about those who like to play healer builds.


> **You border on heresy, good Sir! (or Ma'am)**


> [Rethinking the Trinity of MMO Design](https://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/4219/rethinking_the_trinity_of_mmo_.php)


> >Unfortunately, skill-based systems also have some well-known problems. The first is that they can be hard to balance, especially for inexperienced designers. This problem is exacerbated by the fact that players will take the most powerful set of skills available, leading to a lot of "flavor of the month" setups.


> >Because of this problem, characters are not diverse, despite a system that should allow for a wide variety of abilities. A skill-based system with some refinements, such as opposition skills that cannot be taken together, could solve some of these well-known issues.


> *Linked below is a good commentary about how we don't necessarily get higher levels of "diversity in play-styles" when the Trinity gets dumped.*


> [Why MMOs Should Keep the Trinity](http://www.mmogames.com/gamearticles/mmos-should-keep-the-trinity/)


> >One of the most popular arguments against the holy trinity is that it discourages diversity in classes. It’s an understandable complaint: doing difficult content in a trinity-based game often requires you to focus solely on stats and skills related to your role. Jacks-of-all-trades are, at the end of the day, masters of none, and can have a hard time finding a group who wants to support their “sub-optimal” playstyle.


> >However, while many current trinity-free MMOs offer a fascinating selection of class abilities, it seems that in practice all players focus on one thing: doing damage. Any deviation from either doing lots of damage or enabling others to do lots of damage is frowned upon by the general playerbase.



Great article. Many people forgot that Anet wanted to use a Damage/Protection/Support trinity that they abandoned early after the release of the game because they said they didnt get the system right, which is why everything is DPA/Stack. This pretty much killed the Dungeon content and people started playing else where, especially when Fractals was introduced.


As we can see, many ideas and concepts that Anet originally thought were bad for the MMO genre, they took back. Remember they also said they would never add Raids to GW2. They changed that tune as well.

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> @"FASTCAR.7831" said:

> > @"Kagusaki.3176" said:

> > I was able to pull off 49.7k hps with a total of 567.1k heals on my scourge in about 11 seconds. Is that good enough for healing?


> Post a vid of this please


but you dont post videos, just "proof of concept" :D you talk about really high numbers... but i never saw any video with that high numbers ;)


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> @"FASTCAR.7831" said:

> Reason 3

> Some of us like to support / heal

> not everyone is selfish


Anet have shown balance issues and since dont know how to balance support classes that need still to continue to compete with DPS since it is a DPS game, they tend to become to strong since every little gain and spambility helps.


DPS only games makes every look good when they get into the gimmicks to shorten effort.


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